If you bring a man around your daughter, keep it at a friend angle. But I dated with my 5 year old in my life. I would go on dates on Saturdays either when she was with her dad or whenever I could get a babysitter. After a month he came around her but she just thought that we were friends. A month after that she knew we were dating and now we’re married. Just kinda take it slow and don’t have a guy around your child as long as you can. It’s hard whenever you have them all the time, trust me, I know. But you don’t wanna bring different men in and out of their lives. It makes it harder on not only them but you as well
I mean if you’re not having multiple men around your child it shouldn’t matter. I wouldn’t bring a man around my children unless it was serious.
He’s trying to control you throw it back at him and say that if you can’t be with any other man or have a man around your daughter or son he can’t be with another woman or have another woman around your daughter or son.
None of his business. He can’t control your life, you’re not together anymore.
But on the other hand, you have to remember that it goes both ways. So when he starts dating other women you can’t say you don’t want women around her. You both can lay ground rules like you don’t want your kid introduced to every single person you have a date with and save introductions for when it’s serious… but that’s a courtesy and not enforceable by law
Get a court order… I understand how tough this is and maybe the way he’s wording it is totally wrong. The a large majority of kids that are molested happen as a result of a moms boyfriend. As a mother I’m sure you don’t want to do that anyway
You tell him also you don’t want any women around your daughter. You both should be very cautious about bringing people you don’t know well around children
There is so much child abuse do you blame him for not wanting strange men around his daughter:rage:
If you left him why did you take his daughter ?
He can’t tell you who you’re allowed to date. If you feel comfortable having a man around your daughter that’s your choice. Eventually you’re going to MoveOn and you may even get married he can’t tell you that your daughter can’t be in the house with your husband.
It’s non of his business if your in a new relationship
Since you broke up with him he wants to control you thru your daughter don’t let him because when he has a girlfriend he won’t care and will bring a girl around without even asking you …
Honestly if you have her all the time. That’s your home and your life. If he threatens custody let him. Then he will mandated to pay child support and watch you date and be yourself. Yall are allowed to date other people esp since yall are both single.
He doesn’t get to decide what you do in your personal life. On another note, I wouldn’t introduce my kids to anyone unless they were someone special who I think I have a future with.
But in the end, make sure you document this threat in case he decides to be a nut job and do something crazy so you have a record of it.
Not that you don’t deserve to move on, but the person you move on with, shouldn’t be in your daughters life until you know it’s something that’s worth it and has hopes of lasting. Multiple men shouldn’t be in and out of her life.
It’s one thing to bounce people in and out of a child’s life, but if you have put in the work and have someone solid, then fuck what he thinks!
In the fucked up world we live in, I wouldn’t want anyone I didn’t know around my child anyways people know how to hide evil really well and it’s sickening.
It’s not up to him unless you’re putting your daughter in danger.
Dont tell him for one and for 2 do what you want. I wouldn’t introduce a man to my child quickly tho. It took me about a yr to introduce my boyfriend to my son. Then another yr before we decided to move in together. And then we had a baby. Going slow was the best thing I did. No man is worthy until I know him and trust him to meet my child. He also never stayrd the night when I had my son with me until about 9 months into meeting my son. Just ignore your controlling douche bag of an ex. You do what you want with your child. But id give more time then just months before moving on. Be with you first. I was with myself for 2 years before meeting my now boyfriend. It was the best thing for me to do
If he doesn’t have actual custody paperwork he has nothing. Any man shld care who is around their child but it shouldn’t matter if you’re dating and seeing other ppl since you’re no longer together. But it actually is his business because you two have a child together. It will and should always be his business as to who is around his child. I don’t introduce my children to new ppl I date bc it confuses them when they don’t have their dad in their lives at all. Always remember to put your child’s feelings first. Good luck!!
It’s not his business. But personally, I wouldn’t let someone else around my child until it’s a serious relationship. I wouldn’t want to bring men in and out of my sons life.
thats not his business! make a report that he is threatening you so u are safe and move on ! my husband said the same and I still take my son around my man cause they both love to hang out together
Save the messages you can go to the police for being threatening and controlling xx
Your life, your rules.
He can’t tell u that u csnt have a bf. Just like u cant tell him he csnt have a gf around. I’d go to court. He is just trying to be abusive and controlling
My ex said this too lool. 2 years later I met someone new… and he hasn’t been involved with my daughter since. That was almost 8 years ago
I told my ex the same about my daughter. No regrets… All he hung around were addicts. Nope that isnt flying with me plus hes a hoe and had a different person all the time.
Give yourself time and don’t date … He’s probably trying to be controlling but shouldn’t have anyone meet her or around her till you really know them … Get a babysitter if you want to hang out
First I would do a mediation (its cheaper then courts) you and your ex set down and do a custody agreement you both can agree on. And second he has no say in who is around. I bet when he gets a girlfriend he would have her around. Dont let him bully you. And just make sure you do background checks and also dont bring him around unless you know its serious. Kids get attached to easy.
I believe men shouldn’t float in and out of your lives and maybe hold off on introducing them until you can get a feel for him. But he doesn’t control you. You control you
Not his business.
For me, i didnt bring any guy around my kid after the split. Just didnt want her getting attached. After about 3-4 months, we’d hang out as friends, no affection. Now im hitting my year anniversary and we are all very happy.
Put a pfa on him that’s a threat
Ishtar house. And none of his business. Hugs.
He can’t do a damn thing about it. You are allowed to move on and have your daughter around it
If it’s not an order through the courts, it’s not his business. Move on, be happy and live your life. Unless your new bf is a total douchebag then I wouldn’t want him around either. Good luck.
Lol what is he gonna do? You are allowed to have people around your daughter. Men or women. Unless the child is in danger being around a certain person he cant do a damn thing.
Had the same problem with my ex. He didn’t want any guys around yet I was perfectly okay with his new gf. She was a pre-K teacher and all so I had absolutely no complaints until she started to tell my son she was his mom even after the conversation of the title second mom was discussed.
My oldest father was that way, once I moved on and had another man around her he was mad. It was alot of drama. But then it stopped. He got used to it and got over it. Dont let him control your life. Just move on he will get over it
I see his point, but the way he went about it is wrong. There shouldn’t be any threats. I do believe a guy shouldn’t be around your child until you’re really serious about them.
Ignore him…good luck
Ummmmm does he control you? Strange…
LOL why would you care what he says?! It’s YOUR life, do as you please.
HE doesn’t get to dictate to you anymore, but…It is reasonable, and responsable to not have just anybody comming in and out your child’s life… Keep your new relationship seperate from your child, for a while anyway, until you are absolutly sure that the new BF is REALLY in it for the long hawl. It’s terrible for a child to get attached to someone, just to have them dissapear.( can even cause long term issues) I believe there is a need to protect the child from instability. “have a guy around my daughter and see what happens”
“have a guy around my daughter and see what happens” Sound like a threat, you can press charges for that!!!
My ex and I had this problem at first. As long as neither of you are bringing every random that comes along around the kid, it’s not the other parent’s business. Move on, mama. You deserve to be happy.
Empty threat …he can’t do anything…and if he DOES bring you to court they will laugh he out…unless there is a concern regarding the person around the child WITH proof you’re fine
He doesnt get to rule your life so dont let him
Don’t let him control your life. That’s all he’s trying to do!
Man or woman, you should’nt even introduce your kid to someone until about 6 months in.
Is he saying that because he’s genuinely concerned about who’s around his daughter or is it because he’s trying to control you? Two different conversations right there
U need record him saying that is it all if I record He will say yes then u have DON’T let him run your life believe I know but stand up to the bully
He dated while we were married and took our daughter around them. I dated after we got divorced. I had a 3 month rule. Which meant she only met two others besides the one I have now. We have been together for over a year.
Get a restraining order
He doesn’t get to decide who you date, just like you can’t decide who he dates. He’s abusive, and doesn’t deserve to be a father.
Grow a set, do what u want!
Eiether one of u guys shouldn’t bring people u date around ur child . Find a babysitter if u want to date.
Well he can suck a fat one.
That’s what we call mental abuse and he doesn’t get a say
Regardless of a court order or not he can not decide what you do on your own time. He doesnt get to dictate who your with. A judge would tell him the same thing. Unless someone physically or mentally was hurting your daughter, theres absolutely nothing he can do.
You’re giving him power over you.
Its none of his business what you choose to do in your home, but im also in the mind of dont introduce a new partner to your child until you have been seeing each other for a while, its not fair on the child who may really like the person and then things don’t work out, and you never really know who someone is straight away
And do be careful, when they don’t get their way they will call DFS
Unless your bringing all kinds of random men around her then it’s none of his business!! But I will say keep your daughter out of your dating life, meaning the only boyfriend she needs to meet is the one who is serious about her and you and the one you feel is going to be around long term. It’s rough enough on a kid whose parents aren’t together anymore, it makes it even worse to get attached to the idea of finally having a “normal” family unit just to be disappointed a few months later when it doesn’t work out!! My point, just be cautious with who you bring into your daughters life!! Good luck
My ex husband tried to do this to me. We have 3 kids. I laughed in his face
As long as any guy isn’t staying the night while you have the child or abusive or on drugs, he can’t do anything. Nothing that would get him the results he wants anyway.
Dont introduce kids to everyone you date. My ex and I were both ordered not to allow opposite sex around our child for 1 year. Never over night visits unless married. I agree with the judge on that one ! Maybe u need to be single for a while and worry about your kid.
Definitely not his decision but I understand he’s probably concerned and I understand what you mean you wanna move on I’d definitely take time and when you are dating I wouldn’t bring them around the child until you know it’s gonna work out and out of respect you should have the dad meet the other guy to because in the end the child is y’all’s and the child should be most important
My SO’s dad and his mom had it written in their custody agreement over him when he was younger that they couldn’t have men or women around him until he was of age (18) and if one of them did then that was grounds for the other to have full custody and honestly me and mine agreed we would do the same thing if we ever were to separate ,this day and age you never know what true intentions some sickos have with your children and you won’t know til they are caught so if anything to me he might just be concerned about the type of men you might bring around if anything ,wouldn’t recommend bringing him around your kid to soon without knowing his intentions long term wise and such and if he is before hand it’s important the dad meets the guy especially if one day dude might be step dad
Dont let him dictate your life, he’s trying to control you.
Tell him to jump in a lake and cool his potatoes. It’s none of his business. Move on past his threats
None of his business unless that man abuses ur child
It’s none of his business, I was told the same exact thing , now don’t get me wrong it took a few months before I introduced my boyfriend to my daughter , I had to make sure it was going to be a permanent situation. My boyfriend & I have been together now for almost 2 years . Don’t let anyone tell you what you can & cannot do ! Your ex just wants control !!!
Right away I agree you there shouldn’t be someone in her life other than the father. But if things get serious with another guy then it’s your decision.
Technically, y’all weren’t married… That child is considered yours until he takes you to court or you take him to court for custody agreement and child support. All of which he can’t tell you who you can have around your kid unless that person is bad news maybe. So do you boo.
My husband had a 4 month old daughter when we meet. He wouldnt let me met her until he knew it wasnt just a fling. You gotta protect your baby. Her heart and body. Kids dont understand when people just leave. Take it slow
He can’t dictate or demand that. He needs to get over it and get a life. Live your life and don’t let him tell you what to do. I do think it is important to date and be sure of the new relationship before you bring a new man into your childs life.
They shouldn’t be around your daughter unless it’s someone you’re looking at marrying in my opinion. It’s confusing for kids and there are a lot of creeps in the world who purposely date single moms to have access to the kids. I say this as someone who spent 5 years as a single mom.
Ok and what’s the problem,this man can’t control your life unless you let him. As long as your daughter is safe ,happy ,and taken care of he has no right to tell you what you can and can’t do
Because your daughter might get hurt if you let anyone (especially a stranger man) to get near your daughter. You are a mom. You should put your daughter first. It’s ok to mingle … to date. But your ex is right. Do not let another man to be around your daughter. Since my ex left us, I did not date anyone else. Not because I can’t move on from him … but because I put my children’s safety first. They are my top priority.
I kinda don’t blame him their are sooo many nut balls out there that like little kids if you want to see someone else see them when your daughter is with her Daddy when she gets old enough for you to have that conversation with her that than would be a different story this comes from a 74 year old women that was once that little girl and believe me it stays with you a life time
Nothing he can do … Be careful though because you never know how unstable a person can get
Dont bring anyone around your kid unless it’s very serious anyway, imo. Once you get to that point he may have chilled out anyway.
I saw a news story on snapchat about a family a mother and two young daughters, the mother moved in with a guy after one month and he slaughtered her family. move on but be careful who you bring around your kids
There’s a lot of children out there who got raped, murdered and tortured by their step-father/stepmom/mom’s boyfriend/dad’s girlfriend … this a reality. Just in case you’re not aware of it. It’s scary. And i didn’t mean to offend you or anyone else … but this happens in reality. I hope it’s clear for you now why your ex said that … not because he’s controlling you. He’s just being a “Father” to your and his daughter.
He won’t let you?
Whose the boss of YOU?
Are you a revolving door of strange men are you an irresponsible mother do you leave your daughter unattended with strangers I totally don’t believe any of this be a good woman and a better mother then tell your ex to go suck a egg he wasn’t fighting for his daughter when he didn’t fight for her mother do not waste any more time or worry about this do not play this childish head game as long as you put your daughter first you have nothing and nobody else to answer to hold your head up and enjoy your baby there will be time for men and dating way to soon as it is this is all temporary
Yeah. Went through that.
Well thought out Lisa
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