My family doesn't want me to circumcise my son: Advice?

My son was upset with me for not having it done when he was born :cry::worried:

I had 4 boys and didn’t have them circumcised, they are all in their 40’s now and they have never had any problems.


Your family sounds awesome!!!

Either do it now while he is young or he will be doing it when he gets older and probably alot more painful. Cleanliness is the main reason


Don’t do it mother of 4 boys

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Shouldn’t y’all be asking the guys?

If it’s classed as genital mutilation for females, should be for male unless for medical reason!


I regret not getting my son circumsized.

Was told it was to lessen chances of infection however never had any problems in 60+ years still you are the parent your choice


I have 3 boys they all are circumcised if not done easier for infection its alot cleaner and if complication ever arrive it better when they are this small .But its your son do what you think best.

I wouldn’t do it. I regret the decision I made for my son. It wasn’t mine to make.

It’s not there baby do what you think is right

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I have worked in a birthing center… There is no found medical reason to circumcise… The parents tend to do it for cosmetic reasons… You have to decide what’s best for your child now, because he can’t make the decision… Or leave it up to him later… Peace and blessings.


I did not snip my son. He is 21 now and has never had an issue. Just teach your boy how to properly clean himself…
And it’ll be peachy.

Not done!!! You do you momma :heart:

I have 2 sons 16 years apart. My first the ins. Did not pay for and so I did not have the second one done. The only thing make sure to keep clean.

Speaking from the nursing field there is a greater chance of penile cancer than circumcision


Foreskin actually has a function. It helps maintain lubrication during sex. Not really a hygiene issue anymore. And try and imagine trying to trim a section of your vagina without numbing medication. :woman_shrugging:t2: why would you? I can understand if you’re religious, but it’s painful and unnecessary. I’ve never been grossed out by a non circumcised one either. :woman_shrugging:t2:


He’s your son, it’s your choice to make. My personal opinion is to get boys circumcised for health/cleanliness reasons first and foremost. For more personal reasons, I find an uncircumcised man’s privates to be gross for lack of a better word and I wouldn’t want my son to be looked at like that by someone in the future. But as I said, he’s your son, it’s your decision to make. If he is dissatisfied when he’s older he can always get himself circumcised, it’s just more painful when they’re older.

I wouldn’t do it either. Let it be up to him when he’s old enough to make that decision. I couldn’t put either of my sons through that pain and they are in thier 20’s and haven’t had any issues. My sister didnt circumcise her boys either. The foreskin is there to protect the penis if it wasnt meant to be there they wouldn’t be born with it.

No way only one of my four boys was circumcised and he was 10 due to an infection , he was in agony no way unless for medical reasons totally unnecessary otherwise in my opinion xx

Circumcision is for cosmetic purposes only. The majority of the world is intact and there is no pandemic of infected penises.
Each year in the US, 100+ babies die because of circumcision.
Do your research (up to date research) and then make a decision based on that.
Check out elephant in the hospital on youtube and my whole baby.

It really depends on you and your others half opinions. Everybody else does not matter. If you don’t and whatever reasons those are stick to them. There are pros and cons on both side.

I didn’t have my two boys done. Have never had any issues whatsoever. As they got older they were shown how to properly clean :woman_shrugging:. My opinion is if it wasn’t meant to be there, it wouldn’t be. Do what you think is best for your baby and don’t dwell on others opinions …unless solicited

Don’t circumcise your son, let the dr do it!!!


I have 3 boys all have been circumcized. It helps with infection when they don’t pull back for skin to clean. Easier to do it when infant then in 40s. But then there are some men that never have problems. It is your sone

Ewww yes circumcise him why would u not :woman_facepalming:t4:

I chose not to have my son circumcised when he was born for many reasons and the nurses actually all agreed with me

yes it should be done.

I chose not to circumcise and regretted it. At 6 months, he had so much foreskin he needs to go under general anesthesia for a circumcision.


Your child your choice.

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I honestly left that choice up to my husband… I have never had a penis. So I asked from his perspective did he think we should or not. Honestly if u dont… he can always get it done later in life. As long as you “properly” take care of the cleaning I dont think it makes a difference, but I’m not a doctor or nurse just a boy mom lol

My son was circumcised. They gave him a numbing shot and he didn’t even flinch through it! He doesn’t NEED it but I wanted it done bcus of my family’s medical history. The skin I have read can tear during sex(ouch) and of course when they’re older and not able to clean themselves very well. Totally up to you. Good luck

Why an earth would you?? It’s not natural, I’m going to guess you are in the USA where it seems to be a thing?


If he wants to get done when he’s older he can. In times of war they used the circumsize the men due to where the had to go and it was not possible to keep clean so rather than risk infection the men would be done.

They don’t give them any pain medication, just some sugar water and it’s primarily cosmetic. I didn’t get my son circumcised because my doctor couldn’t tell me one way or another and I couldn’t find anything one way or another. It’s a cosmetic procedure that is the parents choice. And unnecessary and painful imo

My 1st son ( now 47) was done - mainly because that was the thinking at the time
2nd son ( 40 ) was not - attitudes had changed
We discussed it with the doc , who said no sound reason to do the surgery , but he would if we wanted it done .
for your family ; NOT what others think .

I had my oldest son circumcised. Never any issues. Went in to get my youngest done and the doctor said he was naturally circumcised and would actually need surgery. He even said that it might make it look weird since there wasn’t enough skin and there isn’t actually any medical reasons to get it done. So far it’s been pretty easy just have to always keep it clean.

It’s a personal decision.
Flip a coin & you’ll know YOUR honest answer before the coin even stops moving!

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I have one boy he is not done no problems…in fact my pediatrician advised against it…said it was a very traumatic for both the baby and the parents

My now 15 year old isn’t circumcised and he has not had any issues thus far. I have asked him a few times if it bothers him or if he had any regrets and he said it doesn’t bother him.

Unless it’s for medical reasons it’s Absolutely disgusting how is this still allowed!! How do they feel about FGM?? Stick to your guns Hun x


If men were intended to be circumcised they would be born that way.


Your not making a mistake.

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Yes, my opinion is to do it now, even if just for cosmetic & cleanliness reasons, if your son chooses to do it as an adult, it is much more painful.

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Its better to get it done as a baby…If they want to go onto the service they would have to have it done .Its painful when they are older…Their is some religions that dont believe in it…They have to be taught how to keep it really clean if its not there are chances for infectiond…But in the end it’s your child an your choice


You should do it, because my sons had a lot of infections, so much cleaner, and you don’t have to teach them to pull the skin back and wash it. I wished I did it after they were born.

I have two sons they aren’t. It hurts them they feel the pain don’t do it

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I didn’t get my boys done. It’s unnecessary and they go through so much already. You as a mom go through so much. No need to add on to it.

This is ur child so ur rules. Imo i circumcised all 3 of mine because its easier to keep everything cleaned properly without having to pull back the skin and all

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Its a personal choice. No need for it as long as it is kept clean. Its astetics only.

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Tough one these days but if it hurting him is worrying you it it a much worser to have this done when your a adult which is happening, much easier choice in the old days

It is your baby, your decision, first and foremost. That said, since you are asking for opinions, here is mine. I know that uncircumcised penises collect bacteria and dirt, and smell to high heavens, even after washed, especially as the kid gets older. They are also more prone to getting urinary tract infections. If your son wants to get circumcised later on down the road, it is more painful and the recovery period is worse. Also, later on in life when he is ready to have intercourse, it may be a little less pleasurable for him, and orgasm typically takes longer to achieve. And then, of course, you can’t ignore the jokes he may have to endure from other classmates at gym time in the locker room…or from friends that think it’s funny to tease. Self-esteem issues may then begin to crop up. Those are some of the issues that I’ve been told by my uncircumcised partners, or things I’ve noticed about them as well. Btw, my son was circumcised, and the nurses told me he didn’t even cry! And he did not seem bothered by it at all, whatsoever, afterwards. And I’ve never had a friend, whose had a son, tell me they’ve had any problems with their boys getting circumcised…just the opposite in fact. Better to do it earlier than later…that I’ve been told by two guys that had it done as adults. Good luck!

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I have two sons both are curcumcised… however when males are not circumcised the are more susceptible to sexual stds because of the forskin…just a little FYI…some girls have issues cleaning the hood on thier clitoris I can only imagine how it would be for a little with all that forskin

It’s really no ones fu€king business but you and the father. Do some research and come up with your very own opinion on the matter and go from there. My 2 boys are circumcised and i could give a f&!# less what ANYONE thinks about it.

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I have 2 sons one is 13 and the other 1 turns one next week
I didnt circumsize my 13 year old and he tells me he wishes i did it when he was born . I did choose to have my baby boy circumsized tho i find it easier to clean

I did it for my son
Best personal decision for my family

Wow I didn’t realise circumcision was such a big deal, I have two boys and have never even thought about cutting parts of their penis off because people think they can’t clean it properly. For a medical reason if it needed it then yes, but for any other reason why would anyone even consider it! Leave your baby’s winkys alone, boys learn how to clean it properly it’s part of life…find it really strange so many people choose to cut it off, I’m in the uk so maybe it’s different here but the only reasons I’ve ever heard of it was religious which I now think is outdated and irrelevant. I doubt any god needs to know your cut the skin off a mans penis


back in the 70’s my son was circumcised .in the 2000’s my grand sons are not. circumcision is brutal and barbaric

Ehhhhh what business is it of theirs?


Before I had my son, my mom and I had a talk about circumcision. It was my choice. Personally, its your decision. I had my son circumcised. My mom (who has custody), she still bathes him. My son is disabled (part of the reason I circumcised him.

I circumcised my baby boy and emotionally regretted it. :confounded: watching him scream and cry at 2mo while a man took a blade to his poor little pp… Fucking heart breaking. I was under pressure from my father who is cut too, as he had done with my brother. I guess our family “just does it because its easier to take care of” but if i have another son, i wont have him cut. Its too much to watch and have to pay for.

Wtf, why would anyone choose to do that to their son if it did not need to be done for medical reasons, nothing to do with cleanliness, some people need to give their head a shake :woman_shrugging:t3:


The cutting of the skin is painful and your robbing your son of sensation down there he could experience as a man. He was born with it,leave it. Just push it back and clean it. How would you feel your mom and dad removed your nipples? Just because other people think its the right thing doesnt mean the little person not having a voice its right for them. Just think about it please.




There’s been accidents were the doctor cut off too much and they had to turn the baby into a girl. We need to stop playing God


I didn’t circumcise my son.

I have two boys and both of mine are its best to do it as babies but your choice

Just leave it! I have 2 circumcised and 2 not. They wish I had left it alone. So just leave it and teach him how to keep it clean. Your child!!

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I think he was born with it for a reason, why fight nature?


I worked in a doctor’s office. We ha a 5yrs old boy that had to have a circumcision done at 5 because his mother didn’t have him circumcised at birth and she never pulled it down to stretch the skin and she never cleaned it so he had alot of infections. The last time it got so bad he almost lost his penis. I can’t imagine the pain that little guy went through, at least when they are newborn they done notice or remember the pain. He will definitely remember that pain now.


They are your children and that’s your decision. It’s really not their business.


I had both my son’s done and I regret it, if I had to do it all over again, I don’t think I would!!

Not medically needed. Religious reasons are another story


No it is so unsanitary not to, he can get alot of infections if not cleaned properly. And he be embarrassed later in life when no woman wants to look at that or have sex


i knew someone that got it done in there 40s because of sexual reasons

I didn’t my son is fine!! Its natural, how they were meant to be! I couldn’t get myself to have it done

mine isn’t, he’s 16 and had no issues


Yes, they will blame you later in life .

my obstetrician said to me after the trauma of child birth why would you put your son through more

Girl, this happened to me too. Everyone was against me not circumcising him. I ended up not circumcising. There is just no real need to do it. I don’t want to put my son through unnecessary pain for a stupid cosmetic procedure.

medically speaking no risk of infants and children getting infections under the foreskin. easier genital hygiene. much lower risk of getting cancer of the penis (although this is a very rare condition and good genital hygiene also seems to reduce the risk. More than 10,000 circumcisions are needed to prevent one case of penile cancer)

I watched videos of circumcision to help me make my decision——

Is your partner circumcised? What are his thoughts? YesI am and have never missed it. My brother who is a pediatrician performs them routinely in the hospital and yes you have to be trained and certified.

I didn’t circumcise my son.
Do what you feel is right.

Everyone does not need it. I wanted to circumcise my son when he was born. The pediatrician advised against it. He said he would not need it.

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I have two sons. Neither are and it’s never been a issue. They are both grown.


Your baby your choice. Stand your ground. Teach him to clean properly and you shouldn’t have an issue. I have two sons.


I prefer circumsiced. Or you ask boys out there if they like it or not.

No ones business but yours, husband and drs.


To me circumcision of a boy is just as barbaric as circumcision of a girl.


Both my boys are not circumcised. I made sure to teach them how to clean it properly and they have to pull the foreskin back. They are now 19 and 21 and so far no issues. Their pediatrician who is a male was also very gd about explaining hygiene and care to them.

Also I had a male friend who did it much later in life and he regrets it every day.

Mines circumcised because that was my decision. You do whatever you think is right for your baby n if anyone has shit to say to you just tell em “you can do whatever you want with your kids” or “when you have kids you can do as you wish” or if they have grown kids “you raised your kids how you want and now it’s my turn.” Just gotta do whatever you think is best for your baby regardless of how that looks to anyone else.

If you end up doing it, INSIST on local pain medication being given first.


Exactly why is everybody concerned!!! I have twin sons that are not circumcised it is nobody’s business at all… I have dealt with people questioning me as well… He will be fine as long as you teach him how to take care of himself hygienic wise… My boys are 6 now and not one issue… again it’s not anybody decision or business but you and your SO… and that’s all that matters!!! Do not let people bully you into doing something that you don’t want to do it’s your baby and whatever decisions you make now and throughout his whole life will be perfect for you and him momma!!! Positive vibes always!!!

Lots of our boys will not be circumcised…the tables are turning❣️

Did my son at birth, my brother isnt and it bothers him he is 44 now. Its really your choice. I didnt want to have any medical issues… most dont but some do , depends i guess. Idk

Just wonder why this is a family decision rather than a parental decision

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