My ex willingly left our house and now wants to take things we bought together: Advice?

Share. Hes entitled to things he paid for as well as you are. What example will you be to your child when you hold onto things just to hurt their father? It was a shared household

He can probably get whats in his name unless ut is needed for the child.

Unless it’s necessary for living, just give it to him.

He can NOT take anything…legally. You can, however, pick out a few things he can have.

Best advice is write a list of everything you need & want. Have him do the exact same, then compare list and negotiate on the things you both need or wanted. It’s only fair to come to an agreement because like you stated you bought everything together. 50/50 is fair but you have to come to an agreement.

Talk to a lawyer. Save all the receipts…change the locks on your house. File for child support, don’t let him see the child without supervision.

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If the things r his than the judge will say give them back
Unless a gift

Let the trash take whatever he wants. He is not worth the stress!!

Find someone with a backhoe


Consult an attorney.

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Get a lawyer, and keep everything you can.

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Get a lawyer. Get a good one not just a yes man

No he has to go to court

Acquired together split together.

Two sides to every story.

Whoever paid for it gets to keep it I guess. What he did was very wrong though.

He can take half of everything you two bought together.

Act like an adult and not a spoiled child. Give the man what is his and move on, bitter ass

Bitter baby mama alert! She probably won’t even let his see the kid

Depends on the state Louisiana no

This is what happens when you can’t make a commitment to marriage but make humans together.
What does “bought together” mean? Were you both working and making equal money? If so, he gets half. Was he working and you weren’t and he paid for things that you went shopping for together? Then it’s his stuff.


So we don’t know why he left. As far as we know she could be on the wrong or he is. But that doesn’t have anything to do with it. He is entitled to half of what you bought together and it’s up to both of you to grow up and figure that out together. It’s not fair for you to keep everything and him get nothing. That was his life and home too. Don’t be selfish, and figure it out together


He abandoned the family home - unless you’re in Cali, I don’t think you have to give him anything. BUT you share a baby and always will, so maybe try to compromise

Possession is .9 of the law AND he walked. If you can afford it, I’d get a lawyer.

I’ll be praying for your family.

Sadly you got with the wrong type of guy and made some common mistakes we all make. If you want to be reasonable and get respect, you must be reasonable yourself and give respect even if it means being first. A guys EGO for some reason doesn’t allow him to give in to any woman who is coming at him the wrong way. And that comes with how he was raised and the true man he is. No monetary item is worth your sanity. When my sons father moved out. He only took things that belonged to him and thankfully everything else stayed but it was mainly baby stuff that was considered ALL of ours and I had the place and the baby, so it stayed. It is always better to do everything you can to keep peace between you two. You have a child together. It may take time but its possible. Do it for the sake of your kid!! Its going to hurt a little but it’ll help you heal. Its almost God’s Promise!

Legally it depends on where you live.

But just give the guy his stuff. Y’all both seem like you’re searching for control and it’s a power struggle. It’s useless to argue over it especially if it’s materialistic stuff like TVs and such. See what he wants and compromise.

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Come on be civil to co parent together. Split the stuff up. You’re angry he left I totally get it ! But denying him half will make things ugly and drama filled! If it’s truly over do what’s best for your baby start doing the civil thing that doesn’t mean be besties it means doing what’s right.

Is common law a thing where you are? He is entitled to it if you are considered common law. You should give a lawyer a call. Google ones for free consultations, you can ask whatever you need

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He wants to take half you said sounds fair to me you cant have everything u have split the stuff up u bought jointly otherwise whatever u each bought on your own is yours to keep u sound angry hes leaving understandable but u have to be fair

In Canada you are considered common law once you have a baby with someone or have lived with them for a year. Legally that would make it so he is entitled to half of the stuff in the marital home. Don’t know where you live but that’s how it is here.
If you both bought the items I would seriously consider having a chat with him about what you both think is fair. Expecting anyone to walk away without a darn thing is not okay. I know it’s tough but think as if you were in his position. I’m sure he worked hard for those things too. You also will be tied to this man for the rest of your life because of the baby… I would try to be civil for the little one and do what’s right.
Best of luck :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Depends. In my state. If U nove out and leave your belongings behind u have 6 weeks to claim them otherwise its considered abandoned property. But just let him have it all. Unless like crib or stroller or baby items. Let him have it. Why keep the reminder and then he can’t say u wete a bitch. Give him everything thats joint. Who cares its stuff.

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Change the locks and put only what’s his outside. Then I’d take him to court for child support.

Check your local laws. Consult an attorney. Do not do anything until you do.


It’s considered a civil dispute were I live. Cops won’t help, they say to take it up in court. So depending were you live, he would need to take you to court to get anything if you aren’t Willing to let him in unless it’s a rental and he’s on the lease, then you can’t keep him out

If you are maintaining the household, use the things until he pays child support or an agreement is reached.


He has every right to half the items. You are being selfish. Stop being about yourself and think about fact that you are teaching a child how to be a respectful human.


That my dear is him being a dick. A real man would not do that to you.

If he has stuff before y’all got together their his or he bought them then that’s his stuff but he’s got to prove he bought them . My opinion his bitter ass left to me he has no rights to anything he chose to walk out used to buy your child and took care of them he chose to walk off and do nothing to me that’s sorry in my opinion you have rights to everything it all belongs to you that is to take care of that child good luck hope it goes in your favor it’s hard to be a single mother if he chose to walk out do not take him back don’t even let him in the house go somewhere in public and meet or go to another family member’s house to meet don’t get into him he made that choice to walk out

Nothing he can do he left I was married and just went threw this very thing I wanted my stuff I called the police and they said I couldn’t have a thing you have to go to court you can have the stuff I will get new but I don’t think it’s fair not to be able to take at least the things you need out of your house but you can’t

Ask the courts for a state appointed attorney. Or get a free consultation that’s the best thing to do. Things can be replaced. Now if he is trying to take things that take away from the child “crib, bassinet, etc” then I would say no. But like TVs some furniture just house hold things I would say split half of all of that. But I’m not sure of your situation exactly and I wish you the best. Ending a relationship is hard and I think sometimes people forget how much it can hurt. Don’t listen to everyone calling you selfish or saying hurtful things. Take a few days let the anger and hurt go away a little then start making big decisions. Just communicate the best you can with him and try to keep it as fair as possible I know it sucks :heart: good luck girl.

Let him have half. I’ve known some, who wanted in all and would fight and take it.

Why would anyone think just because someone else ends the relationship it entitles them to EVERYTHING that was jointly purchased? Split the stuff up as best you can and don’t be so vengeful.


Bought together both should get half. Yea he left but that doesnt mean he shouldn’t have anything he helped buy.
If you both take half then you both only have to start half over instead of one person starting completely over.

When my husband and I broke up he stole our kids then used them to gain half of belongins which I gave willing and now he has refused access to the kids won’t even let me speak or see them so :confused::cry: what do you do with a man like this he knows I miss them but he doesn’t care :pensive:

He can take you to court. As long as he has paperwork proving that the stuff is his, you have to give it to him.

It’s going to depend on what state you live in.

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Legally half is his.

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Legally he is entitled to half of everything

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They are just things - let him take them - you dont need all the extra stuff any way. It will be therapeutic to rid of items.

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Possession is 9/10 of the law he walked enjoy your possessions

Damn you kinda sound like a bitter baby mama who’s never gonna let him see the child because he ended the relationship… especially if your not gonna let him have some of the stuff he PAID for

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It’s a civil matter. Just change the locks. He would have to take you to court.

Don’t be petty. Let him have some stuff

I would just split it.

The reason I don’t post anything in the group is because everyone takes half a story and adds their two cents (in the most judgmental way). Just give him some of the items or split it. Don’t give him anything if you choose not to. Either way none of us know what kind of person he is or what type of person you are. I do know as a mother my emotions would be all over the place with a 4 month old and I’m sorry you have to go through a breakup. Just take care of yourself and your kids. I wouldn’t worry about anything else.

Depending on how long you were together and lived together you could be common law. Doesn’t matter if you are married or not legally he would be untitled to half just like a divorce if you guys are common law.

In Ny there is no common law marriage thing…not sure where she is from.But as long as I have my child the rest are just objects,split them.

Depends on the state.
Also why not let him have part of what you clearly state you bought together?
Don’t be so selfish and petty. Rise above show your child how to be a better person.
Good luck


How do you rationalize everything is yours? I walked from everything with just custody of my baby. You have bigger issues than furniture.


No its a civil matter he will have to take you to court

You’re being petty. If he helped pay for it let him have it. You can replace it. He already gave you the entire house. Being this petty is only going to wind up hurting that baby. Grow up and coparent for the sake of your child and allow him to come get his things.


My ex took everything and we were married for 34 years then his attorney tells me not to mess with anything and I tell him there’s nothing to mess with he already took everything he even took the outside lights he knew my work schedule and came when I was gone I let him keep it all I just wanted the night mares over

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I’d say if he has proof it’s his then give it to him otherwise keep it x

I’ve been here before and honestly if you want out of the relationship without drama, just let him take whatever. It’s not worth your peace.

If you use it more, then you keep it, if he did then he keeps it, when me and my ex husband split up, I got all of the furniture and kids stuff, he took all of his stuff, his gaming systems and chair, he didn’t need anything else because he moved back in with his parents and I was a sahm before we split so I wouldn’t be able to replace anything

Give him wharever he wants. Count it as a down payment on a bright future. Tell him politely where he can stick these items and move on.

Its only fair… you split everything

If it’s in his name he can take it

My ex took something he says he paid for, which he did not, shit he didn’t even need it. But I said just take it, I don’t care, it’s not worth fighting over. It’s materialistic

He paid for those things too? I would let him take some stuff. But if you don’t want to I’m not sure about the legal stuff

Ask him to make a list of the stuff he wants. Give him the things and move in with your life. Co-parent peacefully.


He’s entitled to half …Sometimes relationships break down as sad as it is …x

Split the stuff. Its only fair. He spend money on them too.

Don’t give him anything. You have the baby. He needs to be giving to you guys and making sure that roof stays above your heads. Any TRUE man wouldn’t be so petty as to ask for things in the home. They would know the right thing is to just move on, make sure you’re okay, and buy new things along the way. You have a 4 month old by yourself!!! Screw his needs! He left! Take him to court and get child support too! Again, YOU JUST HAD THE BABY!

If he bought things those are his. If you bought it it’s yours. If he bought things for the baby it’s his call if he wants to leave it. It could be the child your squabbling over so consider yourself lucky. Split the shit and move on. Life’s to short to deal with drama. If you plan to keep what he paid for you need to compensate the money he spent for it. It’s the right thing to do.

Honestly just see what he’s trying to take and if you don’t need it just let him have it but if you do tell him it helps you and the baby if it really does. If anything see if y’all can just agree on the material stuff in the end what needs to really be talked about is how y’all will coparent.

See this is why my husband always has told me he would only take one of the TVs his clothes and PlayStation. lol :joy: he doesn’t want my decor crap.

The belongings that he bought he can legally take.

What you have in your house is for your child as they grow so tell him to do one he is being selfish (typical man ) …

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If he has left the property legally he only has 28 days from the day he left to get his things. After the 28 days the stuff is yours to keep and you can’t sell his stuff. This is in Sydney nsw

Call a lawyer do not let him in if he left and you get in writing all yours you let him in you are done

He He leaves he don’t get nothing

Yep you need to sit down together with an impartial 3rd party to help split it all up fairly

He left you screw him he needs to suck it up and grow a pair I’m talking from expansion

Has he been gone 30days if so he gets nothing possession is nine tens of law call a lawyer and find out that’s all you’re going to have to do

You need an attorney or at least a consult. Be sure you understand your options and rights under the laws of your state. This sounds like it may get messy. With a baby involved you must protect you and your child! If he insists you could ask him to forward a list of what he wants. Unless his request is completely unreasonable it might be better to relinquish all or in part what he wants. I would however advise you to do a room by room walk through. Record to document for legal verification the possessions/furnishings you have in the residence. If you do let him retrieve items from your home be sure to protect yourself from any future problems. List the items in writing. He must date and sign the paper before being allowed to remove anything. I also suggest you set an appointed time for his pickup as you need to request a law enforcement officer be present when he comes. Good Luck!

When my BF left I split everything even tbe Costco paper towels plates and bowls . Treat people how you wish to be treated not how you feel they deserve to be .

If y’all were legally married he is entitled to some community property as it is called but you are also entitled to alimony and child support. If just cohabitation he is just entitled to his personal items such as clothing and family heirlooms

Honestly he should get a lawyer against you before you abuse your power as the mother. That is the vibe I’m getting just from this post.

If he helped pay he’s entitled to half. Don’t be that woman. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Hey Gail. I received a friend request from you.

It’s half yours half his see what he wants if you need it for the baby and you keep it if you can do without it let it go! Comprising for the sake of baby is really what you need to do! Your gonna have a long time dealing with this dad learn from your mistakes no more babies unless they marry you and worship you!!

Fuck no. He left willing, there for it’s all yours. If he is even a man he wouldn’t be asking for the things back. Just cause you guys have a kid don’t mean shit. I kicked out my ex for his bad habits around our kid. And yes we bought everything together, he asked me if he can take some stuff, I said yes. But then he was no never mind, my daughter needs those more than me…

I don’t know where u live but in md. No he couldn’t come in the house and just take. We where not married but together for 18 years. The best thing for both of u is to sit down if Possible. If not then y fight or waste ur energy on something that is over ? Do the right thing and remove his stuff and tell him that on whatever day and time u need to come get this stuff . Make sure u always are nice and save the texts… have a strong friend or family member be there when that day happens ( u will need them for support) and tell him that he needs to change his address ASAP and u change the locks. If he breaks in then it’s on him that he gets charged u did the right thing . Things are replaceable … but not are time on earth… wishing you the best life … it is sweet if u make it simple …

I’d give him the things he bought at least

He can file a civil suit against you and get money from you if you don’t just give him half the stuff