My fiance is mad that I am struggling to get pregnant: Advice?

Why not wait until you have a secure household and a marriage? You have had multiple fiancees and are already a single mom with multiple children. That’s hard on you and it’s not good for the kids.


I don’t understand why he is getting frustrated when you both want a baby. That isn’t fair at all and you need to let him know that. If you BOTH are capable of having children then it will happen. Till then this may be a sign now isn’t the time to have kids with him.


I would suggest not having a baby with someone this immature, if you’ve already conceived without issues then likely he is the problem anyways and being “upset” with you about something as sensitive as trying to conceive is gross and abusive, is that someone you really want in your life forever helping you raise a baby? Even if you guys break up, he’s gonna be there :grimacing:


Sometimes I feel like when you put to much pressure on the situation the more likely it won’t happen. Y’all need to relax, have fun, continue to enjoy each other and love one another. The universe will give you a child in due time, when it feels like you all are ready. I know you guys are ready, but the world works in mysterious ways. I hope nothing but the best for you guys in your journey to expanding y’all’s family.:heavy_heart_exclamation::sparkles:


Get married 1st then plan the baby. If you already have 2 children, it might be him. He needs to get checked out by doctor. Might be an easy fix. He shouldn’t be getting upset with you at all. I know it’s different times, but I’m definitely old skool, boyfriends/fiances’ don’t get husband benefits (children). Plus it seems he needs an attitude adjustment…


Get his sperm and your eggs tested. As we get older it becomes more difficult to get pregnant,you’ve had 2 kids and he has none so he could possibly have a low sperm count which would make it extremely difficult to get pregnant


Sounds like he might be the reason and he knows it deep down and is just taking it out on you .


Maybe it’s a blessing that you haven’t gotten pregnant. It could also be him, assuming he doesn’t have any kids. Sometimes it happens when you stop trying.


Hes lucky u care about his feelings…cuz id tell him i already have 2 myself so go get yourself checked. Who tf puts that on their spouse like that?
Id stop tryin with him
Big red flag for whats to come.


I would not want to create children with a man that treated me so badly over something that was 100% not my fault. Psychologically I’m guessing he is feeling insecure because he knows it’s obviously not you so he is putting that on you to deflect from his own insecurity.


I have 2 children from a previous relationship, and it took my fiance and I about a year to conceive. We were getting frustrated also, finally said forget about it bc being stressed out wasn’t a way to live and boom :boom: pregnant! Stress doesn’t help!


Maybe he’s the reason you’re not getting pregnant? Obviously you can make babies…he needs to relax


K girl I had the same problem but flipped! My fiancé has 3 kids, I have none. We’ve been trying since December and around April I started taking prenatal vitamins and I’m currently 8 weeks along. I do have an unopened box of sperm catching lubricant my bestie got me (it worked for her) but I didn’t have to use it. Pm me your address and I’ll mail it to you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: good luck and happy practice! Sometimes men get grumpy when they don’t get what they want right away. De-stress, get a babysitter, plan a date night, use the wonder box of lube from the random fb chick and get busy :wink: all amazing things take time! Nothing but love and positive vibes sent to you and your family :two_hearts:


It’s a sign sweetie…he’s not the one…and no babies right now…u have enough…to handle now…


No child needs to be brought into this shit show of a relationship. Sounds like a blessing.


This is one of those things that shows you how he’s gonna handle stress and disappointment for the rest of y’all’s lives, remember this but if you already have two kids it might be an issue with him? Or maybe the stress your under trying.


Do you really want to have a baby with someone who’s angry at you for something you really can’t control? Do you want to marry someone like this? Should probably not have a baby or marry someone with that type of personality.


Get him checked…download the Glow app to track ovulation…and communicate with him and tell him how you feel. Don’tmake assumptions about his feelings.


Does he have kids? Maybe it’s him.


Those are red flags. Being mad at you for things beyond your control are serious red flags


Does he have any previous kids? If not I HIGHLY recommend he stop being a little bish (Excuse my slander) and see if he’s the problem. You’re body has already proved you can have kids. It takes TWO to make a baby. Not just the female like everyone likes to think :roll_eyes::unamused: He needs to understand he may also be the cause.

Eta: Someone suggested not having a baby with him and I HIGHLY agree. Find a man who is aware of how the female body works along with basic science anatomy that we should all know to help your potential daughter. As a woman with a man who understands periods, facing women challenges, understanding how his body works and always willing to learn more about mine to teach our daughters about theirs in case something ever happened to me, they exist.


Why is he mad at you? You can’t control that. Plus, he could be the problem. :woman_shrugging:t3: Honestly, though, if he is gonna get mad at you for something out of your control, he doesn’t sound like someone to be building a life with at all.


Stress will not help either of you in this process! It usually happens when you aren’t trying, that’s what me and my fiance did. We tried for 2 years and I finally just said if it happens it happens and next thing I know I was pregnant. Stress messes with both of your bodies so throw away the plan and just give it to God.


He shouldn’t be mad but supportive. It can’t all be put on you. I’d be mad at him for being mad at me in that kind of situation. It’s not fair to you.


You may not want to hear this but babies aren’t order at the drive thru, type of thing. Sometimes even if you are with same exact partner whom you had kids with, it just might not happen for years. And it maybe he has an issue, since you already have had kids or… You all aren’t ready to have kids or he is not the right one to be popping out kids with. Sorry, y’all never want to hear that during but later, you’ll understand. And having kids from a previous, why TF would you be trying to have a baby before y’all are married?


I went through this with my ex-husband when we were trying for a baby.
He ended up sharing with me that his frustration had nothing to do with me, rather it was towards himself in the situation. I’m 14 years younger than him and he knew the problem with conceiving was more than likely him. He was upset with himself and his body, he felt like he was letting both himself and me down.
We ended up going to a Fertility specialist and learned it WAS him and that made it much worse for a bit until we came up with a game plan. Then he calmed down some.

Seeing as you already have 2 children - he knows you can get pregnant, so he may be feeling frustrated at himself and inadequate.

PS. We did end up conceiving naturally and have a handsome, healthy 2 year old :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


He might be more angry with himself and he’s showing it very poorly. The fact you’ve already had children with your ex and it’s not happening straight away with you both might be making him feel inadequate.
Talk to him about it and if you can’t both have an open conversation about It then maybe you’re both not ready for a baby together.
You both need to be on the same page and support each other when a baby is in the picture so if that’s not happening now, I would be questioning what it’ll be like when there is a baby that’s equally both yours

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He should get his sperm count tested.


Get sperm count checked and also blood type. If you are both a negative blood type your body will reject a baby. Had this problem in a previous relationship.


Find your relationship again, sounds like the romance isn’t there. It will happen when it does


You’ve already proven you can conceive, problem is most likely him, and judging by the way hes putting it all on you, it will almost certainly be an issue on his end…

The obvious answer is to see a reproductive endocrinologist. However, that’s not the real issue or that would’ve already happened. Communication has to happen deeply on both ends.
We tried for 3 years before seeking help and we both had problems we knew nothing about. I wish we would’ve been more communicative early on. It would’ve saved us a ton of wasted time.

Some couples are incompatible for making a baby. I know a couple who tried for years and the stress got too much and they split up and now they both have a child with their new partners. If it’s meant to be, it will happen but I would be very wary of the stress and anger he is showing now, as when a new baby comes along… there will be added stress of sleepless nights etc and if he is blaming you for “No baby”, then there is a chance that he will blame you for the “screaming new born”. Good luck in whatever you decide to do :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Depends on how long y’all have been trying and how long you’ve been off birth control (if you were). Also, get one of those apps that tracks your ovulating days - that’ll help A LOT! :slightly_smiling_face:

Have him get his sperm count checked. Are you Taking prenatal vitamins? I heard it helps


Honestly run like hell if this is how he behaves and makes you feel just trying to get pregnant I can’t imagine what life with that ass is going to be like.

Make him feel included and bring him to a gynecologist or fertility appointment whichever you’re going to. You can ask the doctor questions that you and him have and he can get straightforward and up front answers and the blame won’t be put on you or him

If he acts like this out of frustration towards you for not getting pregnant, what is he going to be like with the strain of a new born. I would reconsider having a baby with this man until he either can behave in the correct manner towards you or you will end up raising this child alone.

Does he realize it’s normal to take six months or so TTC to be successful in getting pregnant? Age and lots of other factors here too. Do either of you drink or smoke? If he wants to be proactive about this he can see a urologist and get his sperm count checked. That way you know if there’s a health issue for him that’s getting in the way.

Oh girl all this “there’s no romance” and “get him checked” ignore it.

Try to find an article about trying to get pregnant. Make him understand there is certain times (if you haven’t yet) and that even if it happens during that slot, there’s a chance it won’t take.

It will happen in due time. And if you really want it, try ovulation tests(if you haven’t) or even visit your ob and ask them about it.

This may be the unpopular opinion here but umm…if he is upsetting you and stressing you bc you aren’t getting pregnant…then maybe you need to kick him to the curb. Besides the fact that he very well could be the one causing the no baby issue not just with the pressure but bc maybe he’s shooting blanks. If you think getting pregnant will fix all of yalls problems then pls pls pls don’t get pregnant. Babies do not fix problems, they aren’t bandaids, and they don’t deserve to be born into bad situations if it can be helped.


Might be his equipment not working since you already had two successful pregnancy. Have him get his sperm tested.

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I would have him get checked it took a while for me to get pregnant with this one I’m currently pregnant with , they say when you’re trying it doesn’t work and when you’re not trying then it works

If you are both stressed out that much about the situation, that may be your problem. You should both chill and let it happen. If it is meant to be it will happen. No one can get pregnant on demand.

I would agree with some of the other comments that it may be an issue on his end. Also, has he been drinking alcohol moderately or daily? If so, cutting that out for a week or two could have a significant impact on sperm quality. My sister tried for a year or more to get pregnant & one week he laid off the booze (for work reasons) and just so happened, she knows she conceived that week. Years later they found out he was producing enough sperm but they were on the “inactive” side. We definitely think there was a link between cutting the alcohol & the sperm quality.

Idk this sounds scary… if hes already frustrated like that and not taking your feelings into account then imagine what he’ll be like when you are pregnant… :confused:

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Why is this your fault. You already have 2 kids. This delay could be his problem, or just nature’s way of telling you to run. Any man that is this frustrated and annoyed with you over this issue is not someone you want to be with. Now it’s you are not pregnant. Later it will be, why are you tired all the time. Pregnant is a natural thing, so get over it. Then it will be your fault the baby cries. The behavior he is exhibiting now is a control mechanism. I didn’t believe it either when someone warned me.

Start taking prenatals if you aren’t already. … That helped me get pregnant…but that is really inconsiderate of him and I hope he would be more understanding while you are pregnant, because you will def need the support… I wouldn’t try again until he chills tf out…

Tell King Henry the 8th to Calm the F*&% Down. Stress won’t help anyone get pregnant and his bad attitude is only making things worse. You should sit down and have a serious talk about a possible future without children of his own. If he’s not willing to accept this future, it might be time to end the relationship before you end up in a bitter marriage. Either way, love, loyalty and support are what really make a relationship worth the investment. Your partner should be willing and WANT to give this to you. Good luck :heart:

If you already have 2, I’ll bet he’s the problem. Either way, he doesn’t sound very supportive or seem to care about how you feel about this situation, which would be a huge red flag for me.

For my last child, now almost 26, I got pregnant the day before my period was due. He kept on asking “are we safe”, I guess we can “safely” say… that I got pregnant.

Stress and fighting makes it harder to get pregnant. Just have fun unprotected and work on yalls communication and learn how to love each other in a more constructive way. Rather than finding a flaw in something neither of yall can control. I tried for six months to have my middle(2nd) child and it was stressful and made me feel like maybe I couldn’t have anymore. that’s not true though because I’ve had 3 kids total now. I had to stop trying to force something to come on my own time. I just learned to enjoy the kid I had and just enjoy my fiance without thinking of how to make a baby. It’s human nature and obviously your body can make a baby so if his can then it’ll happen once you stop focusing on it. After I quit worrying about if I’m pregnant or not and taking multiple tests every month I wound up pregnant 2 months after I gave up trying for a baby. Then I ended up pregnant again a few years later with my last baby. Stress and anxiety mashes everything worse inside. Hormones, fertility, periods etc. So just try to find peace, happiness, and a little bit of dirty fun in your life now and it’ll all work itself out

Sooo why is he your fiancé??? I don’t even have the words to express how jacked up he is without getting put into Facebook jail. I would leave him.

Based on the way he’s acting towards you maybe it’s a good thing.

Im sorry you’re struggling but you don’t need someone who acts like that when you’re in the same situation as him.

I hope you can see that isn’t okay of him to act like that.

My nephew is a foster baby they went that way because they just weren’t getting pregnant & once they got my nephew not long after my niece decided to show up. They tried so many things & it was like as soon as they stopped trying they got a baby.
Now I have a gorgeous 2 & a half year old nephew & a gorgeous 1 & a half year old niece. Maybe you’re stressing to much. You’ve obviously done it before so maybe to much stress or maybe he has issues he doesn’t know about.
Everyone has an opinion & I obviously don’t know everything going on in your life but get married first & have a fun honey moon & do something nice together. You’re already engaged enjoy it a little before adding a full time baby to the picture. Just relax & if it’s meant to happen it will🤗

Have you tried to put your legs up against the wall once you (you know)… :joy: sounds crazy but I had a heck of a time trying and after I did that a couple weeks in a row BAM!

Use a app to help track your Ovulation time and then do it a couple times before ovulation couple times during a couple times after

If this doesn’t work after a few months
Maybe see a doctor and have him checked first only because you have had kids already

Also medication and diet can also mess stuff up
Maybe change your diet a little

I hate this for you. My ex is mad that im pregnant and tried to beat the baby out of me literally. Im on high risk right now bc of my injuries the time will come for you love god will bless you if he loves you he will be patient💜 praying for you.

I’d be grateful to not become pregnant by such a crappy fuckin partner. Maybe the universe is saving you from a bigger headache?! Your partner doesn’t sound too supportive. Not sure how either of you expect to get pregnant when you’re stressed all the time. Or why you’d even want to conceive a child under these circumstances is beyond me

I have an app called my calendar that tracks my period and I can see when I ovulate. I use it to be less likely to get pregnant, but the app tracks your cycle each months and shows when ur more likely to get pregnant

Tell him to get checked. And the stress he’s putting on you only makes it harder for you to get pregnant!

If someone gets angry with me because my body doesn’t work like expected, I would come to thinking my body may be smarter than I recon

Maybe he needs to go get checked because you have kids so it might be his fault. But his attitude about it an taking it out on you is a red flag to me

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Y’all stressing about it so that don’t help sex is supposed to be fun and beautiful so focus on each other love and respect each other both of y’all go to the doctor get a full check up

sounds like he has a few :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post: if hes mad at you for not being pregnant yet :woozy_face::woozy_face: takes 2 to make a baby​:woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:


From experience as I had tried for 3 years at 1 point in my life. Track your ovulation. A fertility specialist told us to track my ovulation. If you don’t know exactly when you ovulate, keep a Thermometer by the bed. Before getting up in the mornings take you temp. If it’s higher then normal you may be ovulating. Have sex then. Keep checking Temp every morning. Have him send a sample for sperm count. Sometimes you just don’t have sex at the right times. We thought it was more then that but we kept trying and doing Temps and I ended up pregnant. We had seen a fertility specialist to see about our options. And low and behold we got pregnant on our own. I know everyone is different though. And I will add, we already had 1 kid

Stress doesn’t help and has he been checked? Could be him and not you. When the time is right, is when it happens.

He is probably mad because he thinks or knows his little swimmers aren’t doing the job. Insecurities can make people act mad and mean sometimes. Have him see a doctor.

But with him being the way he is acting maybe stop trying until you can work through this anger issues because that’s not fun after a baby comes

I would not be trying to get pregnant by someone who was mad at me for not getting pregnant. Honestly, that’s the only advice that I see is worth giving.

Advice to the wise…if he is gonna get mad over something like this out of your control…what’s he gonna be like if you DO get pregnant and don’t cater to his wants and demands? Save yourself the heartache and go

I feel he may be upset with himself and ends up taking it out on you. You already have kids, so unless things have changed, you’re capable. If he has none yet, he may be feeling it’s his fault since he doesn’t know. Depending on how long you have been trying (I think after a year is when drs will usually test sperm count). Sit down with him and research the statistics of how soon people usually get pregnant when ttc. Maybe that will help?

Red flag. It took us eight years to have our daughter. Not once did he get mad at me for not being able to get pregnant

Have heard from several doctors that taking a prenatal vitamin once you’ve made the decision to try for a baby can actually aid in making the baby as it gives your body the necessary nutrients and hormones it needs. Maybe talk to your doctor about getting one prescribed?

You can’t help nature. Also, do you trust that he can have children? Do you want to have a child with an insecure mate? Just grandma questions from the heart.

Maybe he is more mad at himself since you clearly can get pregnant but not by him. May just be taking it out on you.

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I’m sorry but I’m hoping this is a made up scenario. Why would a woman keep having kids with a fiance. And is she sure about the fiance thing? Just because your in a relationship doesn’t make him your fiance. I’d have to bet there was never a proposal or ring with either man. Quit having kids til your married. And who is paying for your other ones?

What??? You argue all the time and you think the stress of having an infant and not married is going to make your situation better? If he’s smart he’s had a vasectomy . Does he support them? Does he have a job that can support 3 kids. Is he willing to share time between having time with your child and you having time with the two children you already have? This is a bad situation on many levels. Having a child will not make a stressful situation less stressful. What you need to do is run… run to your closest therapist and do some serious searching to see how you feel any of this is right. Don’t bring an innocent child into an already bad situation. It’s not right for the child. All the best. Don’t have a child until you are more emotionally,& financially stable! Good luck

How about marriage before baby? Idk :woman_shrugging: people want kids but don’t wanna be married. I don’t get that concept. I used to be one of them, generational curse. No, it should be the opposite. God’s Timing on baby. Amen

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From experience this is a red flag. We ended up actually having a baby and as soon as I got pregnant he thought I was trapped and wouldn’t leave. Left and he never wanted anything to do with the baby. Only time he would text would be asking about me never a word about the baby. Now 2 yrs later he wants to sign his rights over💁‍♀️

I had low progesterone and had to take med. Just because u have 2 kids doesn’t mean it couldn’t be low…or a million different reasons. Make an ob appt, they will test his sperm count too

My advice is to not marry him. You’re going to have struggles in your marriage that you CAN control. If he’s already angry with you about something you CANNOT control, that is a HUGE red flag and would be a deal breaker to me. That’s something that will not change or improve and will flow onto other aspects of life.

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He shouldn’t b upset with u at all, in any sort of way. Me & my fiance been together 10 years now, I have a 9 1/2 year old with my ex & he has a 12 year old with his ex. Through 8 years I had 9 miscarriages, all lost btwn 9 to 13 weeks, then finally got pregnant with our daught Feb 2019, got our miracle finally Sept 2019 & then got pregnant again Sept 2020 we now have a 7 week old little boy & I was on birth control. .with all the losses & just being impatient, he never got mad or upset with me bc I couldn’t stay pregnant.
Need to seriously think about the relationship, & never bring ur kids in the mix.
& u need to tell him ur upset & frustrsted tht u can’t or havnt got pregnant, yet, & u have ways working through ur emotions. U have kids that he should b thrilled to father, if all don’t work out they should b enof. Both should get checked by Dr. I believe all my failed pregnancies had to deal with im rh negative & hubby is positive & think my blood got messed with. & in Dec 2018 I had them go in scrap uterus due to they thought I had something cancer type going on, after last midcarriage Feb 7th 2018, I was 13w5d I needed answers.
Have sex in morning, don’t make it a chore. Lay there for a good bit I always went back to sleep, yes I know ur suppose to pee but w.e, try having sex on period like 4 days in. He needs to b healthy n take vitamins men’s one a days work good, u do the same but woman’s or prenatal of course lol.
Don’t stress or let him make u feel low about urself, sorry but seriously reevaluate ur relationship, things happen & dnt happen for a reason.

Maybe it’s a blessing that you aren’t pregnant with his child yet. It could be God’s way of showing you his true intentions and all the red flags in between. Take this time to talk to him, see a doctor about what to do and if he continues to be rude, disrespectful and putting the blame on you then be done with it. If he truly loved you and wanted you in his life this wouldn’t be the situation where he is pointing out flaws and making you feel like crap. A real good loving man is supportive, comforts his partner and talks about his feelings without point fingers throwing the blame and making you into the bad guy. Open your eyes and follow your gut feelings not your heart on this one and I wish you the best of luck and in my opinion You may be dodging the future of having a child from an abusive, controlling relationship if you are already experiencing this problem so quickly!! Know the red flags, read up on narcissism, and gaslighting and know how easy they make it seem like your the bad guy and going crazy. Save yourself and your kids the pin years down the road. Prayers hun. I know this is difficult for you.

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I had 3 kids before meeting my now husband, it took us 11 months to conceive our son. I tracked my ovulation and made sure I got it down to only doing things on fertile days and learned that instead of 2 weeks after my period for ovulation that I ovulate for the first 4 days after my period. It wasn’t even 2 months after I learned what days I ovulate and I became pregnant. He didn’t have kids prior to meeting me and he did have a low sperm count, but we made it happen. Also about 2mos after I stopped breastfeeding our son (he was 11mos old) we accidentally did it on a fertile day when we were avoiding them(it was like 4am🤦‍♀️ I couldn’t think what day it was) and surprise im due here soon with a baby girl. I did receive advice when trying to conceive our son, to lay on the bed/couch/whatever that you do things on and hold legs in the air for 5-10 min afterwards, so between doing that and fertile days doing stuff, we conceived successfully. Good luck mama. Hopefully he stops being immature and realizes it could he his problem, not yours, I recommend both of you getting checked to make sure there isn’t a barrier in the way

Stress will only make the situation worse.

I got pregnant as soon as I stopped trying honestly and then had my son and 15
Months later had my twin girls.

It definitely shouldn’t take a baby to keep a man happy, you have two other children to love. Have you both considered the possibility of not being able to have a baby, would that be something he’d leave you over, I’m just saying, sounds immature to me. Exactly how long have you two even been together you say he’s your fiancé not husband so have you been dating for years months because in no way shape or form should y’all be fighting about pregnancy. I would honestly wait until I was married to him if he’s already acting upset for you not getting pregnant already. I just hope he doesn’t end up making you a single mom again

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I mean if he’s gonna be mad and be childish over it and it was me, i would stop trying to have a kid with him cuz i wouldn’t want one with him anymore :person_shrugging:t2: he sounds toxic

Stop trying…the stress from both of u will take a toll on it! I grew up my whole life being told i would never have kids! Being diagnosed with endometriosis on top of it…i was 17 at the time i found out!!! I begged and I pleaded with God and everybody bc I wasn’t able to get pregnant! I gave up all hope and just got to the point that if it was meant to be it would happen…if not it was ok bc i still have a purpose on this earth! I am 31 now with a 4 year old and a 2 year old!!! Don’t lose that faith momma…keep ur head up and let everything fall into place!!!

Ever think it could be him? I had the same problem, come to find out it was him. One quick procedure, and we went on to have 2

Stress is not going to help the situation. Has he been checked out? He might have a low sperm count. But also, if he’s treating you like this now, not having a child with him might be a blessing in disguise.

If you have 2 kids from a previous relationship then I highly doubt you are the issue. Maybe he’s the problem lol shooting blanks

We tried for 6 years for a baby the moment we said it will happen when it’s suppose to and stopped stressing over it we got pregnant.

I tried for 5 years, 8 months after that relationship ended I got pregnant by someone I was dating for 2 months. It usual happens when your NOT trying.

I have read quite a few testimonies about sea moss making you very fertile! But don’t let him get to you girl. Sit him down and explain to him how he makes you feel. If he can’t accept it and work on it then maybe it’s time to just focus on you and your kids.

If he is mad because it’s taking time to get pregnant. Think how is he able to handle emergencies or other problems if you guys do get pregnant? Is he going to wake up and help out with the baby once its born? Its hard if a partner takes stuff out on the other and parenting is way more stress.

Tell him to chill and have fun! Stressing isn’t helping nobody! Worse case scenario get him tested. Have fun!

Try after sex lay in bed with your leg up on the wall for about 20 mins or so or a little longer so the sperm could go up there instead of dripping back down

Just go with the flow , it will happen when the time is right .

Has he been tested? You already have 2 kids so obliviously it’s not you and you can have children but in reality if he’s acting this way now towards you, are you sure you want to have his baby?