My ex is constantly causing drama and trying to make me jealous: What should I do?

Keep all post that he sends you and and file harassment charges and If he stops paying airport take him back to court!!

Ignore him. I realize you have to co parent. However pay no mind to his messages, comments etc. Behave as though he said nothing. He is behaving like a child that wants)needs your attention. Donā€™t give it to him. Only discuss the child/children and donā€™t allow him to engage anything other than that which has to do with parenting stuff.

Ezinne, I read ur experience. It is saddening but there is hope. Jesus is alive! Leave this man and his wicked acts. God is watching. He will soon wipe away ur tears. You have a good heart. You are not ugly. You are beautiful my darling.

Get all your emails, text messages together and take them to a lawyer. Your being harrassed and thatā€™s uncalled for. Your lawyer can send him a nice little letter stating if he doesnt quit then he will be seeing yall in court. Dont put up with his crap.

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Heā€™s the jealous one. Just make sure heā€™s not talking about you that way in front of your kids. The best revenge is living well. Youā€™ve killed him with kindness. Now you need to move on, find a good man that will love your kids as much as he does you and make yourself happy. His immature handling of his feelings for you shows just how big of a bullet you dodged


I had a brother that constantly threatened me of my life because I wouldnā€™t get close to him to sexually molest me. He did to my brother and neighbor kid.
I ignored it and thatā€™s what caused him to continue because he knew I wouldnā€™t do any about it. He likes to intimidate people because thatā€™s all they knew how to deal with people not doing what he wanted. He didnā€™t know how to have public relations. He are fed off of vulnerable people, their adrenaline. I finally got tired of it and confronted him and said, ā€œkill me then, take me out of my misery with you!ā€ He finally left me alone.
Start agreeing with him, it will shock him; your ex still wants you. Hopefully he will leave you alone.
Remember, you are strong, you are worthy, you are beautiful, you are loved. God bless you.


Donā€™t read the emails, texts, or answer the phone! He is doing it because it continues to provoke a response from you. This isnā€™t rocket science!

Ignore- my husbandā€™s ex MARRIED the guy she cheated with and we have custody of the child. She abandoned the child 11 years ago and still tells my husband that he wants her back. They just have no shame. Ignore and laugh about it. I do.


Ignore it. If he sees it upsets you he will continue doing it. Show him it doesnā€™t bother you.

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Lot of people Loves Droma

Yeah heā€™s narcissistic. Read all about it. Sick fuck

Start saving the emails and print them out. That should help with full custody, and restraining order against him to not bother at all. He is just trying to push your buttons to see how much longer you can take it. Sure his the father of your children, but come on, would he want some guy/lady emailing things like that to his kids? He needs to grow up, stop being so childish. Theyā€™re not happy with your happiness, thatā€™s why his saying all those negative things to try and bring you to his level. Dont. Surely you want them to stop, so print them out, file for restraining order.


Maybe the girlfriend is insecure about you (especially if he still has feelings for you in some way) and told him to proclaim his love for her to you if they got into a fight about you. I was in a similar situation and ended up finding out later on down the road after him and the girlfriend split that was why I got the similar texts to your situation that I got.

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Turn your head. You are the bigger person. Ignore him.

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Say Iā€™m glad you have found someone who makes you truly happy! While the path we share is just being the best coparent we can be, I wish the best for you still. When we are happy, our kids are happy and thatā€™s the most important thing.

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Go to the family advocate and put in a parenting plan

Heā€™s just trying to get a reaction. Donā€™t reply or react at all. My ex was the same way-until I never responded or acknowledged his bs. They are not happy, if they were they wouldnā€™t be making an effort to reach out, even if itā€™s ugly.


Have as little to do with him as possible send any pics right back to him maybe only make one way of conversing just strickly for the kids and if he tries to talk about anything other than the kids hang up on himā€¦

Ignore him completely heā€™s most likely regretting his decision and trying to see if you care donā€™t react or respond use a third party if you donā€™t feel comfortable just stay cold so he knows you donā€™t give a damn also block him on social media and spam his Emails


Why does he need your email? Block him or change your email address. Donā€™t feed into it, just because he emailed you something doesnā€™t mean you need to open it. I would just deal with him on days he has the kids. But I agree with Cheryl that you need to print everything out and save voice mail messages. Itā€™s called harassment and he could be legal trouble for it. So sorry about this. He sounds like a dick.

Document it. File contempt for child support.


Mines that way- i played three petty game for a while now we have court next friday for supervised visits since heā€™s unstable and abusive

My ex husband texted me a pic of this chick while we were separated saying that she was 100 times prettier and better than me. She was, in fact, not 100 times prettier nor better than me. But you knowā€¦ my current Husband thinks Iā€™m sexy so who gives a shit? :joy::joy::joy:

Yeah I would document everything, block and delete too. Only have one line of communication for the kids.

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Sounds like 100% jealousy on his part. My ex husband did the exact same thing. Insecure. Jealous. Heā€™s your problem now, Sis. :v::v::v::rofl::rofl::rofl::joy::joy::joy:

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I agree with everyone on here that has commented.

Just donā€™t reply
If itā€™s not about the kids dont reply eventually heā€™ll get the hint. But donā€™t give him the attn heā€™s looking for or itā€™ll just continue

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Hes deff not over youā€¦

Omg real simple block him on everything and download a co parent app and only speak about your child he starts on that to remove it and only allow him to speak with the children directly

All heā€™s trying to do is get control. Heā€™s an emotional abuser. Donā€™t pay any attention to his shit. Thatā€™s all he is an ugly p.o.s ! The only way he can make himself feel better is to make you feel the worst he can .

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Lol gross, he sounds like an immature loser. I wouldnā€™t talk to him unless itā€™s for the kids.

Just keeping being yourself no need to down grade for him

Cut them out of your life then you will not have any drama work smarter not harder to achieve your goals

That.will.stop.his stupid ass