My Family Judges Me for Breastfeeding in Their Presence: Advice?

Do as you please. Your feelings affect the milk for the baby. If the men are offended, (I highly doubt that) they can go outside while you feed.

I breastfed in a bedroom or another room so to not offend anyone. Of course back then we did not try to make a big point we just used common courtesies.

Respect is a two way street, if you want others to respect your choice to breastfeed, you should respect the fact it makes them uncomfortable to see it.

That is how the human body was designed to feed our babies.

Umm…if they’re offended by you feeding your child, they don’t need to come around…

Only pumped if I was out for a feeding. There is no need otherwise. I would go in a bed room and nurse. No one ever complained. My oldest is 40.

It was never my family it was more my friends (so called)I actually had someone throw me out of there house cause I was feeding my baby

Just don’t do it in front of the men if it makes them uncomfortable. You wouldn’t want to see them scratch their balls in front of you. Respect others feelings.

It’s a respect thing for you and your baby. If you cover up I don’t see anything wrong with it I breast feed my baby.

I always said, if I’m home its my house. I will feed how and where I want and I’m not covering. I was always covered to the point that once my son was latched on there wasn’t much to see, without covering his face. But ifbi was in someone else’s home and they had an issue, I would go in the bedroom to nurse so I would not offend anyone and I didn’t need to cover.

The people who feel uncomfortable are the ones who have the problem. That’s what women did before bottles were invented.

Tell the men who aren’t manly enough to handle an infant being nourished, to get over it. Tell the non supportive women they can also leave the room if they aren’t woman enough!

Maybe cover up when you are with family or go into a another room to feed.

Just try to be more modest around others. Better to go to another room when necessary to avoid all the drama. The baby can pick up on it if you’re upset.

Its simple tell them to mind their business. Your baby got to eat just like the rest of them. Don’t like it turn the hell around

Ok, I am a nurse. So, of course, I’m going to say that “breast is best”, BUT being a human being, I am going to further say that NOT all women are ABLE to breastfeed! Some women don’t want to breastfeed, either! The newer formulas are very close to breast milk, but not quite there. But again, sometimes a woman’s breast milk is not nutritionally best either.
There are many varied factors, but whatever the MOM WANTS is the best choice! Therefore, if you CANNOT support the mom,

Listen to yourself second guessing. You had those babies. Do what you think is best for you and for them. Don’t listen to negatives no matter who is spouting off. You good girlfriend :heart:

How about choose your baby over extended family. Stop visiting until your baby has weaned by choice. Then maybe think about visiting again.

I can understand the confusion. Why breastfeed baby #2? Why now is your boob acceptable for all the Male family members to see? Not breastfeeding baby #1 in my opinion set the trend. If you breastfeed with baby #1 this wouldn’t be an issue… or be a topic that has been talked about. There is no shame in breastfeeding!!! Great choice for the child BUT I personally feel that can be done in private. You’re brother, dad, uncle, nephews, cousins, GRANDPA don’t need to see your tit… especially if you breastfeeding isn’t the “NORM”


I totally understand your issue, I just excused myself and went to another room I. The house

Feed your baby when and where you need to
Always cover yourself and be respectful for of others

31 years ago I breastfed my month old son in the Bourke St Mall on a park bench, NO ONE even knew what I was doing! FFS!

That is one of the reasons I was never really successful at breast feeding. Plus, I was called abusive names by the people I most respected…selfish, stupid, etc.

I agree with Mama. I don’t understand why you young Mama’s feel the need to show your private parts to the world to feed a baby. My husband told his daughter to cover up and was mad. He told her it turned men on and there were a lot of perverts looking.

If you are in your own home do as you please. If in someone else’s home do it in private.

If you’re in there home then go to a different room in yours state what you’re comfortable with

It’s 100% natural, anyone looking at it another way worries me.

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I don’t know what is wrong with this generation that they can’t figure out how to breastfeed without exhibitionism!
Women have managed to plan their feedings and/or find privacy for every generation before this one!

Is it the narcissism that makes them think that the world in public should change for them?

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Can you just throw a light weight large napkin over the area? That’s what moms did when I was younger and they had to feed when in public

I never breast fed in public cuz i wasn’t comfortable with it i would go in another room if people were at my house

Put a covering over you breast feeding that should help

I mean I would go in a private room and do it. I didn’t breastfeed at all but I went in a room and pumped where no one would see.

Feed in private and know it’s not personal towards you as a mother. The others have the problem!!

When the ones who are offended are around, go to another room.

If it’s on your home do as you please and put a sign on the door for warning. If it’s somewhere else I usually covered up. If you are covered so they can’t see and they still gripe… Thats on them

As long as you are fully covered up there shouldn’t be a problem. My daughter in law breast fed in restaurants fully covered and no one knew the difference.

If you are in someone else’s home they are uncomfortable, I just wouldn’t go over there anymore. If they’re in your home I’d not so politely tell them to piss off🤷🏻‍♀️

Well if the Pope was at your house would you breastfeed covered or uncovered? . Would you feel ok breastfeeding uncovered in Church , in a classroom full of kids, a car dealership, if you were going to meet someone for the first time? , Yes, it’s what breasts are made for but it’s very uncomfortable for people around you when your doing it unless your covered if you know people are uncomfortable. I breastfed mine at home infont of my Husband and my Mother . If l had company l went in another room , and if l were at someone else’s home l went into another room if l didn’t have a prepared bottle with me . If l was stuck somewhere and couldn’t find privacy l covered . It can be done without the baby being bothered by it .

Tell her to mind her own business, and if the men are “offended” ask them - politely - to leave until you are finished.

2 months? Tell them to stay in their lane !

Just tell her that you have found breastfeeding your little one is one of the most wonderful experiences of your life. If she is concerned about your modesty and you are being modest go someplace privately, it helps your letdown reflex to be calm and peaceful. So do it for you.

If you know it makes the men uncomfortable then do it in private I don’t understand why you would even have to ask

Tell them if my breast feeding is turning you you might need to grow up!!!

Women show more in a bikini sometimes!! But feeding you kid is just gross… Smh be men need to get it together and women need to stop excusing crappy men behavior!!

Don’t go around them …if they want to see the baby they adjust to you nursing with no comments!!

Breasts were created for breastfeeding babies.
I’m going 9 months strong.
Be proud and ignore the haters mama :purple_heart:

If they’re offended cover up. I never had this problem. I didn’t breastfeed in front of people for whom it was uncomfortable. We live in a sexualized society. You turn on the tv there it is, you go online there it is (if you’re not careful), you walk down the street and it’s on billboards. Sex sells and we’ve been exposed to it for decades now. Now all of a sudden we have women all over screaming about how baring a breast even partially isn’t sexual. I get it. It shouldn’t be. But it is.

Don’t concern yourself with all this. Cover up, go in a different room, feed before hand. There are so many options to avoid this. I know. I went through it.

When is the appropriate time to stop breastfeeding?

I breast feed my son for a short period of time, but I did it in a private area, not flopping it out when and where ever I pleased. Have some decency.

Do what’s best for your children stop paying attention to other’s because they’re not raising your children you are

As long as you cover up nothing wrong with it. At a minor league baseball game, the woman sitting next to my husband literally pulled out her large breast and starting feeding her “2” year old! This was very embarrassing to my husband so we ended up changing seats! Totally inappropriate!

There is no reason to offend others. Just coverup or excuse yourself to another room. It is not a group activity, but a one-on-one private time.

Tell her that the men should be mature enough to not feel offended or uncomfortable

Your Mom needs to butt out, it’s your choice. Just saying.

Start gagging when the men in your family are eating. Say “omg that’s so offensive can’t you eat somewhere else?”


a boob is always a boob ,its so easy to be discreet that this should not even be a discussion

Are you sure the guys were having a problem with it or were they the excuse?

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Feed your baby but cover it up tell whoever is bitching about it to mind their own business

This is a private thing for me. I think all modesty had gone out the window.

I think if grandpa doesn’t want to breastfeed you shouldn’t make him.

Tell them to eat with their head under a blanket or go to the bathroom or just tell him to shut the fuk up and let you feed your kid

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Sit behind the men in the group. You can still be included in the conversation and no one is embarrassed

Don’t listen to any of them, it’s your baby!
In the company of men( no matter who it is) just cover yourself up.

Stop going around the people who complain. Simple. When grandma has to weigh seeing your boob vs seeing her grandchild, maybe she’ll grow tf up.

First, let me congratulate you on your nursing journey. We know breastfeeding can be hard at times, but is s wonderful labor of love . My family was exactly the same . Even my own mom . I finally got sick of being their topic of discussion of what I should snd should not do. I finally got up the nerve to say, this is my baby snd I didn’t ask you for advice . My mother-in-law snd sister-in-laws were terrible to me. Instead of saying you are doing a wonderful thing for your baby it was constant criticism. So I chose to make my visits short and seldom. I didn’t want them in my home as they all smoked . I started realizing that they must be jealous of me Breastfeeding. It was a very hard time , but I realized that I had to set some boundaries and learn to love myself. I am glad I did . .

How many family members are you breastfeeding?

I had a client in grad school that was 3.5 years that mom still breastfed him…baby teeth and all.

You continue to educate them and do it anyways. Or bring big napkins to put over all their heads at dinner one night. Tell them it’s an experiment and have them eat for a few minutes until the laughing stops and they all start to get flustered. Then tell them, How do you like eating covered when you can’t see anyone or anything?! Yeah- the baby doesn’t like it either.

Come on Dearly are you desperate for attention???

Why are they watching you? They can leave if its uncomfortable for them. Its not even that big of a deal. They are prolly just pervy

Tell them to get over it or you won’t come around with the baby.

Put up a play boy centerfold and ask them if they are offended by it

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Fk all the haters when your child is hungry feed them. If it makes adults uncomfortable there’s something wrong with the adults.

Go to another room ppl don’t want to see a tit hanging have some respect for others


Just go in another room and enjoy your time alone…


Bless you I wish I had been able to but I never used to get enough milk I tried but baby was not getting enough,don’t let them spoil it for you love while you can enjoy!!

Have respect and cover up! Nobody wants to see your boob’s. I am all for breastfeeding just cover up


If you are covered and in your home you dont have to explain to anybody.

Be proud of yourself and baby. Act like the beautiful woman and make feedings personal and private

Cover up and be discreet one of the most natural functions in life

Excuse yourself and feed in private.


Keep doing it- it is not your job to comfort grown adult men. It IS your job to feed your child.

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It’s natural and it’s none of there business tell them to piss off

Sounds a lot like their problem not yours.


I’m reminded of people who defend pedophiles. “Stephanie, it makes uncle Randy uncomfortable when you wear shorts around him.” In this case, it’s time to stop policing Stephanie and police uncle Randy.

It’s the same with breastfeeding. If a man is that uncomfortable, HE is the one who should be looked into. It’s a BABY. It’s EATING.


Your body, your decision tell them all to go to hell and ignore them…

Dude here: screw everybody who gives you anything short of full support. You’re Mama. You know best what to do!!

I breast fed all of my kids and respect goes both ways. even tho it’s natural some people are not comfortable with it because of the way society has sexualized a woman’s breast. Just go to a quiet place in the room or another room, simple. the baby will also eat better when there is no stress and it will also provide that special bonding time between you and baby.


Unless you are deliberately shaking your boob at them , which I’m assuming you are not, it’s their issue , not yours. A two month old needs to eat and I would feed her when she asks. Personally I might choose not to visit very often if it’s that big of a deal to them !


Just lay a small baby blanket over u
…lts a beautiful thing. But everyone doesnt want to watch

Feed that baby wherever you’re the most comfortable!

Ignore them… you are giving your baby the best milk ever. Keep it up sweetie :heartpulse:

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I’d tell them my baby, my body, my business. If you dont like it, there’s the door.

Tell them mind their damn business ur body ur Baby and u do as u see fit. I can’t deal with idiot people who find pleasure in making people miserable if they don’t like it stay the hell away periodt…

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If the baby can’t eat in front of you , you can’t eat in front of the baby

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Use your tits like a spray bottle you would use on a pet every time they misbehave.

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Their home their rules sad to say


Dont let your family breast feed from you, only your baby! lol!!

Be respectful…esprcially if you’re at somebody else’s house.