My ex is dating a married woman: Advice?

What is your real motive?

File this under “Mind Your Business”


Umm tell her husband get a picture for proof


Not your house, not your call.
Unless the concern is safety or wellbeing of your child then there isn’t anything to be done.
Exes Relationship is his business. Do not contact the girlfriend, her husband or anyone involved.

Max I would say that kiddo is feeling down about less one on one time. If its do-able even offer for dad to take son out to eat once a week or something just the two of them

I’d tell the womans husband


Oh I’d either not let him see his son and yes I would let her husband know!!!


It’s absolutely her business if her son is involved!

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Only address the son and father time. The rest is none of ya bizzo.

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None of your business be rest assured KHARMA comes to those who DESERVE IT ! Stand back …observe and watch the fireworks = Lovely !!

Honey you need to keep out of his business.You can talk to him about y’all’s son

yes, for your kids sake, speak up

I believe the husband has a right to know

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Sad if the husband is last to know. He deserves to know.

If it’s effecting your son, then discuss it with his father.

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I would tell the husband. Thats terrible.

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Tell the husband. Your business or not. Tell the husband!! May save him years of pain :100:

I would not send my son over to his dad’s if that were the case.


For the love of God stay out of it.

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Dont be involved in your exs love life.

Depends on if her husband is dangerous. I wouldn’t want my kid in the line of fire if/when an angry husband showed up at the house. That could get ugly. And for the record- it’s setting an awful example for your son for him to be openly dating a married woman. Your ex sounds like a real gem.


Tell the husband and tslk to your son about what he wants done about hai fathers shit definitely talk to his father too

Mind your own business, he’s your ex. Let karma sort them out or her husband :wink:

Mind ya business. That’s your ex. Move on. Focus on you and let them deal with the consequences

As long as your son is safe, I’d leave it alone :woman_shrugging::nail_care:

Id tell the man lol its his right to know. If it were me id like to know

Don’t put your child through that. Simple as that. Unless he is paying your bills that is. In that case, that is all on you, and your child will remember it. Not trying to sound mean, but it is facts. Us women are stronger than men. We have to remember it, and work to show it. Who made sure that baby is alive to this day? Keep that in your head, and bet it wasn’t a man though…

Do it rat them all out ain’t y’all are tired of being the nice one

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It’s your EX stop worrying move forward on your own parh

I think no kid should be forced to go to the other parents house if they don’t want to.
So just let him choose if he wants or not to go!
If the woman is married we know that can end bad. So the less time your son spend we his dad right now it would be the safest for him.
If you said something that just gonna said your jealous, so don’t bother in play that game. They would NEVER see it other way.

Key words " my ex."
Mind YOUR OWN business and get out of his.

Tell on her ass. They are both trash for pulling this, and around your child no less :woman_facepalming:

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If my spouse was cheating on me I would want to know.

Stay out of his business

It will all catch up with them both karma is real.

Mind your own ! Wontcome out goid for you anyway around

Not your business. :see_no_evil: As long as your son is taken care of.

He’s called your ex for a reason…

It’s none of your business,he’s your ex.

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Lol depends if you hate your ex lol. If you do tell the husband :woman_shrugging:t2::see_no_evil:

U need to butt out he is an ex and his relationship has nothing to do with u. The son situation is completely different u need to sit down with him and explain how his son is feeling, and u also need to ask why the son feels that way ie does he want u and dad back etc.

Let him crack on with it because it wont last

No. Stay out of his realtionships

Look up Paramore Clause. Not sure if your state has it or it’s a different name but basically no one of opposite sex unless related by blood can sleep over when kids are present. They have to leave at a certain time that you agree on


Keep your nose on your own face

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You know way too much about your ex’s new relationship. Are you jealous? It’s not about the child at this point your focus is on what he n his new girl are doing. You could always tell him your son wants more attention but his personal relationship is not your concern…as long as the girl doesnt mistreat your kid.

Stay in your lane. Period!

Not your circus not your monkeys…

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Stay out of the exs stuff. You r no konger married. Yes 2nd momma my son and I would sit and talk. If things cannot be resolved FOR THE SON dont make him go.

Stay out of it. The truth comes out eventually.

Sounds like u want revenge

It’s your ex it’s his issue not yours

None of your business

Would u want to know if u were him? If u tell him, how is that going affect ur child?

I would tell the truth

Mind ya business. That’s the advice.

Blow that shit wide open! Just remember the messenger always gets shot…long as your ready for that…speak your truth

Telling the husband is being petty.

Keep your mouth shut. It is none of your business. That is the problem with some of you.

well first of all be glad you got rid of him second its your business because thats your son now if your son knows this lady is married thats a HUGE PROBLEM because what can example is he setting for his son! I would set boundaries!


Tell the husband ignore those who rather be cheated on and not know! He is setting a horrible example for your son by having an affair and flaunting it around him. Your son mental and physical well being come 1st. You won’t have a heads up if the husband decided to go over to your ex’s house while your son is there… You can’t chance your son getting hurt because his dad’s decisions!


It’s not your place to say anything the only thing you can speak on his how he’s not giving your son attention when he has him and even that’s tricky because what goes on in his house is his business as long as it’s not harming the child or putting the child in danger.

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Let be real, people saying, to not tell the husband because it doesn’t concern this mother and her son, are you for real??? The ex has decided to bring the married woman into his home when he has his son under his care. That makes it the sons business as well as the mother’s business. As parents we teach our children right from wrong. Are we now telling/showing them that there a certain circumstances where you speak the truth and certain situations where you ignore the truth. Talk about giving mixed messages to the child. I was in a relationship with a man (boy) for 6 years, we had a daughter. It wasn’t till we broke up, when he walked out with another woman who was also in a relationship at the time did I find out that he had been cheating from the get go whilst I was at work. What made it even more upsetting was that the fact people knew and not one soul came up to me to tell me, because they didn’t want to interfer, but had alot to say after we broke up. Needless to say I don’t keep those company around. Because like I tell my daughter’s. When you see and know something that you know is wrong speak up, even if you are afraid of retribution and the hate. Because knowing and seeing something wrong and not doing anything about it makes your just as bad as the person doing it. We should be teaching our kids to never sell their integrity. I don’t have a large group of friends and I can count off my close knit friends on one hand. Tell the husband, he has the right to know. They have taken away is right to make a choice, you can give him that right back. Whether he chooses to accept it or not is not your problem. By doing that you are teaching your son that deception is not acceptable at any level or age and in any relationship. Might I add, my ex was engaged to get married but was once again doing the dirty behind his fiance. And yes I told his fiance, people may read and think I was being bitter. But reality is, I loved his fiance, treated our daughter like her own. And she was too good of a woman to be with the douche. But my reasoning for telling her the truth was because my ex had involved our daughter to lie to me as well as to his fiance about where they went and who they met. Daughter started acting out and I knew something was up, after talking to her heart to heart and telling her situations I have been in (thinking it was regarding friends) she opened up and told me, yes I was seeing red. But no one is going to out my baby in the middle of adult issues and let her carry the guilt and gets away with it, father or not. Hence why I say tell the husband. You don’t know what your son sees or hears or what he would be made to do and say.


The kids may not always like the new spouse of either of you, and that’s okay. But we as people date who make US happy.
I’d say stay out of it, let him deal with the mess he creates.

Should i say anything to the husband . Are you still married to him legally? Or is he your ex husband . what relationship ur husbsnd hs with anyone should not be ur business. I would say stop sending ur son for parental visits and then u can explain how ur son feels about it .

Wow, not a very good dad. I would speak to your X about your concerns. But stay out of the drama of the “other woman”… Karma does come around…

I think we can all agree your ex is trash :sweat_smile: …but what the married woman does with HER life is none of your buisness as long as she is not mistreating your child.

“Hi, can you please ask your wife to let my son have time with his dad since he only gets to see him every other weekend? Or at the very least include him in the things they do? He’s getting really upset about it, and I don’t know her well enough to get my point across without making it awkward. Would you be willing to talk to her for me?”

There you go. :slightly_smiling_face:

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None of your business. Unless she harms your child.

It’s up to the father to say something,it’s really none of your concern

He’s your ex, he’s no longer something you need to be worried about if it’s not about the kids leave it alone. It’s no longer your place.

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You said ex, right? Shouldn’t that be the emd of it.

In my opinion you should talk to your ex and say it’s not fair to my son she’s getting all the attention and he’s not… or get a video as a proof to show her husband

Dont. The messenger usually takes the brunt of everyone’s anger.


Omg it seems like you want him back please find yourself a spouse

Give me there number I’ll break the new plus I’ll say me and him are gay

None of your business.

None of your business

None ya. It’s none ya buzyness.

Worry about yourself 🤷

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Mind your business sis…

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Anonymous message, let it be known :joy::laughing::rofl: there would be nothing to tell if they weren’t doing something wrong :woman_shrugging:t2::laughing::joy:

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Fucking right tell him

Hello everyone, am here to testify about the greatest spiritual healer that helped me believe in life again after my husband had left me for another woman.Life has been so difficult for me these past few months and I had given up on myself knowing that I will not find love or true happiness again. Two months ago I found out I was pregnant and I was so happy and excited to have my own baby and I didn’t even call my boyfriend. I just wanted to take the results to him and show him face to face and share the good news together. But when I reached his flat I saw his car parked outside and knew he was home so I went straight to his room. When I knocked, he allowed me to enter because he wasn’t expecting me at the time, but when i opened the door I nearly fainted because I caught him ready handed with another woman in his house. I looked at them and closed the door and ran away, he followed me saying his sorry and the woman is just a friend and nothing else but I knew he was lying and I walked away. I reached home and cried a lot until i told my best friend everything and she told me to fight for my man and not loose him to another woman. She gave me Mama Baker’s contact +27655918270 and told me Mama Baker will bring back my boyfriend to me and love only me. So i contacted Mama and told her everything, she made a love and binding prayers for me and in 2 days of the prayers my boyfriend came to me with that woman I saw him with and knelt down and begged for my forgiveness and told the woman that am the love of his life and he doesn’t ever want to see her again. The woman walked away and that evening my man came back with a baked cake and gifts and flowers and asked for my forgiveness again and promised never to hurt me again and I told him that we are having a baby, he cried and smiled with joy and happiness. We are back together and so much in love and waiting for our baby to arrive. Thanks so much your prayers indeed work. You can call or whatsapp Mama Baker +27655918270 incase you are passing through the same situation. Don’t be discouraged by what people may tell you.

Mind your business…

Mind your own business

Karma let it play out.

O yell yes say something

yes tell him, no one deserves that

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Mind your business, Momma.


Unfortunately what your ex does in her personal life is none of your business. You’re done may moat like her, but that also doesn’t warrant her not coming around. In this case, I’d have to say mind your own business, the only conversations that are your business are the one concerning your sons well being. If she is an irresponsible person, or a drug addict or abusive toward your son then you may say something, but just because your dislikes her is not any excuse to input your opinion on dad personal life.


Sorry girl, but it’s not your business, as long as your kid is safe with your ex, you’ve gotta stay out if it, this kid is going to see him for what he is eventually, and you’ll be the mom who remained calm cool and always there for him… DO NOT GET INVOLVED :two_hearts:

It’s none of ur business really. I know it’s hard to hear that and to accept it but he can have whoever he wants around ur kid. And he can parent however he wants. If u guys r civil maybe try to talk to him about it but if ur not ur gonna just have to try to talk to ur son about how to handle it all. Doesn’t sound like dad is neglecting him at all.


Don’t say anything. Things have a way of working themselves out. If it’s not her it will be another girl. The issue is with him, so talk to him. Coparenting is important and if you go at him sideways like that is going to blow up your coparenting in your face. It’s his choice what relationship he has with his kid.


Mind your business…If you do that he and his dad could work the situation out…As long as your child isn’t being physically harmed, then stay out of it…He needs to express his feelings to his dad, not you…


maybe he is afraid to so he has a mom that cares and listen. Nothing wrong with the child going to the mother with concerns and the mother has the right to approach those feeling I feel as a spouse maybe he feels as if the mother will say something?

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There is not much you can do, except be a good mom when you have your kids. Never talk bad about their dad to them or in front of them. Things will come out later, you talk about it now, you are the little person. If she is irresponsible, abusive… say something.


The problem isn’t her its your ex your son has an issue with his dad not spending time and second you don’t know what your ex is telling this lady your son needs to speak up as well if he told you he can tell his dad


Answer is in the first sentence…your ex! Nothing more to be said or done. Nothing you should butt into. It isnt your relationship. If you don’t think he is being a good role model to your son then you best set a better one. And your son doesn’t like her but tolerates her? Sounds like you have put negative thoughts in his head. As I have told my son before when my ex had a gf. As long as she isn’t hurting you then you will respect her as an adult. Don’t put anything further into his head and you mind your own business. Your ex is gonna do him all by himself so just move on and be happy with your own life.


Unfortunately, he can do whatever he wants and be around whoever he wants during his parenting time, so long as your son isn’t being abused. Your ex’s choices will come back to bite him. Stay out of it.


You have no say, it’s your sons time with his father, how he chooses to spend it with him is his business. If he is hurting his son physically and/or being abusive then by all means intervene. You’ll hate a lot of things but he is his father and you need to encourage your son to communicate with his father his concerns. It’s wrong what’s happening, but your barking up the wrong tree if you get involved in the girlfriends troubled life. You really don’t have any right to say anything, it’s not your business… do you not have anything better to focus on? let your ex deal with his girlfriend and her problems. Focus on your son and what you CAN control.