My ex stole some personal things from me and I don't know what to do: Advice?

Hey, moms, so I need advice. It’s not baby related, but it has to do with my daughter’s father stealing from me. So we broke up three months ago, and he only moved out a month ago. So yesterday I was just sorting through things and just cleaning out the closet a bit when I notice my one box is gone. Now in this box, I kept personal things like condoms, vibrators, lube, and all those kinds of things. So I asked him today, and he admits he took it. He says he paid for it, so he’s taking it. He only bought 2 of the things in that box and they were gifts to me, so they are mine. But now he says why can’t I just go buy new stuff. I don’t really know what to do about this situation.


Let him have it. What’s he going to do with it lol.

Buy new stuff, who knows what hes done to it or used it on.

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Omg. Seriously. Let it go


I would just let it go… I mean mean eww if using on someone else but I would sweat the small shit

Why would you want that back? And there more important things in life :woman_facepalming:t2:


File a police report over your dildos?! :sob::rofl: Let it go.


My ex of 18 years did that to, I really didn’t want it back. He did it thinking no fun times for you lol. So move on buy new stuff.

Buy new stuff, don’t make it complicated. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Buy new stuff!! It’s toys not irreplaceable stuff. Petty crap!!

Let him use it with whoever and he’ll be thinking of you the whole time. So then you go get some new clean toys.


I think you’re going to be okay without them. They still sell them everywhere.


After he took it I wouldn’t want them back who knows what he did with them🤢

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I would buy new stuff. Lord knows where or who hes used it on. new stuff for the new person you are


You’re mad because he kept your vibrator, lube and condoms? That’s some first world problems Lolol

Buy some new things


Just go buy new stuff. That’s weird and all but it’s not worth an argument

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Buy new :person_facepalming:
What else ya gonna do call the cops over stolen lube and vibrators!?!:joy::skull::joy::skull:


Worse thing he does is use your lube and vibrators to stimulate his ass :woman_shrugging:t3::joy: so it’s fine. Forget about ittt! :joy:

I am curious what his argument was in regards to reasons of why he keeps it in the first place … because that is just ratchet :thinking:

Id just get new better ones. Forget the ones you had

Girlllll f tht…I thought he took your TV couch …your dog …I mean I’d still be pissed but you’ll be ok ! Wouldn’t wanna be the other dumb b heez usin it on …jus sayin !


Cut your loses and go get some new stuff! Not sure why you would want it back anyways, no telling what he’s done with them. :roll_eyes:


Really…please tell me this is a joke…if not i really want to see a police report on this and the cops face when he or she reads it…


Let HIM go! Of you’re worried about him having such things then you’re worried about what he’s doing. Move on.

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Let him keep them. Buy new stuff for fresh new memories.

I mean… do you REALLY want that stuff back?? Lol


At least is was that stuff and not money, furniture, appliances. I would leave it alone and buy new things. It would be a waste to be upset about it when you can easily buy that stuff anywhere for not that much.

This has to be a joke. :speak_no_evil::joy:


Who says shorty has the funds to buy new toys
They were hers and he shouldn’t have took em
But fuck him use ya hand til you can get ya stash back up
He’s a creep for takin em tho

this has to be made up to get a laugh lol

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This is just Petty you’re worried about vibrators and condoms and lubes if he wants to be nasty and use it on somebody else then let him

buy new stuff. hes trying to punish you sexually and gain power that way.

If your petty like me, wait a few days and thank him. tell him all about how you never would have found your awesome new best toy ever if had of left all those crappy ones.


Ewwwwe LoL move on. You don’t need those. Get new stuff.

Fuking balloon comes to mine

Buy new. It’s not worth the head ache and plus I wouldn’t trust that they haven’t been used elsewhere at this point…
Online stores are WAY cheaper. for Canada
Adameve . com for the states.
Beyond that I’m sure there are lots of others.
New toys are better then catching something…just saying :person_shrugging:


Pick your battles
New stuff = new memories

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I don’t know, some of that stuff can be really expensive. And if she has a designated box, you know it’s more than just a vibrator or 2.

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My ex did the same thing. I just moved on and let it go


I would get new stuff. No telling what he is doing with them.


Must. Be a very young woman or a joke.


Let him keep it. Seems to me, he needs it more than you, and it shows how petty he really is!!

Is this real or are these people just messing with everyone? :weary::weary:


Buy new stuff. Make new memories without him.

Call me, I’ll be your boy toy


Yo Elsa… let it go


Really you up-set about an Ole dusty box of dildos?


Just let it go. You don’t want it back now anyway.

Leave it alone. Let him have it


Well the snakes in his boot now.

Ewwwww let him keep that who knows who he has used it on since he took it girl go out and buy you some new kinky stuff at least you know it be clean and fresh!!!


I wouldn’t want those condoms back anyways. He could tried to poke holes in them :sweat_smile:


Just move on and buy new stuff. You already gave him the satisfaction of noticing that they were missing, so just MoveOn.

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Get over it. Move on there things. They can be replaced

Stop picking fights

Time to choose your battle what’s worth fighting for or over hunny.

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My ex stole my lingerie and Halloween costumes. Plus my toys. They don’t want you to use them with anyone else. I found out that even if he bought the items, he bought them for your use and that makes them yours. You can take him to small claims court.

Go buy new ones. He’s being petty and he wanted a reaction out of you.

Go buy yourself some new toys

Let the weirdo have it…

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I’d probably file a theft report with the cops just to prove a point


My ex did the same thing if he wants then to shove up his own ass thats fine💁

He is weirdo.Let him have them.He may use them on someone else and give it back.You NEVER know …

Buy new stuff! You wouldn’t want them. I’m sure he used them on someone or something :joy: :joy:


Let him have them. Buy new ones for you that have zero connection to him. I use to sell then

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Id them him fine keep them good luck finding another girl thats gonna let u use a used vibrator on her. Those r really only ment to be used on one person

Uhhh nothing lol some people are petty n u can do nothing about it lol

Talk about being petty! Why would he even want the vibrators​:thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

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Tell him to stick it all you know where…

Crazy that this is even an issue! Having peace and not having to deal with that person is better than worrying about this topic :woman_facepalming:


It’s a control thing. He doesn’t want you using the items without him being involved.
Show him he can’t control you and go get new stuff.


Dude he’s being petty, buy new shit and move on…

He took them so u wont use them thinking ull eventually get sexually frustrated and call him to get them bck he will refuse to return them but then will say he can “help” . :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I’d let it go. Lol hell I wouldnt want it back ! I’d get new ones

Ummm… Let him have it and just buy others? Seems beyond petty. If he wants it so bad then let him have it. It obvious he is just doing it to get a reaction and you’re giving him what he wants.

Let him have them they could be used on someone else by now


What? Lmaoooo.
Just let it go.

Y would u even want it back ??

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Just buy another new one.funny!

God only knows what he’s doing with them. Just let him have them.


Seriously my ex did this…just so I couldn’t have them. Who cares??? I didn’t acknowledge it. He did. Asked if i was missing something…i played like i didn’t even notice. You shouldn’t have even told him you noticed they were missing. You gave him what he wanted just by doing that. You’re rid of him and can have peace…take it and buy new toys…


Control issue!

What’s he really gonna be able to do with all that unless he’s kinky like that :rofl:

Is he secretly gay? Lmao!! What guy would want vibrators if he’s straight?? :rofl::rofl:

if it’s just “personal time” items then let it go and buy new… if you keep bringing it up yo him then he’ll feel like he’s won

F**k it. Out with the old in with the new

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Imagine being the new girlfriend and he pulls this box out
Oh lordy me


Why worry :woman_shrugging::joy:
Start fresh.

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Honestly? Hahah Who cares ?


Pick your fights. LET IT GO.

My ex did the same damn thing with my special box lol…men are just that jealous as i come to realize and it makes guys feel a bit insecure when they have a girl and he realizes/finds out she has one and worse if he knows she uses it!

Really?! You need advice on this? Good Lord, you must be desperate.


My ex tried the same shit. He claimed he bought a bunch of crap that either I paid for or we paid for together. We were together for 2+years and the way that I see it since we both worked (he was unemployed for 6 months but whatever), we shared money, we bought everything together, that its stuff we need to split. We ended up agreeing that gifts would not be taken back unless the other person didnt want it.
Your ex just sounds like a child to me

Sounds like he’s a dumb cunt. I don’t use anything like that, but I know shit’s expensive. He owes you moolah.

Omg get a carrot :carrot: :rofl: and move on or even a cucumber :cucumber: hahahahaha ewwww!

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Amazon. You don’t want that stuff back anyways. Count your losses and upgrade. New goodies come out every year.

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Let him keep it creepy you may get an STD if he gives them back


My hubby did something similar around when we first met we broke up and I went to my family’s and he threw away all my toys cut up my lingerie and all …sounds like your just gonna have to let it go or if it was a lot bc I know that shit can add up tell him if he don’t give them back you’ll sue him lol I know my stuff equaled about 300$ so obviously you probably wont bc that would be embarrassing af :joy: so just threaten him with it

Lmao is this a joke?


Sameee. My ex even took some of my undies, and lingerie. Let him have it. :person_tipping_hand:


Lmfao let him keep it must want to keep it to smell ya later jk

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Just go buy new stuff :woman_shrugging:t4:


Go to the police station and report your dildo stolen but please video record it for all of us to see them laugh at you :joy::joy: omg like they sing in Frozen, :notes: LET IT GO :notes:


I wish my biggest problems in life were this petty

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