My fiance does not want my friends coming to our wedding: Advice?

If I were you babe I’d be happy he is showing his true colours before the wedding because damn​:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::put_litter_in_its_place::put_litter_in_its_place::put_litter_in_its_place::put_litter_in_its_place::put_litter_in_its_place::put_litter_in_its_place:

If this is only becoming an issue now then I’d be asking what is it about your new friends that is triggering him?

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Already trying to control you. Watch out.

Honey, run. That’s not healthy behavior.

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One word of advice…RUN

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Red Flags sweetheart. It will hurt to breakup with him but it will be sooo much worse to pay for a legal divorce.


Wow there are so many comments on here, I can’t find any that don’t say he’s abusive, or becoming Abusive, it’s incredible . None of you think he could just be concerned about loosing her slowly if he’s not involved in her life? The immediate rush to judgement says a lot honestly and it’s concerning and shows also just how prevalent DV IS. I hope you guys all take time so really think of leadn if no experience personally how a person normally isolates someone, this is not the way. The way an abuser works is by doing this without the victim knowing , by making it the victims choice or other person to no longer be Invovled. At the very least I feel like you guys would want more info before condemning him :thinking:


FUCKING RUN. NOW. I am NOT kidding.

Wow I strongly recommend you to Run :man_running: now before it’s too late ’ he wants to own you " everyone has their own friends " he is a dictator :smiling_imp:


Idk how old u2 r but this is a huge red flag and I strongly suggest u open ur eyes a bit more

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You’re only allowed to have a life with him. He’s controlling you to isolate you. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: That’s what abusers do so they can manipulate you. You have nobody to see the abuse & help you out of it. Please evaluate your relationship. What else does he do or say that doesn’t make sense or is controlling? I bet there’s a lot. He’s just gaslighted you into thinking it’s you who’s seeing it wrong. Really think about if you want to be stuck in a relationship with him. You’re most likely subjecting yourself & kids to a lifetime of emotional pain. :running_man::running_woman::man_running::running_man::running_woman::man_running:




Give the ring back you don’t need him!


Run get away from him like asap you will be miserable if you marry that man

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Hell nawl I’d be gone


Break off the marriage see a marriage counselor and if he still can’t get it or refuses run as fast as you can that’s controlling behavior


Run. That is control and abuse

Don’t get married. This is a huge red flag and seems like it could be a control issue but definitely run far away from him.


Unless you are under 18 or he is deployed in another country, why do you have a date 2 years from now? Life will go on, and you both will likely have many new acquaintances . No way does this engagement sound like commitment. Adios amigo!

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Weird af, I wouldn’t marry anyone who didn’t want me to have friends


Keep your Friends and Family ,He needs a dog


I don’t have to worry about this… I have no friends or friends I hang out with.

Toss his ring at him
Then run far and fast

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4un sis run! Give back that ring quick like!!!

What is he a control freak? You need to have your own friends and so does he. If this is already starting, don’t marry him. What will your future be like? No friends then no family next? Go talk to a therapist if you need to but don’t let him control you, it will only get worse.

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:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: :running_woman:t2: :running_woman:t2::running_woman:t2:

Sounds suspicious to me… yea not telling me what to do!

Run … why are you still planning on marriage with him ?? Read the signs and BE GRATEFUL for them !!!

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This is just the beginning… Please leave… He will alienate you from everyone and everything … He will control every aspect of your life…


i’d cAll off the wedding! live 2 separete live?? whats that about!?/ RED FLAG!! BIG RED FLAG!! This is too weird! he does want a marriage, he wants a live in maid that includes child care and sex1 is that what you want??

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Definitely not ready for marriage. Especially with him. He’s selfish.

Just tell that’s fine if he wants to be like that because you won’t be there either if he keeps this :poop: up

Kinda a red flag there… he wants you to be friends with ONLY his friends because he trust them…I. I’m sorry but I’d tell him it’s either this or nothing sorry but I refuse to be controlled or forced to pick my friends or friends because my friends will win

Are you friends with his friends? Ask him that. Every situation have two side and works both ways. If you are not friends with his friends then don’t invite them and see how it makes him feel. Just tell him in a nice way, it works both ways

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Sounds super controlling. He either understands you have a life aside from him or don’t get married. Seriously


Run!! This is a red flag for controlling issues. First your friend then your family. Isolates you too only himself and the kids and eventually the kids will also get in the way of his wants. Sorry hun, but fr get out now!


could be he wants an open marriage, with all the benefits!!??

Red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: don’t marry!


Hmm narcissistic much sheesh girl I’d run


Run total control freak and it will only get worse good luck x


Huge red flags here. It’s only going to get worse


That’s a big red flag. Sounds like he is trying to control who you are around. Maybe trying to isolate you. I would reconsider getting married to him.


I’d run. He sounds like serious problems in the future.

Don’t go through with the wedding. That sounds really controlling.

Run fast smh he’s very childish

Big red flag time to leave…

And he has never been this way before? Just since y’all got engaged?

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I’ve been married 52 yrs I was 17 he 21.We each had our separate friends & friends we also had together at our wedding.I had a few friends of my own that I didn’t invite cause I knew there would be drama from their personalities.He also had a few friends he didn’t invite cause he said he didn’t want them getting drunk at our wedding.My Dad was a bartender and set up a way cool bar!But we never said to one another your friends can’t come we just used our own judgment!I know many ppl are saying it’s red flags & yes it Def could be.However at least he’s communicating with you before hand…ask him why he doesn’t want your friends at the wedding what is it that he doesn’t like about them or that bothers him ?Maybe he feels insecure like you care more about them than him,who knows unless you have an adult conversation w/o a fight !This is your first step in learning how to trust and communicate with one another if you can’t do it now you may not make it when married.Before my young husband and I married I had many things I wanted to communicate with him. So we had a really good chat about what we each expected of one another !We were engaged,but I told him I wouldn’t have a husband that abused me or our children physically, mentally, or sexually!I wouldn’t have a husband that was an alcoholic or on drugs,I wouldn’t have an unfaithful or a lazy husband that wouldn’t work ,BUT I also told him as his wife I would do the same in return! !A relationship is built on respect of one another’s feelings and caring enough to work issues out and the sooner the better.If your wedding isn’t for two years you Def have time to work some issues out .Maybe even marriage counseling before you marry may help if you can’t come to a conclusion before getting married.?Ill be praying for your out come good luck and I hope it all works out for you two :rainbow::pray:t3::revolving_hearts:


Dooooont marry huge narcissistic red flag. My ex was like then the she started alienating me from my family.


Girl either run or stick to your guns this us gonna get worse if you don’t put your foot down about it. I’m serious when I say he will get worse if not stopped now


Sounds a bit too secretive and controlling.


My husband and I both have friends that aren’t friends with the other. Like…it’s not a big deal. Yes, they intermingle sometimes and we have mutual friends but we are still individuals who have our own separate things

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Dont marry a selfish man. If youd have to doubt and ask here, your instincts are clearly stopping you


WOW girl can’t you see what’s going on here…if you and him get married…he wants an open relationship…a Harmon …he wants more then one woman in his life…Run…don’t walk !!!


Sounds odd- controlling.

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Red flags. Don’t ignore them.

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Run !!! Narcissist


That is a big red flag. He can have friends you don’t really know but you can’t that he doesn’t. Sounds like he is afraid if they don’t know and like him he had no control of what they say to you when it comes to him.


Run. He is already trying to control who your friends are


You got your assets, you got your anchors and then you got your ball and chain. He’s either going to be an asset or a ball and chain it’s up to you to decide


That is a HUGE red flag. Anyone that wants to isolate you from your friends is a clear warning sign of trouble ahead.


If that doesn’t tell you to run, then idk what will…super, super, super :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


That is your signal to not marry the man.


The biggest red flag ever!


Controlling run run run


Don’t worry, I doubt ya’ll will make it to the 2 year mark for the wedding. P.s. Don’t put too much of your money or your family’s money into anything.


I’m just gonna leave this here


You need to bid this gentleman adieu! Controlling much? You’re not even married yet and he’s doing this? Uh Uh! Nope. Red flags all over the place. Please pay attention! This will only get worse.


People are saying run but if you have 2 children with him you need to work this out. I suggest marriage counseling before you get married. If he refuses you don’t get married and you leave

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This is so weird and a huge red flag I would break it off now and not wait

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Immature and controlling

I was with a guy like that then he tired to kill me I used to leave notes in random books saying if I disappeared or they find my body (name) killed me and one day he tired too I locked myself in a room called 911 he tired to kill me cause I was leaving he was gone I started packing and loading up and then he showed up got upset cops helped me finish and I never went back I kept running he tired to keep me from my friends then my family it got bad I should’ve seen the red flags but didn’t care


This is a huge red flag with him not being okay with you having your female friends. Abusers who isolate can control you better.


So tell him u dont want his friends there lol and see how he reacts …hes being pretty ridiculous

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Don’t let him isolate you!


He is obviously very insecure …
End it now.


Make some more new friends!!!

im already seeing red flags. if he shows any signs of control like friends and family now, it will only get worse. i will let it go at that as i do no know you. just keep your eyes open. and good luck.


Yikes. Red flag. That’s some crazy narcissistic stuff right there trying to eliminate your friends next will be family


Pack your stuff, take your kids and RUN GIRL RUN … and don’t look back.


Probably seeing ur new friends u just made smh

Girl, run :running_woman::running_woman::running_woman: as fast as you can.


Hope on the bus and get the f out of there.


Seems like a narcissistic man already… not gonna lie. Controlling friends. Then the 2 lives thing, just from this, outside looking in slick seems he wants his cake & eat it too… already starting off bad before the wedding. Imagine marriage


Ummm :triangular_flag_on_post: don’t get married


Red flags. Don’t marry him you’ll regret it


That’s what my baby daddy said… we’re divorced. Run


You better prepare and RUN like there’s a big azz monster behind you. Because if he’s done trying this crap before y’all get married it will get a billion times worse after. Don’t do it run baby run


1st class narcissist hun… better you figured it out now before it’s too late to do anything about it. Put your foot down, don’t let him control you at all or he will never stop.


Huge red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: please rethink this.


God he sounds like an idiot imo. Just sounds like he’s making an excuse for them to not come

That was your sign :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


I married a guy like him. The night we wed he brought home his gf and kicked my neked arse outside. We had an 11 month old that was in her crib SCREAMING her head off cause of the argueing. He made me stay outside in WINTER on the porch until he had his good time with his gf. Then she left and told me she was sorry. I was allowed back inside and next morning when he left I took my kid and never looked back! Years later my daughter as an adult at 23 was married and she had to leave her husband in the night with her children because he made them stay in a closet while he worked nights. She worked days. She walked to work all year. He rode the bus. She had to give him her paycheck each week and stay in the upstairs closet so he and his cousins could party downstairs. HEED the warnings girl!!!

Dump him! DUMP HIM NOW!

:triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:!! I usually always tend to lean towards giving the benefit of doubt, rarely do I say run, but Run! This sounds like narcissistic, emotional manipulation, and controlling behavior. I almost walked down the aisle with someone like this, best decision I ever made was to call it off!


I would be reevaluating some things. The controlling aspect concerns me.

You are entitled to invite your friends for your wedding.

At our wedding my husband invited 9 people and the rest were my family and friends. Some friends he hadn’t associated with and we had been together for 7 years.

It is your big day. Don’t compromise happiness.


I’d bet he’s saying stuff to make you not want to be married, and to just go separate ways. He pretty much said that when he said about 2 separate lives.

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Controlling do not marry this guy please


You already know honey…run

If he’s like that now, what’s he going to be like once you’re married??? Think twice before you jump into the fire.