My fiance’s ex-girlfriend of 6 years, who is now engaged with a baby of her own, sent him a letter to his old house. We rent the house out now, so the tenant gave us the mail. It was a love letter, begging for him back, expressing how much she messed up (she cheated on my fiance with her now fiance lol ironic, right). He wants to shred the letter and forget about it. I’m just curious how many people would tell her fiance? I feel like I should not even out of spite, but just because it’s so shitty, and he deserves to know. Thoughts?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My fiance got a love letter from an ex, should we tell her fiance?
I think at this point you should just change your page name to something else more appropriate. I’d still subscribe why don’t you change your name to mamas uncut?
Put the letter in the mail and send it forward it to her
I’d invite him for coffee and show him in person
I’d just let it be a lesson learned. If they cheat with you, they’ll cheat on you.
For the status of both relationships I would tell her current fiancee
I would mail it back to her house addressed to him
For the sake of both I would be sharing it with him
I would for sure tell him.
Send it on to her fiance.He should be warned what he’s getting into before it’s too late. It’s not vengeful,it’s just the right thing to do.
I’d leave it alone… You might open a box you didnt intend to open🤷♀️ YOUR MAN SAID BURN IT & I’D LEAVE IT AT THAT…
Listen to what your Fiancé wants and let it go.
Why are you posting the same post on multiple websites???
She knew the risks. And for her to try to send it either without researching whether he was married or knowing he is and still trying it. So yeah I would return it and let fate decide. If he gets it thats her bad. Return it to her house! Lol
This would be a great chance to show submission to your future husband because submission starts before the marriage. Your fiance asked for it to be burnt & left a lone. Giving him that respect shouldn’t be that hard.
Let it go! He has moved on with you and karma will bite her.
Would you want I know if your fiancé cheated on you or sent a love letter to their ex? Not being mean but I think he should know. Better to hurt earlier than later after investing time in a relationship that is one sided, just saying
If he said he doesn’t want to read it then let it go
Can tell you now you won’t be thanked. As the messenger you will be in the firing line. You don’t need to send it back, or ring or do anything she will dig her own grave and you will come out smelling like a rose. Support your financè, let him see what a catch he has not show him a side of you that could make him run for the hills.
Return to sender and rise above. Some of yall need therapy
If she’s sending those kind of letters, they may not even get married.
Put it in an envelope with her fiancé’s name on it. That’s karma. Some people NEVER LEARN.
Say nothing…. If that guy leaves her it will give her more time to harass your guy…. Let it go!!
Trash it. If you do that, you are only putting yourself on her level, lower than you for sure…and fighting just as cheap as she is. YOU ARE BETTER THAN THAT. You have your man now. She had the chance, blew it so let her live with it. You just keep moving on hon.
In time, she will get caught. Something I learned in Sunday school many, many years ago…“Be sure your sins will find you out.” Her sins will definitely come to light when the time is right. Let that happen without your interference.
Only thing I’d do is write her back letting her know that has moved on and is happy. I’d also, very nicely tell her to back off and make this the last letter she writes him or else I WILL share the letter she wrote with her current.
She’ll make her own bed!
Retuuuurn to sender du dum du dum address unknown du dum du dum no such number du dum du sum no such zone
I personally think you should stay out of it. One, it’s not really your place/business, and if your fiancé doesn’t want to, I’d respect that. Two, she’s pregnant. I just wouldn’t involve myself in that drama. Especially since your fiancé just wants so shred it and move on. It’s his ex; it should be his choice in my opinion.
Wasn’t your letter not your business in the end you got the guy she wants
I say send her now fiance the letter. Save him heart ache down the road
Let the petty flow throuuuugh you:joy:
Keep your nose out of it.
Yes it will harm your friend ship if you put your nose in their business.
However if you stay out of their business then no one can say well you knew why didn’t you tell me or you said this and that crap.
I send the letter to the fiance
If she cheated on him with her now fiancee then who cares if he knows or not , what would he expect
People are a mess
reading the comments i understand y this world is upsidedown ;(
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My fiance got a love letter from an ex, should we tell her fiance?
Mail the letter to her fiancé at the address on the letter. Don’t put a return address.
You don’t wanna marry someone without knowing they really want just you. Tell him. If they go back you know it would of never worked anyway. This way you avoid an expansive divorce.
I’d leave it alone and not invite the drama
Would you wanna know if it was turned around??
Don’t add to the destruction of lives especially out of spite. Practice grace and forgiveness. It may come in handy
I’d tell him, he deserves to know
I’d tell. I’d want to know.
Odds are he isn’t going to believe you anyways and it is going to cause drama everywhere, including drama between you and your fiance since he wants to let it be. Shred the letter and move on.
Don’t be so spiteful or insecure. If you and your man are solid, you wouldn’t even think twice about this. Let YOUR FIANCÉ trash the letter since it’s none of your business. Either is his ex - tho you seem all up in the drama
I would take it and show her fiancé. He deserves to know. I can’t believe how some people treat their partners
If hes shredding it up and still mad, he still has feelings for her and shes getting to him. Hes not ready to get married if he still has feelings for his ex and is still so emotional he has to tear the letter up to prove something or out of anger which shows emotions. It’s a thin line between love and hate. Ripping up the letter and trying to get w someone else wont make it go away. Sounds like hes using this new love to forget about the love who left him and is still mad she left him but too proud to admit it so hes hiding behind this new woman. Men do this all the time.
Lose the letter
Forget about it
Kick the drama to the curb.
I agree with your husband. Not his monkey, not his circus. If her now fiancé took her from your husband, they obviously deserve each other. You’re just looking for problems if you interfere. Besides you’re the odd ball of their past love triangle. If he’s not feeding into it then it has nothing to do with you.
What if her fiance dumps her and she’s free to pursue your guy?.. Leave it alone.
Make a copy and send it to him
Leave it be. He will find out soon enough how sh-tty a person she is. You will gain nothing by telling him. All it will cause is problems for everyone, including the both of you.
Put it in a evenlope addressed to him… He could read for himself…He can be his own maker of the outcome then…
Check the post mark. This could’ve been floating around in the mail for years. I’d want to know. but mail it anonymously or put return to sender on the envelope & drop it in a mailbox
There is a time in life when its time to move on. If he is a good man and really with you then let it go. It’s not worth the drama and bs that would come with it. Its just gonna make a huge mess that y’all are gonna be in the middle of just cuz you said something. Keep your peace
What’s done in darkness has a way of bieng found in light!! Let it be the truth will come out ;”(
Spread the news to her fiancé! He deserves to know who he is getting married to. I abhor cheating!
If it was me, I would tell her fiance by giving her fiance with your fiance a call and saying Hey, I honestly did not want to tell you this but your fiance mailed a letter to my fiance and I think yall should talk and leave us out of it.
Trading thick waters there…
Ignoring it will be better for you.
I would laugh and shred it
Id simply mail it to him.
I would want to show him but at the same time pretend you never got it
Mail it back to sender …. And forget about it
No. Your far better then sinking to that level it will cause more problems then it’s worth. Burn it and look forward to your future with your fiancée past is past that’s where it all belongs. it will hurt her more with zero response
know your worth
As someone who was cheated on I would of rather someone come forward with the information even if it wasn’t what I wanted to hear
If it’s for him you shouldn’t read it, if he shared it with you then know that he trusted you enough to share it with you.
Send her the letter
I would send it to him… At his work though so he’s sure to get it. I loathe cheaters. And he deserves to know
I feel like the new fiancé should know her true intentions. Not in a vindictive way but in a respectful human way.
He should personally bring it over and hand it to him.
If I was in her fiances place, I’d want to know.
I was cheated on and the girls bf reached out to me about it . I was very thankful for it!
He deserves to know. She’s the classic once a cheater always a cheater. She had no regard for ur feelings so let him know. He deserves better just like ur man did when he found you.
Not your business, burn the letter and carry on with your life. Don’t ruin someone else’s out of spite…
It’s not really spiteful to let her fiancé know his soon to be WIFE is trying to leave him for her ex. Everyone is saying that it’s not your business and telling him would ruin her life(?) or his(?). But how?? I would want to know. Better to save him from the betrayal that’s bound to come from her. Think if it as doing a good deed. You’re saving him money and future heartache.
Double edge sword. I’d tell him because he should know, but on the other hand it seems ugly and not any of your business.
I told someone about their fiancé and he married her anyway. The marriage barely lasted a year and then they were divorced.
Don’t tell. If they break up then she’s gunning for your man. Don’t make things easy for her.
Wow… So some of u lady’s say?stay out of it !!! If it was being done to you… Wouldn’t u want to know what kind of BS is going on behind you back ? I sure as HELL would !!!
I would take a picture of the letter and envelope for a just incase day… But let it go for now.
Did he know she was cheating with him? Bc if so, I’d leave it alone. He already knows what he’s getting himself into if he knew she was cheating with him.
I was in the exact same situation. I didn’t bother to tell her husband, I actually felt bad for her.
I’d laugh about it & move on
Don’t bring drama into your happy life. Let it go and let it be. That man will find out on his own . Trust.
Well, though it may seem like she deserves it, it would only serve to hurt your relationship. The silence, in itself, should be answer enough for her. It will also make her take a hard look at her life. In a sense, she got exactly what she wanted, when she got with the other guy by cheating. He may be cheating on her. Let her be, take the high road and let her suffer for her mistakes. Any answer will only make her situation worse and she will be single after that. Then, the backlash could be her coming around…trying to get back at you.
Just put it in the bin…its in the past…forget about it…
I truely don’t know what to tell you, other then go with your own instincts, if this is truely so he is aware of what she is doing behind his back, then I would say go for it but if not and it is out of spite for ld do what he wanted to do and just burn the letter and let it go! Apparently he couldn’t give a rats ass about what she wrote to him; and to be totally honest it might back fire and her fiance could try to cause problems for you guys!
Not your concern. Mind your own business.
Stamp ~Return to Sender ~ and let the Universe take care of the rest…
Don’t go causing drama when all you got was a piece of paper. Toss it & keep it moving.
fuck that shit. People are so ridiculous.
Send it back to her address
I’d send it back to her fiancé. You reap what you sow. He deserves the chance to choose leave (or stay) before she ruins his life on false pretenses.
We all deserve the absolute truth before we take that plunge. Who knows, maybe he’ll forgive but it should be his choice to do so. I’d appreciate the same respect.
For the sake of the baby do not tell. Perhaps they will succeed as a family.
Just let it go and move on
The only relationship you need to worry about is yours. If your man wants to let it go then let it go. If you tell the other man, it’s going to be a whole bunch of drama that obviously your man doesn’t want and could cause issues for your relationship as well. Respect your man in this area and let him do as he sees fit.
Why would you tell her fiance? If your fiance doesn’t care why are you? Honestly I think you’ll be petty and messy for telling her fiance. I personally think you should just move on.
Return to sender the best way to go
I’d absolutely tell her fiance, better yet, I’d mail it back addressed to him reminding him that you can’t turn a hoe into a housewife