My Ex Is Threatening Me About Dating Other Men While I Have Primary Custody of Our Daughter

Get a court order for visitation!

You left for a reason he cant control your life

There’s nothing he can do about it.

Stop letting him run ur life if u find the right guy it shouldn’t matter

Screw that he cant control your life anymore do what you want!

Just use good judgement momma , he can’t tell you what to do unless you let him🤔

He can’t do this you may need to give it some time

See what happens , bet ya nothing . You can do what you want .

Oh and I would tell him the same, no women around her

Take him to court and seek full custody.

He threatened you…contact the police.

You let him have way too much control

That is not his decision!!!

Anything to make you miserable, that’s what they do.

Do whatever you want he can’t stop you plain and simple

Tell him to mind his own business

Your kids shouldn’t meet every man you date! You’re not together anymore so he really has no say! As long as he’s good to your child!

Then the same goes for him!

My daughters father said that too, but he is a narcissist.

He has no right to tell you that. He cannot control who you bring your daughter around, and you cannot control who he brings her around. A judge would tell him that.

Do what you want and take him to court and make him pay child support

I don’t bring men around my 1 year old son. I have full custody, his dad hasn’t seen him since he was 2 months old, and now can only visit him supervised, but at this time I choose to not introduce men into his life, one for his sake, two out of some respect for his father (although he has yet to show the same respect). He wanted his retarded girlfriend to help him raise my son, courts said hell no after i showed she’s a lying drug addict and that she’s been extremely rude and disrespectful to me… lol so yeah, just keep in mind not everything is about you, think about what is best for your young child. I moved on just fine without needing a man. If you really feel you need to date, get a sitter and wait a long amount of time before introducing them until you know its serious and going well.

It’s not a court order.

:angry: I guess he is willing to do the same, right? :unamused:

He thretened you. Talk to lawyer

Tell him to #### off, also, no women around your child

Enjoy your single status for as long as you need. When you are ready you will know.
The kiddos don’t need to be exposed to every Tom Dick n Harry, but once again you will know.
Notice I have said “you”, as ultimately it’s your choice as to the next stage after being single.
Take it slowly and enjoy your children. The perfect man that will fit you and your family may be just around the corner, or maybe he will turn up years from now, maybe being single will be the best thing since sliced bread, you can’t see into the future so don’t try. BUT you have options and that includes welcoming a man into your family.
Don’t let your ex even bother you, he thinks he’s right, but you will find everything will fall into place if you let it.
HOWEVER, as soon as there are threats please please report these threats to the Police. Record them as well. Take no chances with yourself or your children!

Hey buddy…come get your kid because i have male company coming over

Move away and see how he likes that💔

Tell him to kick rocks.

Control freak.give him time to find another then bamm

Nah not off the bat after a couple years and some interactions possibly but until that date night you better be dropping her off .

Who the hell does he think he is, let me tell you he is not

Knowing how how often kids are getting sexually molested: and especially by single parents bringing their dating partners around, I would be very cautious about who is around my kid and no one is sleeping over if my kid is in the house at the same time as my dating partner. Now, For your ex to demand

Tell him to go pound. Sand

Tell you ex that you’ll happily agree not to have anyone around your kids aslong as he has them a certain amount of days for you to be able to go out date/see Someone. If he won’t have them for you then he has no right to say someone can’t be round your kids! If I was you first off if you do have the kids full time I’d make sure the kids was asleep in bed and then offer for them to come round so you can see each other. Then if it goes well the kids come into it later.


Well, primarily it’s not his choice who you have your daughter around. I do encourage the 6 month rule - not around your daughter u til the relationship is 6 months old. How do you do that? You let your daughter see her dad, it gives you free time and opportunity to make healthy choices for her.

Tell him to kiss your butt it’s your life not his… He has no right to tell you you cannot date

With so many children abused by non parents I can understand his concern for his daughter … just don’t allow your want for a man over ride her safety and welfare. An depending on your relationship with your ex once you have someone serious and trustworthy maybe your ex n new guy meet so he can feel assured that the child will be ok

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Everyone saying he can’t push that issue he :100: percent can… I was petty Betty during my divorce and was granted that in my Divorce papers through the court… of course we both didn’t stick with it cause we both eventually moved on…

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To be honest I have the same rule for myself, and my son’s father does, too. It is a respect thing between the two of us, as well as protection for our child because he doesnt need to see people coming in and out of the house all the time. Granted it does make things very difficult in that I have my son all but every other weekend and dating is difficult, but it will be better if your child can feel that your home is private and safe.

You need a court approved agreement for custody. And it will probably state that you cant have overnight visitors of the opposite sex that arent related unless you’re married. But I wouldnt let him dictate how I lived my life at all. You should file for custody first and get an agreement in place first before he has a chance. The courts dont automatically take the mothers side anymore.

My so bm feels this way :expressionless: I’ve known my so for 8 years. Way before he even got with her. I meet his son last year in August. Apparently this month she had a problem with me been around him. I’m currently PREGNANT. N told him I don’t need to be anywhere around her son. But the kicker is. He lived with us all last year until the beginning of this month :joy: some ppl are just werid n bitter

Such a narcissist! Glad you moved away from him
He can’t control your life anymore and thats why he threats you.

I wouldn’t bring ANY man around my child until I knew him for several months and had him checked out. Research how many babies and children are beaten/murdered by a Mom’s boyfriend! It’s horrible :disappointed:

He’s just afraid for her daughters safety. Theres alot of new bf abuser and molesters for little girls .

Tell him to kiss your ass and if he had a problem to bad :person_shrugging::person_shrugging:. If he threatens you or other guys you see document and take to the police. My daughter mom was the same way. No other woman is gonna be around my child. Yet she gets married and tells them the guy she married is their step-dad. Hypocrites. Good thing you left his pos ass. Live your life and be with and love who you want. If you want them to meet you child he can’t stop that. Unless he wants to go to jail and then never see his kid grow up. Might let him know that. Either he is a man and can accept it. Or he does something stupid and he doesn’t see his kid ever

You can move on get away from that idiot & get a restraining order .

I wouldn’t do that either. Fukn too many pervs out there.

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Trying to bully and manipulate you

So you shall never speak to a human being with a penis in front of his daughter? :rofl::joy: It’s form of still controlling you without being with you. Although I don’t think a choo choo train through the household is proper… You have the right to heal and choose who is around you when you do. Good luck… Set boundaries with your ex now. Use the court system… For what it’s intended for. Set up custody, child support, and enforce those boundaries.

Well I wouldn’t let him tell me what to do since you have primary custody of your child he can’t do shit unless you date a felon, drug addict, or pedophile then he can only call Children and Youth for them to get involved that’s it.

Mine said that, and was with someone the day he moved out of our house, then a year later when he “heard” I had a boyfriend (I went on 1 date, when he had our daughters, and he never, ever met my kids because it was my first date the whole time) he called cps on me 13 times in 5 weeks, threatened to take them away from me told me he’d make my life a living hell. All the while telling me I am wrong to have another man around them, when I didn’t, but he had his gf around them the whole time. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Live your life, fuck him. He doesn’t control you.

Ummm it’s not his choice! Don’t allow that shit!

But he can have girls right. Lol. Just do you. Get a restrainin order. My bf has one on his ex. For this shit.

You know when to introduce your child to a boyfriend. He can’t say shit!

That’s CUTE he thinks he has a say

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That’s a control move to keep you stuck, tell him the same thing reverse that shit back on him

You’re allowed to have relationships girl fuck him. BUT with that make sure it’s serious before introducing your daughter. Granted she’s still little and most likely won’t remember any of them till she’s like 2/3 but with how dudes are nowadays you really don’t know who you can and can’t trust.

Well you shouldnt bring a guy around your daughter in the first place until you are sure of the guy. But he has no right to tell you that. And thats a verbal threat so if anything does go down just tell the cops he threatened you and is unsafe to be around your daughter. Problem solved. And record ylthat shit for the judge too. Be better for you

Well. See what happens. :woman_shrugging:t3: tf.

You’re allowing him to still have control over you. You can move on. He can’t do shit about it. What the hell he think you’re gonna do? Get married and live in separate houses. On the wedding day she gone be with him so they cant meet? Girl live your life!!! I know you know not to bring just anyone around her. It’s not like you’re gonna bring the guy around her after the second date. But when and if you feel that you are ready for them to meet. If it is going to be serious. Then eventually they will cross paths. He’s just salty. And trying to control that is his was of trying to keep you!

Me and my kids dad have been broken up for 7 years and he still tries to pull this shit in me but yet he has his gf (the chick he cheated on me with) around them all the time… I straight out told him how is it that he’s allowed to be happy but I’m not… you do what you feel is right for you. With ur baby being so little I would use extreme caution cuz there’s alot of pedophiles that get with women just to get access to their kids…

Wait until you are in a serious relationship unit your child meets him then tell your ex to fuck off

Tell him to f**** off

Go to court for custody

Some of you’ll really think that, the motherfucking ex is really worried about bad Men being around his daughter? Seriously? That Motherfucker could careless! He’s a Fucking controlling piece of shit! But I bet the same rule doesn’t apply to him! You’ll keep playing!

If you have a custody agreement in place that has been finalized…tell him to go fuck himself. He’s has no right.

Jess Morrow this will be Jamie what’s the bet only time hell try stick up for his kids lol

fuck him. as a single mom of a 1 year old i bring guys around that im dating. they mever spend the night and no pda in front of her. they are never left alone together. dont let him controll you. live your best life boo

go out while he has her

He’s funny u do what u please wtf you are a grown woman

Do not let him play you like that. I am sure he got his penis in somebody daily. Do you. Do not be alone because he’s not. You do not have to have the man living with you.

Do what you want. If he has a temper tantrum file a protective order. Simple you left him for a reason he can’t run shit

Well actually I witnessed the same thing with my bf and his ex wife. She was telling him to leave me or he’ll never see his boys. He told her to fuck off and more history happened, but we have the boys full time right now and she’s not around🤷‍♀️ do what you need to because you left him for a reason. Don’t let him dictate shit. He has no say. If you have your child more, then legally you can have whoever around. It will not work how he wants it. So my opinion, who cares? He’ll have a gf or whatever around her, but he’s trying to control you still.

Tell ur ex to suck eggs

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They all say that. Just don’t tell him shit

I wouldn’t be bringing males in and out of your daughters life either. Unless it’s really really serious. I agree with him. :woman_shrugging:t2: he’s being a protective father. You never know what someone might do to your child. With what the media is reporting I can understand his worries. If you have males in and out her life he can say you have an unsafe environment for her and can ask for custody.


You are more than capable of moving on without your daughter meeting each person you date or being involved.
I agree with him

There are a bunch of sickos out there for 1 and for 2, you dont want to bring men in and out her life that arent permanent.


So he threatened you🤔
Hmm…take a baseball bat to his knees and ask him what he’s going to do now🤷‍♀️
Also, never take my advice.

Why would you cower to this idiot. You do not have to listen anything he tells you to do or not to do and if you do then you are just as bug an idiot and get what you deserve.

Don’t bring the men around for awhile - till you know that it is going to work out. No sense confusing the child with someone whose not going to be around.

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First off, always cover your a$$!!! My ex and I are still good friends, we co-parent very well, along with her step mother, for the last 16 years. Custody needs to be approved by the courts. Period! Without it, your ex can walk right into your home, take your daughter right out of your arms, and leave the country with her. There will literally be nothing you could do. Police will do nothing if there is no custody arrangement.
Second, unless your child is at serious risk, he legally has zero say in who you are involved with.
If there is custody arranged, he could be charged with child abuse and neglect if he ever tried to keep her from you.
Educate yourself and speak with a lawyer. The last thing you want to do is put your child into a situation that could potentially turn very toxic if he decides to retaliate.

Went through this myself. But, my son was 14 and my other two kids were adults. He left and moved across country and still thought he could tell me who could be around my kids. If you’re dating and have a sitter he wouldn’t be around her and after your dates if she’s sleeping he still isn’t really around her. But, so many couples now a days don’t take anything slow and jump in bed on first dates. Take it slow.

Sounds like a DV situation that is continuing after separation - controlling behaviour is DV

You don’t have to have her around when you date. Having too many strange men around your kid can confuse her and cause trauma. Get a sitter or leave her with family when you go on dates.

Tell him you don’t want any women around her that he’s dating either. See how that goes! What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I wouldn’t expose her to any men unless you really know them tho. Cuz some are pedifiles just looking for women with young girls. You can’t be to careful about that.

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Absolutely do not bring random men around your daughter, too many pedophiles target single moms gain their trust and fuck uo your kids… i agree with dad to an extent! If you know nothing about this new guy you would be stupid to trust him with your baby, live your life move on from your child’s father but respect he has a very valid point and you also would not want random strange women influencing your baby either so… its called co parenting, you have a date baby goes to the other parent that night, it really that simple. Until children are old enough to articulate clearly and understand good touch bad touch, as parents we really shouldn’t trust any mfers

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Take your fucking power back. Your life, not something he gets to dictate. Yep, it’s hard, but he sure as hell gets no say, unless you put your child in harms way.

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Why do women have to hurry up and run to get another “man?” Take care of yourself and your child first. He’s right about not wanting every Tom Dick And Harry around your daughter but he can’t tell you not to date. I think he means don’t bring every single dude you want to hook up with around your daughter. Gross shit happens to young girls and boys. Women are so quick to find someone to take care of them that they ignore the abuse that’s happening to the children…I get his sentiments but not in the threatening manner. Just be smart about it. Oh and fuck him, he’s your ex for a reason.

Go to court with that threat see how far it gets them just make sure you got them on tape or text or something to prove it

Why let him have that control? You can’t move on because you still let him dictate your life. Let him take you to court because his jealous. See what the judge thinks of his threat of ‘see what happens…’

Get a custody order in place and every time he tries to bully you just send him a picture of it. He’s wasting air with his meaningless declarations of what you can and cannot do. He’s not in charge!

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You do what you want. Don’t let him trap you like that.

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You can date without having the man around her. I agree with him but not his delivery. Ppl are sick and disgusting and so many children end up getting harmed and molested by bringing boyfriends and flings around. I get what he’s saying but he just went about it wrong. Be very careful exposing your daughter to men you’re talking to


Lmfao he can’t tell you that unless there is a court order and the man is unsafe. Just do you and wait a while before ever bringing a man around your kid. You want to make sure they’re gonna be around a while anyway don’t want a bunch of people in and out of your kid’s life. ALSO don’t delete ANY messages to and from him. Hell, screenshot and back them up to your email if you have to. Then you have proof of his “see what happens” and anything else he says. Will make it easier should y’all have to go to court

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I personally wouldn’t want anyone around my children as well. Perhaps after a long amount of time being in a relationship. There’s too many whacked out people these days. Makes it hard to trust anyone. Now, after some time has passed and it’s a solid relationship that’s another thing.


You don’t discuss your liaison’s with your ex.

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He has no opinion on the matter. And while you shouldn’t bring anyone around until you are serious and they are on board with your kids your ex cannot dictate who is around her unless it’s a safety concern and any police officer will tell him that.

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Trying to control you from afar He doesn’t own you :person_tipping_hand: