My fiance does not want my friends coming to our wedding: Advice?

He’s controlling sis, don’t marry him

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Don’t marry him… he has serious issues (narcissism) … that will probably get worse as soon as the ink dries… run for the hills… but at the very least don’t make it official bc then to him, he owns you.


You do not have to share your friends. That’s a major flag hun



Run. I’m not joking. There are warnings for a reason.


I heard about guys like this. First they try to control you by telling you you can’t have friends, then it moves on to family. They want to make sure they control you 100% so you have no where to turn and can’t leave. Please reconsider this relationship for your own safety! People like this really can end up physically and mentally abusing you ( a lot of times they control it until trapped by marriage then the abuse starts) Please notice all these things and consider breaking ties before it becomes more difficult to leave. Hugs! Good luck!!


Don’t go through with the wedding this is a control tactic.


RED FLAG …. RED FLAG … I would NOT marry that man !!


That’s super controlling


It’s healthy to have separate friend circles

My older kids dad was this way. Do not marry that man!


He sounds like a creep. If he’s acting like this before you’re married. You’re going to regret marrying him. You’re going to end up getting a divorce. People treat you how you let them. Read about narcissistic people. He probably has every trait. And people who have dealt with them and they finally got rid of them. Are so happy


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:. Don’t be dumb RUN do not marry this man. You’re not even married yet and he trying to separate you from your friends and seems to be controlling.


Red flags. 1000’s of them. All over the place!!! This is not right and I’m glad your wedding date is set a good while away. Be alert to controlling behaviour now you’ve spotted and realised this about your friends. It’s great you’re on the ball and aren’t agreeing to it. You are not his possession that is exclusively his. It’s not living 2 separate lives having him and your own friends, it’s you living your life. That’s it! Do not let yourself get sucked in to reasoning and excuses as time goes on. Once married, if it gets that far, he will see you as legally bound to him and you will do what he says or he may start to change his mood and see a different side he’s been keeping from you and you do t want that. You have kids. Be aware of possible manipulation


Think of your relationship as a Venn diagram. Your life is the yellow, his is the blue, and then you meet in the middle sometimes - green. You still have your own lives besides each other… friends, hobbies, jobs… this should never change!


Yeah I think you would be better off leaving him because I’ve been there and it’s a horrible way to live.


One thing I learned is that those little comments will change your life. Went from having so many friends to just me and him.


He’s controlling. That’s about all there is to it. I would NOT marry him.


He’s probably talking to one of the new friends you have . :slightly_frowning_face::face_with_diagonal_mouth:

That’s a HUGE red flag that should NOT be ignored. I have a friend who is in a marriage where my friend completely isolated from friends and family. The spouse has recently escelated and has even been messaging my friend’s coworkers to accuse them of sleeping together. My friend is now looking into divorce. Nobody can live happily in a marriage like that. Its suffocating.
You’re still your own person and you should have your own job and hobbies and friends just like he should have his own. Having something that isn’t also your spouse’s doesn’t mean you have a double life. That sucks that he’s acting this way but at least he’s revealing himself before y’all are married because you don’t need that in your life

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Oh sweet Jesus girl :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:
RUN!!! DO NOT MARRY THAT MAN. He’s TOXIC… My ex wanted me and the kids all to himself, didn’t want me going anywhere without him, he didn’t want me talking to any of my friends, even tried cutting me off from my family members. All Control. TOXIC Behaviour. Ask YOURSELF Is that the kind of life you want or deserve. :thinking: Because These People Do NOT Change & anything you try and do will not make one ounce of Difference YOU have to accept. Your dealing with a brick wall here. Get Rid. It will be the best decision of your life.


:triangular_flag_on_post: that is not ok! He’s trying to control you. If it were me, I’d walk away before you marry him. You are allowed to have friends.

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It’s healthy to have different friends

Tell him if it’s a deal breaker he’s free to leave—

Sounds insanely controlling.

A wedding 2 years past engagement? Maybe it’s because of financial reasons. Huge flag him telling you he doesn’t want your friends to attend the wedding. It’s already toxic. He’s already doubting you.

Baby run and run fast

Controlling behavior…it will only get worse…


Ummmm he is trying to isolate you and take away any safety net you may have. I would seriously reconsider this relationship as well as a marriage with him. I’m sure if you re-examine past events In the relationship you will likely realize there were other red flags you may have missed.


If he really loves you, he won’t care & will want to be with you no matter what. Speaking from someone that has been married happily for 27 yrs. It is for better or worse. Not when you feel like it. Marriage is hard & messy sometimes.

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Sounds like you need to think and do some serious thinking,sounds like the beginning of control.


Honestly that sounds like a huge red flag


Respect yourself and save yourself a lot of heartbreak down the road—-not the man you should marry. there is a man out there that will cherish you; dont settle for less!


500 comments in 2 hours telling you to run is not a joke. Run!! Too many red flags!!


He sounds immature & controlling. Narcissit at its finest. End it now and go live the life you want. Your future hubby will love all of you and accept your new friends at the wedding. Why because thats what would make you happy!! :heart_eyes:


Red flag and run the other way


Dump him quick. Trying to control who you can be friends with? Live two separate lives, WTH?


I would take a step back and really consider if o wanted to marry him because to me it sounds like he wants to isolate you from all friends you all aren’t even married yet and he’s starting to try and control you imagine how it’s going to go if you actually get married. This is your red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: please do not ignore it


Dump him now before it’s to late he’s gonna control u little girl

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This right there speak volumes you should be able to have your separate friend time with your friends even if he’s not friends with them. That’s def not normal behavior. It’s unhealthy to not have separation from him and friends. Like you should be able to invite who you want without him vetoing it because they aren’t his friends


I was going to comment just about what everyone else is saying to you:
For ur own good!
PLEASE LISTEN to all these comments!

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He sounds nuts and controlling if he’s adamant id just break up with him. Hes crazy

Don’t marry the prat


Give him a high 5 as you kick his ass out the door for showing you the relationship that you don’t want to have!!

:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:Get outta there ASAP :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

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Control freak careful

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Wow red flag for sure


He has 2 whole years to befriend them lol If he knows it’s important to you, he should make an effort. They don’t have to be the best of friends and he doesn’t have to always be there when you hang out with them, but he should make an effort to be friendly and he should be comfortable with you having friends outside of your family.

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These comments are NAWT doin you any favors sister. PLEASE pause before placing label’s such as “controlling,” or “toxic” on the man you’ve chosen to marry. Dismiss ALL suggestions of “dumping him real quick…” as well. Today’s “men” are not prepared for today’s women. Clearly there’s something that’s got him feeling insecure. My money’s on that independent strong will if yours. How many of your new friends are single? That will be a factor for some as well. To be perfectly honest - you a grown ass woman so you already know respect reassurance and communication is REQUIRED if a happy union is your goal. You’re in a REALationship. Have the conversation sis.

No no ,run while you can girl…he’s waving a massive red flag right in your face :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Find a better man. He’s trouble!


Reminds me of my ex husband who was a violent narcissist 3 months into our marriage. :mega::triangular_flag_on_post:


:flushed::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: controlling…

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Girl you got two kids together and you still aren’t getting married for two years? And… your friends can’t go? Walk away from this mess.


rethink the engagement. Too many RED FLAGS.


I agree with everyone dont marry him massive red flag his controlling good luck


I understand the friends of us thing but by “friends of us” I mean friends that will respect our marriage… But I’m pretty certain he has a different definition of that and saying they cant be at your wedding? Gonna be a hell naw from me dawg

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Girl that’s a whole ass narcissistic jealous ass RED FLAGGGG

I would say he is hiding something big red flag dont ever let him tell you who you can can not talk to


Red flags everywhere in that conversation :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Something happened between him and one of those new girl friends


You better think about this before you say I do


Does anyone ever genuinely wonder how young people have relationships at all? I’m not being ugly just serious.

He’s a control freak and a narcissist… run people don’t change


When they try to isolate you from people who are in your life, you run as fast as you can


RED FLAGS!!! Girl, you better stomp this shit down right now or bail. This is controlling insecure narcissistic behavior. Why would he want your friends to be his friends? Would he be ok with you chilling with his friends alone? cmon

i wouldn’t be marrying this man.


honestly i dont trust people who are too obsessed on being friends with your friends. get your own dang friends. people dont need to be out here stealing someone elses and it puts thoses friends in conflict when theres a falling out and they have to choose between you… partners cozying up to your friends intentionally is weird to me…


Controlling and sounds like he wants his cake and eat it too. Tell him to go fly a kite your wasting your time on a jerk. Why would you want your kids to have a part time dad? Too many RED flags no marriage material.


Red flag. Control freak narcissist. Please get out while you can!

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Girl… RUN. He’s about to control every aspect of your life if you allow this​:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


Make a plan and leave him asap when he isn’t home.


Which one of them friends did he sleep with


Lol… youre discussing if youre going to invite certain new friends to your wedding TWO YEARS from now??

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Runnnn!! Major red flag. Narcissistic coming in hot.


Either a suspect or pure bullshit. His reasons are pathetic and not valid. But since you already have 2 kids with him and IF he has been a good father and partner all along then its fine because its worth giving up new friendships for a peaceful life and happy partner.

think twice before you marry him sounds like he is controlling


Marriage is meant to be u 2 being as 1, which means u share the same friends etc…u do things together as a couple. Definitely jog him on!

Don’t marry him. He’s a control freak and will isolate you


why not? That is what YOU have to ask yourself.

It’s ok to have separate friends, however if those friends start drama or create a problem then those friends have to go. If they don’t create a problem with the relationship or with the partner then there shouldn’t be an issue.

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Nope. That’s not how this works. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

I think he’s been sneaking around. Atleast that’s my interpretation of this. He sounds controlling too. You should really think about this whole situation. Is this the kind of person you really want to marry? I mean your wedding is 2 years away. Before you make further plans maybe talk to a therapist and see what they have to say. It couldn’t hurt. Good luck! I hope for the sake of you and your kids you make the right decision.


Red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: this is control.


Leave before it’s too late!! Thats where the control is starting…

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:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post:
Nope, nope, nope. A good partner understands the need and importance of sharing your life together while also keeping your individuality.
As you said, he can absolutely have friends you aren’t also friends with… why can’t you?


Hes a narcissist. Promise. Textbook definition.


don’t marry that guy

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Don’t marry him he’s already trying to control you and alienate you and it will only get worse

You have your red flag… See it for what it is and use your head …

Sorry to agree with the majority but this is a BIG red flag. From my experience, things like this are often early warning signs of what is to come. It sounds as though your fiancé may have control and jealousy issues. You need to stick to your guns because you are right; it is perfectly fine, in fact it’s really important, to have your own friends. If you back down on this, it will end up being he first of many. If he succeeds in driving away your friends, it becomes much easier for him to control other aspects of your life. I hope this isn’t the case for you, but please be careful.


Dude, if you continue along with marrying him, don’t be coming back and posting your issues. Sheesh.


Completely agree with the others! Huge red flag! This is where the controlling you begins! Definitely agree that you need to be able to have your own life with other people to be around. He doesn’t have to be friends with all of your friends! Being together doesn’t mean you have to have everything together, including friends! If he can’t understand that you can have your own things that doesn’t always include him then he doesn’t deserve you. You can find someone better that will respect you and your decisions!

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sounds like he’s trying to run your life /but i guess that it okay if he invites all his friends right ? what i would do is tell him that the marriage off, and yes you;ll till be goods friends with him but u won’t marry him - so honey just get out of this realationship and get custody of the kids as soon as u can!


No no and no…won’t be long till he’s telling you ur not allowed certain friends then any friends at all…please don’t marry this idiot


I think his ideas of a marriage are at least a century out of date. He wants you to be the little woman stuck at home catering to his needs. Set him straight or bin him!


:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: from personal experience, it is not worth losing your individuality for a relationship.Yes, you and your spouse should be preparing to create a family as one. However there is a need for each person to have time for just them in every single relationship. That is usually with your own friends.

Sounds like he has a problem with your friends what kind of friends do you have maybe he doesn’t like them if that’s the case think really hard about marriage because your going to have a lot of problems and on top of the friendship thing. He might be a controlling husband people change once your married so I agree it’s a :triangular_flag_on_post: sorry


This is the beginning of him Isolating you
Please get out now!
That might seem a bit dramatic of me to say but hes only gunna get worse xx


I’d be cancelling that wedding he sounds like a total control freak if his comments aren’t a sign from god I don’t know what is