My fiance is against me wearing a bikini: Thoughts?

Be proud of your body and wear what you want! We are all beautiful :heart:

VERY controlling. Big red flag. Leave now while you can.


I hope she doesn’t marry him.

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Sounds a controller to me get rid and wear the bikini


Loose the lard that’s keeping you suppressed (your husband ) you will feel million times better & can do , wear what the fk you want .

Say you’re going to go topless on the beach. Suddenly the bikini will seem like a great compromise!

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He sounds controlling. Don’t marry him. You are a beautiful, confident women! Wear that bikini.


Trust me on this one thing. I promise nobody on that beach will give 3 shits about what you wear unless the compliment it and they will be impressed with the confidence you have. He’s just insecure and knows real men love them mom boss as they’re all in awe of what we women do that they can’t. All they do is donate DNA, we grow life and sacrifice our bodies. Sounds like you have a man that’s going to truly show how he is once that paper is signed like my ex husband did

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Yes it is you should wear what you like no matter what

The marks of you having kids should make you proud! If your guy doesn’t like it, tell him he should have the kids from now on!

If he can make you feel this sad an bad dump him because he will control you even more when your married an this about your babies


and you’re marrying this moron why???

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If the issue for the bikini is because of your stretch marks, remind him he’s partly responsible for the way your body is and he better start accepting it, period. If it’s something else, do it anyway and prove you won’t be controlled. Easy peasy.

I’ve got 3 kids my oldest being 19. Probably in the last 10 years or so, I only started wearing bikinis, only with my hubbys encouragement did I feel comfortable with my stretch marks and baby muffin top lol. I hate it sometimes but I LOVE a good tan!:wink:

Sounds like its time to break the engagement


You may want to think about marrying this guy. It probably won’t get better after you get married.


If it’s about him being uncomfortable with your body, to me that is a huge red flag. I wouldn’t marry a man that didn’t like my body and didn’t make me feel amazing about myself. I have had a fat transfer and i plan on getting a breast lift and tummy tuck after I am done having kids. So i understand that, but that is bc i want to do it. My husband loves my body and has loved my body in all of its stages. You deserve better.

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Remember that you are a role model for your kids. If you don’t feel good about yourself your teaching them that same behavior. Listen to your intuition it won’t lie to you.

Throw the whole man away at this point. Sounds like emotional abuse, and it’ll only get worse once you’re married and he believes he has you trapped.


Wear what u want don’t let him start controlling u

Sounds like a narcissistic controlling asshole to me. Yea marrying “him” is a great idea. If that’s what you’re into.

Don’t get married if you need all that to feel beautiful. I agree that married women shouldn’t be wearing bikinis in public.

Oh sweetheart, run forward your life. Next, he will be telling where you can go and who your friends will be. Then he will be accusing you of cheating, keeping you from your family… I pray the beatings don’t begin, get the hell away from him fast!

I would get out while you can. He sounds controlling. It’s your body you can wear what you want.

Men’s swimsuits are basically boxers, so…

Take time to really think about this, you shouldn’t be feeling this way, you are special & he shouldn’t be making you feel this way.

I think you need to think about this marriage. Sounds pretty controlling

And swim trunks are basically boxer shorts :tipping_hand_woman: wear what YOU want.

What else you can do?
UMMM leave him.

I agree with Amanda!!!

Emotional and psychological abuse always starts with small things, control, demeaning words, makes you feel less so you don’t seek more. Know the signs and wear a damn bikini


This is not the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. He should already be making you feel beautiful and confident not bringing you down.

RUN!!! This is straight up crazy control freak behaviour. He is either trying to hide you (any real man would be proud to show off his wife to the world) or he himself doesn’t think you look good( he should be fucking obsessed over his about to be bride)!Both are big bright red flags!!!

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Wear that bikini anyway if he don’t like it he ain’t the one sweetheart he should be happy ur confident and if u weren’t he should make u feel so good u dont care what others think


You’re awesomely beautiful and he knows you won’t like the Jealous side of him but he loves you so mates for life and any try to takers

I know exactly what you can do. You wont need a tummy tuck or ANY OF THAT! Step one is go put the swimsuit YOU WANT ON, NOT HIM YOU! Step 2 wear said swimming suit and tell your fiance to get over his insecurities … :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: all over the place…

Your body made two perfect little human beings! A mother’s body is gorgeous, flabby belly and all. But if it’s going to be a problem with your SO, in order not to ruin your good time you might consider a sexy one piece or tankini. Also I know you did not ask my advice on this matter but are you sure you want to be in that kind of marriage? I’m just saying, he should make you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. Not putting you down. That is not the way of a healthy situation.

You can’t change him. All you can do is decide if you want to accept this man as is or reject him. If you have daughters, think about how he may treat them when older and also the example relationship you are setting for them as “the way love should be”. And for sons, how they would learn how to treat a woman.

Do not marry this man unless he seriously changes. Control isn’t love. It’s fear.

wear what you want if he cant deal with it bye bye. hun these are issues that you need to seriously consider before you take this next step.

Do not marry him !!! Compromises on your wedding dress ,now the bikini? You’re going to be making compromises and excuses your entire life, trust me . You need to be with someone that lifts you up , someone who supports you, if you’re feeling so sad and have no self confidence because of this man then imagine feeling that way for the rest of your life.

If you want to feel miserable the rest of your life then marry this guy. Otherwise, respect yourself and do the tough thing and break up and find real love elsewhere. He has issues marriage will only magnify.

No man has a right to tell you what to do at all!!! That’s my opinion!

I need more info before I can give some feedback? What kind of compromises did you make on your wedding dress?
Is he being controlling? Or does he want a more formal type of wedding?

He should be supporting you not tearing you down!
Wear the dress you love, wear the bikini you love!
Don’t marry a man who makes you feel uncomfortable about your body!

Don’t marry him. If he’s trying to control that then he will try to control other things. Be you.

What you need to get is a new fiancé.

Transfer to a new husband. If hes not supportive of your bathing suit choises, that’s ridiculous.

I’m going to really simplify this. DON’T marry him.

He’s so insecure, don’t let him tell you what you can wear or not wear

Do what makes u happy. Nobody can tell u what u can and can’t do.

Uhm…wear the bikini. End of story. You’re fabulous.

Do NOT marry this insecure, controlling asshat.

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