If he wants it done when he’s older he can decide for himself but it you decide now to alter a part of his body then that cannot be reversed.
Nobody’s business but your own😀
More and more boys are not. It’s almost 50/50 in my preschool where I was the 2yo teacher. My son isn’t and neither is his cousin.
Yourwholebaby.org he’s perfect just the way he is! Do your own research and don’t let what anyone else says sway you on your decisions
I have 2 boys now and one on the way all are and will be circumcised.
Circumcision is necessary for boys. Keeps them from getting infections. Also cleanliness. Do you right after newborn. Just hurts for a little while. Babies forget quick. When your boy gets older other kids will make fun of him because he looks different. It’s just better if you do. But the ultimate decision is yours. It’s your boy. Your family shouldn’t even comment
I have 3 intact boys born the way nature intended…I don’t listen to the opinions of others when it comes to my children…Especially when their only stance is “iT’s cLEaNRrr” or “hE’s gONna GEt LAugHeD aT iN tHe LOcKeR rOoM.” It’s a functional part of his body that serves a purpose and in reality circumcision is solely done for cosmetic reasons and so the doctors get paid…it can be botched and cause more issues down the road…plus have you ever seen a newborn baby boy afterwards? They almost look like their in shock and it’s almost done with no anesthesia or they just give them sugar water…they’re just getting used to this new world around them and then they have to experience pain brought on by the hands of those who are supposed to care for them…
My son is 5 and we didn’t have it done. My husband was very much against it. My husband is 36 and my son is 5 neither have had any issues at all.
Do what you want, but without reason for concern health wise, I wouldn’t cut him. My kiddo is per his father’s request. I don’t exactly recall what happened requiring dad and uncles later in life slice and dice, but there was a chance that would have been the result for my LO. His dad didn’t want him to have to go through that. I should have done more research then though…
Why is your family in your sons penis business? That’s weird.
my boy is intact. he is now in his 40’s and has never had a problem.
Up to you as the parent, we chose to do it and they used some numbing cream during the short procedure and gave them a little sugar water after. Healed up in just a few days. If you choose not to that’s your business and not the rest of your family or friends.
I honestly think that should be his decision to make… Let him decide when his older explain to him why u think he should do it then he will decide if he wants to or not
Not your body not your choice! The US is the only first world country that routinely circumcises newborn boys. It’s unnecessary cosmetic surgery. The #1 argument I’ve heard for it is that circumcision is cleaner. Having an open wound in a feces & urine filled diaper is not clean. Please watch elephant in the hospital on youtube.
Would this even be a debate if it was about a girl? It’s body mutilation and should be banned unless for medical reasons
I had my oldest circumcised (he’s 4 now)…it ended up reattaching around a year old and the doctor had to “fix” it…but it literally traumatized him and to this day he still screams if it his penis needs to be cleaned. Every diaper change and bath were absolutely awful, and even now it’s a struggle to make sure he is cleaned properly.
I am pregnant with my second son and I will not be circumcising him. If I knew the risks I never would have circumcised my oldest.
It’s not necessary and just adds stress to you healing and baby learning how to baby. If it’s medically necessary in the future so be it but as a newborn it just isn’t. Teach him to clean it properly as an adult and clean it like a finger as a baby. Both my boys kept their foreskins. They haven’t had any issues whatsoever
My body my choice crap
Unless deemed medically necessary by urologists for a real medical problem, there’s no reason to cut your baby’s genitals.
Surely the only point you should even thinking about it is if he had issues later on in life?! Leave him be there’s no evidence to support claims of cleanliness or reduced infection. Its fused as a newborn. The rest of your family need to occupy themselves with other things other than an argument over your sons penis!
We decided not too when our son was born. Except he got a bladder infection and spent 5 days in the hospital when he was only 27 days old. We did end up having him circumcised and no problems since. you’re the mother follow your mother instincts.
I thought mamas uncut was a non cutting parenting group lol 🤷… I have two intact boys, an intact husband and all the men in our family our intact we just think circumcision is dumb,
No medical reason to circumcise. I chose to leave my son the way he was born: intact and perfect.
I circumcised my son bled more then ever the doctor ever seen . Never any problems though …i know someome who didnt and had to get him circumsized becuase he couldn’t pull the skin back to clean later…so…it was more traumatic at that point…but theres so many people not circumcised and its fine ! And its natural to not…but personally if i had another son id get it done again because Theres just as much of a risk of getting it done as not getting it done and if you dont then you gotta do it anyways later
Tell your family to mind their own genitals. Your son’s penis is his own and he should be the only one determining if he wants to amputate 20,000 nerve endings from his sex organ that will affect his own sex life.
Also, 80% of the rest of the world doesn’t circumcise and they are all doing just fine. American is still ass backwards when it comes to deciding to take a scalpel to hours old baby boys genitals.
Your child your choice! Don’t let others make you feel bad or make you do something you don’t want to do. Nothing wrong with leaving your little guy the way God created him to be💛
Your the mom . Do what you believe is right! Fuck what others think!!!
You should do whatever feels right to you. A lot of guys in my family didn’t get circumcised when they were born. They were left with that decision for themselves when they got older. As long as you know the proper ways to take care of it he will be fine
No leave it. He can get it done as an adult if he chooses
It’s done for cultural reasons, mostly US culture. In most of the world it is recognized as harmful. Thats why i wrote this
My son is 3. I chose not to circumcise him. No problems so far
My son is 7 and is now needing surgery for a circumcision.
I wish I had of done it when he was a baby but it’s not really something anyone does here anymore.
There are absolutely no benefits to having it done unless there is a medical reason, my 7 year old son is intact.
My son is 2 and uncircumcised. What was the point of cutting off his body part for no reason unless medically necessary
Mines 8years old he wasn’t and he’s fine doesn’t even notice he’s different than his dad who is. Also being intact covers the nerves that would be exposed if he weren’t intact.
I’m so glad circumcision isn’t a massive thing in the Uk. I personally would never do it to my sons unless it was medically needed. All the people saying it’s more hygienic to have it done. No it’s not, just teach your sons how they should clean it properly.
Okay, I say 100% that it’s up to you as a parent. I’m speaking from my own personal experience and it doesn’t happen to everyone. My middle son was not circumcised at birth. When he was 4 he got an infection under his foreskin and they literally had to stick forceps and pull it back and it was terrible and they recommended that he have one. He had to be put to sleep. So when my 3rd boy was born I didn’t even question him being circumcised because I didn’t want to ever have to see my baby being wheeled away for surgery again.
If you have an Instagram, go to essentiallyerin_ & watch her highlights on circumcision. We circumcised our son because my husband & I agreed it’s just the “normal” thing to do, etc. but after watching her explain why it is not necessary, if I could go back and not do it, or if we ever had a little boy again we would choose not too. There is so much misconception surrounding circumcision. Most of the “health concerns” people tell you about when you don’t circumcise are false. Do what you feel in your heart is best!
I am a pro choice mommy. My son can decide for himself when he is old enough if he wants to be circumcised or not. My husband pushed me to get it done, but I never did and I am happy that I never did.
I’ve got three boys and none are circumcised. None have had issues. My own opinion, probably not very liked, FGM is illegal-Circumcising unless for medical reasons should also be illegal.
I was told from many mothers also that its a option thing. I just had my baby boy and I didn’t do it becsuse I believe that he won’t get disease or anything like that so I doubt it
Tell them genital mutilation both male and female is against the un rights of a child
This usually shut them up or if its a woman say well i guess based on that old myth of cleanliness. I will be happy to do that for him after youve had your flaps removed
No it’s not a thing that has to be done he will be fine leave him be x
Sooooooo I didn’t circumcise my boys because I wanted to give them the option to do it themselves if they wanted to. My sister friend once told me a story how when he was in the military everyone clowned on him for not being circumcised well he went and did it at 35 and he said it was the biggest mistake of his life. He said sex was definitely not the same and regretted the decision. But at the end of the day it’s you child but their body is how I see it I’m also against piercing a child or any modification. I want them to be able to choose what they want.
When my son was born it was the thing to do…when he grew up he said, it’s better not to do it, so my grandson and great grandsons weren’t…medical advice seems to change every generation, but I’ll take my sons word for it, since he’s a guy…
Why inflict pain unless its medically needed ur the mom dont worry about what other people think the same people will tell u its wrong to peirce a babys ears u do what you think is right for ur son
nature doesn’t make mistakes
We didn’t at birth but when they turned three the doctors suggested to have it done as they had excessive skin which was causing infections even within proper washing in saying this their older brothers didn’t have it done and are fine so don’t u less they need it if they don’t then don’t
I Didn’t do my Son and he’s now 22… Leave it alone if it wasn’t supposed to be there all boys be born without it🤷🏼♀️
Do not do it, why put your child through pain thats unnecessary, unless there is a medical problem
Whoever says there are no benefits has clearly never met someone who has had problems from not having it done. My cousin had to get his done as a preteen due to medical issues. It was a nightmare for him. The real crazy part about it is even as a grown adult he remembers that pain 25 years later. Plus I have dated 2 uncircumsized men. Both completely grossed me out by the smell there. You can teach good hygiene all you want but boys are boys.
I left that decision up to my husband since he’s the one with a penis of his own. He chose to circumcise both our boys. Use your best judgment. There is no such thing as perfect parenting. We’re all just using our best judgment and hoping we raise healthy, happy, well balanced adults some day.
Unnecessary and cruel. You are making a good choice
My son in whole. I feel like it should be his decision to make not mine. I feel like people like the look of a circumcised penis or they think you can get a lot of infections. If you teach your so to correctly clean himself that won’t be an issue. I feel it’s cruel. He was born perfect its just cosmetic. I see comments on how uncircumcised men’s penis are gross. It’s quite sad. Women don’t want their bodies shamed so we shouldn’t do it to men. My husband is uncircumcised he doesn’t smell down there at all. He knows how to clean himself
Neither of my boys had it done. I don’t see any reason to do that to them
I have 2 boys both are circumcised. Its your choice if they want to have it done later they certainly can.
All 3 of my boys are circumcised, it took less that 15 minutes and there are several ways to do it but the quickest cleanest and least painful one is using the mogen clamp. A family member of mine had issues when they were a preteen after they didn’t get circumcised when they were a baby. They spent a whole summer recovering where as it took my boys maybe a week or less to heal.
Living in Ireland & its not a thing here. Unless its for a medical reason no boy is circumcised
Its his body and his penis to make that choice for after he is 18.
I had my son in July and I was unsure if I was going to do it or not. The nurses explained the pros and cons and there were more cons than pros. So I had my sons done. If you choose not to you just have to make sure you are keeping him super clean so he doesn’t get infections and as he gets older just explain the risk of infection to him as well so he keeps it clean. It is ultimately your decision and it is a hard and big decision anyway so whatever you choose to do is what you think is best. Good luck momma🥰
Never ever got why parents do that! I live in the uk and if a parent said that they were to get their baby circumcised there would be horror, if it’s such a big deal then let the kid decide when he is old enough to make such a Decision.
i have 3 boys and not one is circumcised and never had any issues
I ended up having to circ my first 2 boys cause they screamed everytime they peed and there was no explanation after 3 drs so we just did my 3rd boy. The urologist said about 85% give or take have to get it done eventually to some issues, different not just one… I’d rather not have my kids have to deal with it when older.
Mother of 5 sons none are circumcised no medical reason to get it done i did my homework an read about it plus i had family member with a son who had a botched circumcision so it was a no for me but its still a personal choice i decided to leave it up to my sons as adults to decide …1 son did get it done at 25 all for the qrong reason an regrets getting th chop
Your child your choice. As long as you clean it properly then nothing should go wrong
A lot of people are using phrases like “clean it properly” and I just want to make sure everyone reading this far is absolutely clear:
You do not have to clean “underneath” or “inside.” The foreskin is fused to the glans at birth, and the tip acts as a sphincter, opening only to allow urine out. Retraction is a sexual function. The average age for retraction is 10.5 years, but it is normal not to be retractable through to puberty. If anyone forces retraction on an immature penis, this can cause tearing and scarring. It introduces foreign bacteria and chemicals that aren’t normally inside the foreskin. It is a recipe for disaster, including recurring infections that doctors will tell you are because he has foreskin, ignoring the fact that retraction is improper care. And the tearing and scarring permanently impacts the elasticity of the skin as he matures which puts him at risk for pathological phimosis past sexual maturity.
Nope you are doing the right thing. But I will say don’t let any of them baby sit as they could end up a risk to hurting him by pulling it back not being informed and there’s multiple stories of family members getting it removed behind the parents backs. So make sure you absolutely trust the people you have babysit.
I know a few people with it done and they dislike it and wish it was their choice when they were of age instead of someone else’s as they’d of kept it.
And as a woman I prefer it.
Look up correct ways of cleaning it. You do not retract it till they can do it alone when older as it can rip it.
If they have that much of an issue ask why they’ve not had the females removed
watch american circumcision on netflix. it’s a little fatalistic at times but it’s very informative.
no one else should be worried about your sons penis, tell em it’s creepy and weird. but i left my son whole, best decision i’ve ever made. circumcision is a cosmetic surgery and not medically necessary. join the yourwholebaby page, they’re awesome!
Not making a mistake.
Unless there is a medical, it’s an unnecessary procedure.
It would mean having an infant under go a medical procedure that leaves an incision in a diaper…if your child wants it done later he can.
Also here in Canada, a lot of hospitals wont do it unless it’s for a medical reason. So it wasn’t even an option for me ( I didn’t want it done anyway)
If it’s not medically necessary then why do it? Three boys, all intact. Teach them to clean themselves and you’re good to go
That is up to the parents. People shouldn’t be giving their opinion unless you ask about it where that is concerned. My son is but that was our choice as this is yours.
No medical need to do it. No reason for people to stick their nose in your business
The foreskin serves a purpose. I have 2 sons ages 22 and 20 and neither are cut. I did tons of research before making the decision to leave them intact. They have never had any issues and they were taught from a young age to make sure they wash it good and keep it clean.
My kids are not. It was a decision their father and I came to together after looking into the pros and cons of it and ultimately decided not to. It’s a personal choice that only you can make for your child.
This is just my opinion, but Circumcision is not medically necessary any longer. I think we have come far enough with hygiene that if you raise your kids to shower and wash regularly(as most do), then you don’t really have many added risks.
As much as it is still considered a norm with much of society, more people are choosing to opt out.
Personally, I did have my son circumcised at birth, my first child, going forward I do not think I would do it again. Why deal with the discomfort and healing process if the procedure doesn’t provide any benefits?
Again, this isn’t advice, just my opinion.
All three of mine are circumsized I’m glad I did and I would do it again to each their own you raise your kids how you see fit and don’t worry about anybody else says you shouldn’t even need anyone else’s opinion on the subject let alone a whole bunch of strangers
I am a mom of 4 boys and i didn’t get them circumsized. My kids have never had an issue. The pediatrician told me that if you teach them how to clean it properly then there shouldn’t be any issue.
My son is intact and so is his dad. Never any problems as long as you never forcibly retract them as babies (only clean what is seen, clean like a glove/finger, if intact don’t retract, the foreskin is adhered like a nail to a finger until older) then once they can retract themselves, you teach them to clean it!
Only 1 in 20k males will need a medically necessary circumcision in their lifetime, meanwhile 1 in 11k infant boys die every year in the US alone from routine infant circumcision. Being circumcised actually INCREASES the rate of STDs, UTIs, etc in countries that have access to clean water, soap, and condoms.
Only 50% of boys in the US are circumcised nowadays, and some states are as low as 20%!
80% of the worlds men are intact and very few have issues as long as they have access to clean water soap and condoms!
I had no clue when my son was born that I had to request that so we went home ,made an appointment ,the next week he weighed too much and they were gonna have to put him to sleep ,I made the decision not to do that ,I just learned how to properly clean him and taught him as well when he was old enough ,never had any problems ,just hoped it did not cause him grief later that he looked different ,he’s a grown man now ,and I have asked him if it made him unhappy ,he said no,he was just fine ,turns out more parents are choosing not to do that so there’s more guys than you think that still have their foreskin if you don’t want to do it ,then don’t,there’s no medical reason for it
It amazes the hell out of me the amount of people on here calling out parents for making decisions about their own children, but I would bet the same damn bunch would say my body my choice about abortion
No need to cut off a bit of you son unless medically needed. Keep it clean, when he’s old enough make sure he keeps it clean and there’s no problems.
It’s laziness for people to use infections as an excuse to cut it.
My husband and I chose to do it. I let my husband lead that journey. I agreed for several reasons but I can see the argument the other way. I knew Boys growing up that it bothered them that they weren’t. Teenage girls can be mean.
I watched this documentary and the guys that didn’t have it had major problems with the skin tearing and having infections but I get your decision on the matter it’s a tuff call I’m kinda glad I didn’t have any boys
I know of several young boys who are not. They have no issues. Girls are taught to be clean, just teach a guy to be clean, down there. What’s so wrong with that. Not circumcising is coming back, due to people not liking to cut off something from a person and cause pain.
The US is the only country left that does this. It’s considered cosmetic surgery and that’s why insurance won’t always cover it. Don’t listen to people when they throw their reasons at you. I have two sons that aren’t and it’s because I have educated myself on the subject enough to know it’s not necessary.
Its not your decision. It’s not your body. Leave your perfect child intact. They can always get cut later if they so choose, but you can never undo it. It’s a bronze age religious practice that has no medical necessity. Not to mention you are amputating hundreds of nerves meant to provide sense information.
It’s not medically necessary all you need to do is teach them proper hygiene
I have one boy, and another one the way. My current isn’t circumcised and neither will new baby. It’s a cosmetic procedure and just unnecessary. As long as you teach him proper hygiene when he’s old enough and make sure to keep it clean there won’t be any issues.
70% of the world is intact. Being intact is the norm. Being cut is not. The US makes such a huge profit off of it- only reason why it isn’t illegal here. Would your fam want you to cut a girl if you had one? Sounds like they need to mind their own genitals
I didn’t cut the foreskin of my son, I saw videos of it being done and it hurted me to see the baby crying in agony. I researched it and it’s not medically necessary to do it and there’s not enough evidence that the male’s grow up having testicular cancer. I’m happy with my decision
Both my boys are not and I won’t do it!! It’s not their kids our dr is the one that does them where we live and he said it was perfectly fine and was glad we aren’t doing it !!
My boys are 20 and 16 no issues! Being Intact is the best option! My opinion of course! My boys and I have discussed the reasons I chose to keep them whole and they are grateful!
Absolutely NOT! Keeping my son intact tells him he has autonomy rights to his own body. It is not my place, my husbands or ANYBODYS place to change his body permanently. Personally, I find it disgusting some women cut parts of their children off and claim that’s their sexual preference. Or claim it to be cleaner when we KNOW it’s not. Or claim it reduces this or that when studies have and continue to be conducted that prove cutting skin off doesn’t prevent disease.
So no, you are NOT making a mistake for cutting parts off your baby off. Mothers need to protect their babies- not hurt them
My brother didn’t have it done as a baby , then had problems at age 10 had it done… was very painful at that age
Do what you want. Just make sure you weigh all the pros and cons of each before making your decision.