My fiance is against me wearing a bikini: Thoughts?

Sounds like my ex & it only gets worse! Mine didn’t even like me wearing makeup or perfume ! My opinion is get out while you can !

I’d forgo the bikini, but purchase the, most sexy one piece I could fine. There are some gorgeous bathing suits about…:laughing:

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If you’re comfortable wearing one, then more power to you! :bikini:

You’re marrying the wrong man. Just saying.
Never turn yourself inside out for someone else because in the end the other person still won’t be happy and you’ll lose yourself in the process.

Get a bathing suit with a skirt. Better maybe he don’t want no one seeing you but him wear something that don’t show much

He shouldn’t have any right to tell you how to dress. If that’s the case then he can’t go shirtless and has to wear pants 247 and no tank tops for him!

Greatest advice I’ve ever received: why stress yourself over a man that tells you what to do with your looks…?

Red flags. If you marry this person, this is what your entire life will be like. It won’t end at wedding dresses and bikinis.

You always have the argument that trunks are just underwear too

Not his body, not his business. Wear what you want.

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I’m confused 2 babies less then a month apart??


A man should never control what you wear. Ever.

If my hubby tried to wear a speedo I’d have to send him to the beach alone. Mates are allowed opinions.

We compromised. If I wear a bikini he wears a torpedo. I mean, no one wants to see that lol

This is his issue not yours. I hope you realize you’re Marrying an extremely controlling man and this is going to be your life please consider what you’re doing

This is the first early signs of an abusive relationship. Leave.

If he can’t support who you are now you are heading for bigger problems in the future with him. Please do let anyone control you. If he can not respect your choices then do not marry him. It sounds like you have self esteem problems and need to learn to love yourself as God made you. Good luck.

You wear what you are comfortable wearing … Since when does anyone tell their partner what to wear ? That’s controlling abusive behaviour

Wtf?! This sounds like a controlling relationship. You simply say, “my body, I will wear what I want to wear.”

How are your kids less than a month a part?

Maybe he does not anyone looking at you.

Hope you mean EX fiance. If he can’t accept you how you are now, he’s not going to during marriage. Sorry.


Someone needs to call the… whole man removal service


Time for a new fiance


Girl you deserve a man who is going to hype you up enough to wear a freaking bikini so he can show you tf off like the queen you are! You are strong and powerful, wear what you want to wear, get a wedding dress YOU absolutely love. If he’s mad then let him be mad, you’re living YOUR life, not his. And no, you’re not disrespecting him in any way whatsoever by wearing what you desire and feel good in. Lots of love girl :heart:

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Sorry I’d be rethinking the fiancé

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Oh please dont marry him. This is your gut talking to you. Listen to it! Save yourself the heartbreak honey…

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So you need to be single , that man is abusive emotionally .

do yourself a favor and :v: out

If he can’t accept her without judgment then she should not accept him in marriage

Get a new fiancé. Something is wrong. Trust your gut and don’t get married.

I’d just tell him…look…im wearing what I want. Get over it. I’m 50 with two grown boys and I wear a bikini. Hell I’ll wear it while cooking supper if I want . :joy:. Absolutely no reason for him to even say such a thing. :roll_eyes:

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Do not marry this guy. Custody battles are so much easier when you aren’t married. I repeat: Do not marry this guy. You’ll just end up divorced. Trust me on this one.

Why are you marrying him? :man_facepalming:t2: He’s not your father and you probably need a new fiancé!!

Honey he is clearly not the one for you

Woman also respects a man to.

Buy a new bikini and a new guy

He’s controlling. Run.

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Throw the whole man out lol.

Wear the bikini girl

You don’t need a tummy tuck, you need a new fiancé.


He’s controlling girl. Nope nope nope. It’ll only get worse once you have the marriage done.

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Don’t marry him. He is displaying control issues. I would call off the wedding indefinitely. You should not have to compromise your wedding dress or your swim wear for anyone. Wear what you want and what makes you comfortable.

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It sounds more like he doesn’t want others viewing your body more than there’s a dislike for your body. I understand where he’s coming from. Modesty is a long long lost virtue.

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Its ok to be modest… its both respectful to consider hisnopinion… as long as he is respecting you and not just being controlling.

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I’m sorry but you should NOT be ashamed of that body, you created 2 beautiful children. Sounds like your fiancée is a insecure asshole, who doesn’t want you to feel confident in your own skin. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Eww… Girl no… Don’t let NO MAN tell you what YOU can and can’t do with YOUR body honey. You’re beautiful and you deserve to feel comfortable in your own skin. I hope things work out for you lovey :heart:

If that’s what you’re comfortable wearing than wear it. You also shouldn’t compromise on your dress. It’s your body, not his. Your husband needs to learn some boundaries and get his head checked. I’d be wondering if you should marry this fool.


Dont do anything unless u want to if you’re comfortable with yourself then wear what u want

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Need a new partner! What a douchebag! He should be boosting your confidence not making it worse! Time for an upgrade and don’t marry the tool!

Kick him to the curb!

Same I hate my stretch marks and belly after my son

Don’t marry this guy

Do not marry this guy!

I told my dogs about this, and they said it’s a big gray flag.

Not marry this narcissist

Tell him to piss off

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Umm! do NOT marry him!


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Sounds Like Toxic Monogamy Culture But Ok

Leave his ass at the alter… Fuck him… Aint no fucking dude worth tearing your self esteem apart… Tell him to go marry a woman frim a different country. One that is covered head to toe and you can only see her eyes. Then go strut your beautiful ass all over with ZERO SHAME!!!


Also compromises on your wedding dress?? Why has he had any input into your wedding dress let alone controlling the type of dress you have?


So you changed your wedding dress, I assume for him, and now he’s saying no bikini wow, that’s some red flags.


Wow. People are always so quick to shout “leave him, leave him” at everyone for the smallest transgression these days. Might be why there are so many single mothers and ruined relationships. I also think bikinis are nothing more than pants and bra. Seriously, aside from different fabric what’s the difference, and I wouldn’t wander around in my underwear in public. So I can totally see his point. It’s his wedding too!


You know what to do. It’s not something any one of us strangers will ever convince you to do. Until then you decide to tolerate what you will.

Read the first line and my answer is , throw him in the bin. He’s your fiancee not your owner, he gets literally zero say in what you wear.

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Plz wear you bikini. That’s all. Wear what makes you feel good and don’t let anyone tell you anything different. You should be proud of your body for giving you beautiful children and so should he. Wear your bikini.

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Well get a very sexy 1 piece

Tell him swim trunks are like wearing boxer shorts so you don’t approve of him either


He can have an opinion but he cannot tell you what you can wear. It’s your body, dress it how you want. Your comfort > his opinion.


Mmmmm… it sounds like he is controlling. It’s your choice. I have 4 kids and stretch marks… 2 piece it is for me!

First thought is if he’s making you uncomfortable about your body enough that you’ve compromise on your wedding dress you need a different man in your life. That’s emotional abuse and it will only get worse.


Soooo why are you marrying this cat? I see red flags alllllll in this.

If I were uncomfortable in my body, self conscious about my stretch marks, and thinking about a tummy tuck and a fat transfer I sure as heck wouldn’t be comfortable walking around in a bikini… once you’re married it’s not about you anymore you have to take into consideration the way your husband feels and respect his opinion.

Punch him square in the face dump his ass and get gone screw marrying a controlling freak like that you wear what you want

Your man should be HAPPY you’re wearing something sexy on vacation! It’s suppose to be fun. Nobody’s looking at your stretchmarks and judging you. And if they are I’m sure they’re not old enough to understand body changes with kids. It is important for you to do things that make you happy and feel good after you have a baby whether it’s something as small as feeling good enough to put a bikini on or getting a tummy tuck. He should be supporting you too…:heart:

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My thoughts are you need to rethink this marriage!


Set down and talk with him let him know that a one piece is not for you and that if he really is uncomfortable with it maybe where something cute over it like swimming shorts

Sounds controlling and like a huge mistake. I have never herd of a man trying to control what the wedding dress looks like. And a bikini is swim wear. Did you wear bikinis when you met ? If so WHY is it an issue at all. Sounds like he is a control freak. Force him to wear a wetsuit. Or better yet don’t marry him and wear whatever the hell you want any time.


I would be reconsidering your marriage…


Confidence is sexy! Wear the bikini! Love yourself!

Tell your fiancé to support your decisions :woman_shrugging:t3:

You can back out right now. You owe him nothing. You owe no one. A happy momma is a great momma

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Or wear the bikini. Assert yourself. You already compromised once.
Let him know he’s not the boss of you

Umm this screams controlling to me. I wouldn’t marry him. But its your decision… on ALL of it. You can marry him if you choose. You can wear a bikini if you choose. I wear them and my husband only says nice things, Even though I’m self conscious about my belly after 2 kids. He doesn’t make me feel worse about it. Anytime I say anything about my pudge he just says “you’ve had 2 babies so I helped make it that way and you’re beautiful” but if I say something about wanting to lose weight he is supportive there too, but doesn’t pick on me for wanting to eat an ice cream or snacks later that same day… you need someone in your corner. Not someone making you feel like you need to have a tummy tuck.


Are you sure marriage is a good step? He sounds like a controller. Will he always stop what you want? Runnnn


Get out of this relationship NOW

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:triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: this doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship.

get a new husband who’s a better role model for your daughters to support what they look like too

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Support your Husband. He may want to see you covered because he wants his new Bride for himself. Stay in Love and don’t Fight. It is a time to compromise :heart:

2kids back to back .tough and.amazing…at the same time… wear that dang Bikini…you look great and you soon to be husband should be Proud of You…and support you…

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Don’t marry that boy! He’s this controlling now it’ll only get worse once ur married.

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You do what you want to do

Wear the bikini :bikini:. Compromised on your wedding dress?!?! Did I read this right? Who’s wedding is this? Nope :-1: I wouldn’t marry him sound like a control freak. The question is can you live with this? Are you okay with it?


Honey, that’s a serious red flag. :disappointed:


I think you should have a groom-otomy! Wear what you want. He should be lifting you up not putting you down!

Uh no. If he is making you ‘compromise’ on anything, leaving you feeling awful and him feeling better, that’s a red flag. My husband said that’s not compromising, that’s controlling.


The fact you’ve had to compromise on your dress is already a no… the only thing I’m negotiating with my partner about my dress is the price because I have no ability to control myself financially :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


He is making you feel insecure and self conscious. He should be making you feel good. Dump the lump and go on holiday without him. You might find someone who is worth having. :heart:

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Tell him to kiss ur ass and either admire you in a bikini or close his dam eyes :eyes::woman_shrugging:t2: