My family doesn't want me to circumcise my son: Advice?

My brother wasn’t circumcized when he was born much to his regret. It ended up closing around the end of his mister & he got to where he couldn’t pee. He was 13 when he got circumcized because of that. He was less then happy about that outcome let me tell ya. He’d kill me if he knew I was telling yall I had both my boys done because of this reason. I saw the pain he went thru with that & was not about to potentially subject my son’s to that. Some guys have had problems some haven’t. It’s a crap shoot on if something will come up later. It’s all up to u mama.

I did not circumcise my son when he was born. 8 years later he ended up having complications and had to be circumcised because of it. He’s fine now, but he had some complications for about a year due to the surgery. I also know of plenty of boys who aren’t circumcised and are totally fine.

They will not lose feeling or be tortured. Don’t do it!

My son and his dad are both intact. Never an issue. The foreskin is there for a reason.

I think go with what the dad is … i wish i had of

Yes Get Him Circumcised


Ask the dad… I think its easier to clean… Do it…

Give him a mohawk and call it a day.

Circumsize or he will have one hell of an ugly ass penis. Just saying.

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Personally, I prefer it. I did both of my sons. But I watched my grandfather have to get it done at 60 years old, because of diabetes and it was so hurtful to him. I watched the pain he endured and decided to get my sons done when they were born, just in case later in life it became a medical issue. But those are your kids. Nobody else decision.

Why do Americans cut an important functional part of a child’s body off for no reason?
So glad my boys were born in Europe :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

Just had my son 12/21 and he’s circumcised. No issues and he healed well. It’s your decision and your child .

DON’T DO IT! There is no medical reasoning do it.

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Your baby, your choice. Do not let anyone else tell you what to do with your child, especially in this case. There is no reason to unless medically necessary. I regret all the time that I let my exhusband choose for our 3 sons to get it done and I didn’t voice my opinion more to not to.

you are the Mother that means you make the decision, stop letting other people tell you what to do. Get him taken care of now, just think about the laughter in the locker room he will suffer from

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He’s your baby not your family’s…


What do you uncircumcised guys say??


My son is 45 … had him done when he was a few days old … slept right through it.

I am the mother of 2 boys. Both are in their 30’s now. My first was circumcised because I didn’t know any better. My second was not. They are both very happy and thriving in their lives.

I did it to both my sons.their dad is not. I made the decision based on the the fact that a circumcised penis looks a lot nicer.

I did my son, it’s just something I believe in. It also help from getting infections & bacteria under the skin. You will have to pull the skin up to keep it clean for non- circumcised babies & toddlers.

A friend of mine didn’t have her son circumcised and he alway got yeast infections and finally as a young man had go have that done. She said she wished she of done it when he was a baby

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Read Genesis 17:10-14

My husband and I got our son circumcised, my husband also has an older son that is not and my husband says he wishes he had done it with him.

Its better health wise and its in bible to do it

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It’s more hygienic and there is tons of research to make you feel better but honestly. It’s YOUR son not theirs and if they can’t respect you making decisions about your own child then they don’t respect you at all.

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No right or wrong your son your choice.


don’t do it. no need. its an old way of thinking. ask the majority of drs.


Do what you feel is right as a baby he will have no clue yes it gonna hurt, he should learn proper procedure of taking care off but when he gets older and there is problems it might have to be circumsize

I have 4 boys and none are circumcised they’ve never had a problem with yeast infections or any of that just teach them to clean right and it shouldn’t be a problem


My love is 25. Intact. Leave it. Its a fucking delight

Also ut us not your choice. It is his


I did my son… but it’s because I saw what happened to my grandpa when he got older and needed one.

All the boys in my family are also done. It just depends on what you want. DO NOT LET ANYONE PUSH YOU!

If you teach him properly to clean it, you will have no problems. It doesn’t matter what your family think, it’s you and your husband’s child, it’s your choice.


There is no medical evidence to prove it is hygienic to circumcise. Just dumb religious ignorance. It is total nonsense and has no medical grounds. So definitely your decision is right.


You’re not making a mistake. He will be happy when he is older!!! Also fuck what anyone thinks. I got my kids done even though their dad isn’t, many men that aren’t wish they were. I have never heard of a man missing his foreskin.

Saving Our Sons is a great resource.

As long as he knows how to care for it, youre fine. I have 2 boys. 1 is circumsized. 1 is not. Ive done both ways. Really no difference.

My son isn’t. He’s 6 now and I never had one issue.
If he wants it done as an adult he can.
Look up the procedure on YouTube
The newborn is in so much agony he throws up. It’s the kind of cry that is so bad it turns silent.
It all begins with a 5 inch long needle straight into the abdomen… and they don’t even wait it for it to kick in.

It’s 100% pure mutilation. And 100% unnecessary.
It also dries out the tip and causes it to lose 40% sensitivity during sex once he’s an adult.

All this why? Cuz your man is too lazy to teach him to roll it back to clean it??

It’s totally your decision. I personally think you’re going to traumatize them when they become sexually active. There aren’t many guys that aren’t circumcised in the US. Not really a reason to make the decision, but I do think it’ll affect their confidence and their self-esteem when they realize they’re different from other guys.


Your kid do what you want 3 boys all circumsized Personally wouldn’t want to be w someone that wasn’t


We did our son but I left it completely up to my husband.

I really don’t think your friends and family need to know personally things like this.Its really just a cosmetic procedure. Ive worked for several doctors their main concern was cleanliness. Just teach your boys how to wash and clean themselves if you dont circumcise them. Their pediatrician can help teach them as well. They can decide for themselves when they are adults.

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I’m an RN in a maternity ward and get asked this a lot. As long as you teach your son proper hygiene while he is young, there’s no health risk to your son not circumcision him.

Circumcision of a newborn is done with a band similar to the one uses on the umbilical cord. No pain and just falls of.
For an older child or adult it’s an extremely painful procedure.


I’m not sure why that would even be a thought to be honest! Unless it’s part of your religion. Although in my opinion it’s your child’s body and only he should be making that choice, also why is it anyone else’s business ?

My son is not circumcised and my husband is not either (non of the men in his family are). There is no reason for circumcision unless religious (and that would be up to you to make), but also what you want for your sons future. It is his body, and going and changing something that isn’t meant to be changed could end up causing more issue then leaving it be and having him make the decision later if he so chooses. Plus, there are more studies done on the cons of circumcision as well (infection from surgery, nerve ending issue, erectile dysfunction, etc).

I’ve decided that my boy will decide that for himself,if he want to do it he will do it himself.

Both of my sons are circumcised. Later in life if they want to make the choice it is much more painful. It’s easier for cleaning purposes and less chance of infections.

I think this is such a opinionated questions. Everyone will feel differently. Just follow what you think is best and forget what others have to say


You can do it is good to do and less painful heals fast when still a baby


As a Muslim, all
males HAVE TO BE circumcised. My grandson was 2 weeks when he was circumcised…

No. My son is fine without

Neither of my boys were circumcised. It’s not my decision to take a part of their body off for esthetic purposes. Neither have had problems. Theres a membrane that holds the skin to the glans. It’s there for a reason. You do not want to retract it. That’s when you run into problems. It will thin on it’s own. So dont let anyone convince you that its cleaner or healthier.

Yeah I have 3 grown sons and not a single one is not circumcised. I taught them proper cleaning and care and theyve always keep the area clean and healthy. No one should tell you, even tho they will, but it is a personal choice. Good luck

It’s really no big deal.

I’m a fan of the “wait and see if they choose to do it later” method.
I don’t think many males would choose circumcision on their own without a reason once they’re old enough to consent and understand the process.

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This is something for you and hubby to decide… I wouldn’t say anything to the fam…
As for the whole do it don’t? From what I understand hygiene is the biggest issue… and that is easily solved by keeping it cleaned properly…
As for the hurting the baby? The body /brain doesn’t “remember” pain, we just remember it hurt like hell… its no traumatic and he will never remember the surgery… but he sure as hell will if he decides to do it as an adult…
As for the shallow comments about having and ugly penis… um. What penis ISN’T ugly… there is nothing “cute” about a penis. Seriously :woman_facepalming:
And every woman is taken back the first time the seen an uncircumcised penis…
There is a documentary on Netflix about circumcision that was pretty good… and some women say uncircumcised is more pleasurable…
But yeah the whole thing started because of religion… it is pretty much a cosmetic thing otherwise…

Just do what u and hubby feel is best… dont tell the fam…

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Male circumcision is no different to female genital mutilation; unless there’s a ligitimate Medical reason to do so.

Cosmetic & cleanliness reasons are pathetic reasons to mutilate your son’s penis.

He deserves to choose himself with his own body autonomy.


No, don’t do it. It’s very old fashioned and doesn’t have the benefits as once thought. Seek up to date medical advice, it’s not recommended


It’s preference girl. Just make sure you clean it right and that as he grows older you teach him how to properly clean it.

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Your child’s genitals are NO ones business. That’s even awkward for them to be concerned. You are his mama, you do what you feel is best for your baby.


I know a man that wasn’t, when son was born, they didn’t… by 2 he was having infections so they did it.


It’s a preference and your business. My only concern would hygiene and higher risk of infections for him and his future partners.


If you dont want to, dont! Its your child and no one elses

That being said I knew a man not… He later had the procedure done and said he hated that his parents didnt do it when he was too young to remember bc it was a very painful recovery

Ultimately ur child ur choice and this is a good time to learn to stand ur ground


It’s really up to you. I can’t say if your making a mistake or not. Talk to the doctors. I also asked my husband cause I don’t have the goods.

My boy isn’t his dad is but that was due to health reasons but if my son said he wanted to do it I wouldn’t stop him

If I had a son, he’d be circumcised for sure


It should be the child’s choice not the parents …children don’t have a say so in it …ask yourself this question would you have wanted your clitoris cut off as a infant just to make sex painful and benefit you for nothing…


I have 3 boys. I didn’t want to circumcise them either. I’m happy with my decision. I just felt if it’s not medically necessary why put them thru that? We’ve never had any issues or anything.


I have 3 boys and none are circunsized and have never had any issues or infections.


My son had to have his done cause the bio wouldn’t and he had to have it done at 4 please do it even in his older years it may have to be done my grandfather did


I’m not sure why your family is so obsessed with YOUR sons penis. We have two boys and neither are circumcised. HIS BODY HIS CHOICE :woman_shrugging:t2:

Nobodies opinion matters when it comes to your kid so do whatever you and his father want

Mine are. Gotta think long term with hygiene as well. And if you wait til the kid is 2 then they are in terrible pain. As newborns it’s easier on them!


All of mine were. It is your choice. Some have infections because of the loose skin left behind and some do not. Some it is a faith thing.


my husband isn’t, & we didn’t circumcise our son, & won’t the one i’m pregnant with!


I have one son we did not only because his doctor said it was not necessary he’s 3 now never had any issues we just clean him

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It’s YOUR decision, because it’s your baby. Not anyone elses. Infections can form though if it isn’t cleaned properly.

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It’s a preference. Just be sure to clean him correctly. Cleanliness is the main reason people get it done.


Nobody’s business but yours. I just had a baby boy two weeks ago and we didn’t circumcise. It’s a personal choice.

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Also, I would just politely say, thank you for your opinion but ultimately the decision is up to us.


Most of the world leaves their boys intact. Just research proper care, don’t retract. I couldn’t put my son through an unnecessary procedure either. Don’t worry about what other people say.


His body, his choice.


It is purely cosmetic.
Only issues is if you manipulate the foreskin.
Clean what is seen.
4 generations of intact men in my family, none have any issues.


Your kid, your choice…just educate yourself on BOTH options and make the deciaion how you see fit.


It’s up to you momma. I like my boys being circumcised but I know plenty of people who don’t and didn’t have their boys done. You do you momma. No ones choice or opinion but yours matters.


I have three boys and I got them done as soon as I could. I have seen the damage done later in life when it’s not been done and it’s not something I want for my boys


My daughter is a CNA and all the older men keep getting infections because they can no longer properly clean themselves and by the time the CNA catches it it’s to late an infection. It’s very painful for them. As a young man their hygiene is not always a number 1 priority which gives his partner a nasty std or vaginosis. I just had my boy 2 weeks ago and he got circumcised its been a week and he’s already healed from it. Yes its traumatizing but it’s better for him in the long run.


So stop discussing your child’s genitalia with everyone? Why is it anybodies business? I don’t discuss my kids private parts with anyone but their father…


My fiancé has two from a previous relationship and two with me, all four are circumcised. It’s easier to clean and manage. It heals quickly and doesn’t take much after the procedure to make sure that it doesn’t hurt them. In my opinion as someone who was with a man who wasn’t, it’s honestly gross. They get infected easily especially if you aren’t cleaning his penis properly as a baby-toddler.

It’s your child don’t let anyone pressure or make you feel like one way is right or wrong. We decided to circumcise no problems and is healthy and happy. Everyone has a different opinion on this. Good luck.


Most women prefer circumcised men. Also its easier to clean


To each her own right. I have 5 boys. None are circumcised. No health issues. The foreskin is there for a reason. Just like how our clitoris has a foreskin but we don’t go circumcising girls


Cleanliness is the biggest concern really. As an adult it will be more toward sexual concerns and still Cleanliness. My son is circumcised but for me it’s more for him then me.


In australia circumsision is nkw only done for medical reasons or if you pay privatley.


my son isn’t circumcised no issues my brother who is a Adult and as far as I know he’s had no issues. all about proper cleaning


It is up to you. My boys are now 15 and 16. They are not circumcised. They were taught how to proper clean themselves and they have had no problems.


I didn’t do it. It’s a personal choice not your family choice. If you happy with it then be happy with your decision. It’s YOUR child.