My family tries to make me feel bad for staying home during the pandemic: Advice?

It’s ultimately up to you. There are other ways to have fun without trick or treating

Don’t feel bad! You are absolutely doing the correct thing! Every year we are the family that takes around 20 kids trick-or-treating or has a huge Halloween party. this year we are having a very small family only Halloween dinner and Game Night…

Okay it’s totally up to you what you do with your kids and I understand that this pandemic can be scary but here’s my advice, don’t let this virus thing scare you because the second you do, you let it run you. Think about it, how long before they find a cure or vaccine? What if they never do? Are you really going to stay inside forever and only go out for “essential things”? AIDS has been around way longer and has taken many more lives than COVID and is also contagious. But yet COVID has more people freaked out than AIDS does. A few of my friends have had COVID and of course they said it sucks to have it and they wouldn’t wish it on anybody but they fought it off and are just fine now. All I’m saying it to be aware of it but don’t wait around for it to be over because who knows? It might never be over… so don’t let it prevent you from living life the way we did before this pandemic happened. God bless

Not just your kid as many are saying. God gives u children to love and share. If u are stingy he can take them back is what my grandmother use to say. It may ultimately be your decision but if it was your mom would it be ok? If u can’t answer that honestly then you need to put your child’s feelings first not your own. If you can honestly say no you wouldn’t then keep the child home away from everyone including your family to.

So he can go to day care but not trick or treat?? Confused

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Bekie Joyner kids rarely get sick, 99.9% chance he will not die or get it I’ll. Let him go with Grandmom. I am lucky to have a daughter who thinks kids need the love and attention or grandparents, never know how much more time we have to spend with them.

Your decision. You owe no explanations. You’re don’t have to explain the need for or desire for daycare and choosing to not let him go to a Halloween party or any other activity.

Depends where you live it’s cute and all but he is only 2 and shouldn’t even be wearing a mask so that’s a lot of exposure

If he is in Daycare he already goes out. Have him wear a mask and let him go have fun

Dont feel bad!better to use your own gut feeling than to catch it.

I agree with her, we decided to stay home this year as well due to the craziness. We’re having a bonfire and chilling out.

They have costumes with masks. Have them wear a costume, you can put him in a buggy and go. Go for an hour.

I mean if he is already in daycare 5 days a week then why does it matter?

You do what is right for you. I wouldn’t go either

If he can go to daycare then I’m pretty sure you can take him out for one night of fun. My taking my 6,4,2 year olds trick or treating. Why would u not want ur child to have fun.

No stick to your guns and feel safe for your son.

This is f****** b******* my kids with his dad for the first time ever on Halloween so he doesn’t get to trick or treat cuz he’s a scared little b****

Well it’s not just your kid. Your child has a father. Is he with you on this? You both need to make the decision together.


I’d stay home. No sense in risking it. Do something fun at home!

I support you to do what feels right for you and your child!

But if your kid is only 2 years old, he probably won’t even remember Halloween at such a young age so I wouldn’t even worry about it

He goes to daycare and your worried about trick or treat? Hahaha😭

You are an adult and he is your child. else gets a vote. I would not let them make you feel bad.

You can’t hide the rest of your life…but I respect your choice

And he’s only 2 it’s not like he’ll know he’s missing anything

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No I continue to protect ur son. No matter what any one thinks or says.

He is in daycare and not allowed to get out?

Get out n take that child trick or treating!!!

Lost my wife in car crash have been drinking for the past few months sorry for writing this here but I need to clear my head friends really need someone to talk to

Its your child. Do what you want. Hes not going to remember anyways

If your kid is already in daycare why not take him trunk-r-treating…

Stay true to your beliefs is the opinion open for your child to visit grand?

I mean it’s your kid so ultimately whatever you choose isn’t really anyone else’s business…but it is a bit hypocritical to feel comfortable sending him to daycare 5 days a week but not want him going to do something like trick or treating.
I just feel like you have no idea what the kids at daycare are bringing in or what protocols their parents follow at home.
Trick or treating is pretty limited interaction (dropping candy into a bag) and you could always disinfect each piece of candy if your worried.


You do what YOU want it is your life and YOUR child!!!
It’s hard but we are all just trying our best during this time. :blush:


Omg :joy: :astonished: :scream: :joy:. My kid goes to school and daycare on wed when school is closed due to hybrid mode. I say no to a lot of events and invites. Because of COVID. one because she is already around so many others because she has to go to school & daycare i have to work. So if this mom feels she shouldn’t take the extra chance of having her child outside of those he is around daily and regularly, then what is the problem?!. I don’t see anywhere where she said I don’t want him to be with his dad. I read she doesn’t want her kid around a bunch of people he hasn’t been around ans who has been around who knows who! At a campground there are people bringing their kids or grandkids those of which her child hasn’t been near. At daycare he is around the same kids everyday. I get it, its a chance even in daycare. But let’s not make this about her doing something out of spite or being ignorant. Sounds to me she wants to keep him around his. What I would call, Covid circle. Daycare,mom,dad,family not strangers. So no I don’t think she is in the wrong.

People get upset with me bc they see me sticking to the same few ppl my family and my bestfriend (whose daughter happens to be my daughters sister, so Family) and not hanging with them. I mean its my covid crew. I do my best not to go outside of it.

Lol you bought into the fake fear…

Stay home! He’s too little to understand! Spend time with him!

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Ya if you go to daycare you might as well do anything.


If he can go to day care if let him go with his grandma to that .

If your home during a pandemic, why is your child 5 days a week in childcare??? This makes no sense???

Smh i understand if hes in daycare because you need to work but if he wears a mask he should be ok.

you’re not wrong. your kids. your decisions. your business!!


Stick to your guns , you do what’s best for you and you son

It’s your decision, you’re his mom. I wouldn’t feel bad :woman_shrugging:t3:

No its better to stay safe then sorry

Your the parent💙Your choice… Good luck

No they are your kids.


Don’t let her make you feel bad! Your the mom you do what’s best!

Stay home. If he is two he won’t miss it. Do something special like cookies & cocoa & keep him warm & safe. If he was older it would be different. Don’t let people pressure you when you are the parent!

He’s in daycare. I worked in daycare. I know all about those sanitary procedures but he’s still being exposed to all sorts of germs. Those kids carry it and you dont know who’s been exposed to covid and still go to daycare. I think it’s a little extreme. If you were really that concerned about limiting contact he would’ve been pulled out of daycare. An outside event is going to be the same as daycare. Or less because you can distance and many people will be wearing some form of mask anyway.

I don’t understand how you think it’s ok to go to daycare 5 days a week (and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that) yet an outdoor trick or treating event isn’t ok???!!! Doesn’t really make sense to me. Just my opinion

Do what is best for you and your family

Sounds like the excuse I use when I don’t want to participate…”I cAn’t. CoVid iS tOo aWfuL RigHT nOW.” :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

You do what you feel is right

She literally says she’s being made to feel bad about staying home with her child in a pandemic, but in another sentence says she sends her child off to childcare 5 days a week while she’s safe at home??? I’m confused here, what the hell is she asking??? I’d say get off the internet, your making yourself sound and look ridiculous


Yea you should feel bad. Your son goes to daycare which I promise is a lot more contact than trick or treating. Yet you won’t take him out with his dads family? If your family had asked would you go? You can’t use Covid as an excuse when you obviously aren’t following the guidelines on your time :joy:


You are doing the right thing

Your kid, your decision. They need to A) remember that and B) respect that.

No you’re not a bad person for being careful

Your child… your choice!! You do what you feel is best!

You are the sensible one they are the idiots end of story.Do what you feel for you no one else

He’d be more likely to get covid from day care than a halloween party


Yes, tell them to M.T.O.B

As a mother you are doing what is best for your son don’t let anyone tell you different

Let dad take him…let them build memories

Personally, we’re getting into flu season. I’d be more afraid of you guys catching the flu then covid lol.

But I also never stopped living my life since the beginning of this virus (besides things shutting down so it limited things to do). I feel you should go. Unless it spiked tremendously in your area, live your life girl!

You’re not a bad person or bad mama at all and as others said I supported your decision right up until you said your son still goes to daycare despite him being two years old and little and coronavirus going around. I’m unsure where you’re from or how bad it is in your area or what precautions are being taken as I’m from NZ and things are different here. You’re worried about coronavirus, which rightly so, but sending him to day care 5 days a week but not letting him go to a Halloween party with his grandparents makes no sense to me.


Take him to the event they deserve to spend time with him and it’s good for him to get out of the house he could easily catch it at daycare as well but I guarantee he won’t get it no matter how much you go out just go and have a good time

You have to do what you feel is best for not only your child but for yourself as well.

U put him in daycare but won’t go trick or treating? Seems ass backwards if u ask me.

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If he’s in daycare what’s the difference seems your being an asshole to me

You are free to do as you please, you are mom. However, given that he is going to daycare 5 days a week, and I presume you go to work, it’s grandma that is exposed to the greater risk, not you two.

So, as I said, it’s your choice…AND you still maybe the asshole.

Fuck em… You are keeping you babies safe… They aint trying… Fuck em

Well if he can go to daycare he can trick or treat…quit being a bitch

Don’t go. Stay safe.

My family tries to make me feel like shit if I do anything. Particularly my nurse cousin who works on covid19 floor, and is on facebook all the time holding my baby niece and nephew!! Sat maybe one or two feet apart at her baby shower… I order my groceries and pick them up, I dont even go into stores for the most part, except smaller stores when it’s not busy and only if I have to. Yet gets on my ass when I rarely even go anywhere. Purposely tried to exclude me from my sisters baby shower, claiming it was a drive by, and it definitely wasn’t. It was outdoors, there were a few tables and a bunch of chairs smh

Well if you and your child are healthy, you know you’re just making yourselves sick. You hiding inside constantly will make your immune system go to shit. Plus if your mask and 6 feet apart work what are you worried about?!

You want to stay at home with him…he is in daycare 5 days a week…that doesn’t make sense…staying at home is the only sensible thing to do

No don’t feel bad. From her perspective, she wants to have these type of memories with her grandson?
I suggest having a scavenger hunt with candy or little Halloween toys in the backyard! He doesn’t have to miss out on all the fun.

Simply tell them to get fucked don’t let them come back home after they attend as they will no doubt catch covid then give it to you and baby

225k people are dead confirmed to this virus. The professionals that study pandemics advice you to no social gathering. Why would you play Russian roulette with your child or anyone in your household being infected. If they told you there was a serial killer out there preying on people , would you be taking the chance of going out there to indulge in a tradition that really has no value when compared to the danger you may be facing?

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to each their own, I mean he’s two, it’s not a big deal to him yet. but consider that daycare has germs too🤷‍♀️

Your child your choice. You are a great mum for protecting your child. X

Meet her in the middle. For your son. There are plently of drive thru trunk or treats this year.

I wouldn’t take him just to please her but he is more likely to get exposed from daycare than trick or treating.

You shouldn’t feel bad for trying to keep your kids safe. They are your children it is your job to keep them safe and worry about what can happen to them. Never feel bad about doing what you need to do.

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Oh my…quite hating!! Us women need to stand together and quit bashing each other. SHE is the mom!! Let her make choices and decisions that best fit her and her family!!

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I was supporting ur decision to stay home
Till u said hes in daycare 5 days a week…
If he cat hes the virus (god forbid) he has more chance to get it from daycare than going outside to a trick or treating event


Honestly, maybe you can even just say you are staying home for mental health reasons… because you’re busy and just need some time at home. (Your mental health will also be helped by not worrying about unnecessary exposure.)

But, really, you don’t need to justify your decision to anyone, even family.

Take him to just grandmas if she wants to see him but ultimately he’s your child and you have to do what you’re comfortable with. On the flip side of this so is his father and if he takes him, he takes him.

To the fan: It’s not the biggest concern here, but something to keep in mind if anyone tries to make you feel guilty: at age 2, he won’t even remember it anyway. All the stuff I cared so much about when my kid was a baby, it didn’t even matter. They don’t remember the trick or treats at that age. Keep it in mind. You’re not robbing him of any experience. Even if he were older, there’s always next year.

At 2 he will not remember long term so not worth risking his health … let the grandparents father or whom ever needs to know that they are welcome to spend Halloween with your son & they/you can buy him a costume & candy & have a nice little party at home (pizza or BBQ) with family … because you’re concerned more about your sons health

You are the mom… End of story… my mother’s favorite saying growing up works perfectly here… “BECAUSE I SAID SO”

Even if covid wasn’t happening, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Fuck the peer pressure, it’s your child, your choice. I see some people saying “create memories!” Really?! The kid is TWO! They won’t remember shit.