My Ex, Who Has Been MIA for Almost 3 Years, Is Suing Me for Full Custody: Advice?

This wholestory sounds fake

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I’m sure it’s very scary. I wish you the best :green_heart:

Yes God is good you will be ok with your kids alway

Fuck that guy. :100:

And what are your parents thinking⁉️

I dont trust these posts. bye bye

Well this sounds disastrous


Whaaaat your parents helping him…

There’s not a judge in the world who will give him full time custody. I had a baby daddy who did the same. I countered with supervised visitation and the visits had to be at his aunt’s house. It started that way and eventually went to regular visitation, but he still had to be at his aunt’s house. That didn’t last more than a few years and it has now been 3 years since he saw his son. I know it’s easy to say don’t fret, just stick to your guns and trust the court.

You need to speak to your parents, how can they help this man?!?! n
Also he is not on the birth certificate. You need to file for full custody.


Part time parents are the absolute worst! They always wanna get involved for appearances sake not because they’re a parent. My advice is find any evidence that’ll prove he’s a deadbeat. Text messages, letters, screenshots of things he’s posted online that says he’s voluntarily been absent from your child’s life. Then counter sue for sole custody and take away his visitation rights. That is harder to do but the 1st is pretty easy. Then check your parents. Why are they helping the deadbeat, y’all ain’t even together.


So many questions left unanswered here. I assume he isn’t on the birth certificate, as he would have to prove paternity and of they are anything like my state a guy can not just go to court and say this kid is his and they do a DNA test its the mother that has to petition for that to all happen. He has had very little contact with the child and has no actual place to bring said child other then your parents place, he will have to prove he is stable and able to care for said child on his own which from info given can not. As long as you have no issues and aren’t putting child in danger or harms way there would be no court in the world who would hand over the child to him. Why are your parents helping him, are the aware he is sueing for full custody? Worst case he may get supervised visits for a while and pay child support until a better relationship is established and even them he would have to prove you an unfit mother to get custody. I totally get where your anxiety is coming from tho! Best of luck and you may want to seek legal help.


They wouldn’t take a baby away from his/her mother. Id be pretty pissed if my parents had done such a thing though! If you have any messages, emails, anything written from him saying he is not the father then get them as these are evidence he is not interested in the baby. He won’t get full custody though hunny. xx


If y’all were not and are not married most states give favor to the mother for custody unless the father can prove you’re unfit. He has no record of caring for the child as he has not been as you stated and he’s not on the birth certificate. The first thing he will probably have to do is take a blood test. I wouldn’t worry. Just research the laws of your state for child support and custody


I wouldn’t worry about him being able to get custody and I would also cut off her parents for helping this deadbeat that has treated their daughter and grandson so badly.

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Yes, get an attorney who specializes in family law in the courts you will have your case in. That is the best advice anyone can give. Evey single situation is different and these are cases you need an attorney to represent you in.


If he’s not on the birth certificate they will make him take a DNA test first then go from there for visitation they cannot legally just take away from the primary parent only if child is in a dangerous situation


If you’ve done nothing that would warrent the courts looking at you as unfit then there’s no reason to make a big deal out of anything. Have you talked to your parents about it? If he lives with them and is trying to get full custody I’m assuming he spoke to them about it first.


He lives with your parents. It’s not happening. Has not provided financially, definitely not happening.

Bonus news he just started the process to have to pay child support!
The courts will required him to establish paternity.
Then a child support should be placed through the states child support unit.
The moment he has to face a monthly, monitored and recorded payment, he will start backing down.
Expect anger n a manipulation stunt.
Just do what you have to for the courts. Visitations be polite and accessible, just stay present.
You have the weight of reality to present to the judge for visitation. He is a stranger to this child, has no established visitation or contact, no child support.
400$ outside of the courts does not count.


Never going to happen. If anything you will just have shared custody. On the plus side you will get child support.


The question is why would ur perents help him? I mean there is 2 side to every story…i would NEVER help someone against my sons…unless my son wasnt doing their job as a parent…they r wonderful fathers. Thank u Jesus!


Feed a snake and it tries to kill you… Your parents were kind to him and boom papers for custody, wiata minute his not capable of having kids, denied being a father told everyone who cared to listen.


Chances are he will get visitation but I wouldn’t lose no sleep worrying about full custody.


Im sorry this dont make since. Your parents are helping him and he is going after you for full custody? Why? If your letting him be a part of his sons life why is he doing this? So many unanswered questions. He wont get full custody in less your unfit. Visitation and joint custody probably he will in less you have prove againest him and it has to be messages, police reports,etc cant be he said she said. It wont hold up and even then it would probably be supervised visits. They dont just take the bio fathers rights away.


I am dealing with a similar situation, I have spoken to an attorney and been advised that Texas is a pro-mom state. Judges want to see both parents working together to build a healthy environment for the child, however they will not take your child from you. He may receive joint custody but unless you do something incredibly bad, mom usually has primary custody!

I doubt he will get full custody! You guys might get equal time with him which is completely good for the child! If he wants to be in his life I wouldn’t stop that at all! The only way I agree with a parent keeping a child/children away from the other is if they are using drugs around them, beating them! Other than that he should get joint custody!!!

Good luck hun

I have dealt with it I have full custody he has visits. The fact he abandoned you and the baby has spent very little time with the baby they will not likely give him custody unless you are abusive. Personally I would be having a serious conversation with your parents. Personally If my parents did that I would leave state. That said you need to document everything when you go to court have an attorney control your emotions be very matter of fact about thing and what he has done. I would also have the courts state that he is not allowed to take the baby out of state and not allowed to take the baby more than an hour way that about 60 miles in any direction. But you need to document everything and have a serious conversation with your parents and tell them they will stop getting involved or stop seeing you and your child.

If his not on the birth certificate the baby is yours has he started the papers for custody? If so your going to have to go to court if not YOU NEED TO FILE FIRST!!! im going thru the same thing now as you I filed first tho and once papers are filed my child will be returned with in 72 hours my ex kidnapped my kids and its costing me around $6,000 for thier safe return best of luck if u live in kansas Missouri Illinois i can give you the law firm im using they are pretty good so far but I just started using them but I have heard great things


Hard situation because it’s no longer up to u 2 to work out. The courts decide now what happens and u just have to follow what they decide. Could be some pluses but I understand you anxiety around it.

I wish u all the best. Might be a good idea to seek legal support.


If what your saying is true …He is not on the birth certificate…therefore he is not the legal father therefore… he would have to first establish paternity…if he is deemed to be the legal father than the courts will move forward with proceedings…however he cant just take your child without having any legal rights to do so …


I question why your parents are helping him. The only way the court will take your child away is if your an unfit mother…if you have clean house clean child food at home baby has all shots doctors appointments on check… you work and provide for your child and your not on drugs…you should have nothing to worry about. And I would go put him on child support since he has a job now. But you really need to question your parents loyalty to you.

I just recently went through the same thing. My ex wasn’t around when I was pregnant. He kept saying the baby wasn’t his and didn’t want anyone to know that I was pregnant. Last August, I got served with papers for full custody. I live in MO and he lives in IL. Be was not present for my son’s birth and his name was not on the birth certificate. I hired a lawyer and went to court. My son is also medical needs and has a lot of medical equipment and needs that my ex was not there for any surgeries or training. The judges ruling was shared custody, but he lives with me and we set up supervised visits. And share holidays. And he pays child support as well


Why would they be helping him? We have only heard one side here🤔


i feel for you but seems like your parents might be on his side?!? is there more to the story? i agree they will have to prove you unfit to have any case at all, God bless you and your littles!!

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I live in Texas I’m not seeing how your parents are allowing him to live with them if y’all aren’t together and he has been such a horrible person to you but to each it’s own but sleep babydoll it’s not that easy here maybe visitation but full custody I doubt it and it’s a process that can go on foreverrrr I know because I went through the same next court date this Wednesday and it’s only to establish paternity and for him to get his visitation days which will be weekends and 1 month out the summer and y’all can pick which holiday around Thanksgiving and Christmas

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A fit parent won’t lose custody. Often they file for full custidy, knowing they will not get it (literally my situation was so similar to yours even being states away and him claiming the baby wasn’t his and having nothing to do with it by his choice) so that they can get the most that they can, 50/50 which will most likely happen since y’all live closer now but each county and state tend to be slightly different on that and ot may work their way up to 50/50 in time… If he isn’t on the birth certificate, they’ll do a paternity test first most likely and then proceed with custody after that and set up visitation schedules ASAP.

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Dont just sit there counting your lucky stars. Be smart. Get an aggressive attorney, your gonna have to toughen up sweety and fight back.


Yes, seek a family law attorney. You’ve done everything as a mother to allow him to be in your baby’s life. But it seems like all he’s done is put you down. Good luck and don’t give up!

My baby dad took me to court four times and lost. Look into your state. Washington where I live is a mother state. We always win. You have to be on meth and abusive or psychotic and not able to care for the child and have massive proof to loose custody. I know you will worry but don’t. Keep talking yourself up!

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Make sure you have your ducks in a row. Clean urine if you smoke weed or anything. Keep a journal. Most of the time the mom is awarded custody. The dad gets every other wknd and split holidays. In some cases 50/50 custody.

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I understand the anxiety. The what if is hard to deal with. Look into getting a lawyer. He can’t just take the baby. Unless there is something this story isn’t filling us in on you would be fine and win that suit. Why are ur parents helping him? That’s the confusing part. Unless you and ur parents don’t have a good relationship. I get that too. Make sure to get a good lawyer. This will help set your kind at ease.

They will have to do paternity test first. When it comes back as the father make sure to ask for child support. Limited visitation or supervised since he’s had no contact most of the child’s life pop

Wait wait wait,your parents helped him knowing what he did to you?I mean what😲?!and his living with them?i thought blood was thicker than water

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Same boat here! He came in right before she was 3 and judge gave him temporary custody and everything… I showed them everything even him saying he didn’t want her even if she was his and he’s a child sex offender I’ve been fighting two months to get her back… I’m praying for you and that your judge all be 1,000 times better than mine… :sob::pray:t2:

They’ll have to do a paternity test and all sorts of stuff to even establish he is the father and has any rights at all. Situation is altogether very weird considering he lives with YOUR parents and trying to take YOUR son from you. I’d get a lawyer ASAP first of all, at least do a consultation. Keep track of all messages and correspondence including the name calling and anything that might be threatening. Unfortunately he will probably get SOME rights but he definitely would not get full custody of YOUR son.

I’ve been in that situation. “Sometimes fathers” are devils. I dont know how men like them live with themselves. Stay positive. And why did your parents do something like that???

Document EVERYTHING. anything and everything that happens between you two. If you can prove he is unstable and inconsistent you’re better off. Why on earth would your parents do that for him, do they know how you feel about the situation? Not to mention whatever he has paid you in “child support” is technically a gift at this point because it did not go through the state… I wouldn’t worry too much, coparenting with someone irresponsible does suck ALOT. But at the same time in TX there is no way they’ll give him full custody.

Ok so how is going to take you to court and he living with your parents? He need to go sit down somewhere and just be a parent to his child.

There must be more to the story. Why would your parents help him out and not you??

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The courts usually side with the mother. He’d have to prove you unfit.

Texas is a mother state and not only that, after a few months to a year(idk which) but after no involvement with a. Child that parents right are automatically terminated and they have no right to the child, not only that after all these years and now all of a sudden, that childcan be asked if he has a dad or who his dad did and more than likely the child won’t even have an answer let alone if know the guy enough to point him out, you’re side is way favored momma.

He not listed as the father on birth certificate. How can he sue for custody?

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First of all I got lost at your parents… Why are they helping him??

WHOA what is up with your parents? I’d be furious with them, first of all.

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If he is not on the birth certificate, then he doesn’t have parental rights… which means you can say anyone is the father, and also can’t force a DNA test on them. :ok_hand:

No advice other than to disown your parents! So sorry you’re going through this :disappointed:

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Talk to an attorney. Laws around custody are different in every state.

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Just a thought what about Ask about the good cause form threw child support? I dont know how they do it there but in Wisconsin the good cause form is for situations like this and/or if they are harmful to the child/use drugs or alcoholic issues. With my form I provided proof of my daughter’s father calling me names, stating to others he didn’t want the kid/it wasn’t his etc and also provided proof of the few times he saw my child (30 days no contact with the other parent/child is child abandonment in Wisconsin) but I also had proof of drug/alcohol abuse and physical abuse from him too. also if he has no idea of child’s medical history state that he has no idea the medical needs of child etc. With this form you have to have statements from others who have seen heard or can confirm that he hasn’t been around the child etc. I even explained the situation to my daughters doctor and he wrote up a statement about how he thinks it can mentally and physically hurt my child. It may or may not be helpful to you.

Get a lawyer that scares you JUST a little… lol i did and she was FANTASTIC! :raised_hands:

What is up with your family. They support him and not you Such betrayal

Suspicious that your parents are helping him, there’s more to this story than we’re being told.

You never should have told him! You ask for your troubles!

The courts will want to know why they are helping him and not you there is questions here

None needed he won’t win

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He cant do anything since hes NOT on the childs birth certificate

No1 your parents!!! Whats the go with that?
No2. He will get some visits they wouldnt give him custody and sounds like a wanker even saying all this :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

You get you a lawyer l, don’t go in this alone

His name not on the birth certificate

Keep copies of everything. Make all correspondence in writing.

I never understand men like that! You barely wanted the child now you want all of him! Why is full custody the first thing the pos couldve at least did visitation smh


He will get half custody


He won’t get full custody. He is trying to scare you. It’s a common manipulation tactic abusive narcissists use when children are involved.


First of all no man has to stay just because your pregnant. If hes not happy hes allowed to leave point blank. I left my ex when I was pregnant and he had no idea it was comming.
Second of all hes allowed to get a test before he sends you any child support what so ever.
Third is he doesn’t have to be around you to see the kids if they are his.


Something is being left out of the story. Why would your parents help a dead beat parent over their own child?


Why are YOUR parents helping him???


Why are your parents helping him? Doesnt make sense


Wait? Am I reading this correctly? Your parents are helping him with everything including taking you to court???
If so you need to immediately cut ties with them.


If he hasn’t been in the picture this whole entire time. He’s going to loose. Courts don’t just Hand over kids. Not even if someone did have an established relationship. And he doesn’t! It’ll be a drawn out process. He will have to have supervised visits for an extended period of time at which he will have to pay out-of-pocket for. Then show consistent visitation over the weekends And they even give him some child support to pay! Unless of course he can prove that you are putting him in danger in someway, or a drug addict! Do a background check on him in whatever state he’s been in and bring it to court with you. That matters


The past doesnt matter. If hes the dad, he has rights. Even if he has a record it would just be supervised visits by a caseworker until he establishes a relationship with the child


If you don’t believe he is a fit parent you can request a guardian at latem, appointed by the court, at least in out area Nd they will work to help determine what is best for the child.

Same exact thing happen to me but their is no way he will win. After 6 months of not seing the baby or financially helping you, he autimatically looses custody. If he wanta his rights he will have to pay child support that he owes since he was born till now to be update on payments. Get a lawyer that is what I did. It will also be easier if he is not on birth certificate.

Jesus is the answer pray let go and let God. If your life isn’t in order hurry up and get it in order. Don’t be afraid God is in control. Listen Im no lawyer but The God I serve is. Im going to pray that things work out in your favor. Hold your head up and go on. Don’t worry yourself with what he is doing. Make sure your house is in order.

Can I ask what do you guys think?

Your parents better kick his a** outright now tf!

Wow do her parents know this.

What the hell are your parents doing getting involved with him?! I’d be pissed!

I can see in other aspect that hes after you and just using the kid to get you. Been here in this situation. Father of my 3 kids has an immunity for he was a diplomat. It was a hard situation for me from a pure housewife with no money found myself fighting for a custody for my 3 kids…God provides for everything. Pray and He’ll show you the way. Do not ever give him a chance to win you or your kid…he will never change. Move on to your life! give your child the best life your child will remember everything and you will see all the hardship will over pass. Good luck!:hugs:

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Going through this now!

Similar to whats happining to you but more in depth with my situation…
I’m sure you will win the case because you have stated no father on the birth certificate! He has to pay for all exspences anyway to get legal action going…
Paternity Tests ain’t cheap;
Court Battles ain’t either;

I seems too wrong for your parents to be helping him out Now he wants to “take you to court” Talk with them to eliminate his presence until he gives in his battle this can be sabbataging your case.
( I tell ya; my childrens father is doing the same to me using my family to keep my last two daughters in his care JUST FOR THE MONEY)…

But I’m sure you being a Mommy to your baby since born he will have no case against you!

Can I ask what do you guys think?

Can I ask what do you guys think?

Go be for he and get full custody

Relax mama, judges don’t take babies away from mom unless she is a crack whore living on the streets

Well, that is a lot of drama. I mean, I would think under the law he has legally abandoned the children, but that is only one issue He has to prove to the court that they are even his to begin with. You can file a response attesting to the fact that he is not on the Birth Certificate and paternity has never been established. Let him spend all the money involved paternity costs. The court will not proceed with a parenting plan until paternity is proven in some capacity. Him claiming to be the dad means nothing without evidence to validate it. Use that time to save some cash and hire an attorney. Fact is, it doesn’t really matter how he treats you unless you can substantiate domestic abuse (e.g. him being arrested, charged and convicted of domestic abuse).

As for child support, is he the father? Has it been proven? Is he on the birth certificate? No? Then he owes you nothing. My advice, hire a PI and get as much dirt on him as possible to use at a parenting plan hearing. Make him look as horrible and incapable as possible.

Yes I have. He won’t win. Good luck hun, and I was mad at my parents that did the same exact thing, but they are caring, giving, helpful people, so I have let it go. They see how much of an ass he is now and no longer have him at their house. They don’t even talk to him anymore.

Ashley Chavez Sedaghat

There’s got to be a lot missing. Your parents are fully supporting him in the situation. Either they’re horrible people and you need to cut them out of your life, or there’s something going on with you and they felt it’d be easier to get the baby if they had the father on their side. If you’re in situation 1, just continue doing what you’ve been and collect every communication, money transaction, whatever so the courts see his lack of interest. They’ll probably give him visitation or 50/50 custody…but never would just take the baby from you. If in situation 2, I hope you fix whatever’s going on, and the baby is safe…wherever that ends up being.

Why the fuck are your parents doing all this for this dirt bag?you need to let them know what’s up and soon. I’m not too sure on the laws in TX but realistically he has a slim chance of anything especially considering he’s not on the birth certificate.

Don’t worry about it,try to get some rest… but tell your parents to let him be on his own,like he’s let his son be in his own until now!

Going through the same thing. My son has been on birth certificate for 10 yrs now she saying it’s not his and DHS wants DNA done. His refuses to take the test. After 10 yrs she is his and ours. No way will his ex pull that shit.

He could possibly get joint legal custody maybe even joint physical…not full unless he can prove you are unfit. I wouldn’t lose any sleep…and I hope your parents put his ass out!

Ur parents r fucked up for allowing him to even move in. Also If u said the baby wasn’t his y bothered sending any pics. My child father pays support his name is on the birth certificate met her through court for a dna test he insisted on taking while lying to courts he knew. Now I have messages how he hasn’t spoken to our kid or bother with the child since 2017 n a confession he knew in txt because that’s how I communicate so there’s no he said she said bs. But unfortunately u should’ve not bothered being nice with a pic n maybe he wouldn’t have bothered. I hate those vindictive people using kids for pay back