My ex disregards my parenting when my kids are with him and talks badly about me: Advice?

It’s odd, they come to you crying about him bad mouthing you yet they go to him to have the freedom you forbid… Co parenting is tough when one or both want to be in control.

Go take the kids to your moms. Go back there, and kick his ass . Now he’ll have something to complain about

Take a Karen test post the results and we will evaluate the situation

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Keep it off Facebook for a starter. …


Read Dr. Richard A Warshak
Divorce Poison New and Updated Edition: How to Protect Your Family from Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing

Pretty sure 14,16, and 18 know the dealio! 6 yo not so much .

This sounds like a Dear Abby segment.

Stop being so paranoid about your son having female friends.


You hang in there . When one parent works against the other that way , it comes back to get the ass . So you keep doing right dont play his games. Do what your heart know is best for your children and it will catch up to him. The children will see the truth and when they do. ???

Record their conversations with you.
Keep a log, dates, times.
Google Parental Alienation Syndrome

I would write down the dates and quote what he has been saying, to compile a dossier as proof of your experiences.
You may never need to use it, but it is handy to have in your arsenal.

If you have a custody agreement then he can be held in contempt for saying bad things about you. That’s what the judge/lawyer made clear to us.

Well when he knock her up is granddaddy gonna help him lol

U can not tell the father what he can and can’t do when the kids are with him. Put the shoe on the other foot, would u let him tell u how to parent?! Probably not!!!


My daughters dad is constantly talking bad about me and telling my daughter I’m a bad mom etc. I tell my daughter I’m sorry he says mean things but mommy can’t control that and she will tell her dad I’m not a bad mom and to not say mean things. Never do I ever bad mouth him to or in front of my daughter. My daughter is 5 and is starting to see things for herself, your kids will also.

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Children are little manipulators. They play parents up against one another.As it is they have to cope with their parents divorce.Then the custody battles start and decisions are made for the kids where and when to stay with Mum and Dad.2 different homes.2 different bedrooms.1 new stepmum,1 new stepdad.Daddy does not love Mummy anymore because he has started a new family.Mum slogs and slaves trying to keep her little unit together.Now the children play the parents up against each parent.Mummy said NO!!!Dad will obviously go against his exe’s disciplinarian wishes because he feels silch for her.HOW VERY SAD!You were once such a loving couple.Had 4 boys with one another.It is heartbreaking how love can cool off between two partners.I am so sorry for you and wish I could hug you.But you are strong.
Speak consolingly with your boys.They are the victims of divorce.Teach them to refrain from criticizing their Mum or Dad for that matter.Enlighten your boys beforehand what’s right and wrong.Teach them what to do in a dangerous situation.Inform them what can happen if they go to far sexually with a girl.And teach then to respect girls feelings.RESPECT is a great factor in life.Sadly your ex has no respect.But you can stop your children to have such low esteem as your ex.Build them up and let your boys have confidence. Even then if your boys sleep over with girls in company they will still act with respect.Because you have taught them to be gentleman.That is what the world lacks nowerdays.The proper upbringing in respecting one another.
All the best⚘⚘

How was the kid? 18? He’s an adult. You dont have any say so what goes on at dad’s house. Honestly they are all of age to decide where they want to live.

He is so wrong.
You need a court order.

Willing to go to jail? LOL Sorry. I have no answers

Document it, and take it to court. That is considered parental alienation and could cost him rights

Simple … tell the kids u don’t want to know what he said … it works

Go to court and request a GAL for the kids

Ground your son the next time he’s at your house. When you said no that should’ve been the end of the conversation. He tried to get his way by skirting your rules and asking dad. Kids shouldn’t be rewarded for trying to play parents against one another.

The Oldest 3 really don’t end to go to their Fathers if they don’t want to and as for the Youngest he won’t go without his Big Brothers

ground your son for a month. especially for going to his dad and letting him undermine you. you aren’t a bad mom. it sounds like dad needs a can of whupass opened on him.

I bet that you talk bad about him to your kids too. #equality

A very familiar story. I can definitely identify with this

That is a form of abuse in most states. Check to see if your state has parental alienation laws.

Unfortunately this situation is common. Not that that bit of info helps you- but do know you are not alone. My ex does similar things and it is infuriating. I try to remember that while you can’t do anything about it you CAN control how you deal with it in front of your kids. If you then talk badly about him, than you’re being like him. And the kids will see no difference. Being the bigger person suuuucks but it is what is necessary when dealing with a controlling narcissist. Good luck mama :heart: