My ex won't tell me where he lives so I have no idea where my son is: Advice?

Straight up tell him that you need to know where your son is going to be at
And if he can’t provide you with that info then unfortunately you will not be able to send your son with him.


U only have to notify when u move if it’s more than 50 miles away.
Get your son a cell and put a tracker on it
Or a smart watch
Father should answer phone when you call
As long as he brings him back on day that should be fine
Although u can take him to court and make him inform judge of his address. May take some time before u get a court appt tho

Is your son ever in danger when he’s with his dad?

He has to tell you… Go to court girl.

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Court order or not my kid would not be going to the other parent’s house if they refuse to give me their address and it’s also in court orders that they have to give you their address.

How old is the child?

Get him a phone :woman_shrugging:t2: IPhone, and use find my iPhone. There is also a “send last known location” option for if it dies or is turned off.

There are apps and things that let you know where kids are at at all times :upside_down_face:

I wouldn’t either. However I know someone who did the same thing but bitch for REAL was insane…

The fact that he is going out of his way to not tell you where he lives is suspicious to me. I found this and it’s a bit expensive but at least you can track your son


Get over yourself. He is the father. He loves this child just as much as you do. Why do you need to know every . He is trying to keep a relationship with his child. You should be happy for that. Relax and know that if a real emergency comes up someone will let you know.


Me personally would hide tracker in bag or coat if was concerned. Also mentioned above phone or watch but maybe to obvious. If he has ipad he takes, they contain tracker to find if lost

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I think you shouldn’t worry he brings the son home safe his just not your child his both of yours


No no no go back to court and get an address and so on follow ur gut girl or no go


But the kid a phone and turn on location where u can look where he is at all times


Or one of the little key rings that goes on a dog coller and is a tracker, that’s easy and small to hide onto something your child can take with him.


Don’t let him take him who in the right mind does that.? I’m telling you now he wouldn’t be taking my son and for all you people sticking up for this guy are weird let’s see if you would like it if the shoe was on the other foot. Ffs :woman_facepalming:t3: what’s wrong with you


Go to build a bear: make a bear but put this thing in it. Prior to having them sew it shut and put a voice in it saying something cute like daddy and mom are my favorite people. It is traceable on your phone but do not get one that pings as it will give you away


Ask your son? He’s seven so could probably remember a street name and house number!

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Get a second phone. Activate it 35 dollar straight talk phone from Walmart. Download life 360. Put it in his bag with a passcode on it but on silent. Act like it’s a normal day. Go to a store local and start tracking. Once he’s reached the destination enlarge the photo and screenshot it.


Pretty sure it’s illegal for him to not tell you exactly where he’s gonna be at with your child if you ask. Bring it back up to the courts.


Oh no go to court.Him not telling you where he lives.Your son get him a phone so you can talk to him if you want.Your letting him go that’s crazy.Talk to your son to find house number and street.

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Amazon has trackers pretty cheap , buy one put inside your sons bag :slightly_smiling_face:


In the UK it is a legal right to know these things!

Have a friend follow him. Maybe someone he doesn’t know.


Bottom line, protect your child! Go back to court & tell them you refuse to send your son until you have a correct address.


When i separated from my ex & we did up our custody agreement we were told it is illegal not to tell each other where our son will be living while with each parent. I would not be sending him with his father anymore & i would go inform a lawyer or go talk to your local police & get more info


I’m 100% on the dads deserve 50/50 custody boat, but that is beyond not okay. I wouldn’t allow him to go and inform the courts before you refuse to send him. Narcissistic behavior. I see a lot of put some tracking thing in the bag, I don’t think that’s a bad idea, but I definitely think there should be a record of his behavior and some proof that he doesn’t want you to know where he lives and doesn’t live at the address given.


As a mom, I wouldn’t be okay with this, but I do think it’s just a mom thing for me. I am entirely too anxiety ridden to not know where my kids are at ALL times. I would give my babies a phone and track it. I respect his right to privacy and I wouldn’t show up at his home unless it was an emergency and he called me to, but I have to know where my kids are, sorry not sorry.


Screw a ring camera, a build a bear secret camera, being sneaky etc. Go to court. Court. Court court.


I understand wanting to know where he lives… but wanting to know where they are at all times is not necessary for me. My kids have an amazing father and I trust him completely with his children. We live in SC. He could take them to California for the weekend and I wouldn’t care as long as I get a kid free weekend! :rofl::woman_shrugging:t4:

Don’t send him until you know where they live… that’s all I got!

Get a tracker for now and bring it up in court.

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I would refuse to send him. Period. That sounds like a dangerous situation


Yes I have encountered this also. Don’t send your son until you know where exactly he will be whilst in his fathers care. Good luck :heart:

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The judge I had through my divorce took this very seriously and took visitation rights away from my ex when he wouldn’t give me his address where our children would be staying when they were with him. So while I understand that it would upset your little one to not see his Daddy, you might want to stop visits until he can give his address… Or he can stay someplace like his parents or a family members house where you KNOW your child’s location. It’s your right as his parent to know where he is and that where he’s staying, is safe. Your ex not giving his address is so shady imo. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.


I am fairly certain that the judge would not be happy about this. Call your lawyer!

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Been in this situation for the last 5 years. Even if they do tell you they could still be lying. My ex baby daddy still lies and my son ( just turned 6 ) will tell me he wasn’t even with his dad that whole time. It breaks my heart. And I know my son will be telling the truth cause eventually his dad will confess when I ask or I’ll ask the other people who’ve been watching my son.
These a holes are going to continue to lie anyways , it’s what narcissist do.
And if you do have court already involved , use that to your advantage 100%.

Can your son read street signs? See if he can read the street sign next time he is with his dad by his house.

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I’m on your side I wouldn’t send my child if I didn’t know where they would be I wouldn’t care if it was his father’s weekend or not I’d get ahold of your lawyer or the courts and let them know

Put a GPS in your son’s shoe or something and when he goes with him you’ll know where he goes. Problem solved


My sons dad is required by courts to give me the exact address of where here will be enjoying his parenting time(when he actually shows which is rare) as well as answering when I call for our son. His visits are 4 hours two days a week but he hardly ever takes him. In my situation I would not be sending our son off with him without knowing where he’s going to be. We have joint legal but our son lives with me. He is also abusive before everyone starts jumping on me so that’s why he is very restricted and can’t be trusted. You have a right to know just as he has a right to know where his kid lives too.

Get emergency hearing now. File police report to


Put a tile on him in his pocket

I get that u don’t know where he is at but I’m sure he’s fine. If the father was so bad would u allow ur son to go with his dad?? I don’t think he should have to tell u where he live if he chooses not too. But he should have ur son call u to ease ur mind.

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Yeah, my kid wouldn’t be going anywhere unless I knew where!!

Does your son have a phone you can track? That’s the only way you could do it sneakily.

Personally, I’d go back to court

So why let him go with him ? I think there is more to the story ie your being crazy or something

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My kids dad didn’t know where I lived and it even said in the court papers he wasn’t allowed to ask the kids. Is there a reason why he doesn’t give you his address. Have you got his phone number

I wouldn’t let my son go until I knew where he lived. Explain that to your son

A. If the courts deemed him a fit parent and you had no proof otherwise then trust him to parent him while he is there. B. If you were not concerned with not knowing where he lived and only concerned with the safety aspect then you wouldnt have told the courts in the first place you would have kept your mouth shut about it. C. The kid is 7 give him a kids phone to take with him for emergencies and let him spend time with his dad. D.Its none of YOUR business where he lives. Clearly you have intentions to stalk him as evidence by getting behind his car and finding out where he lived the first time. Yes it is the courts business but not yours


Get your son a cell phone and use the service “find my phone” and/or buy a tracking card from Best Buy.


This would be an excellent time for him to abduct your son. NO VISITATION!

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Gps, or have a friend follow when he picks your son up

You’re not entitled to know where he lives. He only has to give a location to where he will have his visits. He has done that. If you had an argument about the kid’s safety then you would have asked for supervised visits. Believe me, if he wanted to abscond with the kid he would have already done that. Sounds like to me you want more info than you’re entitled to. That’s a personal problem.

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You are absolutely correct, you should know where your son is. I would contact your lawyer and speak to him or her about it. Your Lawyer Will either contact his lawyer or serve him with papers that he hast to provide you or the court with his address. You should also be able to have a reasonable contact with him when he’s at his dads house. If I was you I would talk to your lawyer about this right away.

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How do you know this ain’t some crazy bird that will try and harm that man when the kid isn’t there? It’s amazing how many of you will suspend your reason because emotion! She should have GONE TO COURT to get an order to compel that information. But there are two reasons why that didn’t happen: either she could but won’t or a magistrate told her to **** off.

Fellas, before you get anywhere serious, search the child’s belongings. If you find a GPS device, disable it and head to the police. Then back to family court you go. And if possible, file criminal charges.


Buy and read the book “Joint Custody With A Jerk”. It could help you understand how to recognize and come to terms with the things that make you angry but are not your business vs things that are dangerous and should be relayed to your lawyer or the court.


I just got my 7yr old a gizmo watch from verizon, there’s a gps locator on it. That would be nice for something right now until you figure this out.


He’s required to put in a change of address with courts when he moves. You need to let them know again that the address they have is incorrect.


No ma’am. I read that first sentence and no ma’am. My son would not be going with his father.
Go back to the courthouse and demand an address. Slip a tracking device on your son. Cause no and shame on the father for pulling this bullshit. You have a son together that means you two are going to have to communicate and stand to be in one another lives. And as you said what if there was an emergency how you going to get to your baby? No what the father is doing is childish behavior. You have a right to know where your son is and the courthouse at the very least should have his correct address.

Just let your child go with his father. Do you realize how lucky you are that the father still wants a relationship with your child. And if you try keep your child from going, your child is going to resent you for it.


From what I remember the court needs to know where he lives but I don’t believe you do.

That being said I would feel uneasy about my child going somewhere I didn’t know where but I would also have enough trust in the father to not harm my child. If there was ever an emergency then I’m sure he would inform you of his address.

I like the idea of having a child’s phone for the just in case. He would only get it during visitations with his dad.

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Put a tracker on your kid don’t they have those?


Easy… hide a fully charged iPhone in your sons backpack padded and sewn in with find my iPhone on it.


Get your son a phone & turn the location on

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Have you tried to contact his mother. Like you said parents need to know where their kids are. If you’re truly concerned ask his mom.


In some court orders when the either parent moves they are suppose to tell you where they moved to . Look over your court agreement and if it says if either parent moves they have to tell the other parent where and if he is breaking that order the court will get him for contempt of court. He doesn’t want to lie to the court to many time’s or there will be consequences.


Take him back to court

When I took my ex to court, I asked the judge to make him tell where he would be taking our son. The judge told me I was using ‘parental alienation’ and refused to put anything in his order regarding my son’s whereabouts. I was so upset. Now said ex is back in prison and hasn’t seen our son in years :expressionless:

It seems pretty petty and childish not to let the other parent know where u live, child’s safety is most important above all else. And if there was a concern for the other parents safety I’m sure there would be some sort of supervised or public exchange location or protective order.

Use a different email and sign up for snap and find his location. Lol

A piece of advice, let the child have his time with the father un intruded on by you, just as the father should do the same. Its really a hard thing to do but for the childs sake, trust in the obverse parenting skills, you’ll see your child flourish.

Take it to court. Or give the kid a little GPS tracker thing. Obviously dont tell the kid what it is cause he’ll think it’s cool and tell his dad

buy a tracker and put it in your sons bag!!! My son has a relay it’s nothing fancy a little square box with a talk back button in case he needs me and I can track it check it out


At this point it’s about being a parent and sometimes kids don’t like parent decisions. I’d recommend not sending your child with his dad until you get an address and in the meantime file a new case with the court for full custody. This is about safety not making your child happy.

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I’d be putting a tracker in my sons bag or getting him one of those watches that has a tracker in it :woman_shrugging:t2:

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You can get these paper thin tracking devices we got some off of Amazon and put in you sons shoes a bag or toy something he takes with him everytime he goes with him

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Get yourself a tile and pop it in his backpack so you can track it


Or have a friend of some sort be waiting around the corner so when your ex picks up your son they can track them and it’s not you believe me if you really want to know where your kid was you’d find out. And besides that if he is a good dad why do you need to know? If your son enjoys going with him and he’s well taken care of then why is there such an urgency to find out where he lives

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I’m going to make an unpopular suggestion… What if there’s a reason he doesn’t want her to know where he lives … what if mom over here is bat s*** crazy, what if she causes a lot of problems and he doesn’t want her to know where he lives. :woman_shrugging: I’m just saying men aren’t always the villain


I prevent my kids dad, at his great annoyance, from knowing my address simply because I have a domestic violence order on him and I fear for my safety. Our son is perfectly safe with him but if he ever knew where I was I wouldn’t be. If you have evidence on him that he’s abusive to you or your child then appeal to the court or the police.


Sounds like you’re more worried about the baby daddy then your son I personally believe it’s none of your business where he lives if you can’t trust your babies father with his son you have bigger problems


If ur child has a tablet od phone. Download family link , it has a location tracker on it

of course you have the right to know where he is taking your son–sounds very suspicious that he does not want you to know. You may have to contact an attorney to see about requiring his address, or limiting him to supervised visitation.


I think you’re legally allowed to know where your child is. You can redo the custody order and have it added just for emergency purposes.


Have it written into your custody agreement that you or at least someone on your “side” knows. You should also be taking him back to court to adjust/ increase your child support if he’s not taking his son as scheduled. You could be putting that $ in a college fund for your sons future.


Give your son a phone and track it or put a tracker in his book bag with clothes and everything else he needs hide it because the fact that he is hiding from everyone probably means he goes through your son things call the cops and have one trail him

Have someone tail him. A friend. A Private Investigator. Someone. If you have a court order for visitation you have a RIGHT to know where you’re son is staying. He can’t legally keep that from you. If all else fails call the police and inform them he isn’t following the order and hiding your sons whereabouts from you.


Just be able to call when u want and contact him when he’s with his dad…,…do u tell your ex when you take the boy places to stay other than your house?? Vacation, visiting family etc?..if it’s 100% necessary u can contact his parents? They prob know where he is at

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You don’t have any female friends willing to follow a mofo?? This is a very simple solution. Shit, im sure a female you DONT know is willing to follow his ass.
Time to phone a friend.

As long as grandma knows SHOULD be ENOUGH

Gizmo watch. Has a tracker and you can call your son whenever you want

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Have fun with being charged with unlawful surveillance

Contact the court and dont send him till it’s figured out. Problem solved.


Get your son a tracker.
Gizmo watch phone is awesome.


It sounds like theres a reason he didnt want her knowing where he would be staying at on visits. Prolly because she shows up acting foolishly or stalkerish behavior under the guise shes making sure the son is okay but its more about drama than anything else. This is just speculation, I don’t know these people.
Yeah he lied but many times, people dont believe in the system because its failed them before.
Theres something we’re missing about the mom but I doubt we will ever know.

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I was told that when in the other parent’s care (visitation weekend) it’s their time and I didn’t need to know where our child was. As long as their is no danger to the child or child neglect, let the parent have his/her time. Obviously if their is reason to believe their is neglect or child endangerment, that is a whole different story and the court can be brought in to decide. I’m only going by what the courts told me. I don’t have to tell my son’s father where I go and what I do on my time and he doesn’t have to tell me on his time.

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You don’t have to send him with his dad my daughter went through this with her ex he called police and said she won’t let him take his daughter she showed them on court papers that he has to tell her where he lives or he can’t take her

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Against the court order I’m sure

First of all Does him being the father not earn him sum confidence ? Has he ever hurt the kid or given you a reason to be uncomfortable? If not then I say leave them be