My fiance and I have had an ongoing disagreement about my daughter and cheering

Little back story my two kids and I moved in with my fiance and his 2 kids, we have all 4 full time. His 2 aren’t into any travel sports and really sports in a competitive level at all. My daughter is almost 11 and has done All Star cheer going on her 4th season. She has busted her butt to be where she is, main flier & working in her full & layouts. (In cheer world this is a top level skill, she has worked tirelessly to get here). With All Star cheer comes some travel, especially since we live in the middle of no where, he feels she shouldn’t cheer because the other 3 kids don’t get to do travel sports. Its not that they don’t get too, his oldest is almost 14 and never has, because his mom & dad didn’t get him into it. I am the one who turned my daughter towards cheer & she happened to love it. My parents 100% supported us and if we showed the dedication and hardwork at something then we had their endless support. This is how I am with my kids, his kids as well. If one of the other 3 came to us and wanted to join a team they would absolutely be able too. I am not in anyway going to stop them.
I guess my point is am I wrong for letting my daughter continue to cheer? Just because my life changed and I moved my kids from their hometown & school I dont feel I should rip her from Cheer as well. I dont know what to do to get him to understand the time, love & hardwork she has put into this. Its the one thing I feel that’s keeping her grounded right now. Should I make her stop?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My fiance and I have had an ongoing disagreement about my daughter and cheering

100% no! If she enjoys it then she should do it! Like you said no1 is stopping the other 3 children, nor is anyone forcing the other 3 to do anything. If your daughters wants to continue to do all the hard work for something she enjoys then id never tell her to stop, unless she wants to. Sports is such a good thing to start young too as aswel as them enjoying it i think it teaches them discipline and hard work. And it sounds like shes very good at it so it sounds like an amazing achievement for her xx


Tell him you gave everything up to be be him and this is not negotiable. Your daughter worked hard for this and she’s not throwing it down the drain for no one. Let her live her dreams :slightly_smiling_face:


Omg do not take it away from her it’s not fair like you said if one of the others did wanna do something they would be allowed they obviously don’t want to

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Don’t make her stop! Talk to the other children and see if there’s anything they’d like to do instead xxxx

Why fix something that is not broken :woman_shrugging:
His other kids choose to do what they wanted… I would ignore him and keep sending her.

No! Support your daughter, he’s just gonna have to get a grip and understand that’s her passion. Like you say, if any of the others found something they loved then you’d support them to do that, as any parent should! Maybe worth a conversation with the other kids and see if there’s anything that they might be interested in trying? Then from his POV you’re being encouraging to the others too, but if they don’t want to do any sports then there’s nothing you can do about that x

Not a chance your child comes first and foremost and if you need to travel to the other side of the world for your child you do without hesitation. I feel he is being quite petty.

No you shouldn’t get her to stop something she loves, your daughter loves it and has worked so hard so definitely not

Hell no!! Do not stop her from doing something she loves!! You have already got them to give up their hometown, school and friends for this man.

Hell no. She’ll resent you both. Not even something that needs to be considered

Let her continue, no question about it!

Not even sure why your considering it to tbh!

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Yeah no idea why you’re even considering this. Don’t take it away.

No your not wrong and he is disgusting expecting her to quit wen she’s worked so hard to get we’re she is. It isn’t her fault that the others are not into anything. I’d be livid if my partner expected this

Absolutely not, if your daughter has passion for something and working hard for her own dreams and goals this should be celebrated and rewarded not taken away from her, if it was my husband I’d be saying would you rather her be out doing godknows what on her own or getting up to all sorts without you knowing or take her to a positive environment where she is safe… Iknow what I would choose good luck hope this helps xx

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Ask the other kids to think about a hobby they might want to do, doesn’t have to be sport. I wasn’t a sporty child but had swimming lessons and did a theatre group. They may find an art class or something else they enjoy

get him to watch your daughter at an event, if he doesn’t see the love she has for the sport when she’s performing then he’s abit lost but don’t take the passion she has for something away just because he’s not a fan of travelling.

Leave your daughter do what she loves,and keep supporting her