My ex wants to be in the room with me when I give birth but I am hurt: Advice?

No way I’d let him in there while giving birth. After you recover and get home let him see his kid.


Girl youre the one pushing that baby out. Regardless of the situation its your choice. You dont need no one there who will stress you out. It’s called a support person for a reason. If he wants to throw a fit about it let him. He shouldn’t have disrespectful the mother of his child that way. Let alone its your birth experience not his. You have full right to decide who is there


I also want to add that I don’t know what kind of woman would stand by a man that left you in a situation like that. I would be careful letting my kids go around somebody like that without meeting her first.:100:


Hospitals around here are only allowing one support person due to COVID, and I’ll be damned if my one support person would be someone causing more stress in my life.

Tell him no, have someone in the hospital to SUPPORT you. He can see the baby after you are home.

If you have someone else that can be there for you, don’t let him be the one just because he’s the father. It’s understandable that he wants to be there, but with all of that it sounds like he wouldn’t be there to support you. Just to see his baby born. And the people that are there should be there to support you, especially since most hospitals are only allowing 1 support person. Let it be someone that you know will not cause you any stress and just fully support you during that already stressful time. He doesn’t have to be there and he can’t force himself in there.


People who are in the delivery room are people who support and relax you while you risk your life to bring life in to this world. Sounds like your ex doesn’t fit that role and he honestly has no right to be there if you don’t want him there.


Dad’s deserves to be there most of the time BUT this is not one of those. You don’t need anyone to stress you out during labor as that could cause a lot of issues for you and baby.


This may be an unpopular opinion but during labor you need to be comfortable and you will not be that way if he is there. Your well being is important and maybe I’m just a bitter woman but he made a choice and he chose to cheat… you have the right to have who YOU want in the room with you to be there for support. He can come in after you give birth… you need to be ok… hugs mama


If you don’t want him there then you don’t have to have him there. Being in labor is something you need support with and it’s obvious he might just leave right in the middle


So when you go to the hospital don’t say anything. Have your baby in peace and he can be around for all the sleepless nights. Let’s see just how present he really wants to be once the baby is here. Good luck!


That is your moment. You need someone to support you and most places right now you only get 1 person. Hes not the one.


I wouldn’t let him be there, and as long as you advise the medical staff they won’t allow him in there either

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YOU ARE HURT! NOT THE CHILD. He has a right to be there when his child enters this world despite how hurt YOU are. It is his child too and despite the relationship you two have, this is not about you two. It is about the baby you created together coming into this world. He deserves to see his child enter this world despite how hurt YOU are.


No, extra stress is bad for you and baby.


There’s a reason why nurses and doctors let you choose who does and doesn’t get to be in the room with you. It’s your body and it’s happening to you. That moment is about you being stress free and bringing your baby into the world. Do not let him in if you don’t want him in there and don’t back down because you will regret it later. My father’s son and I were still together when I was giving birth, I begged him to be in the room with me during the c section because he didn’t want to. He wasent supportive what so ever and if I could change one thing it would be not letting him be in there with me.


He can come in AFTER the delivery. That moment is about you and the moment after delivery is about the baby. If you are stressed it makes delivery 10 times harder. Some people can’t even push right if under stress. Some people can’t breathe under the extra stress. So MANY things can go wrong during delivery in general the added stress is just not worth it to you or the baby. Delivery is a moment for you, the moment after is for the baby!


Him up and abandoning his kids on numerous occasions… should be enough reason to not have him there. He doesn’t deserve the honor.


Whatever u choose to do…GIVE THE BABY UR LAST NAME :pray:t3:


Tell that man to kiss my ass girl move on there is better out there

You don’t HAVE to have anyone in there with you that you don’t want. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise or guilt you into thinking that you have to let them in. Anyone in the delivery room is supposed to help you stay calm and to support your emotions. Being as stress free as possibly during labor and delivery is paramount for mom and baby.


Honeslty I would tell him he can come, but if he says anything unnecessary, he’s out, one chance, and let your midwife, hospital know, if he gets negative, he is to be removed, and can wait outside the door or waiting room, or you could ask him to watch the kids when you go into labour, and being them in to meet their sibling once its cleaned up.

No, don’t let him. I was in a toxic relationship for about 7 years. He was there the first two times but the third he wasnt because he was gone 4 hours away to do some “side job” Anyways, I had a much better and positive experience without him. I hope you guys can find jobs and housing soon. :heart:


Why do you allow him to use you?


Well unfortunately that is his child too that’s not really fair to not let him be there for the birth of his child because you are letting your feelings get in the way. Second I am confused if he has been cheating with her since last year how is it that it has only been 3 weeks since he has met her in person?


I say no to the girlfriend, you want to keep your children in a stable situation not meeting a bunch of other non serious significant others and as far as the delivery room, it’s your moment with your child, I say no way.


I do understand that you are hurt I would be too if I was in that situation but keeping away your child’s father away is wrong if you are doing it just because you personally are hurt by him. If he is a good father then your kids do deserve to have their father around including him being able to be at the birth of his child.

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I wouldn’t have him there. You don’t need extra stress on top of giving birth


Tell him that you don’t want him in there


Nope. Do not let him.


The birth. That’s all about you and the baby. He came come afterwards


No, I definitely wouldn’t allow him in the room


Legally he can take u to court and be in the delivery room. Just saying.


Nope. If your mind is not in good state with him I wouldnt recommend having him in the room while you give birth. You need to be in sync with your body at this time. So he can wait till after the birth…


Mmmm that’s a big huge NEGATORY. If he cared enough about you and that unborn baby he would have waited til after delivery to go out swingin his penis all over town. Besides the fact he can’t be faithful while you’re carrying his child, which is enough reason alone to not let him in the room, again as already mentioned he couldn’t wait to move on from you til the baby came? Just no. All the way around, no. He will end up being a dick during your labor and delivery or you will have hard, hurt feelings. Take a support person that doesn’t have all that negative energy and emotional drainage attached to them like a family member or best friend. If I could do it over I would not have allowed my ex boyfriend to be in the room during the birthing process. He was such a dick. Just thinking about it makes me physically ill. Once you have that baby, let him come meet the child but it’s TIME TO MOVE ON AND START THE HEALING PROCESS. You need to take his ass to court for a parenting plan, get child support coming in and focus on rebuilding yourself and a life for you and your babies without him. It will take time and won’t be easy but in the end it will be worth it. You will feel so free and happy once you let that man child go. Throw the whole thing out girl. Show your kids better. And demand better for yourself because you deserve it and are worth it!

I wouldn’t allow it, its an intimate moment, he can wait outside to meet your guys’ baby. Bring a family member or bestie. Sounds like he’ll just add more stress.


You have to be comfortable during delivery ,yes he is the dad but he has no right to be in the room if you don’t want him to be… if he wasn’t playing you so much he could have, but he is using PTSD AS a freaking excuse to keep using you, do not go back with him, stop it okay, he does not love you.
And you have every right to protect your children from people you don’t know including his new girlfriend.


Ok the birthing room and company there are meant to be soothing places for the mother giving birth. So it’s ok to tell him that the birth will be easier and safer without him there because your feelings are hurt by him right now.


From personal experience, father of my 4 was cheating on me when I came home in labor, I told him to be gone by the time I got home and that he was not welcome at the hospital, he showed up anyways I let him in until he made some rude comment and I kicked him out. If you are not comfortable with him being there tell the dr or nurse and they will make him wait in the waiting room.


When he left you he left his baby/kids. It ur birth, if you don’t want him there don’t. You need to he as comfortable as you can during birth and having him sounds like it will just stress you out which not good for you or bubs. Wishing you all the best.


You don’t have to let him in but he could wait in the waiting room


Giving birth is a stressful situation in itself if you dont want him in there dont let him. So hell no to the kids being around his new gf fuck that shit. I dont bring men around my children for a long time and i make damn sure their fathers dont bring women around them either.

I would not let him in there no way :no_good_woman:


If you don’t want him in the room while YOU delivery he doesn’t have to be there. Giving birth is a very personal experience and you should only have positive people there.

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Nope, it will get stressful and he’ll leave anyways.

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That would be a no for me. He doesn’t deserve to be in there if he will only cause you stress.


YOU as the mother you have the choice to let him in the room. If you say no they will not allow him in. Idk how covid restrictions are there, but with my youngest I was only allowed 1 support person. And wasn’t allowed visitors. No do not let him in there, birthing is supposed to be stress and drama free to make it easier on mom. You bring him in all there will be is drama and stress. It is your choice in the end, not his.

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If it stresses you out, I don’t think its good for your health and the whole birthing process.

Don’t let him in and get a restraining order NOW so he can’t hope to come near you.

I wouldnt he could stress you and baby out

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No way… you need someone there that is there for u through labour… im in similar situation nd my sis in law is comin in with me because she will support me through the labour… its stressful.enough nd regardless ppl saying he has a right to have there he doesn’t… this is ur time having ur gorgeous precious baby and he sounds no good for support just selfish :pensive: best of luck x

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This is a beautiful and sacred moment. You need someone who respects you and someone to truly support YOU!
No matter what he says too you, don’t let him make you feel guilty. This decision is due to choices HE made and these are the consequences of HIS ACTIONS! It’s ok to feel hurt, you have every right to feel what you do. You need to start taking care of you and that needs to start now! Good luck to you and May God Bless you and your babies!:two_hearts:


Why you have 4 kids with that idiot? You aren’t very Brite either.


Omg im so pleased loads of people arnt saying about his rights.
Look you need to do what is best for your baby. Which means during birth what is best for you, stress is dangerous for you and the baby during labour. Esp with covid you might be choosing him over somebody else who will be supportive (I’m sorry but he doesn’t sound like he will be).
Adding into that you might be risking exposing you and baby to covid if hes too selfish to be careful.
If your concerned I would personally speak with your midwife. They might put it on the notes and maybe use covid as an excuse to not allow him in. This happens more then anybody would think with people thinking they have a right to a floor show when somebody is in labour.
Do what is best for you and the baby. You need to have a nice calm delivery room. Not that stress. I hope you have a great labour and it all goes well. Take care of yourself and your babies <3


Do whatever you think is good for you !!! You’re already pregnant and stressed you don’t need more hessel in your life ! Do whatever brings peace to your heart :heart: have a happy moment delivering your child !

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He’s the dad he has rights to be in there


That baby comes first. You do what’s best for you and that baby. If having him there is going to stress you out that’s obviously not what’s best for you and that baby. He doesn’t deserve to be there and chose that when he went behind your back. Don’t let him bully you into it.


Even tho he is the dad, you need to be calm while in labour so do you. He can wait outside if need be.


Was he in the room when the other kids were born? If he was don’t let your hurt keep this child from hearing stories from dad like the other kids get to hear


I’d probably let him join. Esp if there’s a sliver of hope of future coparenting.

Do what is best for you, honestly you do not need any added stress on that day…


Don’t let your personal feelings interfere with him being there for his child. If you can’t put your feelings aside now how are you guna deal with co parenting.

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Giving birth is a very stressful and difficult time for a woman. You need someone there who you trust and will support you. This man is proving the opposite so father or not don’t allowed it of it’s not what you want. Fathers do NOT have an automatic right to be in the birthing room. Nobody except the woman in labour and the midwife or doctor do. You do what’s best for you x


Fuck him. #womanpower :boom:

Side note… he doesn’t need to be there in the delivery room…that is YOUR choice! YOU’RE the one giving birth. He’s supposed to be there to support you & if he hasn’t been doing that all along then why let him now? I wouldn’t let him in my delivery room…that’s for damn sure. He could see the baby & the kids later, but I wouldn’t need him there holding my hand. :-1:t3::no_good_woman:t2:

I know some hospitals only allow 1 support person right now. I would honestly rather have my mom over him there if I were you. Just tell him due to covid restrictions he isn’t allowed. He can see the baby when you bring the baby home and your ready. Just because he is the dad doesn’t mean he automatically has the right to be in there. Especially with all the crap he has put you through.


Nope. He’s an awful role model for the kids.
You described a little boy that can’t handle life and runs away from his problems to his parents. He’s stupid to risk his children around a womsn he barely knows.
And that includes your lo on the way. Normally I’d say well he is the father- but nope. He is doing this from a selfish I’ll have it my way kind of way and frankly, some people need to stop enabling his bs. I don’t mean that you are- ahemhis parents- he can learn to hear no.
He can also learn to man up to become what his kids need. It ain’t about him he needs just quit it. Im really annoyed by this man FOR you.
Aside from that- your body, your choice you 2 ain’t together now he can wait in lobby until lo born keep your support person in the room. Pretty sure only 1 can be anyway. This is a huge thing you don’t need to be stressing tf bc he’s in there causing drama. He sounds like that’s all he’d do. You got a baby to deliver.


It’s down to you who you have in the delivery room do what’s best for you and baby don’t feel guilty on your descion yes he maybe the father it your body your delivery your the one who will go through the emotionalrollercoster so you need to make sure your as stress free as possible

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It’s how you feel. To me, sounds like this narcissistic prick is playing with your emotions … especially in this most vulnerable time. Sounds like he can’t figure his own shit out. Let him co parent the kids but for your own sanity, you need to break ties with him personally. He is a wrecking ball to your psyche.

I’m surprised at how many people are saying to put him before yourself, during delivery :woman_facepalming::confounded: that’s a stressful time for yourself, and the baby. Do what you feel is best for you and the baby. If you don’t want him in there, don’t let him be in there simple as that :woman_shrugging: he may be the father, but that doesn’t give him an automatic pass at being allowed to be in the room with you. Given the fact that he’s cheated, left you and your other kids high and dry numerous times, you have to think about you and them first, not him.


If that happened to me I wouldn’t even let him know I was in labor. I would just text him when it was all said and done to let him know the baby was here.


Safety of the baby should be priority of both of you, if that means you have a friend or family member over him that’s 100% fine.

He needs to grow up and acknowledge the stress and hurt he has caused you especially during your pregnancy.


When you’re giving birth you shouldn’t have to worry about anything besides the baby and yourself. If him being there is going to cause you stress then don’t let him in the room. Ultimately the hospital will do whatever you want them to do lay down the law.


Even if he doesnt love you anymore hes still the father and if he still want to be involved as the father then he should be there for the birth of his child. BUT… if it’s a situation that will cause toxic energy, chaos, or unnecessary stress during your labor you have to do what’s best for you and baby. He should be there but if it will end in a shitshow he can wait in the waiting room.

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Absolutely not! That is a very stressful thing… birthing a baby is not easy and you should have someone with you that you can count on… usually I would say dad deserves to be there… but not in this case!


DONT DO IT. just don’t, from personal experience. Mine brought said girlfriend to the hospital to meet my son but claimed her as a friend. I didn’t even know he brought her. He showed her my son through the nursery window, while I was passed out from giving birth


Nope. I wouldn’t want him in there either.

I would say no. He can be in the waiting room.

I would not let him in the delivery room. :tired_face:


Let him wait outside

Tell him Katie said no.


I dont feel like it is right for you to make him miss that special moment because your feelings are hurt. That is his baby too and he deserves to be there if he wants.


It’s all about YOUR comfort. I wouldn’t be seeing anyone else laboring and contracting with you. You need to do what you think will let you be the most relaxed mama so that you can deliver the baby into a happy environment


From the bottom of my heart I pray you have a supportive family! Don’t ruin your life with someone like that! :disappointed: Life is sooo short. Focus on yourself and your babies!


That moment is about you and that baby. It’s a stressful situation as his so I’d tell him no personally …

Being the wife of a man whom struggled with this same shit… allow him to be there. You will regret it down the road. Trust me. He means well, it may not seem like it but he means well. That is a good thing if he wants to see his child born. PTSD is not easy to deal with. But him saying he wants to be there. Is a good thing.

Have someone in the labor room that actually supports you and makes you feel good!! He will just cause more stress. Find that one person that helps you no matter what and they should be the one with you… not him!


Call me paranoid, but if it’s me, I wont let him in. I dont know where you live but He might take the baby away considering he wants all your kids to live with him.
Hope you find peace in your heart.:purple_heart:


This Blows my effing mind!!! Women actually put up with this ?? :flushed: girl u gotta stop :raised_hand: and get yourself and those kids in a safe stable environment without him. As far as letting him be in the delivery room I say why not? It’s his kid to don’t take that precious moment away from a father that u loved and gave that many chances too… its your fault you kept going back and tolerated such behavior from a grown ass man. He has another women yet again!! so what?!! doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be in the room 2 welcome his baby into the world 🤷 sounds like a mean jealous move right there. Get your head outa your butt and move on from him for good and put you and those babies first! Just my opinion.

This is about you and your comfort. He can wait outside until you are ready for him to come in and see the baby. Simple.


Nope if he can’t be there for the hard times he doesn’t get to be there for the good times


Choosing to not have him in the delivery room doesn’t mean he can’t meet the baby etc. you shouldn’t have to be stressed out in labor and delivery. You shouldn’t have to compromise who is there while you birth. That’s a MAJOR MOMENT, for your freaking body, and even a hospital and obgyn/midwife is going to tell you to pick a support partner that you need and want in the room. It doesn’t have to be the father.

I would tell him to go jump off a damn cliff.

And for the people that are like oh he has a right to be there… oh ok so if have a one night stand with a stranger… do they have a right to be there to? It’s literally your most exposed and vulnerable moment in life why in the HELL would you want somebody father or not to be there unless they are who you really WANT there.


Normally I am a big advocate of allowing fathers to be fathers. This includes being in the room during birth. However, if it would make your birth experience stressful then no. He can come see the baby after you guys make it home.

Move. The. Fuck. On.

He has mistreated you, and by accepting this you are teaching your children that this is normal and fine.

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He doesn’t need to be in the room. The band they put on is mother support person. It doesn’t say Father! You need someone in there that’s going to ease your stress and make you comfortable. They will tell him thr same thing. You stand your ground and say no to him.


Do not feel pressured to let ANYONE in the delivery room that u don’t want there! You need to create a calm and happy and supportive environment and he will clearly not provide that. Tell him no. Its all about you and the baby that day. Maybe if you feel comfortable with it and its allowed at your hospital you could video it…but fck his feelings. Don’t feel guilt tripped by him…

He can wait in the waiting room.


Nope. He has no right to be in there and will cause you grief during an already difficult time.


Put his ass on child support and let the court decide when he has the kids with his PTSD! As far as the new baby, you enjoy your moment with delivery. Screw his in and out BS! You don’t know this woman either! She could be all kinds of a hot mess! Never trust a stranger man or woman around your children! You are their protector until they are of age to make that choice! My advice STOP screwing him!! No more babies with that guy!