My fiance and I have had an ongoing disagreement about my daughter and cheering

Little back story my two kids and I moved in with my fiance and his 2 kids, we have all 4 full time. His 2 aren’t into any travel sports and really sports in a competitive level at all. My daughter is almost 11 and has done All Star cheer going on her 4th season. She has busted her butt to be where she is, main flier & working in her full & layouts. (In cheer world this is a top level skill, she has worked tirelessly to get here). With All Star cheer comes some travel, especially since we live in the middle of no where, he feels she shouldn’t cheer because the other 3 kids don’t get to do travel sports. Its not that they don’t get too, his oldest is almost 14 and never has, because his mom & dad didn’t get him into it. I am the one who turned my daughter towards cheer & she happened to love it. My parents 100% supported us and if we showed the dedication and hardwork at something then we had their endless support. This is how I am with my kids, his kids as well. If one of the other 3 came to us and wanted to join a team they would absolutely be able too. I am not in anyway going to stop them.
I guess my point is am I wrong for letting my daughter continue to cheer? Just because my life changed and I moved my kids from their hometown & school I dont feel I should rip her from Cheer as well. I dont know what to do to get him to understand the time, love & hardwork she has put into this. Its the one thing I feel that’s keeping her grounded right now. Should I make her stop?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My fiance and I have had an ongoing disagreement about my daughter and cheering

Absolutely do not make her stop something she has such great passion for. Just because the other children aren’t into it does not mean she has to stop. That wouldn’t be fair at all. I would personally let it be known that she could continue and turn to the other kids and ask them what they’re passionate about so we could figure out how to make their little lives special to them as well.


Not at all… did it ever occur to him to ask his kids if they actually WANT to do any competitive sports?

If he hasn’t bothered to, or even if he has and they said no it’s not your problem. Or up to your daughter to quit just to make him feel better…


OMG no!
Maybe one of his kids said something about being jealous. And that’s on them. She shouldn’t have to give up something she loves because no one else wants to do anything.
If they are jealous then they can join something too.
And shame on him for saying she should stop.
If it was financial, then idk…. Maybe I can understand scaling back. But not for the reason you said.


He is being extremely immature :roll_eyes: could you imagine your poor daughter throwing away her years of hard work and training because your fiance can’t look at this situation maturely - please do not make your daughter suffer because your fiance is way out of line even considering that this situation is unfair to the other kids and asking you to pull her out of her sport of choice :unamused:


I’m sorry but to me he sounds controlling and immature. The amount of damage it could do to your daughter to make her quit something she loves and worked hard for especially after so much other change it is beyond wrong for him to even ask you that. As others have said he should have taken the time and effort to invest in his kids…let them try things to see if they liked them or were good at them. He still could instead of trying to take something away from your child. A parent doesn’t take something away that a child has talent and works hard for…not a real parent and if he can’t understand that then I’d have to seriously question what kind of parent he is and if I could actually marry someone who was willing to hurt my child. It sounds to me more like he doesn’t want to spend the “time, effort, and money” not that the other kids are jealous.


You shouldn’t hold back one child because of the others. It will cause her to resent her new family members and possibly you


Absolutely not I wouldn’t even consider taking that away from mine ever. So when his oldest goes on their sr trip he cant go because the other kids cant go. Thats absurd.


You are in this relationship with him. Not her. Don’t bend her things his way to please him. She’s a separate individual and does not deserve to be part of whatever toxic relationship you may or may not have with this person.


No. Sounds like he’s jealous about the time you put into her. Using the other kids as a group method to make it “fair” is a lie, he’s making a bold attempt to strip her individuality. Red flag girl, big red flag!!


Absolutely NOT! My daughter is a level 7 gymnast. We can’t afford it, but it is her passion. She works her butt off 16+ hrs / week at the gym and maintains an honor roll report card to be able to do this, so we hustle. We do all the fundraisers. We return donated cans and bottles for their deposit. We yard sale. I pick up odd jobs. We scrape and scrimp so she can reap the rewards of her time and dedication to this sport. It would devastate her if we suddenly made her stop. She will resent if not hate your SO if he makes you do this to her. My son had the chance to travel w/ a sport, but his heart wasn’t into it so he stopped. He isn’t jealous of his sister’s travels b/c he sees how hard she works for it.


It’s definitely not wrong at all for her to do what she loves. I’m married with 2 kids, both ours. My son has played some sports, but never shown any interest here lately, other than the ps4. My daughter plays hs volleyball, and softball. Rec ball when she can. Her brother 100% supports her doing what she loves. He goes to her home games, and cheers for her. He has absolutely no interest in anything like that. Let her do what she loves. If the others decide on something, support them as well.


I would say don’t give him the idea it’s an option . “Hey let’s see what kind of activities we can get the other 3 in so they keep busy and can create goals too”


The bigger question is why are you even entertaining the idea of making her stop? I’d drop the fiancé before even considering asking my child to give up her goals and passions.


He’s right It’s not fair to the other kids. She had to travel and see things that they don’t get to see. And that’s not ok. You should make her stay home with everyone else… Does that sound right to you? You know deep down you should fight for you child fist before any man.


I’m sorry but this kinda irritates me… like for you to even consider taking her away from something she excels at and loves is wrong … just cos the other kids don’t do a “travel sport” doesn’t mean that she can’t like thats petty to be honest and if you as a parent took her out of it thats showing her that even if you bust your ass and are good at something your hard work means nothing … tell him to get over himself and if its that big a deal to him he needs to step up and get the other kids into something…


Massive red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: please don’t stop her doing what she loves tbh it’s nothing to do with the other kids an your man sounds pathetic that he’d even openly voice such an idea …imagen doing something you love for years , working your hardest then some "man " (using that term loosely ) comes along an says to your mum that you shouldn’t be doing it because his kids do nothing? I’d be sooo mad at him even saying it. Keep doing what your doing mumma it doesnt seem this one is for reals anyways…I’d keep a massive eye on the way my daughter is looked at /treated massive F that. Rings of jealousy from the ADULT .


No… do not make her stop. That is selfish of him to ask her to not do something she loves. It’s not her fault his children don’t feel the need to do any activities, to each their own and they should be willing to explore all activities like that if they want. Why ruin the love she has for it because he feels some kind of way. That’s a personal issue he has


She has already moved from her home town, she does need cheer taken too. If she loves it then take her. Isn’t your problem his kids doesn’t wanna do anything :woman_shrugging: sounds to me like heay be jealous that your girl has a hobby and is doing well unlike his :see_no_evil:


Nope , let your child be free to enjoy and do what she loves . Don’t feel guilty because of his kids preferences…

You are a good mom and continue letting your daughter cheer …Until she wants to stop if she wishes :speaking_head::100:


Let her continue!!!
OMG!!! Has he ever gone to an actual cheer leading event??
PLZ DON’T STOP HER!! She shouldn’t have to give it up bc of him!!! Who’s the adult here!! Certainly not him!! Good luck hon, you may want to reconsider ‘this’ situation!! Maybe he’s a bit jealous you go with her!! THAT’S ON HIM!!!:wink::mega::clap::facepunch:

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Just throw the whole man away, where does he go off thinking he has a right to even ask you to take something so important from your daughter. Her hard work and skill could end up paying for her college if she sticks to it, and even if it didnt its a great passion and she should be the one to decide when shes done.


It’s wrong for him to be upset. If he wants his kids in something them go do it. But to hinder her because he feels it’s not fair. Like wow. What about her. Honestly I would question weather or no he truly has her best interest at heart or will it always be oh you kid got this and my kid this. Idk that’s weird to me.


What are you doing with a man who isn’t investing in your children. She will be gone in a few years and your left with him.

I would really think about what you want and pack up go back to your patents short timecndcre consider your future


No, definitely not. Do not make her quit. She needs the stability in her life with all the changes.


Absolutely not you let her keep cheering You’ve done the right thing Don’t make her suffer she didn’t do anything wrong You’re a good mom support 100% :pray::purple_heart:


Nope! No way can he ask that of you or her. That’s a BIG RED FLAG :triangular_flag_on_post: just no. Please do not allow him to do this, she will never forgive you or him.


No! Do not take her out! If she carries this thought it could get her into college. If the other kids want to do something, let them, if not so be it.


No. I honestly think that her having so many new adjustments and no outlets would do more harm than damage. If she is dedicated and worked her ass off to get there no. That’s been her constant next to you. Its too fragile right now


This is a HUGE red flag.

You’ll get married and he’ll make her quit. This won’t be the end of how he picks on her. Just watch, I think if you stay, he’ll get you to make her quit. He’s already got you questioning whether you should let her continue now.


I would be concerned marrying him if he didnt support my child’s love for cheer and her hardwork. A supportive parent is key. If you had denied his kids a dedicated sport I could understand. Otherwise it sounds like he doesn’t consider your child’s best interest.


No don’t take something from your daughter because of anyone. Especially if she is loving it and flourishing. He needs to motivate his kids to do things not stop yours from doing what they love. That’s not right at all. You will regret it and it will hurt her and your relationship. Good luck! Love, hugs and prayers! :purple_heart::sunflower:


Your daughter is doing so much more than cheer. She is building lifelong skills and attitudes. She is developing a sense of belonging that she will be able to return to all her life when things get tough. She is developing dedication, respect, commitment, cooperation, team work, discipline, time management, body choices, budgeting, decision making and much more besides. It would be my suggestion to your partner to read up on the benefits of having a hobby as a child and develop passions of the others. Please don’t make your daughter quit cheer. That could affect her forever. She did this before you got together with him too and would cause a great deal of resentment x


You need to raise children as individuals and not a herd lol I think its fantastic you’re allowing each child to decide their own thing and level of dedication to it. You’re doing an awesome job mom! He needs to get out of the “what’s good for one is good for all” mentality. That is how you squash a child’s natural drive to succeed. In anything. I was the academic, my sister was a hard core swimmer, another was softball, and my brother baseball. It would have been weird if we all had to do the same thing.


Please do not hold your child back from something they are passionate about. Especially for your man as she will become resentful either towards you or him or both. I would 1000% continue supporting my daughter in her sports. She shouldn’t be punished because her siblings aren’t athletic.


Keep her in it she loves it. He needs to understand that the cheer means a-lot to her and she has done it since forever and uprooting her from something that she loves may just make her resent either him or both of you which will not be good especially when her life was just immensely changed. She worked so hard to get to where she is and loves it then he should support that like you would for his children. You are a good mom and sounds like your going to be the best step mom to. Maybe explain to him how much it means to her and how far she has gotten. Also cheerleading etc actually helps with colleges to. They like when students have extra things like that. Its good for her future. Maybe explain that to him to. I hope it all works out.

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She has worked hard to get where she is and should not have to give it up. It wouldnt be a question if it was an advanced science class or similar. She has a passion and a love and is going through enough already with life changes. I wouldnt pull my daughter out of band under the same circumstances so I say no. Continue being your supportive and loving self. Maybe ask thr other kids if there is anything they would like to try out. Sports, arts, science, band, shop, whatever it may be. But dont hold one back because the others dont want to. It wouldnt be fair


Please continue to let her cheer! The biggest mistake you can make is to parent based off his lifestyle and decisions. I understand this situation better than anyone and I understand you wanting to be fair but nothing in the house is going to ever be fair to the kids when they come from very different parenting styles and just so you know, his parenting style and logic for his kids is going to be a problem more and more down the road, keep that in mind.


He should be just as supportive of your daughter as you are w his kids… keep pushing her to do what she lives bring them along and get them interested in other activities and find family fun things to do it all about support and creating memories

You are absolutely NOT wrong for letting that girl cheer! I was a cheerleader(not competitive), and those were some of the best times. I learned a lot and I worked hard. If she likes it, then let her continue momma! If he hasn’t seen a practice or competition, have him go to one so he can see how hard she’s worked and how talented she is!

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Hell no!! She’s had some changes and taking away one of the things she loves and works hard for would be so upsetting for her!! If she quits cheer it should be her choice not his, yours, or anyone else’s!

You definitely aren’t wrong for letting her follow her dreams, cheer is something she worked so hard for & the one thing she still has when everything else in her life has changed plus it could benefit her future & what she decides to do with it. He doesn’t have to understand if it’s something she loves doing then all that matters is that you understand & support her :two_hearts::two_hearts:

Your kids come first. Your daughter deserves her chance. If the others were passionate about something then they’d understand.
Don’t stop the cheering. Your daughter probably won’t forgive you
Just sayin

Absolutely not
If you have a child with a dream who is working her butt off to achieve the results she is It’s your job as a mother to encourage and support her and as she was doing this before your new partner came along you owe it to her to enable her to continue

Keep her in cheer especially if she loves it. You changed her school & her home. Cheer is her place of stability.

Do not make her stop. She will resent you both for it. What is something that he absolutely worked real hard for and loves. Explain to him that she is just as passionate about her thing as he is about his. You should definitely put your foot down on this one. I wish you luck.

Hell NO. Sports build confidence and teach kids teamwork. They do soooooooo much more than teach the sport. They teach respect and hard work and endurance and on and on and on. You are giving your daughter gifts that she will have for her entire life. Making her quit would be letting her down in a major way. Please don’t do that.

Don’t make her quit,she has worked hard and sports are good for children. Keep supporting your daughter.

Absolutely not… how is that fair to her if y’all are able to and she wants to continue doing this.

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As a former cheerleader myself I’m please ask him do not make her stop cuz I know all about that hard work at that age.

Secondly you need to sit down and talk with your husband about this he says that the other children don’t get to play travel sports when the all truth from what you have said is the kids really don’t want to. Having that conversation with him maybe talking to him saying why don’t we put some opportunities in front of the kids it doesn’t have to be sports it could be debate it could be science it could be anything and see if the kids would be interested right in front of them and then that way when they say no I’m really not interested in this he can see that it’s not that they can’t play it’s that they won’t. And then by going this route you can find something that’s not necessarily a sport that the kids are actually interested in and would prefer to do over travel sports. My personal experience my daughter loves cheerleading but my son he’s a big science nerd he doesn’t do sports so I let him join all the science fairs and stuff. But I would never stop my children from playing sports or doing clubs especially if they loved to do them.

You got this mama. Don’t let her stop she sounds like she loves it. :heart:

Absolutely not. That’s not fair to her at all. I feel she’d be really upset, I know I would be.

No don’t make her stop. He needs to realize his kids have the opportunity if they choose to pursue something also but just because y’all are together does not mean he can make you change everything In her life. Honestly if you give into him she will probably resent him for it and you.

How is it fair to make her stop something she loves because he thinks she should?! Offer for the other kids to join a sport, but I absolutely would not take her out of cheer if that’s what she loves.

I think maybe there might be some other reasoning as well. For him to not be for it because the other three don’t do travel sports is kind of a odd excuse. Are you traveling far and he has to take care of other three while you are away for long periods of time ? Are they day trips? Is the expense maybe an issue. If it is just simply the fact the others aren’t into it maybe tell him to get them into something then . :woman_shrugging:t2: she worked so hard for this I would stand my ground on this.

I fully support your daughter staying in cheer. I wish i had advice on how to talk him into it. Honestly, i don’t think you should even have to talk him into it but you are in a position and you need to fight for your daughter. Maybe if none of the ideas here work you should ask a therapist to help you talk to him. Please don’t let him take cheer from your daughter.

That’s his issue, not yours nor your daughter’s. Keep her in cheer. She shouldn’t have to sacrifice her sport due to the lack of his kids not having one.

Do not let her stop, don’t make her a quitter. This could look good if she goes to college.

It sounds like you need to balance both your relationship with your fiance as well as have a healthy boundaries because you’re going to want to stay with him for the rest of your life you won’t don’t want to really disrespect what he wants you to do but on the other hand your daughter needs to have that outlet of cheer in her life that is a tough call I pray for you and hope you make the right decision

Sounds like he might be a little jealous. He probably wishes he didn’t slack and got his two into sports and instead of just admitted that he’s talking it out on your daughter.

So you’d take away something that has the possibility to give her a better future bc he doesn’t like that you travel with her? Tell him to grow up its your job to raise her, not raise him. Don’t take away from your baby to please a man!

Hell naw. Making her quit what she loves does absolutely nothing for her future. She may resent you or him.

The words hard work, dedication, and team work will follow her everywhere

Not saying the other children don’t or won’t have that same drive. They may have hobbies in other categories outside of sports that require the same drive. Rather it’s at their age now or later.

If a child has a hobby, sets goals, focused on those goals, and is dedicated…you as a parent/step parent should encourage it

Not at all! That’s not fair to her. I would double think my future with this man . He is not being supportive of her. She gave up enough already fir this relationship with the move

No way! And be careful… If he is already complaining about it now. It will become worse when you actually get married.

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I think you are right. She has worked on this and put effort in to it. Let the others pick a thing they have interest in to do, and let them do it. Taking her out now I feel would huge her a lot of negative feelings about herself and her efforts abs wishes not being important no matter how hard she has worked.

It’s something your daughter has dedicated time and sweat to. I don’t understand what the other kids have to do with her traveling and her sport. He’s wrong and shouldn’t make it an issue.

I would keep her in it, if it’s what she wants to do! I’d support her 100% if the other kids want to do sports too or other after school activities then bring up their options as well!


Absolutely not wrong for keeping her in something she loves and has worked hard for… if a child is passionate about something and it’s causing no real harm, why wouldn’t you fully support them… that’s something I’d draw a deep, visible line at… she’s never going to truly forgive you if you took her away from something she really enjoys and has worked so hard for… as you stated, you all should be fully supporting anything they have showed an interest in

Absolutely not!!! I think you’re doing the right thing momma!!! Why should she have to stop just because the other kids aren’t doing a sport?! Let her keep going as long as she wants to!!!

No, she will have a grudge against you if it was for financial issues then it would be different, but her being in cheer will keep her away from doing bad stuff later bc she will be so busy with it! Plus moving to a new town this is the perfect way to help her meet new friends or to see her old ones :heart:

If you didn’t get enough, no don’t make her stop… here’s another. Let her continue doing it. It would hurt her to make her stop, it would also probably hurt your relationship with her & her relationship with him & possibly the other kids.

Sorry. But she was in cheer before you brought him into your life I’m assuming? She’s been doing it longer than you’ve been doing him. Way out of line and sounds too much like a control play towards you AND her.

Ni have a niece who is in 3 diff softball teams one is a traveling team. The go all over. She is 17 and has been doing this since she been 8 she works her butt off to do this. Taking something from a child they love doing will only cause them to hate you. So do take something g from her that she loves. Sounds like she lost so much already

Don’t make her quit but def make sure you know the team/coaches inside and out. My cousin was on a cheer team for 4 years and they were super abusive behind the scenes: any extracurricular sport is good for kids. It’s your kid and your choice but ultimately your kids choice. If they’re ok with it then keep going

Nope, she’s worked hard for it, don’t make her stop because HE doesn’t like it

Not even sure why this is a, you don’t pull your daughter from what she loves. I have 2 kids in cheer, and one child not in a competitive sport. I do understand having one child feeling left out because the time given to their activity is significantly less, even though it’s unintentional, it happens because cheer is so demanding. What I do is try to make time to spend with my non cheering child one on one, we watch movies together, go on little day trips together, etc. it isn’t perfect, but it works for us. Maybe consider doing that? :heart: but do not pull her from cheer.

Definitely not. If she is dedicated and loves it then i would continue to encourage her. Maybe have a discussion with the other kids and encourage them to try new things until they find something that they enjoy.

Keep her in. This is the worst part of bending families. I don’t miss that at all… this is an issue with your fiancé - not you or the child or the activity. I would consider this a red flag to be honest…. Don’t rush to get married to this guy

No! Not a chance should she be asked to stop. It’s not your fault the other kids didn’t take on a sport. Support your daughter, tell him to grow up x

Have you asked your daughter what she wants to do? Maybe she confided in him about wanting to stop and doesn’t want to disappoint you since you turned her on to it. If your daughter wants to continue and you want to keep supporting her then you need to reconsider your relationship with your fiancé. Maybe he isn’t right for you or your kids. He is controlling you. Maybe his kids aren’t involved in sports because he doesn’t want it. Your daughter is 11. So you really want the next 7 or so years of fighting about her staying in Cheer? If it is what he wants he may continue until you give in! This feels like a huge red flag. He waited until after you moved to say something. He knew before hand that she was in Cheer that travels… another red flag. I would seriously reconsider your relationship with him.

So take from your daughter because its something his kids don’t get to experience… okay. Have her hate you and him and eventually block you out of her life . He’s not her father and quite frankly this is your decision, he should consider encouraging his kids to try sports

No, you’re not wrong at all! He is for even saying it is. Ask his kids of they want to join anything. Maybe they didn’t think they were allowed and actually do want to try something

I would keep her in cheer. Dont make her give up her life and something she loves… Have a family meeting and see if theres something that the other children would like to do. Let them have a say

Oh momma, please don’t take cheer away from her! You are not doing anything wrong. She’s busted her tail off to be where she’s at! Like you said, everything else has changed too. If you take this away she will hate her new family. I’m not sure how you can get your spouse to understand. Maybe try asking his kids in front of them if they would like to join a sport?! So he can hear his children say no.

Why are you even asking this question when you have already answered it yourself, all the hard work and dedication your daughter has put into her passion, and what you move her away from her home, her friends at school, and just because your man doesn’t agree with it your asking should YOU make her stop! YOU made the decision to move her YOU made the decision where she will now live, do YOU really want to take everything this child knows away from her??? I’d rather get rid of the man if he doesn’t like it !!!

Hell no don’t make her stop. Its not your fault and certainly not hers that his kids don’t do anything. Its unacceptable for him to tell you that she needs to stop.

Im sort of in the samw spot with softball and my daughter. Shes always traveled playing and now I married my husband his daughter also plays but not travel. Hes never asked her to quit but sometimes makes comments about his daughter not traveling. Now I hooked her up with a traveling team and she was the most difficult kid ever she forgot her cleats, she complained of every little thing so she didn’t have to play. After that he never asked again lol


Absolutely effing not! Do not make her quit because he came up with some excuse why she shouldn’t.

I didn’t remember reading in the post what the actual disagreement is or any points stating why she should be quitting besides the other kids don’t get to do sports. Why not let her continue what she enjoys doing? Is he sad that she has all the events to attend and he either assumes or have the other kids actually expressed they feel left out? Find hobbies for the other kids either in school or at home. Maybe one likes art and goes to a special art camp or something similar. Everyone is important and the want and drive to participate in cheer sounds like what you and her have been doing for a long time. Having the other kids come up with some additions to their own activities may be healthy for them and make them feel valued.

No definitely not! She has worked hard and been dedicated to be where she is today! I’d love for my 2 year old to also get into a sport in the next 2 to 3 years and continue with it if he loves it. This teaches them to be hardworking and teaches them structure in a sense. Sport among other activities keeps kids out of trouble as they always have practice and trying to better themselves in their sport keeping them busy and distracting their mind from other useless things they could be doing which is of no benefit to them. Your fiance sounds jealous and if he isn’t supporting or motivating his kids to do something of that sort then that’s on him. You parent your kids as you see fit, you are building your independent kids to grow up with meaning and drive. You moved your kids away and taken them out of their respective schools to be with your fiance so the least you could do is still let them have what is theirs, do not take this away from her. You sound very proud of her, never let someone else bully you into making such a decision for your kids because they’re feelin like their kids are stuck. He needs to man up and ask his kids if they’re interested in starting something or be a sport himself and cheer your daughter on!

As a mom of 5 kids I say keep that baby in Cheer! If she loves and wants to continue it then he needs to understand this! You guys are a family now.

Absolutely not! Don’t ever change your lifestyle and what your kids are doing for any guys. At the end is you and your kids who you should take care of and make sure their life experiences worth it.

It doesn’t sound like he’s saying this bc of his kids not doing sports, otherwise he would tell them to join any sports activity… it sounds like he’s saying this to be controlling and trying to alienate y’all from other people. You’ve already given up your hometown for him, what else can he take away?
Honestly, I would leave. He’s no fiance or roll model to those kids; if he was he would not even think about taking her out of something she loves nor would he make you (or tell you for that matter) to take her out of it.
He’s blatantly telling you to choose between him or your daughters happiness…

We know everyone has their own opinion and no one can force you to leave and go back to your home town and start over without him, but you seriously need to think about doing that. Where would the controlling end? If it even does end?? Do you really want to be with someone that is so quick to give up on your kids and their dreams and goals? I would have packed our stuff and left as soon as that question was asked. Men come and go, your children are forever. They need to come first.
Wish you luck momma!!! Sending hugs!!!

Omg please to not take that from your daughter. He can suck it up and ask his kids if they want to be put in a sport. I played softball for 2 years in 7th, 8th grade and my parents pulled me out because they couldn’t take me to practices or games and I was always walking in bad weather or getting rides from my coach. I was really upset about it and in some ways I’ve never forgiven them because i could of had such a better high-school experience if I could of been in softball. It was the only thing I enjoyed in school and high-school was ROUGH. absolutely do NOT take this away from your daughter it will emotionally scar her I promise you that.

He may have a problem with the cost. As cheer alone is ridiculously expensive.

Red flags girl. This man is not thinking of what’s best for your child. I would NEVER take my child out of something they love and earned unless it was a financial reason. If this man truly loved you and your kids it would never been said.

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I wouldn’t wasting the time getting him to understand…keep your energy going for your daughter and her hard work…

Is my advice as having a blended family, I had 3 he had 2 and then we also had one more. Just us and not the other parentsi nvolved at all… That’s 5 teenagers with a now two-year-old… If they wanted to then go hard for them too… Support them to go for it as well as hard as you do for yours… And if they don’t want to do it that their choice but if they do, Go for them hard.

Absolutely not! If your daughter has put time and dedication into this, and you have too then unless there is a good reason to stop ie if you can no longer afford it then I see no reason?