My kids call my partner dad by their own choice. And I’ve always told them if they want to call their fathers partner mum that’s okay with me because at the end of the day she also takes care of my kids like her own x
Sorry completely different situation
If the child themselves give a title, that’s one thing. Your son is being brainwashed.
Nope. Fuck that shit! He wouldn’t go back until we went to court and addressed it. But I’m petty asf so…
Clearly your ex’s new GF has some serious unresolved issues. First of all, what kind of woman does not allow her man to communicate with his child’s mother? I could understand if you were sending inappropriate text to each other, but even then you still have a child you two need to speak about. Secondly, where in the world does she think she has any right of making a child that she did not give birth to or raise call her mommy. It would be one thing if you were not around or not taking care of him! I don’t know about your state, but in the custody agreement where I live there was a clause that states my ex can’t live with anyone unless they are
Married and if he does I have the right to hold him in contempt and alter our agreement. I would check all the clauses and whether communication is allowed or not tell him it has to stop or you will find him in contempt or file for full temporary custody! It’s thank Ridiculous that there are women out there that do this! I know a few myself and I think it is so wrong!
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Dont let your kid go back take him to court
If you have concerns and struggling to communicate go through a lawyer and have mediation where she won’t be allowed to attend and come up with an agreement with him signed and even get judge consented. If you tell the lawyers legal aid etx about the communication issue they will help. Don’t use a family service place
And maybe have you child sit down with a councillor or psychologist about thia
I would send them both a lil text( since she answers for him) and ask for the bs to stop. If you hear of the bs you’ll take em to court or your son can be seen on FaceTime…this is if you don’t have court order visiting time set up.
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Um girl go bang on his door and demand he talk to you and tell his gf that she is a bitch and your son isn’t hers and she can not force him to call her mom and that they all better fix the situation or the court system will. Dont plat games with gfs who didn’t help you make the child because that’s not how it works.
Hell No …One mom only if the mother is in the kid’s life .
I would address this in person. Face to face with the dad present. Also she’s not allowed to cut communication off between you two, If needed you could go through the courts and put it in the paperwork that you are to speak to the dad only and girlfriends aren’t allowed to live in the home.
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Gf needs to get a grip & let you communicate with his father. That’s just petty.
I’m all for a “step” parent being called mommy or daddy but not being forced, only when the child is ready.
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I would definitely be sewing that mouth up and add so monkey glue as well
I’m that kind of mother
I’d be throwing hands…probably would be my response even if I wasn’t 18 weeks pregnant & overly hormonal.
Address it with both of them, next time you swap or ask a friend of his for HIM to call you that you need to talk.
I’d be going back to court to change the arrangements. If he cant stand up for what is right than you have to.
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So when my husband was a kid his dad’s new girlfriend told his sister she was gonna be her new mommy. My mother in law beat her senseless. I’m not saying do that but you damn sure have a right to be upset.
That is a NO NO, she is out of order. You need to approach her or them and tell them how it is. You are the mom and you will be addressed as such. He needs to put on his big boy pants as in dad and set some boundaries with his gf…
Stand up for your child this is child abuse physiological so help that child
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I think I am more worried that your ex allows her to do all the communication between you.
Tell her to get a life, & further more yourself, this is your child, you are the momma. I wouldn’t even let her see him period.
I would not allow visits until he contacts to directly
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Who does he get in trouble by dad or wannabe mama? If it’s wannabe mama I’d set her straight. That is not her son and should not be making him call her mom. I’d definitely be taking that to the street. Also if she’s physically disciplining your son then she’d definitely catch these hands. Timeout and taking something away is one thing but step parent or wannabe parent is going to touch my kids. And if dads doing the discipline then he needs to be put in check as well. I’m so sorry mama. Also until things are addressed I wouldn’t be sending him back
Back to court she should not be able to block communication between you and your child’s father
I would send a text saying that unless you can communicate with the father then you’ll get a lawyer and/or go through mediation
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If your child is uncomfortable with it and you can’t reach the father via text/ calls then I would be picking up my child face to face or dropping them off face to face and addressing it then. You don’t have to cause a fight or yell and scream. But as your child’s father he should be aware that he is uncomfortable with the situation and if he doesn’t care then what other uncomfortable situations is he allowing the child to be in
Oh hell no!!! She has no right and I would not stand for this at all.
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I would slap the shit out of both of them.
Oh hell no I’d go psychotic on her ass stuff that seriously I wouldn’t care about what contact is allowed I’d make sure I got it through to them that this is not to happen and if it continues there would be serious trouble coming!!
Now if this was my child’s wishes to call them mum sure it would kill me but I’d respect my child’s choice but this isn’t the case and I wouldn’t allow any person to force my child to call any one anything if they didn’t want to!
U better stop it now before something bad might happens
He has one mommy and that will always be you. She needs to step back and your ex shouldn’t be allowing it. Talk to someone legally and address the situation.
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Ugh it’s so hard because if you address her it sounds like she will turn into a cuntzilla and it’ll be taken out on your son.
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She has no right to discipline your child and I would let her know that and if it continues there would be no more visit if the dad wants to step up then we could talk about it but I wouldn’t be talking to his girlfriend about my son
If you have joint custody through the courts the gf needs to understand that whatever happens with YOUR son is between you and your sons father. If she is gonna be a disrespectful little B, then I’d go back to the courts. You NEED to have communication with your child’s father, not his gf.
I’m sorry you’re going through this no mommy should have to go through this.
Much love for you, I hope things work out
Your son is clearly uncomfortable with this and is probably miserable while he is over there. I wouldn’t allow him to go back until you are able to talk with the father and get this resolved. The fact that you can not communicate with the father of your child is a huge problem. She is not his mother, and has NO say whatsoever. He needs to put her in her place, and if they have a problem with that then take him back to court!
roll with the flow when he is older he can change I have seen these, later on “step mom” gets an ear full=====g
Even if she does answer the calls and messages, I imagine at some point he has to be picked up or dropped off. My child would not be going anywhere until this matter was discussed. If the gf is that controlling, sounds like dad may be a bit of a push over and I wouldn’t depend or trust him to correct the situation. I’d be really concerned that your son says he is disciplined for not calling her mommy. Red flags!! Handle your business
Take his ass back to court. Have it to where he has to be the one to communicate and to stop that bs mommy thing.
he doesn’t go back until you actually speak to your ex in person
Girl! I’m just sending love. I have no advice. I think it’s very disrespectful to you and distasteful for her to make your Son call her Mommy. If he felt like she was a 2nd Mom and did it on his own I would let it go but that B has a serious problem all around
Ah yea thats a problem and my kid wouldn’t go back over there! Thats causing mental issues for your kid! Smh
She is purposely being shitty but u need to bite the bullet for ur son. If he refuses to do it because he loves you, he will become the target. You know you ARE his momma and so does he. Once she realizes it’s not gonna bug you, it will loose steam. Good luck
It would be a cold day in hell before my son called another woman mommy! I’d get her dealt with quicklike!!!
Eff that! First- you did not have a child with this sordid crazy B&#!$! Next, youe ex is p;&#!-whipped! He better get ahold of his fatherly b#$!;& and put her in her place! Or your gonna have to. PERIOD. You think its gonna get better???
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Oh hell -to-the- no.
Cuss that woman out
Don’t send him back over there and call your lawyer and your son’s lawyer.
Contact the court. Speak to a family service coordinator, or a lawyer. I’m unsure what state you are in-however in Maryland, it is typically put into the documents that the child has one mother and one father and shall not address anyone as such other than the correct person. I wouldn’t jump right to taking him to court, but Atleast contacting someone about it to find out your options may be best
If shes a good mom to the kid fuck it … My gfs kids call me dad its a honor … If my kids have a good dad fuck it hes dad any dad can b a father … Being a dad is different
ur his mum not her i would b annoyed also contact the lawyer
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Yall are childish as fuck are yall high school wtf a good parent is a good parent grow the fuck up
I would give advice but everyone always says “violence isn’t the answer” and that’s all I can think of right now
I’ve been in my partners and their little girls life and they in mine and my two teens life for a yr and a bit now and well ain’t none our kids use mum/dad for the other , it is by name. If a child chooses to on their own then so be it if not well that’s great. They have a mum, and they had a dad. The kids recognise the other as a step parent and they adore us but that’s that.
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Sounds like the new girlfriend needs to learn what boundaries and toxic behavior are.
When you next take your son for a visit talk to his face and just say “can we please have a quick talk in private it’s regarding (sons name) then mention that you’re not okay with it and that he should probably put her in her place!! Easier said then done I know but worth a try
No, you are most certainly not wrong as long as your main issue is your child being FORCED to call another woman mom and that’s it… that is ignorant and so wrong to do to a child. I would be contacting a lawyer and having that vial being removed from my child’s life, period! And sorry, but if dad allows that bs, he isn’t as spectacular of a father as you’d like to hope he is…
My child would not be going anywhere that I couldn’t speak to their father. I went thru this with my kids once, I plainly let her know that all communications between him and my children were with each other and not her. She was not to stop that.
You’re court papers should state that both parties should update each other of address or phone number changes. That’s so you can talk to one another and not through a third person. Let her know that you will take it back to court if it continues. And then do it, if necessary. Court going to side with you in this one and in my state. She wouldn’t be allowed in the court room. It’s only the parents.
So you had a kid with a little B****. Girl, me too. You need be stepping back at her really quick. She is testing your boundaries and it seems you are just letting her.
He does not go back until you speak to his FATHER.
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Even if she does read the texts … send the message anyways ! F that bs ! She sounds very insecure and controlling.
Oh no ma’am. I’m the stepmom and I never tell my stepson to call me mom. He’s always called me Brittany. Sometimes he slips up and calls me mom but that’s because my daughter calls me mom and he just copies her. I’ve been in his life 5 years and would NEVER cross that line. Set her straight.
I would message dad when you know he’s not with his gf. Like when he’s at work and address the issue. I would definitely address it tho. I’m the ONLY mom my children have.
Yea I agree with everyone, back to court. They can’t act like adults then I’d take measure. I’d reach out to the ex first and tell him your situation and see what he (I’m sure it’ll be she) then you can show those texts to court if she replies. But yea that way outta line I’d be livid and my daughter would never go over there again if they going to act like children themselves.
Go over there when you know your ex is there and confront them both…this is NOT ok…I’d be beyond furious.
Does he have a work phone number that you can possibly call and set up a time to meet and discuss it in private?
Don’t talk to your ex about it! Go directly to her. Do not pass go, collect all that $200! If you decide to talk to your ex, tell him EXACTLY HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT IT.
Sorry, my advice is punching her in the mouth but that’d get you in shit. Wish you all the best tho xxxx
Have a mediation done. The mediator will have you and the father attend and will set him straight.
WAY stepping over line for her. It should be your sons choice to call her that. I have been in my step kids life’s for 5 years and they still call me by my first name, they have asked if they can call me mom and I said by all means go for it! Just know I’m not replacing mommy! I feel A child should never be forced to call a step parent mommy or daddy if they don’t want to specially if there only a gf to the father
If I were you I would not allow my son to go over no more until I sat down with the father and new girlfriend to correct her a** and let her know where I stand when it comes to my child being forced to do anything period!!!
yea u habe a right to be upset but theres nothing u can really do about it. its one of those things that u gotta pick if its worth causing a scene over. if he knows YOUR. his mom. thats all that matters. leave it be cause honestly this dont seem like its worth it.
If he was comfortable enough to call her mommy on his own without fear of being in trouble that’s one thing but to force a child to call you mommy … no I’d talk to her directly
She doesnt allow communication? He wouldn’t be seeing his son them- that’ll make him pick up the phone.
This is a nope. He has one mother and that is you.
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I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost three years. We just recently bought a house together. I’ve never forced his daughter to call me mom or mommy. I let her choose what she feels comfortable with. She’s just now comfortable with calling my family mamaw, papa, uncle, aunt. But I’ve always told her it’s what she’s comfortable with. She calls me by my name or her step mom. Main communication is by my boyfriend and his daughters mom. But we’ve got to a point in our co parent relationship were if need be her and I can communicate too.
Girl you’re a better woman than me coz I would be in prison after the 1st time my baby got in trouble for not calling some random woman mummy.
I’d be asking him to come around for a face to face chat about it all and my kids wouldn’t be going anywhere away from me until that chat had been had. She has ZERO rights to that boy and needs to know her place
Then call her / his phone and tell her hey you are ok with her loving him and ok that he calls her mom but your not ok with her forcing him to do it and making him use your name while he is with them … you are his mother not the step mom not the flavor of the week you are the MOM that if she can’t handle it then she needs to find another place to be when he is with his Dad that if you hear of him being forced to call her mom again or he gets in trouble then dad can see him at his mother’s or another family members on his weekends
How about “Mommy Sue” (or whatever her name is)? Of course, if she is just a girlfriend the situation may correct itself.
My son now 18 would call my husband (his stepfather) Dad or Daddy when he was with us and his Bio Dad Daddy K(father’s name) and his stepmom Mommy T. And it was opposite when he was at their house I would be Mommy S and they were Mom and Dad. My child understood who was who. He was lucky to have 2 sets of parents. I can’t honestly say the last time I actually talked to his father, I would go through his stepmom bc she was the one dealing with things when he was there. When he moved in with them she was taking him to appointment’s. She may not have given birth to my son but she is one of his Mom’s.
Ask to speak with him privately at pick up or drop off.
Next time you see your sons dad, tell him to his face, and maybe get your son write a letter to him saying he doesn’t want to call her mum, if he has no issues calling him mum, then leave it, but not calling her mum and getting in trouble is not ok at all, she is an adult and shouldn’t be forcing a child to do something he doesn’t feel comfortable doing, calling her mum one day, telling him he has to say you hurt him could be the next.
It’s one thing for a nickname of some kind to naturally develop over time but to demand a child call dad’s gf mom, and punish him if he doesn’t is not okay. How is dad a good dad if he allows his son to be punished for something like that? How is he okay with his son being forced to call his gf mom, even when he doesn’t want to? How is he okay with not being able to communicate with the mother of his child. Go to his work, talk to him face to face and say if he doesn’t step up, you’re going to court because that is not good parenting.
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Well if she’s always answering his phones n shit then say something she will obviously see it🤷🏾♀️
I would first ensure this is truthful before you accuse. You can’t always believe children, not even your own. If it is truthful, then she’s absolutely wrong. And so is dad for not correcting it.
Pick your battles. I personally would drive over there and kick her ass, but I’ve been to jail too, so don’t listen to me.
Nope she is stepping out of line and she is not his parent. She should not be addressing anything that has to deal with the child
Address it in court. And the issue of not having proper access to communicate with your sons other biological parent due to interference by a girlfriend.
Omg i would be so angry. Think the father needs to grow a set and telling his partner/or whatever she is to butt out and grow up and let the parents co parent without her childish input and restrictions.
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Hell no my son will not and has known not to call my son’s father’s gf of 7 years mom and also the fact ur son goes over there but u can’t contact the father is a big no no. Idk what u can do about this but put ur foot down or in her ass
It’s bs that he gets in trouble for NOT calling her mommy, but I wouldn’t get bent outta shape at the fact he does call her that. Pretty toxic that she doesn’t allow him to talk to you tho
Call dad at work…. Then you can speak to him! Tell him it’s the child’s choice and if she keeps pushing, then the child’s counselor will testify in court for you.
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As a mom and a step-mom, she is definitely overstepping her bounds. The child/children should always be able to choose what to call their parents signficant other! My bonus son’s call me mom now and have called me mom ever since their father and I had been together for about 8 months and my daughter calls him dad and none of them were forced to call us that, they all came into it on their own
Ur his mummy…she sounds like a big control freak
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Makes him call you By your name?
Punishing your son if he doesn’t call dads gf mom?
He doesn’t sounds like a good Father to me.
When I married and we blended our families, we came up a name for them to call me. They call me Mimi. Mom is at their other house.
She should respect your boundaries because you are his mother and she cannot replace you. You should talk to her about it and stand your ground. I hope he doesn’t stay with her because she sounds very toxic and manipulative
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Show and an address the stimulation at the house and then if she’s still a bitch hit her in the face.
As a mom and stepmom - big nope for me. If the father is refusing communication then take it to court.
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Yumm tell her NO he is your son not hers and she has no right. I can see him calling her mom if she was his stepmother but she is not.
Stop that crap now. You need to speak to them both face to face and explain that while you appreciate her wanting to love YOUR son, she is not and never will be his mother. She had no right to force the child to call her mommy. I wouldn’t be nice about it but that’s just me. You and you alone are his mother. If it doesn’t stop I would speak to an attorney.
She’s overstepping her boundaries for sure. You should be able to communicate with the father since it’s about y’all child. The child should never be force to call someone mommy and be punished if he doesn’t. That’s messed up and traumatizing for the child. Address it with her first. If it don’t resolve, take it to court.
Yes you have the right & evidently your ex doesn’t have the guts to stand up to her & not allow it. No child should be made call anyone mom or dad if their bio is in a good relationship with them.
HIS new partner doesn’t allow it? AHH HELL NO. She needs an attitude adjustment and put back in her rightful place and that man needs to either grow a pair or at the least rent some!