I understand you being upset, but he really doesn’t need your permission. In hindsight, the only thing you could have done was have a discussion when you first split up about your mutual feelings about when it’s appropriate have new partners introduced to your children. But in the end, what he does during his time with your children is not your business as long as your children are not in danger.
I also recommend to divorced people to not have your bf/gf meet your children until you are sure that you want to have a long term relationship with that person. There’s enough upheaval already going on in the kids’ lives, they don’t need to have a revolving door.
He should have spoken to you first not for permission but out of respect and as long as he has been seeing his girlfriend for a while say 6mths and is not parading girl after girl to them and they are well looked after and not left alone with her straight away
This is something you should have decided together before it happened. If you had no agreement that’s on you.
Anytime there are children involved neither parent has the right to bring anyone else into that family unit broken or not, until both parents meet that other person! Period! Abuse can be in any form and to be specific can happen from anyone! You don’t sound like a parent! You sound like the OW!
Since you didn’t give a back-story, I don’t understand why you’re upset. Is he abusive or has he been abusive to you or your kids? That would be the only reason I wouldn’t want him even involved in our children(s) live(s). Otherwise, just let him introduce her; if there’s no harm being done, then there’s no issue.
People need realize this, yes, if she had no children with this man, absolutely, none of her business. I have a similar situation. I was pregnant with our second child and we separated. After waiting to figure out if we were going to be together and after having our son he decided he wanted a divorce. Btw, that was after me asking him to have a discussion about future plans and what our next move was. The plan previously was to date each other again and get to know one another after him moving out- none of that, or really any other communication happened.We agreed to go in half and half with the procedure.3 mos pass and I’m waiting on him…not only did i have to move the ball to get it rolling, I had to pay the money all by myself, he had been with a girl before and after his decision to get a divorce and brought her around my 3 yr old and infant and didn’t say a word to me. There should be a common courtesy between parents of young children to communicate after they separate. He then proceeded to move her in without saying a word the following month after finding out the previous month that she existed. Btw, the way I found out about him having a gf was from our 3year old daughter- not my adult soon to be ex-husband.
I introduced the man I was dating to him before the kids met him out of common courtesy as their father.
So I do understand this womans situation. If he wants to be with a woman, that’s fine, but give some respect to her and to each other as parents. Treat the other as you want to be treated-it’s not hard.
Its none of ur business anymore. The courts will even tell u that u can not controle what he does or who he has them around while theyre qith him. U live ur life and i bet u dont ask his permission to do anything or let alone permission to introduce someone new to ur kids. He has the same playing field, get over it
In my opinion, while he doesn’t need your permission, he should have given you a heads up so that your children felt free to talk to you about it.