And frankly unsurprised he showed up. More i.portant how did u feel.
It’s his letter not your letter so what we are talking about?
While I do not subscribe to “once a cheater, always a cheater” I do subscribe to “if she (or he) will do it with you they’ll do it to you”.
Chances are this was a case of the grass is greener/ all grass is grass scenario and she’s just now realizing she made the wrong choice. For all you know her fiancé may not be good to her or their child. What if he’s abusing her?? Giving him the letter could have consequences far beyond him just dumping her. You don’t know what you don’t know.
You and your fiance do not have them in your lives. Getting involved would only bring the drama that broke your fiance’s heart in the past back on your doorstep. Do you really want that.
Ask yourself if there is a part of you that feels threatened by this and how much your desire to react is a part of this.
It can’t be easy to know your love just got a declaration of love from another woman. No one would like that. I know I wouldn’t. It would be different if she showed up on your doorstep and started making literal moves on him. If the letters continue or she starts contacting him via different routes put her in her place and tell her if she persists you will tell her fiance. But only then.
Your fiancé is probably thinking he’s glad she’s not in his life anymore and that he’s out of that mess. You’re just asking to dump it all back in his lap. Not fair to him. And HE’S the one you should worry about. Not the man who had no problem screwing around with another man’s woman.
Let it go. You don’t want to get things all stared up you might come out on the losing end of that.
It go on and leave it alone if he doesn’t want nothing to do with her then he will tear up the ra about the letter and not worry about it but you need to tell them that there is nothing going on and you need to move on if that’s what it is if it was an old letter than they should leave it alone and go on with their life with your guys’s life and their life but that is up to you but remember that the letter if there is meaning to that other person that say you have feelings for the other one so I can see where they might change and want to be with that other person or they’re looking for that kind of person in the background I would just tell them what is going on
Maybe she is just getting her conscious clean. Holding on to old feelings as she makes a change and wants to feel right in her own way of committing to someone else. Sure she could be holding onto old feelings. But I would shred it and move on without a response. She needs to figure herself out. There is no need to be “petty”. That’s the best word I can think of. Either he knows she left someone fir him or he didn’t. There is the potential that she is making a huge decision with doubt but if someone responds she could miss out on a time of happiness. Sometimes people have to close chapters of their lives. Do I necessarily agree with what she did. I don’t know. I am not her. I don’t have her feelings or need of potential closure. If she is truly unhappy maybe they won’t get married. Or maybe this is her way of knowing she can move on and there is nothing left to hold on to. Are you worried about her or her fiancé’s feelings or are you trying to get back at her for what she did to hurt your fiancé? My opinion will likely be unpopular and it’s not a dig at you. Because for being concerned you have strong feelings for people Abd their well being.
Spite doesn’t make anyone feel better, let it go
If I intercepted the letter. First of all, I wouldn’t know what the letter says. Second, let him have it. His to get rid of
It’s not your letter so it’s not your decision, move on and live a happy life!!
Rise above the pety urge to share it. Always do the right thing, and you can’t go wrong.
None of your business. It’s up to him.
Build a nice campfire, make s’mores, and burn letter. Live life without a thought about her.
Throw the letter away and leave it alone
Quit being messy cause karma always show up
Shreds it and move on. Her wishes are not important now
Do unto others as you would have done to you. Wouldn’t you want to know.?
Send the letter in a new envelope to her fiance
Learn your place. Sounds like you might be a bit spiteful.
Sometime minding your own business and not getting involved is best
Move on w your life
I would show him 🤷🏼♀ They’re engaged, so they’re obviously having plans to get married & she’s hung up on her ex. I think it’s only right to tell him. I’d want someone to tell me.
Send her a letter and tell her who u are and tell her how it is and save all
The mushy crap for her fiancé !!!
Stop making a big deal out of. It let it go
Stay out of it. Karma will take care of it soon enough.
What’s the point!!
Don’t be a troublemaker.
Try to b kind, she is hormonal.
Don’t waste your time he probably doesn’t care
Oh well, the way they come is the way they go.
Mine your own business
How come you opened the letter
Not yours
Let it go…they deserve each other.
Remember KARMA is a bitch, Be the BIGGER PERSON
Leave it alone and walk away. Not you business.
If you do you’ll never get rid of her.
Why would you tell her fiance? What purpose would it serve? What if he was one of those crazy jealous men who would beat her or kill her? Could you live with that. Why don’t you mind your own business and take care of your own relationship and man.
Throw it in the trash. Why would you want to hurt someone as bad as they hurt you. Karma will do its own work and you come out on the high road
Return to sender …wrong address …move on
You could take a pic of it and tag her in it.
I’m confused. She first asks if she should tell him, but then says he wants to tear it up and forget about it. Huh??
Tell him n let him make his own mind on what he wants to do with his life n his future …
Nothing worst when people knoe shit n keep it a secret
Yep. Take a copy. Post the original letter to his work place. Address it as personal so only he gets it.
Like they sang in frozen….let it go, let it go!
Give him the letter and let him decide!!
Destroy the letter forget about it. She has enough problems.Life is to short to dwell on stupid people
No.mind your own business
Copy it & send it back
Not your letter… not your business. Deep down you know you don’t care about that other dude she’s with, you just want to stir up some shit.
U could cause a right shit storm if u show him and it sounds like u want to, deep down. Be the bigger person and throw it away! U are an adult and if u start these playground games who knows where it could end? I think if u tell her fiance u are being a bit of a bitch, to be honest! She could of been having a bad day with the baby, might have post natal depression, had a blazing row with her other half, u just don’t know! Leave it and forget about it. If u want them to split up, im sure it’ll happen of their own doing with how they started their relationship. Just forget about it and U get on with your life and being happy.
Yes. He deserves to know. Not telling him would be removing his ability to consent to being with her. Actually get him to go see her new guy and tell him he wants nothing to do with her and to tell her stop sending him love letters and that his fiance is trying to cheat all over again. Plus it would be kinda amusing for the both of you lol
Her fiance knew she was a cheater when he started seeing her. That is what he got…a cheater!!!
It’s not your business. Move on with your life.
Put That Hoe On Blast!
Take the high road and back off
Oh yes I would tell!!
I would destroy her life
Mind your own business ffs
Mind your own business.
What I dont know dont hurt.
I wouldn’t get involved.
Why are you reading his mail
Throw it away why bring unnecessary drama to your life
Well if you were to “accidentally” mail it to him…
Yes show him she clearly doesn’t want to be with him so help the guy out. IDE feel sad for him living in a relationship where she doesn’t even want him poor guy x
Return to sender real fast. And write her a letter letting her know he laughed his ass off at hers and he’s been done with her and has moved on to a happier life!
I’d tell it. Imagine being the unknowing partner? (Even tho he kinda asked for this since he was the side piece she left for) but if anyone knew my partner was being that shady I’d wanna know so I could break it off.
Address it to her fiance and mail it back. That way you can physically stay out of the drama. But, to be a fly on that wall! LOL.
Shredded IT,
She doesn’t understand that she is messing up things badly
The thing is, you are talking about IT with other people, one wat or another IT Will reach her fiance. And hell Will break loose. Dont think you want to be in the middle of that
Just by your comments most of you have been the ex professing your love. Smdh how about grow some spines! My boyfriends ex sends him a love letter i’ll happily go to jail for whooping her ass!
That’s s his and her business not yours. As long as he’s not acting on it let him handle it. You’re looking like the bad one in this. If you start this after your boyfriend said leave it alone you’re causing trouble in your own relationship.
I’d straight SNITCH on that bitch I think the guy needs to know, if she would cheat once she gone do it again…as I always say…U CANT TURN A WHORE INTO A HOUSE WIFE BUT U CAN TURN A HOUSE WIFE INTO A WHORE
Look to avoid drama u and ur dude know so that should be it enough to smile and know that u both agree how funny or ironic it is n let it go. Once u involve urself in someone else’s shit it becomes ur shit. Stay out of it it all comes out in the wash baby so let u two sit up and b happy everyday knowing u n ur fiance r ok. God will bring everything to light for her fiance.
Did anyone tell your fiance she was cheating? There’s a saying ‘If they can do it WITH you they can do it to YOU’ they got together through cheating leave them to sort things themselves or you’ll look insecure & mean & vengeful when you have no need to be
I’d post it to them myself tbh, on a lovely golden platter
Let it go! Rip it up! Why would you want to get mixed up in this. Just live your life with out envolving your self in this.
How would y’all feel if u found out ur spouse was cheating the whole world new but no one told u??? Let me tell u ud feel embarrassed tricked alone betrayed a on few different levels like no one give a shit about…just send it back addressed to him and call it a day u dont have to get involved to send it back
Once you hit adulthood and you’ve moved on in your relationships, leave it alone. If you’re in high school than be petty but true adults don’t have time for drama…
Ashley Nichole Send it back to her registered mail.My ex sent me 6 letters of his apologies and how much he loved me.He was mad when she received the letters.A cheater is always a cheater.
If you stir up drama its gonna bite you in the ass. Let it be.
Yup cuz she’s a homewrecker
You are grownups now! Forget about her!
Mind your business. Karma has a way of coming back…to both of you. And then when she becomes single to pursue your man full time, and he goes back to her you’ll be crying. How will you feel then knowing you could’ve just left well enough alone.
Don’t even bother if you trust him he’ll know what to do
Shred it and forget about it or respond with a no thanks
Leave it alone. It’s probably just her hormones. Not that it excuses it. But if your significant other isn’t interested why does it matter. She will eventually ruin her own life if she doesn’t change. No reason to do it to her while she’s pregnant.
Your insecurities are showing a little.
Think before you act. It may come back and bite you on the ass.
No need to be nasty. Your bf received the letter …he told you… so reign in that insecurity a little and respect his decision to not react. His silence is his response to his ex… you’re looking to stir the pot … not a good idea and disrespectful of his decision.
Let karma do its thing and keep a check on that insecurity …
Remember karma can be a bitch.
Mark the envelope “Return to sender”. If you can’t do it on that 1st letter, make sure you do for anything else she may send.
Let it be. If her fiance leaves her guess where she is coming. Let it go
Shouldn’t have opened it.
Stay in your lane and worry about you… move on and let it go. She seems to have a problem with bad decisions and she feels regret now. Don’t set out be be the karma you feel she deserves so she has another regret to live with… Let it work itself out.
Not your business and illegal to open someone else’s mail.
Why do that, Thats your man now correct,why tell her fiance what shes doing,if your that concerned about her as an x ,I now question you about your security with your now or future husband. Dont Do It fiance,bc that is your position now ,not having trust thats the position your gonna have and keep. Every woman on this earth know what men do and what they like , Its your choice to make,if you tell her fiance what shes doing ,clearly, what he gon do but say thanks,and move on to the next one,and it my b your sis or besty
Stay in you lane!
Throw the letter away and just move on.
Why would you want to do destroy her life? she did nothing to you, hell if he wants to ignore it and move on, why in world would not?!?!?!
Honestly I’d write no thanks on the note stick it back in the envelope and return to sender like a lot of other people said. Leave it to karma. If she gets it then she gets his response and if he sees it he sees that she was denied and doesn’t put a target on you or your man.
I would tell him, I’m sure if your fiance wrote his ex a love letter. You’d want him to come tell you. BUT, if you do that and they break up, she is more than likely going to come for your fiance even harder because now she wouldn’t have to be vague and shy about it. But if you’re pretty confident in your relationship, which sounds like you should be since he showed you the letter, I’d say go for it. I would because I know what it’s like to be left looking foolish while everyone else seemed to know. Her fiance which he probably isn’t a decent person either considering he slept with her knowing she was in a relationship ironic isn’t it lol!! He will lose her exactly how he got her, literally.
I’d frame it Nd hand deliver it to him personally
MYOB. Let it go. You got him, so why create problems when it isn’t necessary?
Send the letter back to her addressed to the husband with no return address
I would fold it up and remail it addressed to her fiance. Screw with mine ill screw with you.
Another vote for return to sender!!! Please do this
Don’t send it. He helped her cheat that’s Karma! He knew what he was getting with when he got with her.
I wouldn’t take part in any drama. It will always come back somehow. I’d “return to sender” or trash it and don’t respond. One day her fiancé will know the dirt on her without your interference, and that’s their business. Good luck!