My son’s dad and I have gotten along great the last four years we’ve been split up. We coparent very well. He got a new girlfriend about eight months ago, who I really really liked. She’s a good girl and good for my son. Well, ever since she came around, they’ve been keeping notes about every single time his dad has overnight and every little mistake that I make. They were trying to get full custody. We went to court; they lied about so many things trying to make me look like an unfit mother, none of it was backed up with proof. His girlfriend’s mom even got on the stand and said some very ridiculous and untrue things about me. Anyway, nothing changed, I still have sole custody, and he still sees our son the same amount he always has. But now I feel like our great co-parenting relationship is ruined, and it makes me so sad. I loved how well we got along and shared all the holidays; it was perfect, and it was awesome for our son to see his parents being friends. Well, the night of the court hearing, I ran into the dad’s girlfriend’s parents at the local bar. They had their friend come right up to me and take my picture, to use against me, like I’m not allowed to be in a bar or something…? Idk what the reasoning is, but it was weird. So I walked over to there table and told them to delete the picture. As soon as I got to the table, the mom got right in my face and started screaming at me, the friend and the dad both surrounded me. I got scared, so I pushed the mom’s face away from me so I could getaway. I asked again not to take photos of me and to delete the one they already took. I walked away and sat at the bar. A few seconds later, the mom comes running over, pulls my hair, and yanks me out of the barstool and onto the ground. I push her off me; the bartender stops us, I get up and sit back down. Bartender keeps telling them to leave; they won’t. Her dad starts yelling at me, calling me a “cunt” over and over, saying i “suck dick for a living” my boyfriend finally comes out of the bathroom and stands between us and told him to “watch your mouth.” The dad kept threatening to fight my boyfriend; my boyfriend just stood there between us. The mom continues to take more pictures of me saying, “smile” “you’re on camera” “say cheese”, while snapping a bunch of pictures, like taunting me, I literally just sat there. The bartender finally got them to leave. I went out to the smoking section to cool down. Well, they were right on the other side of the window of the smoking section in the parking lot. The mom starts screaming at me and banging on the glass; i didn’t say anything. Then the dad comes back in the bar and straight out to the smoking section and starts yelling at me again. My boyfriend runs out when he saw the dad come out there and steps in front of him. I was the ONLY person in the smoking section, so for the dad to follow me out there, screaming at me was scary. Thank God, my boyfriend was there. The bartender had to make him leave again. So my question is… can I make it, so they are not allowed around my son? I had never met them before this day. Seeing who they are and how they act, I really don’t feel comfortable having my son around them. They’ve only been in my son’s life for about 8ish months, and they are only his dad’s girlfriend’s parents, so not his real grandparents. So I’m pressing charges against the mom for assault and her dad for harassment. Can I also petition to keep them away from my son?
Yes make a police report for harassment the bartender is your witness and I’m sure the have cameras too
That’s not your exes family either…it’s the family of the chick he’s screwing, and if they’re that crazy, she’s bound to be just as nuts. Think of the things she told them to make them think that was acceptable.
I would take it to the judge. Being the custodial parent, you can do whatever you want. But, having the courts blessing makes it better
Yes and I suggest a restraining order they sound crazy.
If they’re doing that to you, a complete stranger, imagine what they could do to your son.
And especially if they are the parents of your child they have no rights towards your child they aren’t family put a restraining order against them and if the girlfriend is there put one on her too
Restraining order! And fast! Keep documents and copies of messages. Any time you see them start video recording. This goes for everyone harassing you. Good luck I am so sorry you’re going through this.
This varies by state
Yes, a judge will even tell you and your son’s father, YOU TWO are the only ones the child needs, being that you’re pressing charges and had the issue, the judge shouldn’t say anything against your wishes. (Speaking from a person level going thru this with a friend)
Yes,you should be able to and I would…they have no rights to your child at all.
Get a statement from the bar owner too,this will help you in court.
I hope you called and reported that and yes there are ways you can keep them away from your son like a restraining order or put it in the parenting plan
Yes you can. I HIGHLY recommend it too. Protect your baby from these psychos
Put a restraining order against them. It should cover your child too. Wahlaa, problem, albeit, temporarily solved.
yes report it to police and get a restraining order that prohibits them from being near you and your child the child’s father does not have to be included on the order unless he too is abusive or aggressive towards you good luck and be safe
Get a restraining order which includes your son.
This is so crazy and I’m sorry you have to deal with crazy people … it’s your child why should anyone be harassed over there own child by “strangers “ like this gets me so upset and angry for you
Yes !!! And get video from the bar !!! And get the police reports and witness reports !!! Hell to the fuck no would my child be going anywhere near ANY OF THEM till this is taken care of … Id be doing background checks on ALL of them now … Your son is not safe around them
of course you can and I would. what happens when your child sees it the next time or God forbid gets hurt. I get when people drink things can get a bit out of hand but thats just crazy. they have no ties to you. the ex and gf are not married and for the time being i would bc seens how you already pressed charges or made a report they’re gonna know. this will only piss them off more. I would also have a long serious talk with your ex. he shouldn’t be ok with them treating you this way either.
Dude. I would not of kept my calm props.
Get the bartender to write a statement.
File charges for assault and harassment, get a restraining order. You cannot control who your child sees while in his father’s care unless they have abused your child. If you suspect abuse call CPS.
I would be scared to think what she may be doing behind closed doors. Sounds like a mental case. Like they are punishing you because you had a child with someone she obviously wants to be with, like it tarnished her perfect picture or something.
You are already pressing charges, get a restraining order as well for you and your son. I would get a witness statement from the bartender too.
U can press charges but she can on you too since you put your hands on her first(regardless if you were face to face, it COULD happen) before she came over and yanked your hair…sooo that could go either way. But certainly if u feel threatened and harassed, take your evidence and do the paperwork
I think you thought you had a good co-parenting arrangement. Why are so many others in your life? I lost track of all the others. It’s futile to ask ppl to delete pictures. Leaving and staying away from those ppl immediately. Glad you still have custody and I’d keep things short and to yourself.
File a restraining order against the gf family
Wooooah … file a police report and have the bartender also have a statement …
You should have called the police right then.
These kind of things is DOCUMENT.
You have sole custody?
Speak with your attorney right away.
Tell them what is going in. They know I guess because you’ve been to court.
Have a conversation with your X.
It’s devastated that he’s letting this girl and her family hurt your child.
I would tell your X that you want your son to have a great relationship w him.
You should be able to legally have it written up where NONE of them can be around your child.
Including her.
Since she’s involved in this crap.
IT is possible to cut off real family as well.
I’m so sorry you are going thru this.
I want to give advice but I really have no good Advice to give, Im praying for you. Cause in our co parenting relationship im the new girlfriend and I would never act this way, and I sure the fuck would back my parents down for doing some wild shit like that, so I feel like ultimately the problem lays with his little girlfriend
Please do it!!!get sup visits, press charges. Dont be intimidated
They were deff trying to get pics for court, or to slam you on social media Get a statement from bartender about what happened. You and boyfriend go to court and get a restraining order for you and your son against them. They won’t be allowed around him even at his dads
You should be ablt to get a restraining order on the parents for you and your son
Make a police report, the police should have been called that night,
You have witnesses and I guarantee the bar has cameras so get your evidence and take it to court
You can get a restraining order that also protects them from going near your son. I would also call your lawyer and tell them what happen. You can also ask the bar for CCTV video and use it as evidence as to why you want a restraining order for you and your son against them. Go all the way no one deserves to be attracted and what would have happen if it was a shopping mall and you son witnessed this.
Press charges & let ur ex and his girlfriend know they just ruined a really great co parenting relationship. I truly believe both parents have rights but his girlfriend and her parents are another story,if they will do this in public then what R they saying to ur son.
My question is…what’s your ex have to say about all of this?
I’d put a o/p on them & press charges & for the sake of your son do not let him around them anymore
If you didn’t report it right away the court may look at it as you didn’t feel like you were in immediate danger. Same goes if you bring it up in a custody court case. When a problem rises and you don’t report it regarding your safety looks like your trying to pull strings and sandbag your x to benefit yourself.
She assaulted you. Did you call the police? Nothing can be done if you do not document the harassment and assault.
Wow. You should have recorded them.
I would have beat that old bitches ass. Anyone screaming at you that comes within arm length is a threat. It can definitely be in the arrangement for custody that her or her parents are not allowed around your child.
Talk to ur x he may not know anything about it
Yes now i would also have his the dads visits cut because of it
Its on camera if its in the bar
BUY A RECORDING DEVICE AND ANYTIME YOU HAVE YO BE AROUND THEM FOR DROP OFF PICK Up, even phone calls where they might be around, record it
Absolutely… you have the bartender as a witness… you can put a restraining order against them on you and your son for their behavior… and if needed dads girlfriend too … you did nothing wrong being at the bar even if it was your time with your son as long as you had a responsible adult with the child at the time … they are just trying to dig up dirt
Yes press charges and get an order of protection. Since you have a child that they are around most judges will automatically put an order of protection as well but for sure can request it.
You teeeeeechnically put your hands on her first. Dont ever touch someone first. But will they do a restraining order for your son since he wasn’t in danger and wasn’t there?
That is harrassment. You should file a report ask for a restraining order. When you go back to court take it with you and the judge can say they are not allowed around your child. If he takes your child around them he will be in contempt of court and can get into trouble. That behavior is uncalled for especially from the family of the gf of an 8 month long relationship
If her family acts like that I’m sure she’s probably not as good as she seems.
Record everything! I have to do the same thing because my step sons mother tried to attack me but is lying saying I did it but I have proof that it was her. Record either video or voices! Then you’ll be able to do restraining orders
The very obvious solution is to get a protective order against them and include your son. Try to get the girlfriend included to, theres absolutely no way shes not encouraging it.
Pfa for you and your son
You sure can …How wicked are they and you did the right thing by not fighting back …I would get a restraining order out on them asap your son is not safe around them
Have the bartender vouch for you and see if she remembers anyone else like the regulars there that might have seen it as well. See if you can talk to the owner and get the camera evidence as well.
Sweet thw bar has evidence for ya. And you could put a RO against them
You should be able to get a temporary restraining order that includes your son. After all, they aren’t really family. And whos to say they won’t try to harm you while you have your son with you
yes! get a protection order on all of them and have them do it for your son aswell… if they will do it to you you are scared they will do something to the child aswell… you have the bar tender as your witness
You technically hit her first so dont be surprised if she turns around and charges you for assault also.
RESTRAINING ORDER FOR STARTERS…and if possible the damn bitch of a girlfriend as well
Should of called the cops. And your bsby daddy is going back talking shit about you for sure. None are on your side
Yes. Press charges AND get a restraining order. It will extend to your son. Get an emergency custody hearing to add a no contact to your current custody order.
Sounds like gf is telling her parents some seriously weird botched bs… because why would they be acting like a bunch of crazy people. I’d definitely file a PFA I’m not sure if they would do one for your son. I’d be tempted to getting a lawyer and putting stipulations with dad now like no gf or parents when son visits because that was some Seriously extreme behavior.
Dont know what the laws are in your state but I’d be finding out. I would not want my child around that crazy family. Yes, press charges as well.
I’d see if you can get a restraining order against them for you and your son. I’d also take it to court since they assaulted you, who knows what they could do to your son?
You can put a restraining order against them and one for him too
Just saying… if this happened as you claim, why didn’t u or the bartender call security/police?
If you don’t feel guilty about being in a bar why say anything to her. I’d be like bitch here’s a better angle. And I agree if this was done in a bar I would have police reports filed. That’s alot of activity for bo one to be a witness for a good report
Why are these people so angry with you? Something had to of happened to spark this if you and ex were doing fine co parenting?
I would be pushing for a protective order against them for you and your son. There’s obviously a lot of toxicity now that they and their daughter have come into the picture so i would also speak to a lawyer about what your options are in keeping them away from your son permanently
the bar should have a recording you can use, definitely contact police asap, but keep your cool
Restraining order. Harrassment.
You should have called the police right then and there. You also should’ve started recording their behavior toward you ad that would have been a solid case against them.
How long ago was this? You need to get the surveillance from bar ASAP before they delete it or record over it. I doubt they’ll keep it forever.
You really need to get a good lawyer bc this isnt going to end here. The mom is going to reverse this on you. You might need to extend the RO to the girlfriend as well, since these are her parents and she could likely make them stop, but she’s probably egging them on.
This is crazy and messy and I absolutely wouldnt want these crazy ass people around any child.
As an adult, and a parent (especially one who has been involved in custody and parental fitness hearings) you should have just left. Regardless of who started it, it does not look good on you that you were involved in a fight anywhere- let alone a bar. They are not the ones under scrutiny for custody, you are and you gave them ammunition.
You need to start coparenting by the court guidelines and nothing more. You can’t trust your ex or his girlfriend any more so cover your butt and follow the guidelines. Yes, it’s sad for your son that things have changed, but that wasn’t your doing and you need to protect your rights at this point.
You assaulted her first so good luck getting a restraining order…
You should watch yourself a bar is frowned on in court you should always check yourself when you are in public stop tell your x what you do we’re you go don’t tell him anything he is not your friend so who do you think is telling everyone what your doing mind your own business you just need to worry about being a good mom a loving mom an respect your son do he will learn to respect you as a little man almost the same thing haptics me but I never had anything ever to do with them again I stayed away an they finally gave up they were just pissing up a tree I hold the x nothing an it killed him an I just keep my back turned away from them they found out years an years later what a nasty bitch I really can be never poke the bear Hell has no fury like a woman scorn
Please do whatever necessary to keep those psychotic things away from your children. The dad allows this and it seems fuels it so I would be making sure that his visits were supervised at least for awhile before you’re kids start hearing and thinking awful things about you. This would be HIS choice to allow this,not yours so his choice, his consequences. If he can’t NOT poison your kids and environment with this crap then he needs a time out until he gets his priorities straight
There is plenty of proof on the bars camera
So since as you walked up to their table and put your hands on her first (even though she was in your face) the assualt approach won’t work if she said you touched her first OR if there are cameras in the bar. I definitely understand that you were getting her out of your face, but the court doesn’t care… you put yourself “in harms way” by approaching them first. You both can be charged with assault ( depending on the state or where you live) maybe this new GF is jealous of the friendship you and your ex have🤷🏾♀️
Seems like the “norm” is that couples that have split up and have a child(ren) in common usually hate each other afterwards. maybe she is afraid that you guys will get back together either way that has nothing to do with HER parents! I think that you should file for a restraining order against them, continue to have that relationship with the father of your child… who knows what the GF or her parents are saying to your son when no one is around… people are so eveil. Good luck with everything
File for a restraining order against them stating you fear for both you and your sons safety because they are obviously unstable
Get a restraining order against them for you and the child
First you should have left, evidently the ex has said things to them that is making you look bad. They are also very toxic and i would not want my child around this, a restraining order should be put in place and maybe his visits should be monitored good luck
You need legal advice. Those people are not adults. How the heck did they eyound up going after you? You have every right to have them odered to stay away from you. Whether they will is up to God.Im a little confused tho.there has been bad blood between them and you and your ex,s mother. But you get along with him and the girlfriend. Why are they doing all this aggravating. None of their business and they should be court ordered to behave or else. If you, the ex and his girlfriend get along, then the others need to but out. I’m not sure if you can stop their visitation but your son knows who you are and he will not reject you. What a MESS!
Sorry I think there’s more to the story. Why would someone act like this to you if they don’t know you and why would they get involved with custody stuff when the child has noithing to do with them
Take witnesses to court for a restraining order witnesses that have seen them get into your face they are dangerous to you and probably a danger to your son and next time this occurs have a friend record it on their phone and then give it to the police where the court or an attorney these people are a danger to you and should be kept away from you and your son
You slapped her? On camera? Bartender should vouch for you though since they were asked to leave TWICE!! Bartender would have asked you and BF to leave if you did something. GF is feeding her parents with lies I suspect. Jealous maybe of your relationship with EX? Can you talk with him about all of this? But yes get legal council and pursue protective order for you and child. No mention of age though, but at least 4 years old. Close relationship to EX? EX needs to make a choice, stand up to GF and her parents or child will be off limits. 8 months compared to 4 years? The bar’s camera video should be enough for them to get protective order. But not enough for GF and EX, so not sure how that will go since your child goes to his place not their’s.
Get a restraining order on her parents.
Tell them to go f,k themself,orlick some windows
You can absolutely add son to restraining order.
You put your hands on her first. And I probably wouldn’t have gone out in a public bar with a mess like you’ve got going on. And it will probably look bad in court. Dad and girlfriend weren’t in a bar. I also feel like there’s way more to this than you’re telling.
Get a statement from the bartender as well
Do a no contact order. Also press assault charges against his mom. That’s ridiculous. What toxic people
If you get her charged with assault you can have your son included in a restraining order. If the bar has cameras it will show they approached you first. You went to talk to them got got scared went away from them then she attacked you and they refused to leave you alone and continued to harass you. Also get a good attorney because a good one will get that lady to show her true colors on the stand.
Everybody would be getting cut off.
You absolutely could go back to court and change or add to the custody agreement and you could put that you don’t want specific people around your son but you would have to know their full legal name on date of birth I believe then the judge has to sign off on it and unfortunately if baby daddy doesn’t enforce this she would be in contempt of court.
Oh my god! So your ex and his GF all get along wonderfully (which is awesome!) but his parents and her parents have teamed up to bring you down? What do the ex and GF think about this? I’m at a loss for advice except maybe restraining orders!
Talk to your ex and have them charged. After the talk with you ex you can decide if you get a restraining order against them for you and your son. But definitely talk to you ex before the restraining order. Hopefully their relationship fizzles out soon. Good luck.
Get a full restraining order that includes your son and I would get a lawyer and take Dad back to court to keep the gf away from your son as well since she is at the heart of this.
Yes you absolutely can and should!