Not ur business . Move on. He is their parent too🤷🏻♀️
I would want to know who is around my kids and their reactions to her
None of your concern. You dont need permission to introduce a new bf to ur kids and neither does he.
Girl, grow up. You sound petty af.
I’m in the same situation. I feel that he should’ve talked to the children beforehand. Get them prepared to see dad in a new relationship. And visa versa. Which my ex didn’t do for the past 2 relationships he has had. My daughter became angry at her father. I’m more concerned about children in these situations. It’s not easy for any age. I have prepared and i have had lots of communication with my children for my new relationship. Just my thoughts and experience.
I would want to meet her myself. At the very least her name so you can do a background check for your children’s safety. I think women should do it for men they have around as well. Mutual respect and background check to help keep violent people away from kids no matter who’s house they’re at
The way you said “his new girlfriend or whatever” clearly shows that you wouldn’t be very mature or are mature in these situations. Instead of flying off the handle at him or picking fights just be casual and be like hey can you let me know when you introduce new people to our kids? But the best thing is to just mind your business unless you KNOW this person poses a risk for your kid’s safety.
Get over it. Sound a bit controlling.
As long as the 2 of you aren’t introducing your kids to every single person you talk to, it’s none of the other parent’s business. You should trust him enough as a parent not to have anyone questionable around the kids. Communication is KEY in coparenting, though.
Some people can be some rude. I think biggest take away from everyone without the rudeness is this:
1.) Unless he is untrustworthy or it’s legally stated, he doesn’t have to ask permission.
2.) Respect would be him having a conversation with you first. You doing the same when your turn. Maybe even getting to say “hi” to her if you and him are that comfortable.
3.) Most get that it’s irritating and scary but you can’t do anything unless your child is actually in danger. So instead of being angry, be glad for what you do have. Try and discuss with him that you think it’s big, and you would give him the respect of telling him first.
He’s the dad he’s allowed
Petty and pathetic. Grow up.
He is the father and he is allowed to. But, it does show his lack of respect for you. That should be discussed because introducing your child to multiple women can be confusing to them.
He can introduce them to anybody he wants to and so can you-when they are at his house, he is the boss-they are half his children
It’s his life. If you met someone new you dont have to get his permission so why does he need yours.
This is classic! Yawnnnnnnnn
I believe that was his decision to make but he could have told you beforehand. I think you may be blowing it out of proportion a little.
First of all. Anyone saying it’s none of her business, is an idiot and clearly does not co parent. It is absolutely her business who he brings around the kids, just as it is his business. The judge ordered my (now) husband to notify his sons mother before bringing any partners around his son and he did the same for her. This was ordered by the judge and was not suggested by either parent. It is a mother/fathers duty to ensure the safety of your child and you cannot always trust the other parent. In the 3 years my husband have been together (dating, engaged and married) his sons mother has been “serious” with 7 men and even wanted to move out of town with one. You are absolutely right to be pissed.
Get over it - he’s your child’s father and is capable of making decisions by himself without the need to run it by you for permission first!
Fathers aren’t second class citizens and you’re not above him with parenting - you’re equal parents!!! Gtfo
My ex did this several and at first I would get mad but I realized there better things to fight about and I trusted my kids with their father… I know he loves them like I do. So there was no harm other then he looked like a jackass to the kids coparenting is tricky, you gotta pick your battles wisely
My husband didn’t have his ex’s permission before I meet his daughters and his ex didn’t get his permission before they meet her dates ex husbands.
Well for one he should of let you know about his girlfriend if she was going to be around your kids. You don’t know anything about her and the respectful thing to do is let you know who your kids will be around. 2nd if they just started dating I don’t think meeting your kids should happen right away until he was very sure they were going to work out and she will be around for awhile. When my ex husband was with someone new I made sure of I knew who she was, made sure it wasn’t just a “hit it and quit it” and she was going to respect my child as if he was her own. When I first meet my fiancé it was a little bit before we meet each other’s kids, we made sure that we were going to work out. Yes it’s okay to be piss about it but you have to have respect for another for the kids sake. You don’t want to end up having your kids around all these different people and end up confusing them! I personality think maybe going for a coffee or lunch all together so you can get to meet that person. It’s not okay just to have a random person meet your kids and in a month their gone.
They’re his kids too, he doesn’t need your permission
Sorry, not your business.
They’re his kids too. He has just as much of a right to make decisions about his children as you do.
Unless you know the person is a treat it shouldn’t be a problem. I personally would like to meet the other person before hand just so I know they’re safe. But, life happens and he moved on. He is gonna introduce them one day anyways.
Sorry, but I would be pissed also. I would like to meet her first before my kid’s meet her. It should also be the same way with you.
This is NOT the hill you wanna die on!
I would be upset too but legally you probably can’t do anything about it
No kids should be meeting gfs/bfs that are in toxic relationships always off n on… my 5 year old told me her dad n his gf were fighting n the gf was crying… and they always fight, man did that everrrr piss me off because that was the reason i left his shitty ass so my baby didnt grow up seeing that crap… my partner was tickling me and she went and hit him on the back n said she was scared, so what is this telling me? I dont want her around my ex n his gf
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being careful. Two successful co parenting adults should discuss it. Whatever is best for the kids
Let it go…not worth it, I prob would have met 20 girlfriends by now. I pass.
You should meet her at some point definitely, but you can’t really control what he does. And any court judge will tell you the same thing. As long as he isn’t bringing women in and out and as long as she isn’t abusing them, then you can’t really do anything about it. And who knows? Maybe your kids will adore her and she’ll be an alright person.
My ex started dating an an ex meth addict whom he told me was recovering…she got drunk one night they got into an argument while my kids were at his house and then tried to kill herself in the house my son walked in on my ex trying to stop her…so anyone saying he is allowed to let his gf meet YOUR kids and your shouldn’t be upset hasn’t thought about the kids first. They are both of your kids you should know when its happening.
Pick your battles because there will be plenty to choose from. This isn’t worth the fight. Put your feelings away.
None of your buisness, get over it! You have no control nor entitled to tell him what he can and cant do on his time. Sounds like you need to pull your big girl pants up and get over he has moved on. This isnt about you anymore or what you want.
Exactly if your clearly over him let it go it won’t go anything but hold you back !!
I don’t get why you’re pissed off. Get over it … it doesn’t mean anything.
I would like it if the ex would at least say he is starting to date and say hey I may have the kids meet her. It’s just respect but you can’t control everything and he has the right to let them meet her.
U do not get to choose who ur x introduces to ur kid
Are you going to include him before you introduce your kids to your current/next partner? I mean, he’s their father, it would only be right!
My ex does this…it doesn’t bother me that he didn’t ask my permission, what bothered me was him introducing a new girlfriend every other week( he barely new these women) and my kids being confused and asking me questions that he should’ve been answering.
Well… are you mad because he introduced them without your permission, jealousy, or you being territorial because you are mom. If you are mad because he didnt get your permission first, might better just find a way to cope with it. He doesnt have to tell you about anyone he introduces the kids to realistically. It is really none of your business unless they’re in direct danger. Yes you are their mother but there was a choice made when the relationship ended regardless of who ended it. He isnt in YOUR life and you are not HIS life to control acquaintances, friends, or girlfriends he associates with. I’m sorry you are pissed but you’re wasting your time and energy on it. My ex and I have been divorced for 10 years and he has introduced our children to every girlfriend he has had over the years. Did i like it? Not really but it’s not my business either. The only reason i didnt like it is because of the length time he was with them. I felt he didnt know them enough to do it. But i also had to trust his judgement on who he was bringing around our children. I knew he would never put them in a dangerous position. He loves them. I’m sure your ex loves yours too. Either way dont dwell too long on this unless their is a significant reason. Best of luck
I can see where you’re coming from. I’m going to give my ex the courtesy of meeting my new man or woman before my kids do so he knows who’s around the kids. It’s a respect thing to me. I’d do it, so I’d expect him to do it. I know who’s he got them around and while I’m not happy about it, I can’t exactly stop him since the kids aren’t in any physical harm…maybe moral but I’m hoping they’ll be able to be taught right and wrong over what they’re shown
Cant do anything about it. What happens on his time is his time. What happens on your time is your time.
It depends on how long they have been dating. But I don’t think he needs permission from you to do things like that. He’s a parent too and can make decisions for his kids.
You are an a bitter ex…period!
Why do you think he needs your permission? Lol
No offense but its not really up to you who he brings around them during his time with your children. Unless they’re a direct harm to them theres nothing you can do. If hes serious about this woman of course hes going to want his children to meet her. Maybe you should reach out and get to know her yourself to. Theres no need to be upset and bitter about it. I know its hard but if you start a good relationship with her and your ex it’ll benefit your children more so than causing some conflict.
Guessing he had to ask for permission to breathe while y’all were married. He isn’t a child. It is nice when a co-parent discusses issues with the other co-parent…but adults do not need permission.
I think that really depends on how long they’ve been together honestly. My husband and I have agreed that if we ever split and have new partners, the goal is one year before they are allowed to meet our kids. We both agree that having multiple partners in a short period is more confusing to the kids than anything. Whether or not it would actually go down that way should we split is another story, but I feel like that’s a pretty solid and reasonable plan.
I’d at least like to know who the person is beforehand…incase someone needs to die for hurting one of mine
I don’t think he necessarily needs your permission just like I’m sure you don’t consult him before doing everything and anything you do. Maybe bring up that It bugged you, and that you’d like to meet her as well to see and get to know who is around your kids. But I wouldn’t go about it in a rude way because ultimately he’s just as much of a parent as you.
Well it could be worse my ex married someone got her pregnant and then tried barging back into my daughter’s life after a year and a half. It was all a complex of trying to rub it in my face that he had a new wife and baby on the way after not wanting my daughter… It is your ex’s life and he unfortunately doesn’t have to have your permission to date or introduce her to your children. Be thankful he is making an effort to involve them in his life. If he is a decent guy he may want to see how they get along… how your children respond to her being the new person. It could be a test for her just relax.
He doesn’t need your permission, that’s the beauty of a breakup
I may just be the odd one out but I actually think that it makes a lot of sense. A parent should want to meet the person that’s going to be around their kids he should introduce the ladies first. And when the mom moves on I hope she introduces the man to her ex first. Because men know how to read other men just like ladies can spot a woman with ulterior motives a mile away. But idk that’s just me. I don’t look at it as needing permission I think of it more as a respect thing
It’s no longer your relationship so unfortunately you can’t control those things anymore.
It goes BOTH ways…you BOTH should have enough respect for yourselves AND your children to introduce people. Anyone that is around the kids should be known…is it required nope (unless in court order)…but its called RESPECT!
You’re pissed either because you’re jealous or you want respect. However, you can’t call it co-parenting when you want him to ask you permission for things or run his love life by you. He’s an adult and a father who won’t put his kids at harm, so he can make decisions on his own just like you. What happens as moms is that we spend more time with kids and we’re use to calling the shots, but we have to learn to let go a little and give fathers the chance. So communicate with him how it made you feel, what you expected instead, and how to prevent other situations like this.
My ex did the same thing. It took me a little to understand that an extra person loving them isn’t a terrible thing. I think it’s pretty normal to feel like that.
I guess I’d want to meet her first or at the same time as the kids. I’d want to be sure this is a good person and role model to be around my kids.
No matter what you do he will date new people- but having the respect and consideration not just for you but for your kids to keep you included I’d say is mandatory. It sends kids the wrong message. They should always believe they can be the same people in both homes, and this introduction without you just seems too one-sided and can be the start to a very uncertain future.
Plus it want to know just how long he’s been with her- is their going to be frequent step parents in and out of their lives? I think more communication in the name of coparenting is definitely needed right now.
Not your business what dad does on his time and vice versa
Hi! It’s Monique using Ron’s phone again. We will be getting married in December and I just told my son about it last week. First I told his dad because his dad has full custody. His dad was relieved I told him BEFORE our 12 year old son knew about it. So, yes he should have told you first.
The father doesn’t need your permission to do things.
If it’s a serious relationship then it shouldn’t be a problem. He should still have enough respect to talk with you first but most men don’t. Talk with him and see if you can meet her too. Maybe that will ease your mind. If it’s a random girl I would definitely have an issue with that.
Not your place to say
Depends on how of they have been dating and it should have been discussed.
Yea sorry but not your business. He doesn’t have to ask you permission for anything
I guess it would depend on how serious their relationship is. I mean- really though, you don’t get a say. I think the right thing to do is come up with an agreement between the 2 of you that applies to you both for the good of your children. Y’all need to communicate better! You’re both in the wrong and your kids are the ones who are going to suffer because of it.
I had an agreement with my ex that our kids don’t need to meet people we date unless it is getting serious and when that point comes, we talk about it first and the S.O. Meets the ex and the kids… until he decided that he wanted to introduce my girls to a woman he just started dating without telling me and asked my kids not to tell me… I was furious. But I did not let my girls see that. I was simply glad they got along with the woman and she treated them well. I had a conversation with the ex about how I felt without the kids around… basically that I just want to know she’s a good person and isn’t gonna hurt my baby girls… but I believe that it depends on the age of the kids and the dynamics between you and the other parent
Sad to say- nothing you can do about it. Went through it myself- and it’s easier to just be civil and all get along. For the kids. Good luck.
As long as he is not hurting the kids in any way shape or form there should not be a problem with this. Now if the girlfriend starts acting like a twat waffle with the kids then you get a say
I don’t think it’s any reason to be pissed or permission to be granted from anyone. I think we all know when we feel is the right time to introduce someone to our kids. I introduced my son to my now fiancé pretty early on just like his dad did the same with his current girlfriend. It’s hard dating with kids and sometimes they need to be included. PS my sons step mom is literally now my best friend and I couldn’t live without her
He doesn’t need your permission .
I think you should only be feeling that way if he hasn’t been in the child’s life but if he’s pretty much always been in the child’s life then I don’t think you should be mad about it.
It’s not that big of a deal. At least I don’t think it is…
He doesnt need ur permission sorry but u need to step back and breathe, maybe have a think about why you are really annoyed with it instead of pretending its about the kids meeting his new bird
He should have given you a heads up to be civil and respectful towards the mother of his children but other than that I would just accept that he has done so and just make sure he or the new gf don’t hurt the children. If she is a good person and is good to your children then you have to take away the sourness of how you feel and deal with that my dear. It’s about those children needs. If she is beneficial in their lives than take the bonus and the break in knowing someone is there watching over your kids and helping your ex.
Honestly, you aren’t control of his life anymore
So if you make a “new Friend” are you required to ask the Ex first if the kids can meet the friend…
While I think he should have given you a heads up out of courtesy, it really isn’t any of your business. Just like it isn’t any of his business who you introduce to your children
To those saying she’s bitter yall are STUPID AF. Im very overprotective about MY CHILDREN & best believe I want to know who they are spending alot of time with… she should know, haven’t yall seen how many children die at hands of parents gfs/bfs? They both should know what type of person they’re kids are around with. She could be a drug addict, an alcoholic, a jealous person, the mom should meet her. Vice versa, if the mother had a bf she should also allow the father to meet him if he wanted too.
Get over yourself. Ol bitter baby momma.
I was so happy when my ex got a girlfriend! My kids love her and she’s never been ugly to them. I think if he was ready to introduce them, it’s not your decision. It’s his and hers. Just like it was my decision when I was ready to introduce my kids to my new bf. I didn’t ask him. He was still hung up on me and I knew he would only cause issues. So since I was single…I single handedly made the decision myself. No big deal sweetie, move on.
Let me just say this: you shouldn’t have to protect your children from their parent. You trusted them enough to lay with them and make a child. If you can’t trust them to protect y’all’s children when you’re not around then you should talk to authorities, not Facebook.
Why would he need your permission to introduce someone even a new girlfriend to YALLS child? Not just your child mama. No offense but your just coming off as either jealous or very controlling.
lord you don’t own what he does at his house and the courts will tell you that too. If it’s a serious reason get a court order anything else suck it up cause his time his rules !
I would be mad… It’s a respect thing … Before I introduced my boyfriend to my daughter … I made him meet her father first… and he did the same. We both are active in her life and want to know who is around our children. It’s not her being bitter … or maybe it is … the post doesn’t say much … I can only speak from my experience.
I feel like you’re a little salty he has moved on and wants to share his happiness with y’alls children. You should be happy for him and encourage this behavior, afterall he could just spend all his time away from with children and all of it with her. Choose your battles wisely.
I use to think I need to be aware of certain things and even meet the girl before she meets my kids but once feelings fade and you don’t care what your ex does then that’s when it shouldn’t matter about who your kids meet as long as they are safe and took care of
What he does on his time is his choice. Same as what you do on your time.
Been on both sides of this fence. I think it’s a courtesy to have a conversation with the ex and a heads up. With my stepdaughter we have made it known to her known that I am not here to take her moms place in anyway. I’m just lucky enough to be a part of her life and help her grow up. I really think people need to stop battling each other and not necessarily be friends but make it work for the kids. Because it’s their lives that are affected by the pettiness and the drama. The main focus should be how as a whole everyone involved can help that child or children to grow up and be happy,healthy, well rounded individuals who know they are loved and can feel free to go to anyone involved mom,dad stepparent or girlfriend boyfriend with a problem fear anything and know that there won’t be a Repercussion because and a freaking adult for butthurt it wasn’t them. The best interest of the child should always be first PERIOD! They should never feel shamed because the like or love dads girlfriend or wife or moms boyfriend or husband they are kids!!!
While I agree that you should have discussed it, you can’t control what the other parent is going to do in the future. At the end of the day your goal is to co-parent effectively for the children.
I don’t think it’s a big deal unless she is some kind of crazy serial killer or something but it doesn’t really matter what we think. It’s how you feel.
It sucks that he didn’t let you know, but what he does while it’s his time, is out of your control, same with what you do, ive told my babies dad id like to meet his new gf if she is going to be in our boys life permanently and ive said id do the same, but its not a must, just a courtesy thing. Its up to bbies dad to keep him safe while in his care, if he thinks she’s is ok, then you’ll just have to trust his judgement, or take him to court if there is serious concerns.
I’m sure you have a new man and already introduced your kids to him without their dad’s permission. He’s a grown ass man just like you’re a grown ass woman! He doesn’t need to tell you about anything that goes on in his life! Just like you don’t need to tell him what’s going on in your life! You can’t have control over him or the way he lives his life. He is you ex for a reason. Put your feeling for him aside and just worry about when your children come back to you after the weekend is over.
Depends on who the gf is and if she has any shady ass habits. I told my ex husband our daughter isn’t to be around his…whatever she is to him…until she’s clean for a year and has her daughter full time for a year.
I understand your concerns, but if he feels like this woman will be in his life for a long time it is within his jurisdiction to allow your kid to meet her. Remember: your kid is also his as well. I think he definitely should have given you a heads up, but I wouldnt be too worried about it unless she’s a shady individual.
Maybe this is something that should have been discussed and put in divorce parenting plan if you knew it would be an issue.
But courts will tell you that when he has the kids he is in charge of them and what goes on at his home is his business. Hopefully you trust him with the children as much as you did when you were together.
Divorcing changed your children’s lives as much as it changed yours and your ex.
You opened up this new arrangement to them. You need to be as positive as can be to make it seem pleasant and normal but most of all they need to feel secure at both places.
Until you see a problem go with the flow…
Is he required to get your permission? Do you ask for his?