My ex and I do not have a custody agreement in place and he wants our son 3 days in a row: What should I do?

Please please listen I had this happen to me unless you have court order agreement he can get your son and keep him and to make you come back I had it happen to me you legally do not have to let him have any visits until you get the papers of custody also do not message anything do phone calls because text he can use against you


Just cause you wasnt married doesnt mean u automatically have custody. When there’s no arrangement u both have every right to child whenever. Sounds more like u have a letting go issue and are preventing him from being dad. Monday go to courts and file custody papers then let him take him if they say its ok.


Have a visitation order in place. Be smart. With nothing in place you risk everything. Good for children to have both parents just be smart. My daughter went through this without legal papers it was horrible for her and the children. Be safe…


Police reports always help. But take it to court or the father doesn’t have to give the child back to you since he’s the parent and there isn’t a court order giving either parent custody. My daughter fought this for a year before he messed up again and assaulted another woman. The police report from that incident was the only thing that helped my daughter gain full custody.

In Colorado custody doesn’t work the way you describe. Here a parent has to have custody to prevent the other from taking and keeping the child. Cops wont get involved if there isn’t child custody papers filed threw the court. Please check your states laws before giving permission or just say no if you dont feel right about it

Is he on the child’s BC as the Father? One of your hashtags mentioned Paternity. He may be looking for 3 days in a row to eliminate child support- somewhat equal time with each parent. What type of child care does he have in place while he works these long hours? Too many unknowns, but your best bet is to file for custody NOW, and try to mediate visitation.

This could be incredibly dangerous for the child if The father is this bad. If you don’t feel safe leaving your child with him then I would not until custody has been discussed in court.

What will he do with your son during those long days that he I s away from home?? Who will be watching him then. He shouldn’t HAVE him just to HAVE him—for spite. If you are still a stay-at-home Mom, then he should be expected to commit to be a stay-at-home Dad for three days. Will he be paying for any of the son’s needs beyond what he needs during his 3days, such as cloths, toys, insurance, meds as needed, etc.? And being available to help care for him when he is sick (they all get sick)???
How old is your son? Age may determine some other questions and their answers, such as if the son has any specific issues? Will you have to go to work?? Where will you be living away from him and what will be your situation???
These are just some questions and/facts that need to be settled before anything that you agree to And you may need to see an attorney very soon before you let any schedule “start” that might be held against you in court later. How long have been engaged,…l??? living together??? How long???

I’d say no. Get something legal and documented first. Knowing that a piece of paper and a court order won’t keep your ex from taking the child and fleeing, it will give you a leg to stand on should it happen. Also, until something is settled, keep your child close and safe.


Ohio doesn’t have visitation rights unless provided by courts

I would only do supervised visits. He has never had to look after the child on his own. This way you can avoid shaken baby syndrome

I hate to tell ya but because you dont have a custody agreement you both in the laws eyes have 50/50 custody and rights. If my kids dad only wanted 2 overnights I would allow it. Not many fathers want any part of their child. But you can type an agreement that he will have him for now that long and get it notarized. If he doesn’t uphold at that point you can call local pd and say he hasn’t brought son back.

File for an emergency custody hearing. Have it in writing before he goes out of your care.


In delaware nobody has full custody of said child no matter if ur married or not,you both have joint custody! The only way ur getting full custody is,if you can prove him to be neglectful or ur child is in danger! Good luck in watever decision you make♥️

I am very confused. Why is it hard on the child to be away from you, but not hard on the shield to be away from his/her father? I don’t know all of the particulars in your specific relationship, but I would feel blessed for my child to have a father who wants to be involved and wants to have his child. I believe that you have to learn to deal with the emotional side of being without your child for at least two overnights in a row because he will get at the very least every other weekend in court. In my opinion, let him have the child and spend as much time with him/her as he can. He is just as much a parent as you are and deserves to be a part of the child’s life.


Tell him no. That he can come and see the son, but he ain’t going anywhere.

You have a police report that will help you. Call DHS Monday and ask their advice. My guess is he is wanting to get joint custody so he doesn’t have to pay child support…that’s why he is asking for so much time. Don’t be so sure about him not being able to get custody.

If you feel your child would be in danger go to court. If it’s an attachment issue it’s his child too and is going to take some time to get use to. Good for you getting out of there though! :blue_heart:

You already have the answer. Leave him NOW or your kids are going to think this is the way life is being abused.

  1. You don’t get automatic custody. 2. Go to court and get a set schedule immediately to keep from having fights.

Without a custody agreement he could take off with the child and you would not easily get the child back.

You both have custody according to the law…so you need to go to court…


If he is his father than he has rights to his son take it to court so the father can have rights through the court. Your son needs both parents not just one and he has both parents and if his father is willing to step up and be in his life then let him be in his life 3 days is not going to hurt anything

Get a custody agreement in writing immediately.


Family court first. Get it in writing or he could say abandonment

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Just go get a lawyer and go to court and establish a custody agreement.

If you have concerns GO TO THE COURTS. as soon as you can.

As long as he isn’t mean to your kid.

Legal, legal, legal. Protect yourself and your child.

Get custody agreement cause if not he can keep the child

I don’t know how you tbink you automatically have custody of the child, that is up to the court not you.

Go to a lawyer and have a seperation/custody agreement drawn up asap and save yourself the head ache

You need a custody agreement.

Get a lawyer, you seem to have trust issues with your ex. How can you be sure he’ll return him?