My Family Judges Me for Breastfeeding in Their Presence: Advice?

Several years ago I was working at Wal-Mart and as usual there was a long line . I looked up from my register to see a woman calmly breastfeeding her baby. I just shrugged it off. No one in line seemed to care. In fact it was nice not to hear a hungry baby crying.

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Easy to cover up. The whole world doesn’t need to see your tits.

Tell them if they don’t like it, leave the room :woman_shrugging:

Honey feed ya baby u covered all good what make u happy do it fk people never like nothing be ya self

Duh! Don’t feed the baby in front of the men

Yeah I’m with you Audree. Modesty is gone

't nurse in front of men that might help

Just go to your bedroom that should b ok especially if u r in another place n not your own that should b OK

This has been hashed over sooooo many times.

My mother in law escorted me into her bedroom end of story

Do what you want, just cover up!

Spend less time with them

breastfed our last daughter for 13 months! if people cant accept that’s what’s natural and get over thinking breasts are for sex ok only than they need a reality check!!! keep doing what you’re doing!!! dont make their problem your problem!:heart:

Ignore… ignore… ignore
You are the parent. What you say go. Raise your kid, don’t let them raise them for you

I think you need to grow up…

Breastfeeding is Gods natural way to feed children. If your family members are bothered, they can leave the room. Go ahead and feed your child, Mama Bear.

Tell them it is none of their business.

Keep going and if they don’t like it they can leave the room. I BF as long as I could, my sil is still BF her 1.5 year old. There is nothing wrong with either. Unless you’re just flopping them out in front of people and taking years to latch the baby or cover yourself when they are done nobody has any right to say anything. And sorry but there are women out there that use BF for attention.

Tell your family to shove it up their ass. Their opinion is worthless. You do you mama!!:purple_heart:

It’s super easy to breastfeed and not offend people. I have 5 kids the oldest is 18 and the youngest is 3. I have never not once been ask to cover up. You know why? Because i pump before i left anywhere and if i was at friends or familys for a long time i would ask to use a back room if i needed to feed my baby. I don’t like making anyone feel uncomfortable so i made an effort to be courteous to people around me.


Tell them to go to hell and keep feeding my baby.

Yoyr house yoyr rules someone esles cover up or go in a diferenr room

Tell them Kiss Your Grits Not their business

Tell them they can sit in another room

You don’t, you just do what you think’s right!

Tell them to go outside if it bothers them

try telling her that’s what GOD gave them to us for was to feed our babies

I never had any desire to breastfeed either of my kids. It was my choice, it’s no biggie. I had a family member or 2 mention it. I told them, my choice and butt out. My 2 kids are grown, happy and healthy. My mom didn’t breastfeed my brother or I and my daughter didn’t breastfeed either of her 2 kids. We all survived with no repercussions. To hell with what they think!!!

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Just use a shawl everybody will be happy

Tell them to grow up. You are covered up

It’s none of anyone’s business stay away from toxic ppl.If they want to see you let them come to your house.You do what you want in your house.Its your right your body.If they are paying your bills they have rights.Itf they dont pay your bills buy your food.Tell them to leave your know breast feeding when you get upset your child feel upset.Dont let ppl tell you what or when or where to do.I guess you are old enough to know what you want in life.Tell them when they come if they start in on anything that upsets you they can leave.stay away from them

Those men need to grow up.

Tell them this is your baby not theirs

That’s a personal decision and NOBODY’S business.

Ignore. You breast feed that baby. Sorry for ignorant people

Tell them to go home!!

Well unless I lived with them, that’s the only way I would consider anything they say

If people are uncomfortable with the look of your boob, either cover up or feed the baby in privacy.

Don’t let them have any if they’re going to complain about it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

To save fighting just go to another room

It’s YOUR child. Screw them.

Stop going around them until your child is weened.If they ask why tell the truth

Cover up and carry on.

I nursed all 4 if mine and NEVER in front of my male family. To plop out in front of your dad or
Grandpa or elderly uncle is just plain rude. I always excused myself to a bedroom or an empty room. First of all it’s quiet there. Second, If I needed to change a diaper I could do so at that time. Third, if the baby fell asleep I could let them sleep there in the quiet. Everyone is on board with what works for you and baby, just be respectful about it.


That’s what boobs were made for.

Tell them they are free to leave the room

Tell them ram it up the poop chute.

God made boobs before bottles…animals feed their young like that…does that bother the family? Just put a blanket over…tell the men, it’s their problem if they are sexualixing this!

tell them if it aint their titty it aint their business

There are sick men out there that is why you need to be discreet. Those sick men can make a natural beautiful thing ugly, don’t let them make you feel bad. Btw I nursed 6 plus a couple that I babysat for whose mother was breastfeeding.

I hear in Arkansas they just share.

Your boobs were made for it

Are they offended by a shirtless man?

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Quit showing off your boobs and cover youtself

Tell them to piss off and feed your baby! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Would you shame a dog or cat for feeding their babies? Breasts are mammary glands, They are not sexual, except for men who have Freudian fixations on them. I think its sick that a full grown man wants to suck on a woman’s tit. One time I had pull off to the side of the road to nurse my son. A cop pulls up behind me and comes up to my car. I grabbed a blanket to toss over my chest. The cop asked was everything alright. I pulled the blanket back a bit so he could see my babies head. He asked if he was about finished. I told him, he would have to ask him that. He just said, yes Maam, sorry he bothered me. But he stayed behind me for a few more minutes, I’d like to think to watch over me, till my son was done nursing. When I drove off, he did a Uturn and went in the opposite direction.

This is generational shame and CRAP. you tell someone to not look if they don’t like you naturally feeding your child and give anyone else the middle finger because this is Exactly What your breasts were made for and people that are shaming you for feeding your child in a comfortable manner or place can just kick rocks!!!

Tell em to F@$k off.

Let them be offended. They obviously do not care if the offend or insult you.

I do agree it’s not a big Hot Topic issue as it once was or is now. It is not directed at just you, it’s a general comment for everyone.
However, when my oldest was 8 months, we had gone out shopping, and she decided she was hungry before we got out of the car… so I cracked the back car windows and covered up in the backseat while feeding. The next thing I know is an older gentleman started peering into the car, at each window (making eye contact very nosy) until he basically had his head in the car right above my boob, and got all defensive over me feeding her. I told him he could have walked away when I had told him to mind his business. It was wrong on his side, but he completely shamed me for not taking her back home before going shopping.
I was very discreet then, and was shamed into stopping. My middle two, I was shamed because I could not produce milk 1) fast enough for a child who spent his first 3 months completely attached with only a few minutes where I could catch a shower, and the other 2) was a premie who I could not connect with her long enough to produce… at 2 months in NICU, pumping all day at home, going to see her and there was a nurse who would shame me for only bringing in at most 2 oz for the evening. So I had to tell them feed her the formula.
All that to now say, my youngest is 10 months, I don’t care if he wants the boob, he will get it, if others don’t like it, too bad. But I will not hide. Neither will I showcase.
Now, if there are family members who are uncomfortable, a discussion is needed. As a mom, are you feeding your child at their home in a separate room, and not in front of them and they still have a problem? Then maybe have them at your place. If they are still having issues then be firm that they need to understand this is your specific bonding time. Pumping a bottle at this early age, may make them more comfortable, but it also will be a struggle for mom and dad, as the LO prefers the Breast. A nipple/bottle was an easier way 30-50 years ago for moms to have their Mommy time.
Before that, Moms got together and still had book clubs, or gatherings and no one threw a fit when Mary’s little girl got hungry and she just latched that girl on while talking about how the Husband was nagging about his shirts not being pressed for work.
My son gets hungry, he’s gonna eat. I will however read the room and see who everyone feels before just tucking him under the shirt.

I’m such a loud mouth I’d tell them to quit being pigs and I’d tell my mom that if she wanted to raise another kid she can have her own.


Will you be returning to work anytime soon, how long do you plan to breast feed, if your returning to work soon then you do need to pump and feed from a bottle every few feedings, so who ever will be caring for your child will be able to feed them, the baby will still be getting breast milk,if your not returning to work then just breast feed, if this is not your home then respect other people’s feelings as your wanting them to respect yours,if the men are home,excuse yourself and go into a bedroom, if it’s just you and your mom then feed when ever, you can get coverups that no one would know what your doing, we were in a restaurant several months ago, the girl at the table next to us was nursing her baby, my husband or any of the men knew, even when she was done she was able to get the baby settled with out exposing herself, it’s called being respectful in mixed company, enjoy your baby :heart:


A small cover shouldn’t be a big deal , I’m a mom an I wouldn’t want to see the boobs out myself an it’s not about being sexual . I can’t understand why people have an aversion to using a receiving blanket, it doesn’t smother the baby an it makes everyone comfortable. It’s better than going in another room an that’s what women my age did when we had babies


If your going to breast feed do it in private yes I know it’s part of life but have respect for others and younger kids in your site of feeding the precious babies there Gods little miracles

I was never breastfed when I was a kid . My mom said she only liked me as a friend


Breastfeeding is the most natural and best thing you can do for your baby on so many levels and that’s exactly what I would keep in mind through all of it. I would however be respectful and not openly let everything be out and in view of everyone. You said you covered so if it’s just the knowing that’s what you are doing they have a problem with , I would tell them the health of your child is far more important and they need to get over themselves!

I’ve never seen or heard of anyone being judgmental on breastfeeding babies… shame on them … I do find it to be a bit different when the child is potty trained and still nursing… but it’s not my business

Breast feeding can be done in private when you have company or go somewhere yourself. Unless having your way is more important than being courteous. A lot of people in the United States, particularly mothers and grandmothers were brought up in a world where modesty was expected. Be the bigger person and be understanding.

I guess I just believe that if you’re not going to expose your babies genitalia Planet you have to change a s*** or piss diaper, you should not expose your genitalia when feeding. If there is a proper place within the home you just politely excuse yourself to feed the child just as what you would do if you were changing the child’s diaper. Would you change a dirty diaper at the dinner table? Because what goes in is surely coming out. So with that being said I think when there is a family or a crowd and you are at a home you should with all respectful manners excuse yourself to tend to your child

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The most natural thing in the world for a human to do. Having puritanical issues with it, is one of the stupidest. Do what you need to do. Don’t worry about the small minded.

If they’re at your house it’s up to you. I personally went in my bedroom with the door locked to nurse my kids. At other people’s homes just respect thier rules. If you need to cover up more or go to another room alone… I don’t really agree with having to pump bottles. But I just wouldn’t visit those family members in thier homes while I’m nursing if they’re that picky. My family was happy with a blanket or nursing wrap covering us.

I do believe that a 2.5 yr old child does not need to breast feed. Even animals wean their young

These breastfeeding posts just keep on giving hahahaha as if women havnt breastfed since tome began without the need to tell everyone how wonderful they are hahaha everyone with a brain knows you can do it almost anywhere discretely but if you want a reaction so you can be shocked and offended just flop ypur tits out in a crowded restaurant whilst giving evil eye to anyone who notices !!! Oh you modern girls …!!!

I breastfed my 3 sons for a year … covered up with a receiving blanket or shirt when I was out. I didn’t just hang out like they do today. Pumped milk when I was at work. I put it in the refrigerator at work that was open to the patients. Just put a note with my name and what in the bottle. No one ever took it and the clients all shared it belonged to “Pat the nurse.”

Use a cloth diaper to cover yourself. There are nursing bras and blouses that have slits.

If they are uncomfortable, THEY need to leave the room! Covered or not, what do you really see?? Nothing except the back of the baby’s head!!

Well 44 years ago when I was a new mommy, they used to make nursing blouses. Nobody had to see ‘the girls’ publicly or privately.
Although quite natural, it’s still very intimate and personal

Be private and respectful,that’s your time with the baby not everyone else’s,

I always covered up unless I was alone! You should pump and give the baby a bottle the reason for this is if you have to leave the baby with someone the baby knows how to use the bottle and you can freeze the breast milk!!!

Look at all these pictures of the Virgin Mary feeding Jesus.

Awful check for lactation consulants

Guys that can’t handle breast feeding have no self control. Their problem, not yours. Pervs.

You don’t…it’s your life

Tell her to suckling on your husband…lol bye yo

Tell them to shut the fuck up or you won’t go around them anymore

Everytime you see 1 of those people about to take a bite of food or drink anything make them aware that it disgusts you and it makes you uncomfortable to watch or be around make them feel as if there doing something wrong and if they ask tell them that if your baby cant eat and drink without judgement then why should they be aloud too. Your family are fucking idiots…

I’m all for breastfeeding and would damn sure fight a bitch that was being really nasty or mean to another woman feeding her child, BUT they are breasts and we need to consider that even other women don’t want to see you flop your titty out all the time. Heterosexual men are attracted to breasts, yes they can control themselves and should but it is going to make them uncomfortable to see them just out in the open.

Move on. Tell your family this is how it is and if they don’t like it they can fuck off. Easier said than done I know but sometimes it takes that.

Bye Karen… feed that baby

Fair warning :warning: I’m NOT nice or willing to sugar coat things and would literally tell her to STFU and if you live in MA and close to boston would be willing to literally stand in front of you and make direct eye contact and tell her so FOR you. You do NOT shame a momma for breastfeeding :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Tell the men to fucking grow up and act like a man. TF!

Tell them to kiss your ASS

My sister breastfed her youngest and felt so ostracized by our whole family because she got pushed into another room while feeding. Even when she, herself, was eating. So I can kind of get the frustration. The only thing you can do is either put up with it or put your foot down. If they won’t help you or are making you feel this way, stop going over. And when they ask - if they ask- why you don’t come over anymore, say the truth. You don’t feel welcome or at ease at their house and then make your lists. It’s gonna be hard, there will be crying, but you stand your ground. They’ll either stop their shit or you’ll have one less place to go until the baby is a little older. Then see how you feel about the family giving you trouble and reevaluate the issue.

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Stay away from them.

Ignore them and do you!

Let them be offended 🤷🏾

Formula wasn’t invented till the 1900’s. Everyone was breastfed before that, and the mothers that couldn’t breastfeed, someone else breastfed their baby. You aren’t doing anything wrong! They need to check their feelings. If my family had a problem with me breastfeeding, I wouldn’t be around them until I was done breastfeeding all together. If you are wearing a cover already, it’s really all you can do unless you just leave the family gathering all together. Or tell them to leave if it’s your own home. It’s bullshit for them to be doing this to you in the first place. Your child, your choice. Don’t give up just because family is giving you a hard time. Do what you think is best.

Tell them to shut the fuck up. Its your kid and your making the healthiest choice for her. If they keep talking tell them they can no longer come around. :woman_shrugging::smirk::clap:

They can turn their fucking heads

Think about others. I don’t care if it’s “natural”. Me taking a shit is “natural”!!! Does anyone need to be subjected to that? I’d say no.