wow.youre very grown up about things:clap:good for you.recently my son and his gf had her sons bday party(hes my sons stepson)and beforehand i thought it would be a nice idea for her to invite her sons dad to his party.she did.he accepted and everyone had fun.i told my son…youre helping raise his son you both have same bm.your boys are brothers.everyone needs to get along for the very proud they heard me out.
Maybe your ex husband is actually gay and doesn’t want you to meet his fiancé. He’s too defensive about his fiancé and his kids should come first.
Ur not wrong you need to get with her cause him saying ur over stepping he might not be telling her
I don’t think your over stepping anything they are your kids
Women are bitter babe. Maybe it is her. He sounds bitter too though so idk…I’d friend her on social media and message her through there at a time he isn’t around her.
Either he’s telling her bs which is persuading her to keep her distance or he’s worried you’re gonna tell her things he doesn’t want her to know. Because I don’t know one darn female who wouldn’t want to have some kind of bond with her future children’s mother.
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