My ex is mad our oldest sometimes watches the kids when I work: Advice?

Is he complaining because the child is complaining? Older siblings are NOT built in babysitters and it’s not fair to assume they are.


Sounds like a control freak his house should be his business and her house should be hers only time I you but in is if you believe abuse is happening.


He trying to control you still and being petty about “his kids” as long as your kids are fine then it’s none of his business really.


I dont see a problem. You are teaching your kids responsibility, compassion. These are things lacking in the world today. I think your doing a good job


It’s a control issue girl. Just keep being the badass woman/mother you are!

Helping with siblings is part of being the older sibling… (can’t tell me otherwise y’all, I grew up babysitting my sisters so my parents could provide for us)

How old are the kids

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What happens in your home isn’t his business. Unless your children you have with him are being hurt or definitely not old enough to be left with a baby to watch there’s nothing he needs to know nor does he have a say in. Besides it sounds more like he just doesn’t like it bc they’re his children and the baby isn’t so to him they shouldn’t be interacting with the baby bc he isn’t looking at the baby as being their sibling since it’s not his. The fact is you’re still home so they’re not alone with the baby at all and if needed anything you’re right there to help. You need to have a conversation with your kids about why it’s not a big deal as their father is making it out to be in a way that doesn’t bash him but explains that he doesn’t feel like the baby is their sibling bc he’s not the babies dad is all but bc you’re their mom an the babies they’re in fact siblings and that they can watch over their little siblings. I also would let them know that you appreciate their help and if at any time they feel uncomfortable with it to let you know bc ultimately they’re not responsible for caring for their siblings no child is so I wouldn’t force them to do so bc they still need to be kids themselves. But they’re happy with it then it’s all good. Then I’d tell your ex to mind his business and to stop sticking his nose in your life since he didn’t want to be apart of it in a healthy way when you were together he has no business trying to butt into it when you aren’t together.

Maybe the oldest expressed to dad how they don’t like to be babysitter. Which should respected you both parents. I get babysitting for 1-2-3 hours tops. But any longer than that- no. And it definitely shouldn’t be forced as a way to try and make them all love each other and get along. It will do the complete opposite.

In home babysitters are cheaper than sending a child to daycare for obvious reasons. If you have to change your methods that’s a good start or even grandparents before another child.

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It’s your baby you can get daycare so you can work. Don’t put that responsibility on your other children. My sister was 13 and was responsible for watching me and my brother. We we babies, she never stops talking about how she was required to watch us and she 65 years old now.


What happens in your house is none of his business…. :woman_shrugging:t2: NONE
you do not have to explain to him or anyone else how your house is ran as long as it’s legal the children are safe… do not explain yourself to him tell him to stay in his own lane and mind his own business… and for him to worry about how his household is ran not yours. 
But answer your question there’s nothing wrong with it at all, you do need to make sure the age which I believe is 12, just checked the legal age for your state.  look you’re a single mom so you don’t have all the options is everybody and that’s OK so you do the best that you can do stop worrying about what everybody else is thinking the only thing you need to remember is just follow your state laws. Not everyone’s situation is the same :woman_shrugging:t2: stop explaining yourself to him.
You need to get yourself a therapist, somebody you can talk to, they have ones you can do via zoom so you don’t have to actually going to an office, my daughter is going through almost exactly the same thing you are, she has two older kids are by one daddy younger baby is from another and the younger babies dad is a total narc piece of crap… 


tell him to get over it. your home if they need help. he can shove it


I was that kid who was stuck at home Friday and Saturday nights to babysit my dads ex’s son. Are you sure it’s not your children complaining to their dad? It’s your job to find a babysitter for your youngest, it’s not your older kids responsibility.


Hell my 9 year old watches the baby so I can pee and sometimes shower


The only way I see this as reasonable is if the sibling has spoken against having to babysit, and you ignored it. If the older sibling is fine doing it and the dad is overstepping his bounds, that’s a different story.

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He’s just trying to play on the mom guilt. Your kids are siblings, no matter who there daddy is. You either need to stop entertaining his nonsense and ignore it or respond in such a way he looks stupid. This isn’t some random kid they’re watching, it’s there sibling. They aren’t missing out on anything and you’re also home! It’s called being part of a household, everyone helps out. As long as the oldest kid isn’t missing out on stuff, you’re fine.


If you have the kids it’s not his business . They are half brother or sister so what’s his problem. Tell him to butt out

I practically raised my younger 4 siblings. I grew up to have a big family. I refuse to put that responsibility on my oldest ones.


Siblings shouldnt be responsible for watching siblings on a regular basis. Pay a babysitter

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Don’t worry about what he’s saying that’s their sibling and it’s your house


I grew up watching my younger siblings so my single mom could work and support us. My older two from my first marriage grew up
Watching the younger two from my second marriage. What’s the problem??? I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. It helps teach responsibility I think. This has been going on for generations. I thought it was just part of growing up.


Depends on age of oldest and how often?


He’s your EX for a reason. So ignore him.


I agree that it depends on their ages and how often/how long bc we are talking about a baby here and how old is the baby?? He sounds a bit bitter but there’s nothing wrong with working together as a team however, god forbid the older children get distracted for one second and the baby chokes on something, or isn’t breathing, they might know how to call you &/or 911 but, do they know how to give cpr on a baby?? I don’t want to say there’s nothing wrong with it if the older kids are not comfortable but only tell you they are bc they might or could be afraid to tell you otherwise. See we don’t know these things.

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How old are the kids?


I had to take care of my siblings and I personally didn’t enjoy it… is not their responsibility… the dad is right… if you can’t pay a sitter or daycare …than why do people have more kids??you are the mother not your children. Is not right to have older siblings with the responsibility of having to watch the younger. Maybe once in a while is ok if they agree… def not for you to go work… have the father of the baby pay a sitter or daycare…

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I think some of you may have missed where she said she works from home. So she is actually there at home and the older siblings are just helping to watch the baby. Absolutely nothing wrong with that! 


Take no notice anything to rock the boat and get attention. He hits your vulnerable points.
Be indifferent, be confident and strong, your house, your kids, your life and you do your best with what you have.


Your kids didn’t have the baby and unless you pay them to watch the baby; I’d be upset too. It doesn’t matter if you grew up watching your siblings or their dad grew up watching their siblings- that was how YOU were raised. Your older kids didn’t create the baby, your older kids are not responsible for the baby. If you want your kids to get along then let them interact as siblings; not as an authority figure. There are certain times that it’s okay for your siblings to watch each other. When they go outside to play, it’s okay to keep an eye on one another. If you need to take a quick call, if you need to shower, go to the bathroom, etc. The max of them watching their siblings shouldn’t exceed 20 minutes. I am not sure why parents can’t grasp the idea that your kids feelings and time are just as important as yours and there’s nothing wrong with treating your kids with respect.


Honestly, it kinda feels like the age of the children and frequency of them having to babysit was left out intentionally so you could get people to agree with you. Having older siblings watch a BABY so you can use the bathroom or take a quick shower seems ok (depending on their ages) but children aren’t equipped to handle emergencies and I can see why your ex may get upset. Might need to do majority of the work during nap time or once the kids go to bed at night. Or before they wake up in the morning. It will be hard but safety has to be top priority. I’m sorry you’re having a hard time and I hope you find a safe and dependable solution. :heart:


Siblings shouldn’t be responsible for helping raise younger siblings. Get a babysitter.

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Are you sure he isn’t saying that because you’re older ones are complaining to him about having to do it? I watched my baby brother a lot and forcing your older children to watch the younger ones isn’t going to make them love each other, it’ll probably breed resentment. I personally don’t believe in forcing the older children to watch the younger children on a regular basis.


Depend on what age oldest is

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Not his business period he’s just mad you had a baby with someone else is how it sounds.


How old are the kids? How often and for how long does it happen?
Dad has obviously found out as your kids have either told him or complained that they have to babysit… I’d be sitting down with your kids and asking them if they are happing babysitting the baby or not I’d be more concerned that my kids weren’t happy watching the baby rather than their dad defending them.

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There’s nothing wrong with having them babysit, especially bc it sounds like you are home still in case of emergency. Like you said, great bonding and a chance for the older ones to learn a little responsibility that way


I think its fine. My son helps me out with the grandkids alot and other chores. I even let him cook. It teaches him to be a caregiver and maybe one day a great father. Theres no reason kids should grow up clueless. There is nothing wrong with allowing them to learn basic life skills by helping out around the home. Theres more to life than video games.


It’s not their baby that’s why …


Helping is one thing babysitting everyday no thats wrong. I grew up damn near. Being my sisters second mom and I did not have a baby my mother did so

Tbh kids don’t enjoy watching their siblings and shouldn’t have to. However some kids are compassionate and understand that they have to help if you can’t afford a sitter. You and your new baby’s daddy should pay for a sitter. Let your kids enjoy their childhood !


Except for the occasional can You please watch Your Baby Brother or Sister while I run to the store? It’s not the job of siblings to watch and take care of younger siblings just my opinion I knew Someone who did this they already had 2 teenage daughters and they started all over again and yep the teen-agers had the Babies so much taking care of them while mommy slept or did Her thing Why have more Babies if you can’t raise them yourself


What ever happens to family taking care of family. Yeah right now they might not like it. But family first.


These comments are why some of you are raising lazy, entitled children who will have zero life skills when they get out into the real world. There’s nothing wrong with babysitting and contributing to the home you live in some way, shape, or form.


What are the ages of these children? I mean because a baby you could leave in a playpen nearby while you work, how old are the older 2 kids? For how long do they take care of the baby? Do they have to feed the baby and change diapers? :thinking:


I am one who doesn’t believe that older kids should be forced to watch siblings. They didn’t have the baby.


I would say it’s none of his business
Your providing for your children that’s what matters and you feel they are safe


How old is the one watching the infant?

I’m going to tell you hypothetically what BD said? “I don’t want my kids watching (her baby)”! That’s all it is! He’s a hater! Tell him to mind his business! If they don’t want to watch the baby? I hope they would tell you? Ask him did the kids complain about watching the baby? If not then? Your decisions should not be questioned by your X! I know ppl who have kids with someone? When one has a baby with someone new? The x is loving towards the new baby? Because it’s a new baby? He should be happy for you and his kids to have a new sibling! 


Eff him! He has zero say!!

I was 8,born and raised in Latvia, picking my 6 years old brother and 2 years old sister from nursery​:rofl: we all survived somehow :face_with_monocle:


you keep doing you and don’t mind what he is saying, he really has no say anyway, this is your life and your children, do what makes you happy

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I think he could just be bitter bc the youngest isn’t his kid too. I mean if it’s an all the time thing or many hours/day I can see his point. But if it’s only occasionally and for short times I just don’t see the issue.
If y’all were together and that was his baby would he let the oldest babysit on date night? Or when you had to work?
If it isn’t that the only other thing I can think of is could he be resentful bc HE babysat his siblings a lot when he was a kid and he’s correlating his feelings to this?

He’s an ass. It’s called a family, family takes care of family.

My older kids always watch the younger ones…it’s called being a family !!!


How old is the kid watching the oldest.if you feel there safe go ahead.i watched my younger siblings when I was younger.

I’d say it depends on #1 how old the kid in charge is. And #2 how much of his/her time being spent watching the younger siblings.

It’s your house. He don’t run your house. At least he shouldn’t… girl do what you’ve gotta do.

You didnt post how old they are… I feel like there’s a reason.

He’s probably right.