My family tries to make me feel bad for staying home during the pandemic: Advice?

I was supporting the choice to stay home and do what you feel is safe till I got to the he goes to daycare 5 days a week! Let the grandma and grandson build memories


My kids are in school 5 days a week, too, but we’re still not going to trick or treat events. It’s a whole lot different going to school (or daycare) than it is going to an event with a bunch of other people you don’t know. I would stay home and limit the amount of non-essential exposure.


I cant believe the amount of people saying if he goes day care he can go to other places. Day care to most is necessary as they need to work to bring an income in. This is more of a reason to limit what you do so as your not risking exposure to a whole group of kids and carers. The kid is 2 years old i highly doubt they will even remember going to an event or trick or treating it would solely be for the grandparents n they can do something else. My kids are all in school we arent going tick or treating this year instead were doing halloween activities all week n on saturday will be dressing up having halloween games etc and a movie. Still making memories together but safely not mixing with a load of randoms.


Do what You can live with.

What do I mean?

There are consequences for our decisions. You will be the one to live with the consequences, not the people around you; You.

Daycare is different from a public recreational event.

Again, make the decision that You can live with.

If your son gets sick, if you get sick all they can/will do is sympathize. But You will be living out the consequence.


Do what’s best for you and your family. I have a 4 month old son that the majority of my family hasn’t even met yet because of COVID. I have lost a family member to it, my best friend had it and right now 2 of my cousins have it. It’s too much of a risk to me for people to be around him right now. If they don’t understand, it’s their problem.


Stay home! Yes, he’s in daycare 5 days a week. But he’s in daycare 5 days a week with the SAME people!! Going around different people not only exposes him, but he could potentially take it to daycare with him.


Ummm. If he is in daycare five days a week, why can’t he do an outdoor trick or treat event? Let him wear a mask and go have some fun.


I’ve been going through the same thing. In the end, even though it causes people to get upset, that is your baby. Go with your gut. We opted out of trick or treating this year, and I went and bought my little girl all her favorite candys and some Halloween games. She is going to dress up and pretend trick or treat at home. She is more excited over this than previous years. If the grandma can’t understand or accept your answer that is on her, not you. :wink:


If he goes to daycare 5 days a week then let him have some fun, if he was strictly staying at home with you then that’s one thing, I think your being stupid at this point, he has probably more of a chance of getting it at daycare then with his family


You have your child’s health and safety in mind, so it’s your choice. He’s only two, so missing out on a Halloween party isn’t going to really register for him or even be remembered for long, as opposed to him or a loved one being hospitalized which would stick with him.

I don’t know what part of the country you live in, but where I am right now, we are in a crisis, our hospitals are full to capacity. I am a healthcare worker, and these comments that I’m reading are just reinforcing the fact that people don’t care or are ignorant of what can happen when you are exposing yourself and others needlessly. I’m sorry.


Where I am it’s open and we are all doing okay. I’m severely immune compromised. However I think you need to do what is best for you. I’m an essential worker. I haven’t had a break. Yet not everyone is. And everyone is worried in their own way. There is no right or wrong. It’s what’s best for you and your family :heart:

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I am taken mine tick or treating we stay home alot but they have lost alot this year if he can go to daycare then he should beable to have a little fun just my opinion


I’m in ageeance with you… I have to take my child to daycare cause I work and they are safe sanitary places especially since covid hit … I still avoid taking him anywhere with me like the stores like we used to … the numbers are climbing to high here and I understand what you’re saying and I agree !


This is your child. Your choice when it comes to his safety. If daycare is necessary then that’s a little different than going somewhere that isn’t necessary. You do what you think is right and safe.


Don’t feel bad. You’re protecting your family. We’re doing a trick or treat hunt on Halloween. What way they can still dress up and get candy, but it’s not door to door.


He goes to daycare but he can’t go to a Halloween party? It sounds like more of a grudge against dads side of the family than fear of covid.


Your kid…nobody can make you go out. She can get over it. Or in my opinion she can just stop seeing the kid if shes gonna complain that much about it


If he can go to daycare, he can darn well go trick or treating.


If he’s already going to daycare 5 days a week why not let him out to do something fun?


Your kid your choice,my kids aren’t going trick or treating but they also aren’t going to school or daycare,if they were that exposed anyway I would more than likely take them,I’m also dealing with the virus vs memories with grandparents they literally can’t get back,my dad died suddenly 3 years ago so I know how quickly life takes memories and chances away.


Your kids…your choice. Being in day care five days a week in a controlled environment is not the same as being around a bunch of strangers who will probably not be able to follow social distancing rules


He’s 2, he’s not going to understand or remember, so I’d just say dress him up, take really nice pictures (you could go to the dollar store & make a simple Halloween back drop) & give them to grandma.


Your kid, your choice. However, daycare and school are cesspools of germs. It doesn’t make much sense to keep the kid home except for daycare. That’s probably why Grandma doesn’t understand why you want to keep him home.


I would stay home. My daughter goes to school 2 days a week (before the school went full time virtual) but doesn’t go to daycare. Because she is has health issues I would prefer to keep her healthy as I can. She is intellectually disabled so in person at school is best for her. I don’t go to the store every day, only store I go to often is Walmart. I fill up my car mostly at Kwik Trip. My boyfriend watches my daughter while I’m working, if he is working and I need to take her with me I will but she has to wear a mask and I always use hand sanitizer even with her. I don’t go to birthday parties, weddings, funerals. I don’t go see friends or my family, I live about 2 hours or more away from them and don’t see them often anyways. We just stay home and watch tv, work on stuff outside that’s supposed to get done. I’m not taking my daughter trick or treating this year, it doesn’t matter if its outside and there’s masks there’s still a possibility of my daughter getting very sick. I just bought my daughter a bunch of candy, a card and a bag, she isn’t getting anything until halloween.

If he’s in daycare, he is exposed to alllllll kinds of things and people from all walks of life. Daycares are notoriously known for being dirty places, no matter how much you clean them because kids are dirty. If your kid was going to get it, he would’ve by now.


Sounds like you don’t wanna be around dad’s family which is your choice but let the child see his grand parents


I understand the frustration. I have a 5 month old and we caught it by staying home and other family members going to work. He was two months old at the time. If you don’t feel like taking your little one out, stay home. You shouldn’t feel bad bc others aren’t taking COVID seriously. You are protecting your child.


That’s your child, and you should never ever feel guilty for decisions you make regarding YOUR child. Not ever. No matter what the circumstances.

Regarding Covid, we stay in as best we possibly can. My husband is very lucky and his job is staying remote until some time next year. My 7th and 5th grader are doing virtual school, and I’m homeschooling my 4yo(immunosuppressant on two chemo meds) for preschool. We also have an infant.
I gave my children the option to go trick or treating, because I do feel this year is being stolen from them. They chose not to. We’ll go do a trunk or treat event, then make a big dinner and pass out candy while watching scary movies.

If you’re not comfortable with your child going trick or treating, then you absolutely have the right to stay home without feeling guilty. It doesn’t matter that he goes to preschool, and Grandma doesn’t have to understand your reasoning. Don’t ever feel guilty for taking care of your sweet baby! :heart:

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Your kiddo is 2 he’s not gonna remember anyway. If you feel you just want to stay home then that’s what you should do. Not everyone wants to go out and do things constantly and that’s totally ok!


He’s in daycare I suppose because HE HAS TO BE! Moms need to work!!! Do whatever you feel momma!! Don’t feel bad!


YOU are his mom, not anyone else. And ultimately it is your decision to make on what is best for yourself and your child. You’re not a bad person for whatever you may decide. I think it is important for children to be able to have fun for Halloween, but there are other ways to have fun. Personally, my son is 11 and I left the decision up to him this year (which probably isn’t an option for you, I know), and he said he would rather stay home. He knows all about covid and the precautions needed and he just isn’t interested in it. We decided to have a little Halloween party of our own at home. We’re going to bake some fun goodies and do some cool art projects like painting pumpkins, and maybe even dress up and watch some kid friendly halloween movies. It may not be the same, but your child is still young and will have many more years to get out and trick or treat in the future. Don’t stress so much and use your own judgment, not anyone else’s :two_hearts:

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You don’t ever need any reason beyond “they’re my child. End of discussion,” for a decision you make about your child. Even to family. No is a whole sentence. I suggest utilizing it.


Daycare is a necessity, trick or treating is not and she doesn’t specify, maybe she doesn’t want him possibly exposing others due to the fact that he goes to daycare🤷

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I was with you until you said he’s in day care 5 days a week. I mean it’s you’re choice but if your cool with day care where he can get it then a a little tot thing isn’t as bad. Idk…

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Your not bad a person but if he goes to daycare 5 days a week trick or treating isn’t going to hurt. He has possible exposure daily you never know where the other families have been etc.

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Stop living in fear.


My kids are 15 and 16! And not having much contact with outside family! But they haven’t bothered with us either! So do what you feel is right! He’s your baby and you know best! Good luck!

He goes to daycare… I guarantee hes exposed to more(potentially covid included) at daycare than you can or want to even imagine… Let him go out for Halloween. From, a daycare teacher.

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He’s not 2 years old! He doesn’t even know what Halloween is. Just have fun at home. He just needs you for love, safety and security. Play with him

Even if I decided to live my whole life with no mask and going to parties, I would not make anyone else feel bad. It’s like one person being afraid of the dark and one isnt. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad. You do what you want and feel is best for you and your family. It is your choice and your life, they don’t have to like it :heart:

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You send him to daycare 5 days a week…I would think taking him trick or treating won’t be as bad as daycare! He’s in a room with other kids and you don’t know how cautious their parents are being…so your point is mute!

What really is difference in your child going to daycare being around lots of other kids and adults, or going out in public?! Daycare would be worse, because a lot of kids would come being sick.

If he already goes to daycare 5 days a week, who cares??? I can guarantee you he would get way less exposure or risk of anything from outdoor trick or treating than he does at daycare. LOL! :joy:

You shouldn’t feel bad for protecting your family. I have children with a parent out of the home, and although I allow strict visitation at my home, (covid tests once a month, temp check, and have to wear a mask) i do not allow that child to go anywhere with outside family members. I have a toddler and an immuno-compromised mother in my home. But im a SAHM so they dont need to leave the house. Its whatever you feel is best and you shouldn’t feel bad for making a judgement call for your health and the health of those around you

Don’t let them make you feel bad. You have every right to do what is best for your family!


It doesnt matter if hes in day care 5 days a week or not at all. It’s your child and your choice. Dont feel bad for making a choice that is ultimately you and the child’s father to make. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and you’ll hear about them. But don’t feel bad if their opinion doesnt reflect your own.

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You are his mom so YOU do what YOU feel is right for YOUR child. He goes to daycare more than likely becasue he has to. Everyone acts like not trick or treating means the world will come to an end! Child please! If you dont feel comfortable doing it THEN DONT!

Probably more exposed at daycare then they are trick or treating. Trick or treating can be done safely following all health measures.

He is 2 years old! He won’t even remember trick or treating at 2. He doesn’t know what he is missing out on. The whole point is mom should not feel bad about saying no to grandma. Grandma can get over it. I am a grandma to but I respect my daughters decisions. It’s her child.

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After thinking about it more I definitely understand schools and daycares being open for those who are working and can now kinda see where you’re coming from. I’d just go with the idea of having a BBQ with family over and have everyone dress up and have activities like decorating Halloween biscuits, lollie scramble etc

I think if you want to stay home then stay home :house_with_garden: if you want to go then go who cares what others think i say if they would like to come pay your bills thats when what they say might matter myself would go but thats me everyone feels different and your allowed

While I am allowing my kids to trick-or-treat this year, if you feel best to stay home, then stay home. Most people I know HAVE to send their kids to school/daycare because we work fulltime jobs that are not work-from-home jobs. But this is optional and totally your choice! Plus he’s 2, he’ll probably enjoy it while there but he probably won’t remember either way next year!

That would be a very short and pretty much one sided conversation with family members. I think if you are doing what is responsible and what you believe to be best, then instead of faulting you they should be commending you and following your lead.

Your kid your choice. I dont get why people care so much what other families are doing. I love halloween but in then end the kid not going to suffer & be traumatized for the rest of their lives cuz they missed 1 year of trick or treating🙄 we are choosing to do a scavenger hunt at home in our costumes & spend the night watching halloween movies. My kids are 5 & 2 & they are so excited, dont even care they aren’t going out

Simple: Essential vs Non-Essential … we are in the midst of a PANDEMIC. I’m assuming daycare is essential for you to work; Halloween is not. Our kids are not going to be traumatized over missing ONE Halloween! I wouldn’t forgive myself if my child got sick because we went out for something non-essential.

What does the dad think? It’s y’all’s decision to make together, no one else’s. The child may be in daycare but I’m certain they limit visiting and also do temp checks where as going trick or treating at an event theres only so much social distancing you can do there. Plus your not sure what your being exposed too at a public event like that. It’s also flu season and sickness is starting to get going now. I understand letting the child have fun and enjoy Halloween but with limitations. You can have just as much fun at home doing family stuff.

Nope ur not wrong! U have to be cautious with the deadly virus out there! We haven’t gone or done anything fun since March! My twins girls don’t even want to go trick r treating this year. We r staying in abd doing fun Halloween stuff and baking!

Don’t let anyone make u feel bad for keeping ur family safe! Better safe than visiting ur family members in tbe hospital!

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They take so many children and temps before going in. My daughter day care dose anyway. If they have a temp they can’t go. Missing out this time won’t hurt him. Maybe make memories at home. Tent, scarey move, for him, Make a pizza nite monsters faces, weird snacks, etc. a lot you can do. Don’t feel bad, you do what you thinks right. Missing my grandkids, I get pictures.

We are having a party with family. No trick or treating for us! Its your child. Dont let anyone make you feel bad for protecting your kid. Praying for you.

you’ll send your kid to daycare but not trick or treat? seriously.


Your child, your choice. You have your reasons for doing so (be it safety or grudge as other commenters are pointing out) and we don’t need to know what exactly. Just dress up your kiddo and fill his basket with treats on Halloween!:jack_o_lantern:

There are more germs at daycare than there are at an outside trick or treating event lmfao smh poor kid


Well the way I see it is he’s being exposed to all the kids in daycare already… And I bet most of those kids are out doing things like going to the pumpkin patch, trick or treating, etc. So he’s being exposed to the kids who are having the fun, but missing out on the fun himself :woman_shrugging:

Very unlikely to affect a two-year-old. he already goes to the daycare so he’s being exposed to whatever. I think he’ll be fine trick or treating

Hon, you don’t need anyone’s opinion on what to do. This is your child, if you don’t want want him going trick or treating…whether it’s because of COVID, because it’s raining, because it’s cold, because your just not in the mood…that’s your decision, not anyone else. He’s two, he won’t remember. Grand mom had her chance to make those choices with her children.

He’s YOUR child, you decide what’s best for him! You don’t owe anyone an explanation or an apology. And good for you, putting him first!

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Go. You are severely limiting your child’s development and fun.
He’s already in daycare, which is 1000x worse than a trick or treating event.

Yea so if he can go to daycare 5 days a week then there is no reason he can’t go trick or treating… kinda just sounds like you may be making an excuse because its dad’s mom and not your mom…

I’m a little thrown off by the fact the kid can go to daycare 5 days a week but not trick or treat?

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If you do not want to take your child out, that is your choice. You are the parent and YOU make the decision. Regardless of the virus, family should respect your decision when it comes to your child. Let them have their opinions, but never let them disrespect you. Stand your ground, and never let that type of negativity sway you into doing something you do not want to do.

He’s two for goodness sakes, he doesn’t understand Halloween. He doesn’t need a bag of candy at two either( let’s get real at two the parents eat most of it). You can trick or treat at grandmas or close friends or just stay home.

You take him to daycare 5 days a week, which is already a super germ fest (my kids were always sick) but won’t go do something fun that you can watch, sanitize, wear a mask. I think you are just making excuses. But that being said it’s your kid. My opinion and anyone else’s opinion doesn’t matter. Your kid your choice. Period.

Nope, you’re choice. If you feel you do not want to further possibly expose your baby more than what may already be happening you are allowed t have that say so. Especially as his mother. Don’t ever feel bad for doing what you believe is best for your child. Just let her know “I’m sorry, I’m not trying to make you feel bad but I feel better letting him go out when Covid is declared an end” of course even though it will never truly end, there will be a point where the government issues it as such.

If he can go to daycare 5 days a week he can go make memories with his grandma

My grandma’s friend just died from Coronavirus the other day and it’s super heartbreaking to think she could’ve lived 10 more years had she listened to doctors and not gone out with her friends. Smdh

Probably more dangerous for him to be in day care 5 days a week than see his gran and bein socially distanced from others tbh. It sounds like u jst can’t be bothered lettin him and gran make memories these times are precious for them

It’s your personal parental decision…but our bodies need to be exposed to other people and germs in order for our immune systems to work properly and build itself up. We personally have had our child out every day throughout all of this. But everyone is different…to each his own. And if the child is in daycare…what is the point of staying home? This is quite confusing.

You just said hes in daycare 5 days a week you said he is two min you can have in a 2yr old class is 8 kids (going off my state numbers) so 7 other kids he is around who are around other people as well but wont go to an event. You said your not with dad. If its his dads time to have him then he can do what he wants

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Can’t stop living life… Living in fear causes stress… Stress causes the immune system to become weak. Then guess what else happens? If he goes to daycare 5 days a week why couldn’t you and family go have fun?

Your the mom you do what your comfortable with , I personally wouldn’t do it . Yes I saw that hes in day care ( generally I would assume with the same people ) doing what the grandmother wants is going out of routine so no I wouldn’t do it .

Does she say she’s at home while her child is in daycare? Who cares if she wants to stay home with her child? It’s her kid. Let her do what she wants.

If he’s in daycare 5 days a week then I don’t the big deal about going trick or treating outside. You’re the parent though so do what you feel okay with. My kids can’t wait to go out trick or treating.

Stay home - you have choices also. I totally respect your decision - not theirs❤️…

I dont think you are. A mothers intuition is a wonderful thing, I would say follow it. These are extraordinary times, and its neccesary to protect you and yours to the best of your abilities. Good luck

Why do you invite strangers to judge your parenting decisions?


Um- he has a bigger chance at catching it at day care then trick or treating. Let the kid get candy.

No one makes you feel anything. You are choosing to feel guilty. Figure out what you are afraid of. They won’t love you? They’ll forget you? Ask why what they say is so important to you. Why do they have so much power in your head?

He’s your son don’t listen to other people . You know what’s best for you and your son if others make fun of you do the same as I do ask them what if your wrong is it worth the chance . Anyway you have your answer already go with your first thought keep your children safe, would they tell you to let your child out during a tornado no would they tell you to let your child swim at two by himself no so why do they tell us to let our children out during a pandemic just sounds stupid to me! A fellow stay homer

You and your families safety far outweighs whatever opinions they have .
I have dealt with this as family as well. If they want to be salty let them .

You do you! If you are uncomfortable , don’t do it. But don’t feel guilty. You knew what is best for your child and family

You’re the Mom!!! Your child is 2, he isn’t going to miss Halloween. Carve pumpkins at home or hid treats for him to find. It’s ok to set boundaries

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You’re the parent! Do what you feel is best for your family. Don’t worry about anyone else.

Wanting to protect your child does not make you a bad person!

Thought trick or treating was not allowed this year we are staying in here and having our own little party with games and treats and a movie

Do home stuff.The kids can dress up, grandparents can help the kids paint a pumpkin, find eggs filled with treats (age appropriate, my son at 1 we did stickers). You don’t have to go out to enjoy Halloween. But Halloween indoors is still a thing. Have some fun Halloween themed food. Day care is already exposure to other people. Nothing wrong with being cautious. when the pandemic is over there where be more Halloween’s. Good luck to her though. Ignore the rude people. :jack_o_lantern:

Can go to daycare but not trick or treat?!?! Makes no sense

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Exactly. And don’t worry, kids rarely get sick from it, the cure rate is is 99.9%. He has a better chance of catching it in daycare.

Anything out outside of the home should be limited to essentials like daycare, dr.'s appointments, etc…
Why add risk to already risky circumstances for entertainment? We are seeing record numbers of infections and deaths daily and the worst is yet to come.

Stay home!! Enjoy some precious quiet alone time even if you just snuggle in bed and watch a movie!:heart: