My fiance is mad that I am struggling to get pregnant: Advice?

The fiancée is mad at me lately! So we’ve been trying to get pregnant and are having no luck yet. I already have two kids with my ex-fiancée that are 3 and 6. So my fiancée and I are now trying for a baby, and it just isn’t happening. He seems aggravated about that situation but doesn’t understand that I am too and his frustration towards me makes me feel even worse about the situation. How can I make him understand that it’s just as hard for me and any tips mommas on tricks to getting pregnant because I don’t know what to do anymore?!


I would rethink the baby situation with a guy like that, he’s very irrealistic if he thinks getting pregnant is under your sole control…

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Hey mama,

Hes possibly feeling anxious that he might be the problem particularly as you’ve already managed to have kids. Depending on how long you’ve been trying you can always suggest you both go get tests done for infertility just in case. If it’s only been a couple of months I’d say give it some time. My husband and I are struggling with infertility *we’ve been trying for a year and a half * we know that my body is the issue but even at 6 months my doctor sent us both for tests.

The only advice I can give is that his behavior is a huge red flag. I would rethink having a baby with him and, honestly, the entire relationship. I am not at all trying to be harsh. Having been down this kind of road, more than once, with someone who begins to act this way, it has only ever gotten worse from there. You are no exception. If you’ve never experienced a toxic, manipulative, or abusive relationship, it will seem as if I’m overreacting, but I assure you, these “little” issues, that are easily dismissed because he was just frustrated, etc, are actually cause for bigger future concerns. :pensive::heartpulse:

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My fiance is mad that I am struggling to get pregnant: Advice?

If he is getting angry at you for this, I’m not sure this is the person you should bring a child into this world with. Just saying :tipping_hand_woman:


Has he checked himself? It could be him you know. You both need to get checked, it doesn’t happen overnight.


Before he gets mad at you for this he needs to make sure HE isn’t the problem first. I’m so sorry you’re going through this!


if you are stressed and under pressure it lessens your chances of getting pregnant


Personally I’d probably suggest that he’s the problem of you already have kids and he doesn’t. But also, that’s toxic as fuck. I can see being disappointed but being mad is shitty of it’s something you can’t control.

From mine and a lot of others…it happens when you stop trying. But depending on how quickly you got pregnant with your other two, it could be him that’s the problem so maybe bring that up to him. You can’t get pregnant by yourself.


He needs to go to the Dr


You sure it’s not him you both should see a fertility dr.


If he’s already acting up like this, I don’t think he’s emotionally ready to have a child.


He does realize that it takes 2 … right ?! :woman_facepalming:


Quit trying for a baby just have sex. Take the pressure off the situation. If after a while still having no luck you may have to see a specialist


Seems like you already had kids…and the problem might be on his end!!! Did you have trouble conceiving your first two children?

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If you’ve already had kids it’s more likely to be an issue with him. Also…run :joy:


Fertility is SO hard on both sides, my husband and I tried for 3 years and we both were affected mentally by it. Go out on a date and talk about your feelings on it and tell him that he needs to be honest with you on his feelings and you two need to be united. It’s such an emotional roller coaster for both of you. Communication is so important. Sending you all the positive vibes and babe dust :two_hearts:


I think you should see doctor see what wrong if it’s him or what’s going on because, there clearly reason it isn’t happening

Stop trying! The stress of trying, actually has a negative affect on actually getting pregnant. I stopped trying, picked up smoking again and not even 1 pack in PREGNANT.

Relax babies happen on God’s time


Secondary infertility is a real condition. You should be seeing a doctor for professional medical advice and guidance. As someone who walked the path of infertility, I can tell you that you need a strong supportive spouse/partner. Infertility is not just a “woman problem”. Have a conversation with him about how you currently feel. If he cannot grasp what you’re going through, I would suggest forgetting about trying to have a baby together. Its a long road and you don’t need someone, who isn’t supportive.


Already know you can have babies…perhaps the fault is with him!


Stop trying & just have. Fun with it all , be relaxed. & Go with the flow ,

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Drop that fianee. He is suppose to love you no matter what!


See a doctor for the both of you because he may be the issue. If no success after a year of trying naturally, always consult a doctor.


He might be getting frustrated and thinking it’s him and just taking it out on you. It’s understandable but that doesn’t make it right. But it also takes a normal couple (without fertility issues) upwards of a year to get pregnant. I’d get you and him checked just to make sure. I have PCOS bordering on Endometriosis so I know how hard it is to get pregnant when you really want it. But I’m currently 27 weeks now, so it can happen with fertility issues!


Don’t get pregnant if he gets mad at you over something that isn’t all on you. It could be his issue and thats not your fault. If hes insecure because your ex could get you pregnant and he can’t he needs to figure that out because again that’s not your fault.


These titles if the last finance did not marry and now another kids are forever not change daily.

Start taking prenatal vitamins and you will be pregnant before you know it if you both are fertal


Take care of children you have already. Stop worrying about it. Hopefully your boyfttiend is great with the two little ones you have!


Seems like a real nice guy


You sure it’s not him

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I swear by legs in the air after sex! Gravity works wonders!:joy:

Maybe he should go get checked by a doctor maybe it’s something on his end


Big red flag if he already acts out.


Why not get married first :thinking:
He doesn’t sound very mature :confused:


Simple: have him get his bloodwork and testosterone levels. You know your fertile…


Men can have low sperm count and that could be the problem not you. But seriously why be a dick about it go to a doctor and see your options

How long have you guys been trying for? We got pregnant with my son within like 3 or 4 months and we used spermicide. It took me 8 or 9 months to conceive my daughter everyone is different and each pregnancy conception time is different.

You really want to have a child with this person??


maybe he’s shooting blanks.


Maybe you’re not meant to be pregnant by him.


12-14 days after the first day of your cycle is usually when a women ovulates. Start keeping track

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It could be him an he getting mad at you? I wouldn’t want to get pregnant to him if he’s gonna act like that.


Quit trying just relax have fun and let the Good Lord and nature take their course sometimes ppl try to hard and the stress totally blocks a lady from getting pregnant have fun and stop stressing

If he’s treating you like this over something you can’t control, why on earth would you want to make sure you’re stuck with that for life. Rub


I’m sure it’s hurting his ego as well. Getting mad at you is a little ridiculous but if he’s that concerned he can go get a semen analysis. Not pricey.

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Stressing about it caused two couples I know to struggle for years. When they left it to God they got pregnant. Stress does crazy things.

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Go and have a fertility work up and see what you are dealing with.

Both of you need testing.

The normal amount of time for a couple with no fertility issues is up to 12 months.


maybe don’t let any man talk you into doing something and esp if he’s making you feel like shit along the way sometimes it don’t happen for a REASON god is protecting you girl if it’s not meant to be take that and tell him he can take the attitude and the hatefulness else where you don’t deserve any of that

Honestly stop trying, have sex and don’t think about getting pregnant… if it’s meant to be it’ll happen…and have him get tested :woman_shrugging:t2: good luck and positive vibes!

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Sounds like maybe he is the problem


Stress can make things way worse, so tell him that

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Stress by all means lowers the chances of pregnancy first off and getting upset bc it hasn’t happened in the time either expected it to doesn’t help out either. If you had no issues getting pregnant with your first two then the issue could very well be your partner and not you at all but honestly just stop trying so hard and IF it’s meant to be God will see to it that it does.

track ovulation, use the wando ones from amazon then the digital. so the deed close to peak, peak ,and a little after.

How does he know it’s not something going on with him? Maybe he is the reason you aren’t getting pregnant?

Run as fast as you can!!


My husband’s kids are all grown and my little one is 8. I miscarried about 3.5 years ago and we haven’t had any luck since. My husband would never get mad at me about this situation. I have endometriosis and it is what it is. I am having a hysterectomy soon to get rid of this pain. No matter what it is not “your fault.” Even if you can’t get pregnant again, it is not “your fault.” Maybe the issue is with him, low sperm count. But no matter what, for him to be mad and taking it out on you, that is not okay!!! That is a red flag that you need to see


You already have 2 children so the problem could lie with him. Maybe he should go get his swimmers checked. With that being said, it took my husband and I almost 8 years to get pregnant. I am pregnant now and I’m 45 years old and already have 2 children but I have a thyroid condition which can make conceiving more difficult. We had given up on the idea it would happen, I thought I was entering menopause.
I’d start with a thorough health evaluation on both of you to ensure there’s not something preventing you from getting pregnant and then go from there.

Maybe it’s not you hun could be hes may be sterile it wouldn’t hurt to have you bith checked the levels and what’s not but from what I red it is a red flag as him just getting mad at that could be worse in the future.

I would be more worried about his response to the situation. That kind of anger towards you over something that may actually be his issue is concerning. Doesn’t bode well for future challenging situations. Might be the universe providing you with an example so you can rethink the relationship.


Maybe Gods waiting till you all are husband and wife.


Don’t think it be wise to get pregnant by a guy who’s made at you because you’re not pregnant right away.


Pray that GOD will bless you an him and give you a gift of a child.

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I could be wrong but that’s a red flag. It’s not necessarily in your control if it’s not happening. Why’s he making you feel like shit over something that’s not your fault?

Start taking prenatals there is also one he can take to help which is called maca i think and it takes time i am also trying

Maybe he’s the problem you have two kid’s already.


He sounds like someone you should have kids with

I suggest you stop trying because it’s causing stress that then hurts the relationship. My ex and I tried for several years. We went doctors and fertility specialists and tried the medication. The doctor saw the stress and suggested we stop trying for awhile and just enjoy each other. I got pregnant about two months after we stopped trying.

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I agree with the RUN… As fast as you can statement

Sometimes it just doesn’t happen. My fiance and I took about 6 months before I was able to finally get pregnant. But he shouldn’t be getting upset about something that’s out of your control.

I have pcos. If my husband did that I would be packing my things and leaving. If he treats you like this over something you can’t control how is he going to react when the baby cries and he can’t control them? This is not a man you want to be the father of your children. I have been completely broken trying to get pregnant with my now 5th baby. My husband watched me cry every time that test say negative. If you want to be treated like crap for something you can’t control that is on you. My suggestion is get both of you tested or leave. I knew I was the problem he knew it we talked about it before we got married and had our beautiful 2 year old. 1 year I struggled to plan. Forgot about tracking and just said screw it for 30 days lets get busy. Than I will talk to my ob about medicine. Just when I was going to call the test said positive


Ok I usually don’t make comments like this but honestly it doesn’t seem like you should be having kids with him if he’s getting frustrated over something you cannot control and can totally be 100% his fault. The stress doesn’t help either. But if you do want to stay, tell him to back the fuck off, calm down and get his swimmers checked, or leave his angry disrespectful ass if he continues this behavior.

Ever think … it’s not … you not getting pregnant . It’s him not being able to get you pregnant

Girl you bout to have another ex fiancé plus another baby daddy. He sounds like a jerk. Why the rush?

My ex fiancé and I couldn’t get pregnant. I had a miscarriage very early once with him and he was gutted. And a girl I worked with got pregnant, we didn’t get on and I became very jealous (bad I know) I use to cry everyday when I worked with her and he use to call me mad and shout I needed to see a doctor, very emotionally abusive. Anyway we eventually broke up and I’ve now got two girls with someone else and he and his wife are still struggling to get pregnant. So it may be him but as a man it’s easier to blame to woman so he doesn’t look not manly enough. I would also think about if you should be with this guy who speaks to you like this in a time where it’s upsetting for both of you but yet he is quick to blame you


Does he drink Mt Dew? For us this was the problem! He stopped drinking it, I got pregnant within a few months

I tracked ovulation using the temperature check method. We tried for 3 months and finally got pregnant in the third month of trying. I was beyond stressed exspecially since I struggle with my libido. I tried teas, baths and cbds to bring my stress levels down. I don’t know when we conceived because the month I conceived I was exhausted and my temp was a little more all over the place. So it was kinda like I gave up on trying a little bit and then we finally got pregnant.

Your fiance is a fuck head with insecurities. I get he wants his own, but blood doesn’t always make family and if he can’t see that, you need to bust him in the balls and run.

He probably is the problem and doesnt want to admit it, that’s why he is reflecting his anger towards you. I think its not wise for you to get pregnant with a person as irrational as him.

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All you can do is have sex. That’s about it.

You are literally the receiver and have already had kids. Maybe he needs to be frustrated with himself. Tell him to go get his sperm checked.

Does he lose his temper with other things that are completely out of your control too?


You already have two kids, so you know that you can have them, could it possibly be that he is the problem?


If your genes don’t like his genes then the egg produces sperm repellant look it up LOL

Your eggs don’t like his attitude LOL


Maybe it is him - - - not you. Have his sperm count checked.

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Maybe he’s the problem? I mean your equipment is functioning apparently?

Well obviously your able to get pregnant maybe he’s the problem

If you’ve been trying a yr both of you should be checked.

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Have you struggled with fertility in the past? And how do you two know for certain it’s you and not him? Maybe think about getting you both tested to see - otherwise, track your ovulation and such. But if he is mad at YOU and taking it out on YOU, maybe it is best that you don’t get pregnant. That is mental and emotional abuse.

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I’m guessing he doesn’t realize HE may have an issue getting you pregnant. He needs to be more understanding. Maybe you both should see a Dr and have tests done…


Rhetorical…have you been vaccinated?

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Might not be getting pregnant for a reason. He sounds like a


Remind him that you already have kids, so maybe it’s him :woman_shrugging:t6:


Get married first maybe.


He is probably so frustrated coz he knows it might be him don’t take it personally just let him know how you feel and that the stress of it all is probably why your not falling pregnant

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Maybe he’s the problem. Tell him that, see how he feels to make you feel like crap for not being able to get pregnant right now. Make him feel like an ass.

Sounds like his pee pee issues are making him insecure.

Tell him that you already have 2 kids so your obviously no the problem. Then chuckle as you give a furtive glance at his crotch area