Nope. He can go meet her first.
Don’t let him go no no!!!
Your ex sounds like a child and also sounds like he is using the child. Yeah I wouldnt allowed him to take your child anywhere to meet someone that he has never meet. Thats how kids and people get kidnapped
No I actually find it really strange he wants to bring him along to meet some random woman in the first place would he be impressed with you bringing him along to meet a stranger that’s a man?
Helllllllllll no! She could be a psychopath, you never know.
Naw, my child would NOT be going!
Normally I think a lot of women who post stuff similar to this are just bitter…but NOT in this case.
I’d be less concerned about the attatchement factor (for now) and more concerned at such a long distance to meet a stranger.
If I remember correctly; you can legally stop it (or try to). Since he will he taking your child out of state and from the sound of it several states away a judge may be able to intervene. Call a lawyer and consult with them. It’s a huge safety hazard and a good lawyer will be able to help.
How old is your child? I’m pretty sure it wo t mess him up. Now if he built a significant relationship with this woman and then was pulled from her that may leave him with questions, but it wont mess him up. Now when I was 12 my dad asked my mom if he could take me with him to meet a woman from his sister church (his church in CA, sister church in AK) to visit for 10 days. She was scared but she knew u was old enough to scream for the police if necessary. But the Canadian border security (we drove from Cali to Alaska) did stop us and check our vehicle. To this day I dont think it was random, I think the police saw a father taking his daughter across the border and made sure everything was on the up and up. My mom did have to write a letter with her name, address and phone number on it to show to border security. Anyway, this was 1988, different times these days.
I absolutely would not let him take your son! Who knows what could go wrong. Stand your ground. And don’t let him ruin your family trip that is not the same. Idk if there is a custody order, but if not you need to get one so things like this cannot happen. And he will not have control over you.
“To meet a woman he has never met before”. Hell f*cking no. He, himself hasn’t met this woman. Why the fudge would he want to bring the child with him?
Get an attorney he can’t take your child across state lines especially out of the country without your approval
That would be a no from me.
For me that would be a no no!!! You have no idea who she is and neither does dad until he meets her. Nope defo not, you meet someone and get to know them before kids are introduced into any relationship xx
They say not to bring other people around unless they’ve been committed for a while. It’s best for the child since they can create a relationship that may not be there for long
I would say no but you also have to look at your parenting plan/divorce degree to see what it says if hes has x amout of vaction time with him then you really have no say in it. Mine just states he has to tell me a month before the trip and he has to let me know where they are staying at at all times
Is he crazy!!! No
No way! He should not take him!
Don’t let him take him. How do you know he will even bring him back.
It’d be a no for me!!! I wouldn’t, simply for fear that he wouldn’t come back!!!
No way! What if she’s some kind of crazy lady and tries to do something to them?! Idk I over think about situations, but I’d rather over think then under think and something bad happens
If you are the custodial parent to have the right to say no. His father wants to travel to meet a woman so he’s interested in. He should go alone. Hugging a child along for a possible hookup is ridiculous.
Nope sex trafficking
I would ask how old is your son? If younger then a teen, Id say prolly not the smartest to bring your kid on a first meetup.
Hell no. U go meet her on your own buddy! There could be unwanted drama or who the heck knows that your child could unintentionally be subjected to.
I’m sorry but did you just say HE hasn’t even met this woman and he wants to take your child with him??? HELL NO!!! Do not allow that!!! That man needs to meet her himself and get to know her and then later when it’s been long enough, your child can meet her. And i suggest you meet her too. You cannot trust just anyone with your child, and he’s a very irresponsible parent if he thinks this is okay.
That’s a no from me !!
If he leaves your state, as I’m assuming your American, ring the police and tell them your ex has taken your kid out of state without your permission
Big nope not happening. He doesn’t know anything about the person. What happens if that person turns out to be dangerous or a sex offender. Also sounds like he’s trying to run away with the child.
I only have to read the first sentence and that’s a BIG NO!
Fuck that!
I straight up told my child’s dad if we ever decide we gotta part ways we don’t bring our relationships with other people into our sons life until it’s actually necessary. My son doesn’t know anybody I haven’t met and that’s not gonna change especially IF HE HASNT EVEN MET HER YET WHAT???
If its during his time with his son, then I don’t see how you can stop him? Only if hes not returned on time, then you can get people involved.
I understand why he is your ex. What a dingbat?
Hell to the no. Blessing for you he’s currently your ex. Sounds like a complete dumb ass.
If he hasn’t met her yet I would say no he can’t go the guy should think of his kid
my 1st thought is why can’t she come to your area of the country. Even if there is a good reason for this request it is best a child meet new people in what I refer to as their “Safety Zone” where they have a level of comfort and feel safe enough to speak up and defend themselves.
No way would I let my child go, it’s too soon any way to introduce him to someone that may not even become close to the family. Your ex should understand that. Why does he even want to take the child, why not check this person out first alone. Doesn’t make sense to me.
If you co-parent, then you should discuss this and he should take into account how you feel. Why is he talking his son to meet a woman anyway? What does his son have to do with it? This doesn’t make any sense. He seems to have a hidden agenda. I would investigate more to find out. I would want all the information of where, when, who etc. Please be careful. I would hate for him to take your son away and you not have contact with him anymore. Blessings
Let him meet her and develop an actual personal relationship. Kids should never meet someone unless marriage is in the works. That way there is no revolving door of relationships.
I’m sorry but 1. He hasnt even met this chick and he wants to take your guys son to meet her?!?! Wtf happens if shes a pedo?! Or shes a kidnapper?!?!
2.if theres a parental plan and it’s his turn technically you cant do anything i dont think unless you take it up with a judge.
3. If theres no parental plan then I’d tell him to 1. Kiss my a** and over my dead body are you taking him to meet someone you’ve never even met!
I wouldn’t let my child go. You never know who you are truly meeting. I wouldn’t put my son in an unsure and dangerous predicament.
No, and without your permission he won’t be allowed. So unsafe on so many levels. Let him take you to court for it, they’ll think he’s crazy for even asking for such a thing.
No way in hell. My first concern wouldn’t even be the woman but that he may have plans of not returning. With my child.
He can’t take the child out of state without your permission can he? So just say NO. This is not even a good thing for your child to go through. No matter what the childs age is. Good luck mama.
HELL NO!! If that was my son I WOULD NOT let him go. You have no idea who this woman is and neither does he. It’s better to be safe than sorry. God forbid something happens…How would you get to your son? Think about it BUT my answer is NO.
If it is “His way or the Highway” tell him NO and hit that Highway alone dude… stand your ground with your son. His life depends on you.
90 day fiancé is coming to mind real fast go across the country get married get green card and free ride in America say no real fast not a safe environment for the child
Nope i would not let anybody take my child out of state first of all he dont even know this person something sure dont sound right
Mediation for sure. Better safe then sorry. He can meet the person first!
You are in the right he should not take the child until he himself has met her and gets to know her yes I would talk to a lawyer in case he starts trouble
Nope. I would keep my child home. Let him go meet her alone
No. Once the father has actually spent a lot of time with this woman and really knows about her, then the discussion of her meeting the child can begin.
NO NO AND MORE F NO. HELL TO THE NO. F NO. NO F-ING WAY. Period. I don’t know how else to express my feelings. No. Please do not let your baby go. Please.
Let him take yoi to court. He wilk lose. I got rid ofnthe narcissist in my life. Still thinks hes all that and i should want him back. Not on a bet
I agree get a third party because he does not listen to you.
If it is his summer, his time, you have no say, especially for this summer.
Definitely don’t let your child go
What if she’s not who she says she is & they get into some dangerous trouble… Oh hell no mama. Stand your ground.
No your not. Straight up talk to an attorney.
Hell no you will not see your boy again plz dont hes safer with you
Hell nooooo…I wouldn’t let him do that at all!!!
Very simple answer: NO!!
No way wouldn’t let mine go
I would not let him,no way!!!
How do I put this. Let’s see. Uhh No!
Nope nope and did I mention nope?!
Like u eat soap, keep ur child safe.
No, it’s too dangerous
In this day and age he is being stupid. Have to ask, why is it so important that the child has to go to meet someone that neither of them know.
Call attorney. Seriously.
Usually I’m all about the other parent bringing their kids where they want on their time… but this is a hard no for so many reasons.
For the love of God, I wouldn’t go without another adult with me… sure ain’t bringing my kids.
If you have a mediator or pastor or your ex in-laws… someone to help have a basic conversation with him… because this is scary.
So cross-country meeting what he’s flying to this other state to meet this person and then flying back or is he driving and going to show this child parts of states that would be really interesting because if it’s a road trip this person probably might not even meet him to begin with but a road trip would be really cool do you trust this man to be with your child on outings any day other time why can’t you trust this man to be with your child that doesn’t make any sense to me
He could of lied and not told you what the trip was about😬. And asked to take him on an adventure to see the county. You would of been none the wise until after he came home. Just saying he gets some points for his honesty.
My goodness I didn’t say that I agreed with the father doing this! Don’t get your panties in a bunch! However I’m in New York State and I’m just going by what my very good lawyer told me AND what our standard custody order states. Of course if somebody has something else in their custody order, than that’s what that particular family must comply to. Personally I have full custody, my ex has visitation. If I want to go out of state with my girls at any time, I can , without permission from my ex as long as it doesn’t interfere with his visitation. I just need to inform him ahead of time. On the other hand, he has one full week visitation (vacation) per year (standard in NYS) that he can take my girls anywhere in the country. He just has to give me at least 30 days (standard) notice. This is all standard in NYS. We didn’t change anything regarding vacations. Every state is different though I’m sure. I’m just going by what I know in my state. And if you don’t agree with something in your court order, of course you can take him back to court to see if you can get it changed.
If he lives with you then the trip has to be done on he time without extra days added to it, if he lives with dad nothing you can do, the state I’m in that’s how that works, if he gets a job out of state and the kid lives with him he can move as long as the courts no about it without letting you no and nothing you can do if happened to me I seen my kids 60 days a year and the courts said he can do that. Be aware or parenting policy and where you stand with everything good luck,
No. Your son may not go across the country. No. Your son may not meet this woman who his father has never met. You didn’t say how old your son is, but unless he is 18, NO. Just too many unknowns and it could be dangerous without your knowing. I think your former husband could be putting your son in an uncomfortable or dangerous situation. He doesn’t even know this woman and needs to get to know her himself. This is not the time to have his son with him. What does your divorce decree say about your son’s visitations with his Dad? The safety and happiness of your son is what is foremost in your mind. You have to do the right thing even if it messes up your own vacation. NO. Your son may not go. End of discussion.
My thoughts are why would he want to take his child to meet anyone for the first time, whether a potential girlfriend or not. He may know her from the internet but that is not knowing her personally. A parent’s job is to protect their child not to expose them to the unknown. So, my answer would have to be no, not even if it were across town.
Take a look at your divorce and custody papers. A lot of courts now include a clause about paramours, dating and who can be around the kids when the parents begin looking for a serious partner.
I would say that the courts would probably frown upon him taking them across the country to meet some stranger. This is not a vacation type situation.
Why would he want to introduce his child to someone he has never met? I mean he doesn’t know what kind of person she is? I don’t know your whole situation, but I would have a whole issue with this.
Could it be a set up for him to kidnap the child.
Other states do not recognize court orders of custody that are not issued in their state.
He could file an emergency custody in another state and get controll over turning your custody. Talk to a lawyer and do it fast.
NOPE…noone should be introducing anyone to your children if you dont know them yourselves…this shouldnt even be a question…just NO
He has no business dragging your child in fact this is for anyone… Never bring your child to meet your date especially across country! I believe that each parent has the right to raise their child their way as long as its done safely and done with common sense!
Def would have to say no, to many things could happen, how does he know it’s not a setup and what her true motives are, or what if he doesn’t plan on coming back, make sure it’s a secure thing then you can meet my child, once something happens can’t go back, not a risk I would be willing to take
It all depends on the custody agreement and all states have their own rules on what’s allowed and not. If it’s during his visitation time and the agreement doesn’t say he can’t take him out of state and you refuse then you can be held in contempt for violating a court order. And if your vacation is during his time then unfortunately you will have to find some common ground. In almost every state unless you can prove your child will be in danger you can’t legally keep your child from the other parent. Especially if there is a custody agreement
Time to get an emergency order from court. In today’s time with people catfish or setting people up to be robbed/killed it is extremely dangerous. Maybe she can go to him and then spend time and then introduce her to soon if he is determined for them to meet.
I would not allow it, who knows ‘ if this person is real… or dangerous. Your advice was spot on… you go first, lacking common sense’ your lucky to be rid of him.
No, no, no. He can pay to have the woman come to meet him if he is that desperate. Children should not be involved in new relationships early on. Does stuff to their head about losses
This is the most insane thing l have ever heard in my life. Please don’t let your son go. Let that father of his go risk his life by himself. You will never forgive yourself if something happens to your son. His father must have loose screws to think it’s ok to take his child to meet a complete stranger. Put your foot down and say NO. You may be saving your child’s life.
It is not the same at all. He wants to take his son away from everything familiar to him and meet someone he doesn’t know. You won’t be around to save him if needed. A narcissist won’t worry and fuss over a child, he will be all about himself. No time away by himself. Can dad deal with that?
I would be more concerned about them being taken out of the country.
This is how I did it in my case. The first 3 months is strictly my business with him. I try to study his character, get to know him, I told him a lot of stories about my life with my son. Then, I, gradually introduce him and let them get acquainted. But, I try to keep a distance between them till things get more relaxed. I protect my son, first - all the time. So, no. I will never allow my ex to take our child any where to meet someone he, himself hasn’t met. He’s got meet her, know her, and see how she is, first. Take care and hoping for your right decision.
I would tell him to ask someone that works with the family and children’s services and go by what they say but I would do my own call first to make sure he doesn’t lie to you but that’s me
I wouldn’t care if I had joint custody or not you should not allow your ex-husband to take your child to meet a person that he never met before who knows even if it’s a girl.
He’s NEVER met this woman, going across COUNTRY with his child, should be a huge concern. Regardless of an upcoming family trip, a firm NO is needed. Let him hissy fit all he wants. You can’t allow him to have power over you, that’s why you’re divorced.
Talk to a lawyer no way I’d let me child be a part of this. As a parent it is my job to protect. Hope it all works out
Oh hell no!!! He really has no idea if this person really exists and what her motivation is. Child trafficking is rampant and it is not safe for adults either. No one should meet alone, especially in an unfamiliar place. Your family trip is not worth the risk.
No. My daughters dad had a gf for 4 years. When they broke up, I had to explain to a 5 yr old what happened. I told her that she was naughty and daddy didn’t like her anymore. Daughter was happy with that answer
I agree I wouldn’t allow him to take him, but I know from my own experience how those narcissistic people are. He may still give you a problem about taking him around your family even if he did take your son.
Instead of going across the country to meet with a stranger he should be investing that time and money on his child . I would not be leaving my child go to a strangers house .
He wouldn’t stop me from taking the kids on a family trip, him taking the kids to meet a stranger is a different story, no way!! He is nuts!
I say no till he goes & meets her then can arrange another time to meet son