My family doesn't want me to circumcise my son: Advice?

Harder to keep clean.


Talk to your doctor or nurses and ask them to provide you with information with regards to pros and cons for both. It’s no ones else’s decision other then the parents. Educate yourself and make an informed decision.

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My two boys are. I let their father make the decision


My family to this day doesn’t even know if i got my son circumcised or not. And he’s over 1 years old. It’s up to you and not anyone else’s business


I had mine all circumcised. My best friend/sister chose otherwise. What YOU decide for your children is what matters. Research both pros and cons and decide what you feel is right.


More men who are not get more infections because they don’t clean right and they have to be a clean boy and teenager or they will have problems


Your choice, we had our sons circumcision done this last week and it freaks me out to change him BUT I feel like in the long run, it’s the best decision for him. Your his mama, you do what you feel is best!!

If I had a son then he’d definitely have it done :woman_shrugging:t2:

It’s not a mistake. You do what you want with your son!!! My son is not circumcised. Every one says it’s harder to clean when it’s NOT!! In fact it’s easier to keep clean in my opinion and keeps him safer from infections. Not to mention it’s genital mutilation . We don’t do anything to baby girls so why do people insist on cutting off skin that grew there in the first place?


If I had a boy… I would do it


It is literally no ones concern but yours and your spouse and your dr. There’s plus and negatives to both sides. I know many who aren’t and said they wished they were and I know a few that got it done later in life because of issues.

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I have one son that is and one that is not. If I could go back I would not have got my 1st son circumcised. Circumcision is not necessary. If you worry about cleanliness with being uncircumcised just teach him how to properly clean himself and it’ll be fine


Have you seen shameless? Don’t make the kid do it later in life


Its none of their business. I didnt circumcise my son and he is just fine. Its your baby. You get to decide what is best for him.


All these people saying that it’s due to hygiene… it’s not. That’s a myth. Studies show that it’s purely cosmetic. America is one of the only countries that circumcise not due to religion. It does not make you at a higher risk for infections. You just have to clean it. Your son, your decision.


It’s your decision. However, I circumcised both of my son’s.

A friend of mine. She didn’t circumcise her son when he was a baby. Her poor child, ended up getting circumcised at age 10 or 11.

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Don’t circumcise him. It’s your baby your choice and honestly he will appreciate you not doing that to him when he is grown. I wish I could.go.back and not do it to my son

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Please don’t! You’re doing the right thing mama


Its totally YOUR CHOICE
He can get it done later in life if he so requires it. I did a circumcision for my son for personal reasons.

I had my boys done…but, if you leave it be & he doesn’t like it he can have it done when he’s older.

I did with my 1st boy and not with my second. I wish I hadn’t with my 1st. I had issues with him being but not my 2nd

I feel its not needed at all and as long as your taught to properly clean it it shouldn’t be a problem, it’s all about the parents preference which imo isn’t particularly fair to the child… but hey to each their own

Yes I would and did!


Your child your choice.

Just think if you had a daughter would you mutilate her down there?


A have 4 boys none of them have been done oldest is nearly 14 and none of they have ever had any trouble xxx

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We didn’t circ our twin boys and they are fifteen… no issues… it’s not medically necessary ( I’m a nurse) and it’s brutal (I’ve had to be present during the procedure on infants and adults).


I did it just bc I thought that’s what people do. I wish I’d have given it more thought. I kind of feel like I would have chosen to just leave it alone. Why do we take parts of our babies bodies off!?? Weird when you look at it like that. Especially when plenty of people don’t have their children circumcised and they are just fine. :woman_shrugging:


What you decide is up to you… what does his dad say? Is his dad circumcised? You do what you feel is best… and just make sure you clean it very very well and when he gets older he needs to make sure he keeps it clean so that there will not be any infections…

I didn’t- but that’s my choice as a mother. :hugs::sparkling_heart::hugs::sparkling_heart:

It’s your baby they can talk all they want it’s your decision…I have all boys my ex & I decided not to… it was really his decision being he was a man & as a woman we only know what we read but they experience it so I respected that decision.

I got my son circumcised and his father is as well. It’s your child you and your husband make the choice that’s correct for your beliefs. So let your family know. That you thank them for their input but its your decision not their’s

About 140 boys die every year of botched circs. Less and less doctors are doing them and the circ rate has dropped in the US to about 50%. Only 20% of the worlds men are cut. Leave him intact it’s amazing how the rest of the worlds men have little to no issues with being intact Watch a video it’s barbaric they rip the foreskin loose like ripping a finger nail off the nail bed. Intact boys are so much easier to take care of. You clean it like a finger. Never mess with the fore skin. Vs circ they have a raw glands for days and days


We kept our son whole and he has had no problems.


There’s many concerns the biggest one is infection if you don’t get it circumcised they’re very susceptible to lots of infections due to not cleaning the head properly I had my son circumcised and I would never not circumcise I just feel like uncircumcised can get gross and unhealthy

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That’s your choice, no one else’s.

Are you all just lazy to teach your boys to clean their penis?

Circumcision was done in

Who cares what people say? I had so many people telling me not to circumcise my boys, but I did because I’m their mom and their dad’s and I decided what to do together. It’s not up to anyone but you and dad.

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I have 4 boys and I didn’t have them done 13,11,5,and 2 years old

We circumcised our son, they used the plasti-bell and he was completely fine. We did it because his father is, and I personally don’t know any woman who finds uncircumcised penises attractive or enjoyable.


Do whatever you want to because they don’t have to clean it everyday, you do.

We didn’t do it. My husband actually looked it up one night and decided not to.


My nephew was not circumcised and later had issues.

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You know what it’s your baby dont worry about everyone else’s opinion. Personally I have both of my boys circumcised

Your baby your choice.


Yes in the long run the boy might have issue even older men


In ancient times to signify the Jewish and cleanliness was an issue back then but now it is not really an issue

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My friend is an ER nurse and said she has seen so many men over the years come in with things like dementia or Alzheimer’s that don’t remember how to properly care for themselves, but don’t quite have somebody caring for them, and they are full of pus and infection from not properly taking care of their uncut penis. It’s sad, and completely preventable. All three of my boys are circumcised.

Your baby your rules

I had my boys done because cleaning it seems like just one more thing to do. My firsts circ was messed up and trying to get him to let me roll back the skin has been a struggle since day one. He’s 3.5 and now the adhesions are needing surgery to fix again. It’s not fun.

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I have 3 boys aged 17 , 11 and 4 . None of them circumcised and never had an issue . Teach him to clean properly and you will be fine :blush:


He’ll have to more then likely have it don’t later and from my understanding, hurts like hell ( his words)


Honestly, I’ve always believed that if it were us getting it done some of us would want it done, while others not. And I have a hard time understanding how to be okay knowing my baby will go through pain so young. It’s a procedure that can be done anytime. Whether it’s today or years from now. And the pain will be there regardless if they’re young or adults. But I think as an adult, one has more resistance to pain. So what I did, was leave it up to my baby to choose if he wants it done or not when he’s older. That’s what I did. Gave him the option of choosing for his OWN body.


It’s your choice as a mother but I did for health reason easier to clean when potty training less chance of it getting effected Amy new moms with boys I always tell them to do their research on both and do what they feel is right also have to think about its going to effect your son when he is older and sexual active as well

Its up to you and your husband. But if you choose not to please make sure you teach him how to properly clean it and the importance

It’s your child so do whatever you want! I’m so tired of people thinking they are entitled to judge you on what you do with YOUR child :roll_eyes:

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You should check out Bloodstained Men & Their Friends. They have a lot of info on the subject.


in the United States at least, the main reason is for easier cleanliness not just as babies but as sexually active adults, where as, the more skin, the more moisture buildup, can and does cause them infection on top and under the skin also. my 15 yr old son was gonna be circumcised but he was born with a hypospadias issue and barely any foreskin at all, and we had to keep it on to have his own skin to use later on during reconstruction surgery. also, turns out my son also has severe non verbal autism with major sensory issues so for him it’s good as in healthier in the long term. but it’s all a mothers decision and each mothers decision is right.

its 100% your decision. But after lots of discussions with my sons specialists while he was in the NICU/PICU, its more beneficial, so my son is. I’ve known of people who didn’t have it as a baby, and later had to as an adult because of issues, which is worse.

My son isn’t circumcised nd has had no issues what did ever xx

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ok so I know a guy who wasn’t. first time he had sex, the pull back ended up ripping something and he wasn’t educated on proper after care and was young and didn’t want to ask, so now at times, intercourse is painful for him. but a circumcision for him now could potentially cause an issue where he would not be able to get his “release”. yes it’s your choice, just be sure to fully educate yourself before making a decision, and fully educate your son on hygiene and other things based on the decision you made.

It seems to be an American thing to circumcise… most other countries don’t even practice it from what I read/hear.


It’s not medically necessary…also make sure you understand how to properly care for it. Forced retraction is a huge NO NO.

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I’m from the UK, the only reason people do it here are for medical reasons or religious reasons. I have a son, I could never ever put my son through something like this for pointless reasons. I have never known any man to have any problems with hygiene or anything an I don’t know anyone who has been circumcised :woman_shrugging: its mutilation and it’s wrong. It’s disturbing to even think this is still a done thing in this day and age. Leave it alone an let him choose when hes older. There are some cultures which mutilate female genitalia for the same reasons and its absolute torture. I couldn’t imagine doing that to my child. It’s your choice, your son, his body, so if I were you I would let him make his own choice when he’s older.


It’s not necessary to have him circumcised but it’s ultimately your decision!

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My husband was not circumcized. He is now 65 years old & has a lot of problems. Doesn’t have anything to do with being clean. When it is not being used the fore skin shrinks & hurts. A lot of men end up having it done in later years. Then it is painful.


If I had a boy I would because I seen those without as babies get infected and it was sad and plus as they get older ive had both uncircumcised and circumcised and I rather have them circumcised

Do what’s right for you and your family. Don’t worry about what anyone else says

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Your child’s genitals should not be a topic of conversation amongst your family. They are “concerned” because they are basing their unsolicited opinions on Western standards.


Also its becoming way more common to not be circumcised.


Do your research. That’s all I can tell you. Circumcision is 100% unnecessary cosmetic surgery. My firstborn son is circumcised because I did not do my research. But I had my second son a year and a half later, and I did my research and decided not to circumcise him. No issues with the uncircumcised. But my first son, the circumcision didn’t heal until he was almost 2. He would despise diaper changes, he hated me pulling back his skin to clean it, because you have to if you circumcise them. It was just dreadful.


Definitely don’t do it, if you’re on the fence. It’s not something you can undo.

I didn’t have my son’s done. His bio dad hadn’t had it done either “because there was not enough science to back up the benefit and we aren’t Jewish.” Also, despite what Jessica Weatherly says above, I still found him attractive enough to marry him and have a kid with him. :woman_shrugging:t2: Penises do not the men make.

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Literally no other part of a baby male or female do we alter at birth for claims of hygiene!! The penis was made that way for a reason. In other countries it is not the norm to have it done. It’s been proven it is not anymore hygienic to have it done. Teach your son proper hygiene & it will be fine!
It also in fact does cause them pain during & after the procedure is done! There is proof of that.
My son is 7 now & is not circumcized, we have had no issues. My father & brother are also not & have had no issues.
Ultimately it’s your choice for your child, do not let anyone sway you bc of their opinions & hassling. Follow your gut!

I let my husband decide when we had our son. I don’t have a penis so I don’t know the ins and outs of maintenance. To be frank, your family doesn’t matter, just you and your husband.

I didnt i just made sure to clean well never had a problem. I wanted to circumcise but dad didnt cause he isnt. Hes 6 now and cleans it very well himself while in shower or bath no issues!

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Your baby YOUR CHOICE. Dont let anyone decide for you

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I’m from Australia. The only reason we do it is for medical reasons only. The must thing is don’t retract the skin, it will do it itself as they get older.


I worked with a girl who’s boyfriend had to be circumcised at 25 years old due to medical related issues and it was a very hard recovery for him. I always tell moms to just do a ton of research on both options before making your decision, ultimately we chose to have my son circumcised.

My husband is not and my NB son is not. Everyone has an opinion but we are firm and say that we are confident in our decision. We feel that it is truly not necessary.

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First, do NOT let anyone tell you what is best for YOUR baby. Instead they should respect your decision without feeling this need to make you feel like you made the wrong choice.
Circumcision is mostly done for cosmetic reasons these days. Other countries rarely participate in this anymore or never have. Cleanliness is only an issue if not taught how to properly do it. Babies do not need to be retracted and cleaned.


I watched a videos of it being done. (Well attempted too. Didn’t managed to stomach watching the whole thing). Needless to say. It didn’t happen to my son.


Don’t let them talk you into it. It’s painful and things can go wrong. Babies have lost their penises and even died.

All 4 of my boys are because I worked in a nursing home and now in a clinic and all the rjs welt men that didn’t are having issues with infections etc. I highly recommend it. Nothing like pulling the foreskin down to see poop from earlier in the day that a CNA didn’t clean or yeast infections :face_vomiting:

I confirmed with my doctor, babies do feel the pain of a circumcision. That settled it for me. My son will go through enough pain in his life, why start it because I am not sure about something. He has done well.

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It’s your child do what matters to you

You should do whatever you want to do with you’re children . I have 3 boys spanning from 6 to 14 . None are circumcised . The Doctor told me non circumcision is becoming more and more normal . Clean him well and as he grows ( with Doctors approval ) slowly pull the skin back more and more over time . As long as you teach proper hygiene you will not have any issues.

I think boys should be. But that’s MY opinion. Do what YOU feel is best for YOUR child. You’re the parent, you make those decisions!

If I had a baby boy I would definitely get him circumcised I have cousins that did and didn’t doin it less problems love

I have 5 boys and only older 2 are circumcised the other 3 army but I do regret it . Now that they are adults and ask me why I didn’t have it done to them

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Nobodies choice but yours


Tell them to stop discussing your sons genitals as it’s weird and inappropriate. Don’t enter that conversation. If they bring it up tell them it’s none of their business and it’s not a topic that you will discuss with anyone except a medical professional and baby’s dad. I personally think you are right, Why anyone would want to mutilate their child’s genitals is beyond me! Stick to your guns mama, you know what’s best for your son!


Why are they so confused with what his penis looks like

My first born isn’t my second son is due to health problems and I wish it never happend he’s 12 nearly 13

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I got my son circumcised. However my sister did not get her son done. He had so many infections and problems. At one put the tip was oozing puss (it was puss not cum.) Idk if she just didn’t clean it well or what but I know he had a lot of issues and my son has not.

My son isn’t because his father isn’t. It’s all about proper hygiene. If you show your son how to clean it then he won’t have any problems.


My son is adopted but I have know him since birth , his birth mom didn’t have him circumcised but after getting a infection he had to be at 1and 1/2 years old and when I first got him he still has a open type sore it had to have medication daily and was quite painful. It is really important to pull foreskin back each time and clean not just at bathtime. It’s a hard decision to make for someone’s penise but that’s what moms do .

Your baby, make sure the doc knows how

Completly medically unecrssary! You are doing the right thing leaving your son intact! All other countries that don’t do routine circ do nat have any higer rates of infections, stds, or later trem circ.
Its no harder to care for an intact penis then it is their figer.
The week after circ is terriable. With an open wound in direct contact with bodily fluids. 100 babies die a year due to circ complications. Not to mention those that have some sort of long term complications from It And a 40% higher chance of erictial dysfunction.
If you can’t be with an intact man thats a you problem! Thankfully more then 50% of boys and now left intact.
When you have an intact boy educate yourself on how to care for him and teach him. Do not pull the skin back, its attached to the head and will naturally come apaet around 10. The inside is self cleaning like the vigina untill it naturally seperats itself start around puberty.

Why are your child’s genitals a topic of conversation? That strikes me as very odd :roll_eyes: When I was pregnant and people would ask me questions about this topic, I flat out told them “My son’s genitals don’t concern you.”. That usually shut them up pretty quickly.