“Hi, so my ex had his new girlfriend or whatever meet our kids without my permission, and I’m pissed. I want to know how everyone else feels about this anonymously.”
RELATED QUESTION: When should you introduce someone else to your kids?
“This is life from here on out for the rest of your lives as long as you have kids together. He’s going to be with someone else and so are you. If you want him to be civil when you meet someone then you need to do the same for him. As long as she is nice to your children that should be the important thing. I know it’s hard, but you have to be an adult about this. It’s what’s best for your children.”
“He doesn’t need your permission. Unless what he is doing is abuse… you have no control over his parenting when the kids are with him.”
“His relationship is his business. He doesn’t need your permission for his GF to meet YALLS kids. They aren’t just YOUR kids. Mothers need to realize Fathers get a say too. The judge told me that what he does on his time isn’t my business and I think more people need to realize that. If they aren’t being harmed or in danger leave them alone.”
“They are his kids too. He doesn’t need your permission!”
“Why do women always make it seem like they have to have the say-so for everything the ex does with the kids. No! You are both equally parents to those children, and just like you, I’m sure he’s making the best decisions for his kids to keep them out of harm’s way. Their time with daddy is just as important as time with mom. shouldn’t matter who he’s introducing him to or taking them to the movies with. Now when it’s your time to step in is if you feel he is putting your child in neglect or dangerous situation.”
“I feel like you’re a little salty he has moved on and wants to share his happiness with y’all’s children. You should be happy for him and encourage this behavior; after all, he could just spend all his time away from the children and all of it with her. Choose your battles wisely.”
“If it’s a serious relationship then it shouldn’t be a problem. He should still have enough respect to talk with you first but most men don’t. Talk with him and see if you can meet her too. Maybe that will ease your mind. If it’s a random girl I would definitely have an issue with that.”
“Why would you feel he needs your permission?? Willing to bet you don’t get his permission for every person you introduce your kids to. Stop trying to control him and let him have a relationship with his kids.”
“If it bothers you, talk to him about it. Communication is important in co-parenting because it isn’t about you two anymore.”
“I would be mad… It’s a respect thing… Before I introduced my boyfriend to my daughter. I made him meet her father first and he did the same. We both are active in her life and want to know who is around our children. It’s not her being bitter… or maybe it is… the post doesn’t say much. I can only speak from my experience.”
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