Naw it’s her choice and she can gladly stay doing it. Hes probably got one of his kids saying something about it and they are jealous of her honestly. Continue to let her. I’d say ask him exactly why he feels she shouldn’t and as well ask does it upset him that his kids don’t do things like that?.
Absolutely NOT!
Red flag…this is when you have to choose your children over a man
This is a strange question imo. And your fiancé sounds like a
No don’t make her stop
You are HER mom… you allow her to do what needs to be done.
You seem to have forgotten, that YOU gave birth to her… not that she asked to be born… SHE comes before YOUR happiness… if your fiance is asking this to happen, then Maybe you need to remember your KIDS come before your happiness… and maybe it’s time to be a PARENT.
Because it seems like you put your interest in getting laid, before your kids.
Don’t even think about it anymore. When you married the guy you changed everyone’s lives. To cheer is the way of what used to be and it’s something she loves. Not sure how she feels towards the new husband and siblings, but just cause his kids don’t do anything doesn’t mean you have to take àway something your kid does do. Atleast your kid is doing something if the point makes sense. That’s his fault for not putting forth the attention of his kids to see what they like or might enjoy
You are mom. He’s not dad. It’s that simple.
Don’t take cheer from her
He’s being ridiculous!! Do not take her out of her sport
Hell no. Keep her cheering. He don’t get it or support it I would be gone. No time for that bs
Let her continue to do wat makes her happy! As for your hubby? Get over it dude grow up😡
Don’t you dare make her stop He is wrong !!!
He’s being lazy, controlling, or cheap.
Choose your kid first I’m every situation
Y’all need to stop worrying about these men over your children. This is your child. WTF. That’s your answer.
Well that’s a big red flag if I’ve ever seen one
Hell no…Make him stop…running his mouth that is
Fuck no. He needs to stop being irrational just because his kids don’t wanna do anything like that doesn’t mean he should stop ur child from something she loves. That’s totally selfish of him to ask that to be done.
If you’re paying for it then fuck what he has to say and fuck those other kids. She worked hard for it and you want to rip that from her and crush her spirit? All that hard work and dedication taken from her because of other kids and his feelings. Fuck that. She’ll resent you and the other kids.
If you make her stop, she’s going to resent you.
And YOU are NOT the only one whose life changed. So has hers. A lot.
She deserves to hold on to some semblance of her version of normal.
If anything maybe her cheering will motivate the other kids to get into some type of sport. It’s not her fault they haven’t, and she shouldn’t be punished for their lack of interest.
He needs to realize she’s an athlete. Athletes commit to their sport of choice and often follow it far enough to hit college levels and a few lucky ones get to make a career out of it, and if she is good as you say she is, it would seem she’s already on her way to that.
I’m sure if his oldest son played football or baseball he’d expect you to show support. Don’t allow the double standard.
It would be toxic, and cruel to make her stop. Point blank period.
Sounds to me he has a little jealousy towards your child because his kids aren’t in sports I’ve been through this keep your kid in the sport and don’t let him change your mind or ruin it for her or you
Nope! Competitive cheer mama here (first year tho, my girl is 5) and I know how much work these girls put into it and how passionate they become for the sport. Leave his butt at home and take that girl to comps in peace!
I will also add, I have three boys also, and the two oldest play or played (one is now 18) baseball and football, traveling to different cities and I feel the exact same way about their choice of sports!
Why is this even a conversation? Don’t take her out. That’s your child. Not his. Your child is more important and obviously she’s worked very hard to get where she’s at
Listen love… do what’s right for you and your kids… I know its expected to be one way or another and if your wrong it’s just wrong… I speak from experience with my family…not a man… whats good and acceptable for my niece and nephews is not ok for my daughter… why would she want do this when the others didn’t blah blah blah… then they all moved away and still question things… if my daughter wants to do something the others didn’t… so tf what… nobody is there for us now, why do they care?! Whats good for one kid is not always for the others… doesnt mean the one kid shouldn’t experience their own life…
Seems like that child has already had everything else change. There’s no way I’d take her out of it.
You’re a great mama maybe their mom should ask for a few tips they probably mentioned it to him. Or she deserves a much more supportive father figure
Absolutely not and if he doesn’t like the fact that his kids do nothing while yours cheer then thats an issue he needs to sort out himself. DO NOT stop her doing something she loves just because he doesn’t like it. Men come and go, but your kids are forever
Have you tried breaking it down as if it’s her career. Do not take her out of it unless she wants that.
My nieces love it
Do not stop! It’ll teach her so many things about life!
Success and failures!
Stay strong!!
Hell no. When he took on blending yalls family he accepted you and your children and yalls lifestyles.
You need to put your foot down for your daughters sake Bc that is not fair.
Its not your kids fault he is an ass let her play
Absolutely do not remove her from cheer!!!, Competitive sports(or just rec sports) can be essential to a kids well being, if you remove her now she will quicky grow to not like your significant other, he very much needs to get over himself, not your fault that his kids seem to be lazy, for my daughter it is a requirement she be doing at least one activity, she just so happens to love softball and I couldn’t imagine telling her she had to quit
Absolutely not. You are allowing the other 3 the option and they aren’t interested. She deserves to have what she loves
Is it worth destroying your family because you won’t see things his way I’m sure his kids made sacrifices to and I’m sure he gave up things to do maybe this is her sacrifice that she makes for her family I say let her decide but know that it not just you and your daughter there are other kids involved and would be hurt if you and there dad split up you shouldn’t just put your kid first you should put all the kids happiness first not just yours she’s no special the other 3 and she needs to learn sometimes you don’t get your way and you have to make sacrifices as a whole for the family
No don’t stop.
I was a cheerleader. No way.
My dad paid. And never complained. My mother was the one that would say. , oh it cost to much. Support is what she needs and always need.
What kind of father would want to take away joy from their kids life anyways? Sounds sus.
No way. Kids find what they like and just because his aren’t into that stuff, why should she be punished because they dont?
Do not let him dictate what YOUR Daughter can do, she will resent you for putting him above her which is what you will be doing, it’s almost like he’s jealous of you spending time with your Daughter, he should be encouraging his own kids to be getting into some kind of sport anyway instead of sitting on phones or computers
Don’t make her stop!!! That man is going to continue having arguments with you about the kids im sorry to tell you but i see this relationship failing since he doesnt have any sort of feelings for your daughter
Not in the wrong at all. Kids should be allowed to do things they love
Keep the child in cheer, get rid of the man
Ladies hear me now!!! Stop choosing men over your babies!!!
Make him go and watch her. Show him just how good she is. Then, hopefully, he’ll change his mind. If not, tell him too bad so sad.
NO! Always your kids above EVERYONE else!!!
No. Don’t punish her that he’s an ass.
No hes just mad he didn’t do it
This is rhetorical, right?
Red Flag!!! He is a jerk!
Fuck him and his petty opinions. Let that baby be great.
No. Encourage her to keep going.
No!!! Fuck hi and gtfo!! Hes always going to do that no matter wat the situation!!
Let that babygirl continue to do what she loves and knows, he should support you and your daughter good luck
Absolutlely not he needs to understand
Hell no. Let her stay in.
Hell no let her continue cheer
Throw the whole man out.
Uhmmm…Not today or tomorrow!!
No you absolutely DO NOT MAKE HER STOP.
WHEN are women going to quit choosing men over their children?
This should not even be a question
Do not make her stop.
Do not make her stop
Nope. Let her cheer!!
Yeah no! Let her cheer, simple
Absolutely positively not!!!
Every child is different. In no way should you alter your support for your daughter’s cheer activities. She’s put in the work, she should be able to continue as long as she loves it.
Definitely not, she has already given up enough for your relationship. If he wants his children in sports then put them in, if they are not interested, that isn’t your problem. Your daughter is and you need to support her, with or without his support. This sounds more like a control issue on his part. Why should she give up 4 years of hard work and training because you said yes to a proposal, is he paying for it? I just think it is really sad that he wants to crush your daughters aspirations because his children have none. He is either jealous of her success, where his children have none or he is trying to be the alpha and it is his way or the highway. Either way, if he makes you choose between him and your child’s happiness then he his definitely not worth marrying or your time.
Sounds like your fiancee is being childish and selfish. Why should your kids have to sacrifice everything?
Don’t take something she cares about away just because none of the other kids want to do anything. My parents done that and I hated it.
Absolutely not! Thats her current outlet that she enjoys and YOUR CHILD not his, so it’d up to you to decide not him. Sounds like he’s being totally unreasonable. I would say maybe try to suggest some kind of sport or hobby for his kids to also have something like that to do, but if they don’t seem interested then let them be. Do not make her give up what she has worked hard for and enjoys just because your dude doesn’t think it’s fair. That is ridiculous, selfish, and immature on his part
Don’t you dare take that away from her. She already has so many other adjustments to make. Let her keep some normalcy from life before the families blended. Maybe suggest that the other kids find something that they like to do as well. I’m sure it will be good for them.
Hello no! Making her stop would be failing. You do whats best for your children. She is good at what she does and worked towards it. If the others aren’t taking initiative to push themselves towards something, it’s their loss. They seem to have the same opportunity as her but lack the self discipline and drive to do it.
Bye boy, he doesn’t want your kids to achieve things in life. Why does she have to stop cheering because his kids have no motivation. He sounds dangerous. First no cheer, then no this & that. No friends. Complete isolation!RUN RUN RUN. Narcissist alert!
Absolutely not! You let her continue her passion and you continue to support her in it! Either he comes around or it stays a point of contention between you two, but you (and your children) have already done the compromising by moving away from everything to embark on your new journey with him and his. Let her keep this.
DO NOT MAKE HER STOP. She will resent you, him and be completely miserable. My Dad thinks my 11 year old plays too much basketball and needs other interests, not just basketball. He absolutely loves it though and has worked hard to make it to districts. I think as parents we have to advocate for our children because we know them best. My son would be crushed if I pulled him from one of his teams. As would your daughter if you pulled her from cheer. You sound like an amazing and supportive mum. Go you! X
I would let her continue. She was doing it before you guys moved in together. It’s not something that’s new. She’s worked hard to be where she is why should she have to stop because the other 3 aren’t involved in something like she is? She should have his support along the lines of how you support her. If he doesn’t want her to be in it then he doesn’t need to participate and you bring her to everything she needs to go to. It’s something she’s good at and enjoys and she could be something great as she gets older. That shouldn’t be stripped from her. It’s not fair to her just cuz his kids aren’t involved.
Hell no she has worked her butt off at such a young age and for that to be taken from her is selfish on his part. I would say if this is a make it or break it moment you choose your daughters passion over his personal feelings time and time again end of discussion. All you will show her is that he is more important and that hard work doesn’t mean anything if someone steps in your way.
Absolutely not! She should continue. Idleness is not good for children either. You are honoring your daughter’s passion and I would say that is an incredible outlet for her and she should continue.
Nope, offer to get the other 3 involved in activities to make it fair. The other kids may have zero interest in competitive anything. No reason to take her out of something she loves and works for. If she’s putting that much effort into cheer it could potentially help her pay for college. Excellent point from a financial perspective.
Nope! Keep going. Mine did competitive gymnastics where we traveled. My husband is her step dad. He paid for every bit of it (I was a stay at home mom) and he encouraged her to do it. What the other kids do/don’t do should not matter to what she can do.
Hell no do not make her stop! She worked hard for that. It’s not her fault the other kids don’t do stuff like that. That would be an enormous fight if it were my spouse and I. To me he should’ve never said anything along those lines. He should be as supportive as you. Personally I would take that as a red flag
Absolutely not. This would not even be a conversation. Why should she stop her sport because they don’t play any? I can’t even believe he would speak those words. I would rethink that relationship before I’d consider removing her from cheer. That would send all kinds of red flags. That’s punishing her for doing something she loves and is committed to for really no reason. The fact that the other kids don’t play has absolutely nothing to do with her.
Absolutely not!
She will forever resent your fiancé. And it’s not fair to her. Kids first mama. Your kids come before any man anywhere at any time.
Absolutely not. Keep kids in sports as long as they enjoy it! Now a days so many kids are getting into things they shouldn’t at such a young age. I feel sports helps keep kids on the right track. It’s not like she’s getting special treatment. Like you said, if the other 3 wanted to than you would Absolutely support it. Maybe ask the other 3 if they’re interested in any sports or any activities for that matter. Did you explain to him the way you explained it in this post? If she’s put her heart & soul into this for 4 years and he still doesn’t understand, than just continue to let her do it and I’m sure he will get over it at some point! Don’t make her give that up. She might end up resenting you or your fiance if you guys force her to stop something she loves and has worked so hard on to get to where she is.
Please let her keep going!!! Please, please,please! It’s utterly soul destroying,if you are forced to give something up,which you absolutely love and is part of you. Sending you lots of love of💖
Does he financially support your bios? If so separate finances and keep it that way. That will head off any resentment about finances in the future. You should each be supporting your own kids. Keep encouraging the other kids to try new things, good luck
I’d be saying good bye if he pushes the subject. Your duaghter shouldn’t have to give up something she is passionate about to make him feel better about the other kids!
DO NOT take that child out of something she loves and is thriving in! This is a good thing for her and it’s important for her self esteem as well as learning valuable things at her age. You will absolutely make that child be angry at you for years if you take away what she loves, it’s not hurting anyone. Tell your man to hush. Let that baby thrive
No. No. No!!! All children are not the same and don’t need the same experiences! Let her live out her passion! My daughter dances and I would not trade the lessons she is learning for ANY man! Boyfriends are replaceable. Children are not. Do not sell out her dreams to be with anyone! And this is coming from a single mom.
No don’t make your daughter quit. Your daughter has worked hard for a while and sounds like she is dedicated. Maybe ask the other kids if they want to play sports… or maybe just another activity that’s not physical. maybe a chess club…or volunteer at an animal shelter…or visit the library in your town and see what activities they have for kids.
Absolutely not… Don’t take her greatness away because the other 3 aren’t interested in anything at the moment… Who knows that could be her way to pay for college one day… Or even her career when she is an adult
If she actually wants to do it and loves doing it…why would you be wrong? And why does he think they all should be expected to be into something ? No matter their age they are still individuals and have their own hobbies, likes and dislikes. She will probably resent her siblings in the future if she has to stop purely because of what the rest of them aren’t into a traveling sport. That doesn’t seem fair. Fair would be letting them all do what they love, traveling sport or not imo. Growing up my sister was a cheerleader in middle school and had to go to away games, I was in a guitar club that was held at my school after hours. We both loved what we did and was there for each other at every game, and every performance.
She’s worked hard to get where she is. As long as she loves it I would continue to support her. I would support each kid in his/her personal passions. You are not married and as much as you may love each other this is a time to learn about each other and how the family dynamics are going to work. Your daughter’s love for cheerleading is something she can hold onto during these times of changes and adjustments.
Do not take her out! She’ll resent you. Try to encourage the other kids to get into something they’re interested in if they don’t want to at least you tried but continue supporting your daughter!
In no way should you feel you need to stop your daughter from cheering. I myself moved my daughter to a place that doesn’t have cheer so 3 days a week we drive an hour and a half for practice. As long as she puts in the work we will continue to do so.
If you can make it work, I say keep going. As for getting him to understand, I’m not sure that will be easy. However, if it were me I would just remind him it’s something she was doing before you were together and that it isn’t going to change because you are.
If my significant other wanted my daughter to stop now that we are together, I wouldn’t even have to think about making a change because it won’t happen.
If he has a career job that hes worked his ass off to be at then ask him if hes just going to quit. Because he has to drive just a little bit longer if hes going to quit after all his hard work and dedication. Because I’m sure the answer would be no. Dont make her quit. Fight for her on this
No! Just because the other kids don’t play sports doesn’t mean she has to stop doing what she loves and have worked hard at. That shouldn’t be a topic of discussion period! Instead maybe he should instill in his kids some things that may interest them…? But to suggest that she stop because the others don’t play anything is selfishness on his end and is not what a parent should be asking in thr first place.
So no, your not wrong. Your daughter is building lifelong skills, hardworking, dedication etc…and thats more than some kids nowadays has. Kudos to you mama for encouraging her and supporting her! Maybe he needs to be more of a father to his kids and get to know them better with what interests them and encourage them. Just my opinion
Would you stop her from becoming a Doctor, because someone felt differently, it’s wrong to stop something positive about your kids, you better do what’s right for YOUR kids before you are sorry for life, hold yourself back not her
She should absolutely do it and get to continue.
The only way I think I would ever feel frustrated with this is if it financially hindered us or if my spouse was like sorry I can’t contribute to household expenses (mortgage or utilities or something) because if this. Then I would have a sit down. But if finances are not an issue then there is no reason for her not to get to continue IMO.
I feel like so long as you aren’t expecting him to pay and her birth father and you are paying its not his business but if you are expecting him to fund it is it possible he is saying no because he can not afford it . He isn’t going to take from 3 other children to fund one for a very very expensive sport . If you have the money do not take cheer from her and maybe encourage the other children to find a love and passion and support them just as much.
Don’t let her be stopped from doing what she loves mama keep supporting and loving her as well as the other kids if they want to try something new. He should be understanding
Please don’t make her stop cheering! Especially after she’s already been up and moved to a new town and everything… she would probably really dislike you if you make her stop for a long time Especially something she’s worked so hard and so long for. If he can’t get on board and support the passion Especially for something she’s worked that hard for id have to say leave before he takes more control…