leave your better off with out and you will be happier and healthier been here before. kids might be happier to have a kid from one
Stop buying it tell him to get a job and buy his own leave his ass why r u still with him
You are enabling the behavior
Leave!!! He will NOT change,sounds just like my soon to be ex husband
It does NOT, I repeat, DOES NOT get better. Do yourself a huge favor and leave him. He will only make your life unbearable at best, as well as probably turn physically abusive. Get out NOW and stop buying him beer.
He won’t improve - LEAVE - do not get pregnant
So sorry you and your children are going through this. It sounds very much like you already know the answer. You reached out on here , which typically means you do know what to do. If it was easy to leave i get the sense you would. Addiction impacts the whole family. You didn’t fall in love with the disease. Unfortunately, things will not change for your partner until things change. The emotional abuse that you are going through is very tough. If will not get easier thats for sure. Ask yourself this… am I happy, is this the life i set out to have? Are my needs being met? How is this impacting my children? What are they learning from this?
Be sure you pick YOU!
Id leave. And stop buying his alcohol and cigarettes. You’re just enabling him each time you cave and buy what he wants. Tell him things need to change and he needs to start being a man and get a job or he can get out since you pay for everything and he does nothing to help you. You and your beautiful children deserve better.
Offer him a choice go to rehab or move out. Alcoholics can’t drink in moderation. They don’t drink or they drink too much. Eventually they alway get back to too much. They are addicts. Like any other addiction they Eventually lose control.
He has a drinking problem
He is abusive
He doesn’t work
He calls you names
LADY, do you need a brick to fall on your head??? He’s a big time LOSER.
Time to get your act together and get yourself and the kids to hell out of there IMMEDIATELY
Girl…it’s time to move the f**k on!! You’re being abused. Don’t walk away…but RUN!!!
Go and take your children, before it’s to late.
Leave. Why are you with this human? I get love but you are worth more you can find an actual partner in life that will love and value you like you do them. He has to want to get sober and it doesn’t seem like that is the case. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink. Show him things he can do for help then cut your losses. You can be a friend, but he doesn’t deserve to date let alone marry you.
What a waist of life…leave …no good for your children…
Take kids and go, he is abusing you and kids see this and will think this is OK. For their sake and yours move on.