My fiance is mad that I am struggling to get pregnant: Advice?

How long you been trying? Have you tracked your cervix?

Maybe instead of him getting angry, you could tell him that he needs to get his swimmers checked and you can get yourself checked as well just to make sure everyone is fertile. He could be getting mad and find out it’s him and not you, or maybe nothing is wrong and it’s just not “time” for another baby.


Next time he gets angry with you about this just tell him “hey I’ll get pregnant right away as long as you dont mind our child looking like the mailman”, that might cool his jets


Have him go to doc and see if his little men are marching.
Stress will make it harder to conceive, so that could also be an issue.
I highly suggest getting ovulation trackers if u haven’t already. That’s how I conceived my 3rd.

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Sometimes trying is the problem. My husband and I tried for about 6 months and nothing, then we moved into a smaller place and decided to wait…Boom, pregnant in minutes :rofl::woman_facepalming: also stress from him getting frustrated could have something to do with it. Definitely sit down and talk with him about how its all making you feel and maybe make a doctor appt for the both of you and get checked out. Best of luck to you both!

Be healthy, don’t drink, smoke etc. And take prenatal vitamins. And he needs has to have healthy habits as well.

That’s extremely unhealthy. If they can’t understand that this is something you have basically zero control over, then they are not only immature, but emotionally abusive as well. Please don’t have a child with someone treating you like this. You deserve better.

I’m sorry. It’s no ones fault

It could be him. It could be natural timing. Normal time to conceive can be a couple years.

Maybe you guys are trying to hard… stop stressing over it…

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Use period plus app. It shows ovulation days. Have sex the day before, day of and day after it shows your most fertile day

Yeah… give your body a break and allow his to build up. If you have sex too frequently, sometimes sperm count can be a little low. Also, they have temperature monitoring. Take your temp every morning at the same time. You will see a difference if you are ovulating. They also have apps for that. Also, check your vagina fluids when temping as the closer you get to ovulation, the more slippery wand watery it gets… if you are dry, most of the time you’re not ovulating. Make sure to eat fresh fruits and veggies and even meditate to free your mind to help relax your body. Go and enjoy life and have fun when trying. It’s not a chore. If you need more tips, feel free to message me or try and you will find all sorts of information :blush:

How long have u been trying for? It can take a while and especially with stress.
Are you tracking your ovulation days? It took us 3 months with my first and I was tracking everything. I swear by pre-seed. We used that in the 3rd month. Also, if it’s been a year of trying maybe he needs to go get checked too.

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Him being frustrated could be the reason, also stress from trying so much and nothing happen could also be a problem. Take some time out and y’all cool down and hopefully good news will come.

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My bf and I tried for 2 years before actually getting pregnant. I feel the “trying” part was what made it worse and disappointed myself everytime. We went to infertility clinics, had him and myself checked out but we were fine. Once I finally gave up on the trying, I was actually late once again but waited a while before taking a test. Once I took that test it came back positive. Now we have a healthy 7 month old daughter and Son​:heart: It’s all about timing and who knows, maybe this engagement might not work out if he’s upset with you. It may not be the right time or person. Either way, I pray it all works out in the end and that you find answers soon​:heart::pray:t3:


Do not have children with him.


If he gets frustrated with this how would he do with a crying baby? Maybe you need to rethink having a baby for awhile


He may be the problem …


Uuum, ever considere it’s him and not you. Lol, tell him it’s pretty evident you’re not the problem. Maybe it’s a sign you two shouldn’t have a child just yet. Let your 3 and 6 year old transition to a life that’s already changed enough so far for their age mentally and emotionally…


Have you all checked y’all’s self? Eggs? Sperm?

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Im a man and never would get mad at a woman for not getting pregnant life unpredictable i love baby’s. Im 63 my woman thought we were pregnant i loved it if we were amen


Once my husband and I stopped trying that’s when it happened for us


When your ovulating you get like a white sticky mucous and if you can hold it between your fingers and it’s tacky that means it’s ovulation time I studied this with a doctor as a natural method so I wouldn’t get pregnant track your periods and inbetween too try elivit as well that’s the pregnancy vitamin before and during your pregnancy eat as healthy as you can and be as active as you can go to the doctor’s and get them to check everything to see if your lacking anything in your body I’ve got 6 so good luck I hope it happens soon for you

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1 dont have a baby with him if he is anything but supportive and understanding in this situation hes not the one and probably wont make the best dad! Yes I get that you both get frustrated but taking that frustration out on you is a sign. And 2 if you still choose to have a child have him go get his sperm count checked bc you having 2 children it’s most likely him that’s the problem. And 3 get an ovulation tracking kit and track what days your most fertile and just do it like 12 times on those days!!


Get him to abstain for a week at a time maybe two weeks before your ovulation days he may have a low sperm count


It could be he can’t get you pregnant get tested n do the ovulation calendar and kits they tell you when your most fertile days are start taking pre natals n Clomiphene relax if its meant to be it will happen praying :pray: never hurts either…I have a almost 20 year old boy a girl who’s almost 19 and my almost 6 year old they are 12 years apart and not on purpose I wasn’t even trying with my last and when I did try for over a year with my ex it never happened lol


Might get myself deleted/booted but, whatevs. We are already overpopulated, maybe not being able to get pregnant is a sign :roll_eyes::woman_shrugging:t2::sunglasses:


Try pre-seed i used it 3 times i got pg

Your mental state can literally stop you from getting preggo sauce. No joke. Quit worrying about it as hard as it sounds. It will happen as soon as you and him both accept that it will happen when the time is right. Best thing you can both do is let go of any expectations and just get to fuckin’. Make it fun and enjoyable, try new things, keep it interesting. I’d be willing to bet the minute you quit stressin’ it, BOTH of you, you’ll be with child. :ok_hand:

You can get ovulation tests from Walmart and see when you are ovulating.

Maybe he’s the reason you are not getting pregnant, has he got his sperm checked?:person_tipping_hand:


Don’t have kids with him. For one he may very well be the problem if you already have two kids. Second everyone knows it happens when you’re not actually trying. Third, he sounds like a jerk.


If you’ve had two kids, its him, not you girlfriend. He needs to get his balls looked at.

As your fiance had a sperm count done my son had at that time and if he was just nothing there to count and he never had a vasectomy either and I can tell you from personal experience I had a vasectomy and alike four and a half years later my wife got pregnant cuz they didn’t do it right so the lady it’s not always you just might be him instead of him getting mad why don’t he go get checked one and one make two not one equals two

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Sounds like he might be the problem, not you. Asked him to get checked and if he refuses. Run!!

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I used the app “flo” to track my cycles and it told me ovulation days and I’m 40. I’m 16 weeks now. However, the way he’s reacting. You might want to rethink having a child with this man. RED FLAGS!!

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Take prenatal vitamins, use ovulation test strips, have him take 1000mg vitamin c daily and don’t make it a job!

Maybe it’s something wrong with him…u didn’t have any problems getting pregnant before…


Maybe he’s just mad because it’s like pumping gas into a car that’s already wrecked!:man_shrugging:


He is not your partner. Partners support each other through all things.

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You should take the time and plan out when you’re ovulating and have a wild night try different things get him and you both so excited that you’re going to have to have a baby cut out the stress all you want on your mind is you and him that don’t work well my ex sister-in-law she was with my brother 2 years then she was with this other person for way over 10 years I think and all the sudden out of her whole life she got pregnant and I heard after she had that one that she had gotten pregnant with a little girl but lost it I also know a woman that was 41 had been with her husband since they were young in their teens and she never got pregnant one day she jumped up there and was pregnant only problem with that was we found out that she slept with another guy to get pregnant and her husband knows this he plays Dr daddy though

I wouldn’t be having a child with someone who is throwing a tantrum like a child.


I would be saying bye to him

If he’s mad at you for something you have zero control over, honey, leave while you can. He sounds like a selfish man child, it takes time, him adding stress certainly won’t speed up the process, take it as a sign… :triangular_flag_on_post:


Es la vida que te está dando la oportunidad de salir de esa relación
Y “médicamente” hablando deben ir a un especialista

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I don’t know if I would keep trying to have a baby with someone who is getting mad at me because I’m not getting pregnant…especially when you having two kids already indicates that you’re not the problem.


Oh I’d leave his f*ckin ass. Mad at me because I’m not getting pregnant.Oh hell no!

Tips and tricks to get pregnant ?? If you need tips and tricks, then you clearly don’t need another child. Were the first 2 just miracles? This fiancé is clearly the issue since the last fiancé knocked you up with no problem. Time to kick sterile Steve to the curb and find lucky fiancé number 3.


That type of anger over something that can’t be controlled is a red flag & can lead to abuse if he keeps yelling at you & being aggressive then he is endangering the two kids you already have… Pack your things get out of this relationship it is toxic you don’t need that

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Sounds like you should rethink even having a baby with him…I think he should grow up and realize you can’t just snap your fingers and make it happen and it’s not your fault? Sounds like some red flags I wouldn’t want to ignore…


Wow… he sounds like a winner. What the fuck? He’s gonna get mad at you every time you feel sick when you’re pregnant. I would NOT have a baby with him. Thats such a huge red flag. What a douche.

I’m gonna say trying to get pregnant can be very frustrating for both partners but he’s being super rude and Inconsiderate… it could be him! Get a sperm count.

Take the stress out of it. It shouldn’t be a chore but beautiful love making life

Maybe he needs to go get checked!


Well say bye.!! Been struggling for 3 years! Going through IVF now and he is nothing but supportive

It took me almost 8 years to get pregnant with my 4th child.

Know this, the more stress he puts you under, the less probability you are going to conceive.
Are you absolutely sure you want a baby with a man that’s probably shooting blanks? And blaming it on you.


My advice, don’t marry him.


You sure you want to have a baby with a man like that? Far out I wouldn’t!! My husband & I struggled for nearly 2 years to have a baby, miscarriage with twins, fertility drugs etc. Never would my husband even think that it was my fault (I had the fertility issue not him) & be mad at me. Your partner is a tool :-1:t3:


If you have two other kids with someone else, did he take into consideration that he may be the problem? He should get checked before he gets any more mad at you for it not happening…


Maybe actually get married before having kids…


My question is why would you want to have a baby with a guy who stays mad at you? Sounds like you need to get away from him asap.


She asked for help on getting pregnant not relationship advice. They are both frustrated. Is he going about it the wrong way…yes. But he really wants a child and that is the goal.
Anyway try fertility vitamins. Track ovulation and stay stress free.

Probably hus issue if he’s so upset about it and he knows it :frowning: obviously ur capable of having children. Also sometimes DNA don’t mix and some people really can’t convince and or miscarry if they do


Me and my husband tried for 7 months after iud and after I took some vitamin and he did to !!! We got pregnant 2x… one chemical and one that is now 3

Its probably him with the problem and he sounds like a jerk anyway. Dump him.


Firstly, does he have any children from previous relationships? We already know you aren’t barren because you have 2 kids. He might be sterile…or have a low sperm count…or maybe your eggs and his sperm aren’t genetically compatible.

I would suggest to keep trying for a bit longer…but don’t try so hard. Sex should be fun…not a chore. But, you guys may have to go to the doctor and get everything checked out.

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Count 13 days from the 1st day of your period, your egg will dropon 13 day and you’re ovulating but only 1 egg a month comes

We tried for 2 years. We quit trying because of our wedding. Pregnant 2 months later. When your stressed out about it it won’t happen your body senses that stress


Stop trying so hard. Just relax and take it off your mind and if is meant for you to get pregnant it
will happen if both of you are fertile. Sometimes you may have to change your environment like go on vacation so you are in a different location you stay stress free while away from home it will happen


He obviously needs to hear from a doctor. The details in conceiving, things to help, ways to track ovulation, etc etc.
If he won’t go in for an appt then you go and request paper printouts with info.
Hopefully he is just expressing his feelings wrong… If he’s just a jerk like he seems LEAVE HIM NOW.

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Why would you want to stay with someone like that?
Take it as a blessing that you haven’t had a baby with him and run away. Such a bug red flag don’t ignore the signs


Don’t think about it. It’s the hardest thing to do but it’s what worked for me. My partner and I tried for 3 years, after so negative tests I gave up and accepted we couldn’t have a baby. Less than 2 months later I’m nauseous and sick, my partner tells me to take a test and it’s positive. I didn’t believe how much the stress of wanting a baby could affect one’s body, but it’s true. Also, definelty both get checked and make sure you’re fertile! Best of luck :heart: here’s my little one at 10 months.

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Huge red flag imo. Stop trying immediately and run for the hills.


Uh definitely doesn’t sound like a healthy environment to bring a child into…consider it a blessing you’re not getting pregnant by him & run


A stressful body producing high amounts of stress hormones will not be a sufficient place for pregnancy. Your body knows that. This is why people who try, try, try and stay hurt and frustrated have trouble conceiving. But all of a sudden they quit trying and say well if it happens it happens, end up pregnant soon after. Relax. But I definitely wouldn’t stay with a man being mean to me about it. Considering you have kids from a previous marriage, it’s not you with the problem. Sounds like deflection to me.

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Maybe he needs to be tested to make sure he can make a baby.


I think he’s probably upset because if he hasn’t already got kids then you not getting pregnant could be because of him and i would guess hes feeling anxious, maybe depressed and probably a little in adequate right now. Id sit down and talk to him i know him getting angry and taking out on you cant be nice but i would sit down tell him how he’s behaviour is upsetting you and ask him how he really feels about the situation and let him know you’re not blaming him and that if you still arent pregnant in a few months you can both go to the doctors and get checked and reassure him you’ll get through what ever happens together

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Stop trying to have a baby with someone who could actually get mad at you for not conceiving and also rethink marrying him.


May not be you! Maybe him… go see a dr

Well that seems really sensible…bringing a baby into all that atmosphere of unhappiness.


Literally don’t try so hard. Stressing about it makes it harder. Just have sex like a teenager and don’t expect anything from it. I’ve heard so many stories of people getting pregnant after giving up on getting pregnant.

Being you have 2 kids already… maybe he’s getting mad at the wrong person. Maybe hes shooting blanks

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My fiance is mad that I am struggling to get pregnant: Advice?

Sorry but how can he be spiteful at a time like this? It seems he isn’t ready for it himself and I would be having second thoughts if I were you. Its supposed to be a loving and supportive time and it seems he isn’t either. If he doesnt have kids previously then I would look at his…


Trying for a baby is suppose to be a fun and loving thing to do, if its causing stress within your relationship it isnt the right time for you right now. Can your current partner not just enjoy your children until his time comes? What’s the rush? Xx

I would be getting his junk tested - with your two kids to another man, the bakery seems fine, more likely the ingredients are dodgy


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My fiance is mad that I am struggling to get pregnant: Advice?

I’d put the baby making on hold til he can get into the right headspace and adjust the way in which he’s conducting himself right now because that’s really concerning.


If the trying already puts strain on your relationship, do not continue with this relationship. When hard times hit in future will his reaction be the same ? This is not loving support to sort out a problem. It is projection and adding to his partner’s stress. Prognosis for the elationship with him is not good.


Red flags all over the place. Maybe you both need to get some counseling on this before you bring a new human into the mix. Best wishes for the best outcome.


Men are fragile… my guess is he thinks it’s a problem with him since you already have kids (assuming he doesn’t). If he thinks he’s ‘broken’ he might just be lashing out because he doesn’t know how to deal with it. I suggest asking your gyno about getting tested… a lot of problems can be fixed by lifestyle changes so it might be a simple fix. My other advice would be to talk to him about what the problems may be and see if you can get him to open upand voice his frustrations… if you can’t talk now, it’ll only get worse with a baby in the mix.


I had two oopsies. Just have sex with out planning… that’s how a lot of us have kids


Maybe it’s misplaced towards you but it’s really him feeling upset, insecure or scared because he’s considering maybe he’s the problem and that’s why you guys aren’t getting pregnant? Maybe just have a good conversation about it and ask him what’s going on. It’s got to be a huge “ego” hit for a man (not the right word but can’t think of the word I’m trying to say sorry)


Maybe it’s him who’s having the troubles if you e been pregnant two times before? He may just be getting frustrated/sad and is u fortunately taking it out on you. However that isn’t ok :disappointed:


Don’t have a baby with him. He seems incredibly resentful and that doesn’t mix with the stresses and sacrifices of shared parenthood. Red flag


Honestly the stress he is putting on you probably isn’t helping the situation either, stress levels for either one of you let alone the both of you could possibly be a contributing factor


Has he considered that it might be an issue on his end. I suggest you both get checked out by a medical professional to rule out any health issues. There are alot of fertility blessings and spiritual works ive had success with clients. Even with health issues. But it needs to be checked for.


Honestly stop trying. It tends to happen faster if you stop trying. Me and my husband tried for a year then we said screw it. When it happens it happens. It happened 2 months later. Good luck momma!


Sometimes its the guy. Sperm numbers and motility vary with every man. It doesnt mean it wont happen for sure, it just means sometimes it takes a little longer. BUT theres also a chance that it could be something else. Both of you should consider getting checked. Some doctors will say that, within a certain age range, they wont check for infertility until youve been actively trying for a year or more.