My exes girlfriend added me on facebook: Advice?

My Ex from 6 years ago’s girlfriend sent me a friend request. I haven’t spoken to him in years and he cheated on me with this woman. I wasn’t faithful to him either so it wasn’t ALL his/her fault that the relationship ended. Although I AM over him… he was my bestfriend. I’m not sure if I want to except… and I definitely don’t want to directly ask her what she’s thinking… Can anyone here give me some guesses? Maybe someone with personal experience… someone that’s been in her shoes… what could she want or be thinking? And someone who has been in my shoes… what would YOU do/say?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My exes girlfriend added me on facebook: Advice?

Don’t accept the friend request.


If I was you I won’t be friend with her I’m sure she wanted know or want telling u story what going on their relationship

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Block her.
Problem solved.
Don’t have to deal with anything you don’t want to.

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Tbh she probably wants to creep on you

I mean, if it’s not that big of a deal, just add her… She’s probably more worried about you than you are of anything that has to do with that… Let her see how happy you are your new life like to do the most that’s what I would do. There’s a reason why she wants to be your friend letter. Sometimes when you go looking for shit that’s exactly what you get a shit let her stuff in her own shit that’s what she wants to do.

If you are over him, avoid the drama… plain and simple!

I would’ve already had that deleted and blocked :no_entry_sign:

I wouldn’t accept it. Especially after all this time.

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I wouldn’t say or do anything. And I certainly wouldn’t be accepting any friend requests from her.

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I bet she hit it in error snooping and now she is committed cos she knows you have seen it.


Block her? No one is twisting your arm to add her to your social media

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There’s trouble in paradise for them. Decline it and move on with your life

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Strange lol I wouldn’t add her.

Don’t accept the request. Likely she is looking to stir up trouble. Either wants to see what you’ve been doing or wants you to see what she’s up to. Either way it doesn’t matter :woman_shrugging:

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I’d block her so fast lmao, not gonna stress me out on my cellular device :rofl:

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I delete the requests because I don’t do friends with exes or they’re new flavors. To me the past needs to be left in the past but that just me.

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Dont accept it, block her! Shes trying to be nosey. I blocked a lot of people who I thought were trying to be nosey. :rofl::woman_shrugging:

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They may have their own issues in their relationship and she may think you are involved. I’d delete that request for sure.

I wouldn’t add her as friend and block her

Just don’t add her. You don’t need the drama and stress. Although the juicy gossip would be great its not worth it.


me being nosey myself I would ask her what she wants then block her lol but definitely not add her

She either wants to creep on you, rub their relationship in your face OR apologize because he did the same thing to her :woman_shrugging: don’t accept it but message her and ask what’s the deal. If it’s drama, block her

There having problems and she wants your input about him


Run the other way don’t need that drama

Why is this such a problem :sob::joy: what are we 12? :woman_facepalming:t3:


She’s either threatened by you still and being nosey, or she wants to talk to you and maybe get the scoop on him because now he’s being shady to her? Lol I wouldn’t deny it because it makes it look like you have a problem with her, and I wouldn’t accept it either so she can stalk your life. Just let the girl sit in your request box.


She probably wants to talk to you because she’s being cheated on or she’s trolling because she thinks he’s cheating with you that’s my first thoughts

If you just wanna know what she wants, just ask her. Message and say, “Hey! I’m sorry, but I’m don’t quite recognize your face. Do I know you?” And then when she answers. Be like, “oh, ok. Is there any particular reason why you’re adding me?” Boom. Done.


U thinkin to much into it block and move on

Talk to her. :woman_shrugging:t3: We’re grown y’all might become great friends. Unless of course you haven’t really moved on.

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She’s got something to tell u that she thinks u should know


Either add her or block her - no one here can guess her motives

She just wants to keep an eye on you, seeing if any activity shows up with you and your ex. Pretending to want to just shats experiences, ect.
There’s Always an agenda!


I wouldn’t accept it! Be happy where you are at in life and avoid drama.

She want to look at your page message her what’s up why you want on my page you know we are not friends

He’s probably cheating on her and she’s trying to figure out who it is by being nosey on your page. Don’t accept it it would probably just be drama.


This is really a personal decision and it shouldn’t be up to a group of strangers to decide. If you don’t feel like the two of you can be civil or if being friends on Facebook is too difficult for you to handle then simply don’t accept it. You’re grown and you don’t owe anyone an explanation.

Accept the friend request and talk her into having a threesome with you and your ex. Then have the beefiest, hairiest guy friend show up instead. :woman_shrugging::grin:


I wouldn’t go there if I were you .

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She probably has always been jealous of you and always compared herself to you. And they more then likely having problems and your name has probably been brought up and she wants to be nosey and paranoid. But don’t add her, you don’t need that negativity in your life. Or if your like me add her and ask her why she is adding you.


I would say what do you want you already have my seconds but all in serious it can go south or good , a. Should could apologize cause he’s a pig B. Rub the relationship in your face

He’s probably cheating on her too. If they cheat with you they will cheat on you.

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She may not want anything hunn…just suss ur wall out :rofl::rofl:

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Delete the request lol

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Talk to her you said you and ex were friends maybe he misses being friends but you just have to talk to her

She just wants Creep

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Just push delete request and move along. This isn’t a thing you need to concern yourself with.


Girl decline & move in


Put the past behind you and move on. Unless you want to be this woman’s friend, just ignore it.

Sounds like she is suspicious of him cheating

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Maybe she’s trying to clear her conscious and wants to apologize. Check your “other” folder in FB Messenger to see if she sent you a message.

I think she was stalking you and accidentally requested you as a friend


Maybe she wants to apologize?

Why would you even think about it

NOPE. NO WAY! She thinks she’s slick

I would just ignore or block the person and keep moving

Don’t think too hard. Either delete it and stay private or accept it and let her see from a distance how happy and awesome you are. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Ignore the request if that’s what you want to do. Maybe she wants to see what’s on your page, maybe she wants to talk as she might have the same issue of him cheating on her and she wants advice. If it was me, I would delete and move on

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Who cares why she sent you a friend request. For what possible reason would you want her, or him, on your social media? Delete. Block. Move on.

Maybe things have been happening with him and she wants to ask you some questions. I would not add her as a friend but message her and ask her why she sent you a friend request .

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Ignore the request and say nothing.

He’s probably cheating on her now. Just delete her friend request and let her reep what she sowed. How she met him is how she should live.

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Could be that she accidentally added while stalking your page.

l Get paid over $113 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $12340 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.

Go to This.

Just decline. Don’t think too much.

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If you don’t want to accept, don’t. The only reason I can think of TO accept is if both of you have kids. Then the siblings should have the opportunity to know each other.

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Delete or ignore. Leave the past in the past. Personally, i would not feel as if there is anything to talk about. The one thing in common is your ex. Much peace and love ☆

If there is no purpose in this connection why give it energy, was in the past. But that’s up to you. :heart:

Well let’s be honest, he cheated on you…and with her, she’s probably figuring out that he’s doing it to her too. I don’t know about giving access to my personal business- people can get really emotional. I’m sure if it was something important, she’d come out and ask you first before sending a friend request. Lol that’s entirely inappropriate-she probably knows he’s cheating and is trying to find out who and where. Just be careful, You don’t know what side she’s playing

He’s cheating on her and she’s trying to figure out who with. It’s a trust issue they have and you don’t need to get involved. Decline and move on.


Delete the request and move on.

I would deny her & move on without a second thought

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Yea I wouldn’t respond to a friend request if she has concerns she will message u.
if she’s jealous she’s stalking u.
It’s just how it goes. Don’t accept.

Deny the request and move on. Don’t overthink. You don’t want to be FB friends with her, so don’t. It could honestly be an ‘oops’. You may come up as a potential friend if you share a few FB friends and she could’ve just hit ‘friend’ without thinking; I know someone who did that with an ex and then realized it later.

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Don’t do this. It opens too many doors. Just ignore it.

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She may just have been looking at your profile and accidentally added you without realising , it has happened to me an exes girlfriend added me and I just removed it

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She’s nervous. She knows how she got him. She doesn’t trust him. She’s creeping. Don’t accept and keep it moving!!

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You don’t add her as a friend. She might want to apologize, and she can do that by sending you a message. But don’t add her for her to be able to see all your personal things.

He probly is doing the same thing to her and wants to drag up drama and tell you about it would be my guess. I’d just ignore it and block her.

Just ask her see what she wants

Sounds like trouble. Remember she will see all your business on Facebook. Beware

Probably an accidental request from looking at your profile


Ha hes probably cheating on her and wants info


I’ve had to message my exes wife to try getting in contact with him…but that’s only because I have a daughter by him :roll_eyes: she has no reason to contact you especially after this long.

WHY do you even have to ASK ??
RUN from both if them.
TRY making NEW freinds with something valuable to add to life.
MIVE FORWARD dont just recycle the same trash.

You don’t have to accept friend requests.

Just ignore it or decline it
Unless you actually know the person not just from them being together
But other then that I don’t see why anyone would want to have someone on their account they don’t know and that could just be basically spying on your profile instead of just the intentions of being friends

Do Not Accept
Out of sight out of mind
Protect yourself from drama
Just keep moving forward :heart:

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1 of 2 things…either she done figured out he was lying to her about you and she wants to make amends with you or she wants to be funny. This is speaking from experience.

This actually has happened…the friend request from the ex prior to me. Her intentions were not to harm, but to inform what he put her through. Sure enough…similar started happening to me.

Lol does it matter? Just delete the request.

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She wants to see what you post. Is he liking it, are his friends your friends. Nosey is all

I’d bet things aren’t going well with them and she’s wanting someone who’s been through it before to commiserate with her.

Been there. My ex-husband’s wife sent me a request not long ago as well as a message. They’d split up and she basically was apologising and wanted to vent to me about it all because she knew I’d been through the same mess she was going through. I was of course too nice, as always, and tried helping her and it just ended up in drama as she kept going back to him and deleting me and the splitting up with him again and readding me. I finally put my foot down and wouldn’t refriend her.

Don’t accept. It’s not worth the drama.


Just hit accept and let it unfold


I wouldn’t delete it . If you just leave her in limbo. She has to wait so long before she can send another on. :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Lol happened to me. My ex husband’s wife friended me and I politely sent her a message asking if it was a mistake and she said she just friended anyone who was suggested and I told her I didn’t mind accepting her friend request if she wanted me too. That’s how adults adult

I would just ignore it. It could’ve been by accident from Facebook showing people you may know. At any rate you are over thinking and putting too much energy into this.

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Don’t say anything and just delete the request. Block if you want. It’s been six years. It doesn’t matter what anyone wants or is thinking, it matters what you’re doing in your life. Just looking at the request has got you upset and stressed.


Nope, delete the request.