My fiance is way older than me but I want a baby: Advice?

Men can have healthy babies u too they die. Their sperm is just as good at 50 as it was at 20. If he’s a good father and a good person then go for it.

My dad passed at 36 i was 7 months your husband could pass at any age but if you want a child and can accept that theres a possibility of raising the child by yourself or putting them through college by yourself then do it

It’s all in God’s plan. Of course when some of us become of age fertility may be an issue. Communication and commitment are key. Make sure this is something you both genuinely desire. Express your wants and needs. Set a plan track your ovulation and let nature take its course. Age is nothing but a number. It doesn’t effect the ability to parent and raise children that will thrive. To be honest I would prefer a more mature co-parent, especially if this his first child. His affection, love and dedication would honestly be mind blowing in my opinion…If a child is something both of you want they are even ways to work around the obstacles. Have faith, be happy

My friend had his last child at 50

I’m 36 and my bf is 29. I just had a baby boy 4 1/2 months ago and want another before 40. We’re currently trying again. My daughter is 21 and my other son is almost 14. I also have a 10 1/2 month old grandson and another grandson due November 28th.

Both my kids fathers are 20 and 17 years older than me …

My Husband is 55, I’m 29 next month - we have a almost 5yo and and almost 3yo! So it’s 100% possible.
PM if you want to OP.
I’m happy to answer any questions you have. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Scrolled through some of the comments and I’m not sure what to say… It will be a hard decision regardless of what you choose to do… Maybe another thought would be to adopt an older child? Maybe one that is already around your child’s age? Just a suggestion… I hope you guys can figure something out so you will both be happy

Nothing in life is guaranteed. Its a decision only you both should make. What works, for one couple may not got another
I know some pretty young 70yr.olds. You need to be prepared that you might have the lions share of raising a child…All the best for you both for the future and your decision

If it is what you both want, go for it.
You’re not promised each second, regardless of age.

My cousin is 40 and her husband is 50 and they just had twin boys in November. It is very possible! But if you get help with fertility be prepared to have twins or triplets.

While men’s sperm count can decrease, they usually don’t lose their fertility due to age like women do. It’s usually something more to do with their health, their diet, etc. Circumstances that can be changed to increase their sperm production.

As far as his age and becoming a father, if he’s prepared to take on the challenge then be supportive.

There’s been multiple ones in my family to wait till they were older to have their kids. It makes no difference. My Mom and Dad had me and my brother younger (they were in their twenties, and my Dad died when I was 11, yet his brother waited till he was in his mid forties to have his kids and my cousins still have their father and they’re now thirty. Youthfulness doesn’t ensure any better of a life for your children over age of maturity. He feels capable, and it sounds like his proven he’s capable with your six year old so get over the ageism and enjoy this next chapter of your life.

As far as the p.c.o.'s work with your doctor. I actually found relief from my p.c.o.s during those months I was pregnant. Yes, it makes it more difficult to get pregnant, but not impossible.

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I see a lot of people talking about men in their 70’s deteriorating and what not but keep in mind that isn’t the case for everyone.
I’m 26 and my moms husband is 71. He’s a highschool football coach. Still running up and down the field.
My aunt died in her mid 50’s after being incredibly sick for 2 years prior from cancer that wasn’t even found until 3 years prior to her passing.

I don’t have advice for you… this is a decision only you and your fiancé can make. But I’m my opinion, age doesn’t determine death or sickness. And losing a parent hurts at any age. The pain will be the same whether it be at 20 or 50. There will always be a “missed occasion” for the remaining family members… maybe a wedding, graduation, birth of a child, birthday, Christmas, etc.
If you both want a child and are comfortable with it… that’s all that matters.

I turned 32 last week and my husband is 50. We have a 5 year old and a 16 month old. The age gap bothers me but I try not to focus on that

My fiance is 48 we just had our lil girl in December

My dad was well into his 60s and was still having babies my youngest sister is u almost 8 and he passed away last year right before his 68th or 69th birthday!

My neices dad is 43. As of right now to watch her graduate, he will be around 61. Say she gets married early on. To walk her down the isle he will be close to 70. To each their own at the point of age. But I personally wouldn’t, I’d be worried that the age would stop them from being there either in death or health wise.

Age is just a number I was 40 when I had my last one

I’m just curious on how old is she any one?

Me and my husband is 25 years apart. We have 3 kids together

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My best friend’s dad was 62 when my best friend was conceived. Totally possible. :blush: Good luck on your journey. Blessings

My husband was 51 when we had our son I was 31 n he’s a awesome father.

I’d say go for it. Don’t stress and don’t be checking every month. If it happens it happens. Best of luck

My ex turned 55 right after his youngest was born

So many young women must have daddy issues or there just f****** gold diggers

My best friend and I both are pcos women. She married a man who was 53 and her 22 at the time. She had 2 children with him. He’s now 67 and old and his kids are 6 and 4. They will lose their dad naturally when teens but my gf is totally fine with itm She has no financial issues and will be ok


The choice is always yours :two_hearts:

You never know what the future holds, Inbrace the present :heart:

Have a baby but no jab

My grandpa was 62, my grandmother 42 when they had their last. Sounds to me like he wants a family , a life with you and all you want is a sugar daddy to raise your kid and give you everything you want.

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I think your current child needs to be put first here. Have you discussed this with him/her? How would your child feel about suddenly having new baby in the house, and being given less attention for the next 5 years while you raise a toddler? Getting woken in the night to a screaming baby, dealing with mum and dad who are tired and stressed out because they haven’t slept properly, or eaten properly. Do what is right for the family unit as a whole, not just you. People are saying who cares what he wants and to have a baby as it’s your choice, please please please do not listen to them! That’s the kind of attitude of people who are snobby to other human beings. This is not a new car, and you’re not spending £500 on clothes. This is a baby, a human being that will interrupt the current structure of both of your lives and the life of your 6 years old. This is not your decision alone, you all need to want to expand your family if it’s going to work long term.

My mom was 28 when she got pregnant with me and my twin sister and my dad was 58. She was 29 and he was 59 when they found out they were expecting my lil brother

my boyfriends older but I do want his child later on down the road when we’re married & have a house maybe just 1 more I have 3 but its a pain’t having c sections & for us its not a problem I am however worried abut developing diabetes during pregnancy etc

One of my daughters is 31, her partner has just turned 50, they have a gorgeous 3yr old little boy, age is just a number. If you’re happy with each other that’s all that matters

Hubs is 53, I’m 39 been together 13 yrs I am pregnant with our 2nd bio kid n have a 5 yr old son. We have a short window men have like no window to have kids n if you are healthy n happy n as is he then do it

I’m 43. My oldest is22 and my youngest is almost 3 and I have kids in the middle. I want more kids. I don’t care about the age gap. I don’t care about my age. If I get pregnant I’m keeping my baby as long as I’m able. I’m cancer survivor and I’ve had a dozen miscarriages. Don’t let age keep you from your dreams. If it happens, it happens.

Im 31, Hubby is 49. We have a 3 yr old and trying for another. Been together for 6 yrs. married 3. :woman_shrugging:t4: just how it happened. First kids for both of us.

My husband was 47 i was 37
She turned 8 today (25th)
Yohimbine root.
It works
But it can be dangerous if he takes to much. Research before deciding if it’s right for yall. My husband took half a capsule a day.
Was like he was 16 again. It boost potency and stamina.
If he is on heart meds then I would have him consult a Dr.
Its all natural you get it at GNC.
And if you’re just looking for stamina LADIES its great for that as well

Girl practice makes perfect. What are you writing a status for. Go get ya some. If it’s meant to be it will Happen just go have fun. Lol

My uncle had a baby in his 60s it should work

My dad was 76 when he passed. I was 25.

That’s so unfair on the child!!


My 2and baby father Is 57

If it’s meant to be, it will be.

My mother and I were both pregnant at the same time.
She was 48 years old at the time , had her tubes tied and one came undone . We now have babies the same age! (3 months apart)
Her partner was 49 at the time .
I would have thought it was a little old back in the day but now it’s just normal to me !

My uncle had a child in his fifties and she was late 40s, not planned but hes in his 70s now and my cousin is last couple years of high school.
Dad is the one with the cane, son is on the far left.
It was never a negative thing and he loved and adored and they are great and active parents. My uncle still runs 5 miles every day, does marathons (the cane is from knee surgery) so even though they’re older they are still very much capable of giving their child everything a young couple would be able to. Yes, will he be considerably young when his father passes but theres never a guarentee on life and any one of us could pass at any moment. So I’ll be the one to say no, I don’t think its selfish if your child will be loved and cared for and have a trust/will set up just in case so that if anything happens the child is taken care of.

My dad was alot older then my mum mum was 25 dad was 50 and I won’t lie he died when I was 10 he got cancer always said hel beat it he did but died in hospital from that bug because of his immune system and it was awful but then age is just a number and life is life anything can happen to anyone any age I love my dad and miss him loads so does my mum. That’s all that matters Men can have kids in there 90s lol. If his a good man and u love him do what makes u happy

My dad was 49 when I was born, mom was 29. I grew up with ppl calling him my grandpa, bullying me bc of it, dad never felt like doing anything with me, never went on vacations, etc like he did when his oldest 2 kids were kids. My half sistwrs were 27 and 25 when I was born. I wouldn’t ever date or have a kid with anyone old enough to be my own father or grandfather

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Men can still produce children into old age. My kids great great grandfather had a baby at 75 or somewhere up in age :upside_down_face:

His age has nothing to do with it it would be his choice I know I am 56 and with a girl 36 and we plan on having baby so dont try to decide for him it not only your choice

My dad was 63 when he died i was 18. He was in his 40s when i was born. To tell you the truth, nobody knows when their time is up. I say go for it :heart:

My son father is 49 and my son is 3 months old

My mom’s dad was 63 when she was born… it’s okay

Look at the people laughing at this and then glance through their Facebook profiles. Yeah, made me laugh too. Ugh.

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Do people on this page not have access to doctors??!!!


If he can ejaculate without having a heart attack he can father a child.

Go ahead and try and keep on trying till you get pregnant

Do it! My husband is 50 and we have a 7 yr old. Go on and buy the ovulation predator strips you pee on. Start the day your period stops and take the test strip every morning. Soon as you start to see the second line have sex daily till the second line goes away.

men can have babies after they dead

A 90 year old can have healthy sperm and healthy baby … go for it

Keep trying NEVER give up!:sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:.

Men are able to reproduce on average far longer than women are. If you both want children together, go for it! Yes your child will likely lose a parent young but that can happen at any time for anyone. My kids are 2 and 1 and I could die tomorrow for any number of reasons. Im 24 and my mother died two years ago - she was only 41 when she died. That took a dark turn but my point is living for tomorrow is a waste. Tomorrow is never promised. Do what makes you both happy and grow your family :heart:

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Personally I don’t like the idea of people having children older because the likely hood of loosing a parent at a young age is high I feel like it’s heartbreak waiting to happen that’s just how I am my mum was 41 when she had me though am 24 now and I have 2 kids so she is 65 and I get myself upset thinking what is she doesn’t get to meet my kids kids and stuff but as i said that’s personal choice, good luck with whatever decision you make xx

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My fiance is way older than me but I want a baby: Advice? - Mamas Uncut

My grandfather was 62 when he had his last child. My grandmother was 20 years younger. They had 12 kids together :heart:.

Yeah the age is tough, you can probably do it but he probably would have a hard time keeping up, and the kid would have to make the most of his time with his dad if he passes young :pensive: but whatever you guys feel is best for you. A male can produce Sperm I heard till the day they pass.


I personally would not at his age. I’d feel terrible for the child and for him - having kids takes a lot out of you.


Mick Jagger is 77 with a 4year old. Men can produce viable sperm almost indefinitely. If y’all want a baby you should have one.


The only one that could really answer this is a doctor. Get a clean bill of health and such and see if he’s able to


If you want a baby and he does go for it … there’s so many people having babies older now … if worried both of you go to doctors and talk to them about it … I ended up getting pregnant at 39 and had my baby at 40 . I was terrified at first . But so glad I have her she is almost 3 years old . I’m so glad I had her … I get very exhausted :sleeping: but she’s so worth it . So go for it if that’s what you want .

My husband is 52 and I’m 30 weeks pregnant. We also have a 1.5 year old and a 4 year old. I was diagnosed with PCOS at age 16.
So yes. It can happen. I suggest finding an obgyn you can trust and ask any questions you may have. I did have to go on Femera and clomid to conceive my two older, but the one I’m pregnant with now was all natural.


Men can have babies basically forever lol as for pcos you have always had it. You are born with it. Go for a checkup and discuss your health and desire to get pregnant with your dr. I am 39, hubby 52 with a 1 year old… I have pcos which I was not diagnosed with until I was 32. I had my 1st full term pregnancy when I was 36.

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If Mick Jagger can have babies at 72, your man definitely can at 52! If it is something you both want, go for it! If it is meant to be, it will happen. Good luck!

My parents were like this my dad was in his late 60s when I turned 18. If he has always wanted one and you are able to and also prepared to start with a newborn again then do it. My dad gave me everything he could he raised my brother like his own and I was his only biological kid. His age never mattered to me and I never questioned things he couldn’t do just the quality time spent especially when I was younger. Support is always nice but its what you 2 want and if it is possible.


I had my second child at 40 & my husband was 50. We have quite an age gap also.

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My dad was mid 50s when my baby sister was born. I was old enough to start getting into bars that same year… My dad is now almost 81. My baby sister is now 27. Dad has no regrets about it. But My little sister used to kinda struggle with it in middle school bc our dad was SO much older than the other dad’s. So she was embarrassed. But I think it is really up to the couple, personally. I see nothing wrong with it, if you two are happy and ok with it… :heart:

Have the baby! You want the baby, he wants the baby, trust me, some people don’t even think of such things then life happens anyway. Have the baby! All the best. Tony Robbins (61) just had a baby with his wife. If you have love and money for diapers, have the baby!

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You’ve always had pcos and you had a baby then! :slightly_smiling_face: Talk to your doc if you’re worried but if you want a child together go for it!

My dad & his gf just welcomed my little sister 2wks ago to the world. He’s 59. I have an almost 2yr old sister, 15yr old brother & 17yr old sister all my dads kids. :blush:
Hes no spring chicken like when I was born(he was 30)but he doesnt regret anything!! Do it I say. Xx


If you guys wants a baby, have a baby.

My grandpa married again after my grandma died, they had a daughter when he was 57.
I can’t tell you if it is good for your family or not, but my aunt is really close to all of us (the grandkids) and my grandpa was really cool with her and the grandkids her age, he would love and care for all the same. Obviously his age now is a complicated matter (92) and my aunt is always there with him and cares for him and her mom. But I mean all my uncles and aunts are the same way with both of them.

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Are you a legit pcos? I feel like they throw that diagnosis around today if you just miss. Period. Most people I know who have been diagnosed never got hormone level or us to actually diagnose it? As for having a baby with a 52 year old. Imo. Any of us can go at any time so I wouldn’t track years like that. If you want to have a family with this man then do it. You could be gone before him so just make your family and make you memories and yes he can still very much get you pregnant

My husband is 51 we’ve been married for 4 years together for 5 we have a 4 year old and 1.5 year old. If you’re concerned talk to a doctor :slightly_smiling_face: it won’t hurt. My dad was in 50/60s when he had me xx

My dad was 48 when I was born. I was adopted but having an older dad had no effect on me. We are still extremely close. And I know a lot of men that have had kids around that age or older and again it doesn’t seem to have any effects on their children. As for the getting pregnant part idk. I have pcos and have 2 children. They were both rough pregnancies but nothing is impossible with the human body.

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My dad is 50 he has a 2 year old and recently had a newborn baby with my stepmom. He also has
Y half sister (24) me (20) and my sister (13)

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Please don’t do that to your kid. Completely unfair and it’s a bit cruel.

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My husband and I have a 24 year age gap. We’ve been together for 16 years and have 2 little girls. He’s 3 years from retirement. It works for us. He knew when he married me that I wanted children. We struggled with infertility with both but we were blessed. If you want it bad enough- make it happen. :heart:

My dad was 49 when I was born, mom was 29. I grew up with ppl calling him my grandpa, bullying me bc of it, dad never felt like doing anything with me, never went on vacations, etc like he did when his oldest 2 kids were kids. My half sistwrs were 27 and 25 when I was born. I wouldn’t ever date or have a kid with anyone old enough to be my own father or grandfather

I’m 23 and my husband is 56. We just had a baby in October 2020 and plan on having more! Your child will love their daddy no matter the age. If y’all love one another and this something you both truly want I say go for it! We are loving it and has definitely made life interesting. Good luck

P.S. I have PCOS also and got pregnant so it is possible so don’t give up

If you have hesitation…Think stangers have the answer to such a big decision…Are you sure thats a good start. Maybe ponder a while longer

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You are young so your egg count is high.
Men don’t actually have a time limit for their sperm like women have with their eggs.
As a women, at birth we are given a certain amount of eggs that we lose each period.
Men don’t have that. It doesn’t matter their age, they always have that half that we need.

The only issue that can come is if that male themselves have a low speed count,
Which can also happen.

But men’s age doesn’t have a place to play to getting pregnant.
Just women’s age. As we only have a certain amount of eggs.

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My dad had a baby at 60 something! Not impossible. My mum was 30 years younger than my dad too. It all worked out :slight_smile:

I was almost 37 and her dad was like 55 or 56

Yes its more than possible. My grandfather was 75 when my mom was conceived.


I’m 23 and he’s 43…he’ll be 61 when ours turns 18. Go for it. Age gap relationships are becoming more and more. Trust me! I get weird remarks about mine and how it’s not “normal” that we have two children together. But I love him, and he loves me. And we’re a team, and as long as our kids are happy and healthy, that’s all that matters.


My husband is 47 I’m 26 and we r welcoming r 4th baby together. I have a 6yr old from pervious relationship he has 3 from his. So total we have 8 kids one is r angle baby passed at birth 38 weeks.

If we’re meant to have a big family so be it. We got cousdy of all them.

It’ll happen if it’s meant to be.

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I’m sorry, but why do idiots laugh at peoples posts? Like what’s so funny about this one? it’s a serious question like all the other ones I’ve seen.


It’s still very possible, men don’t age out of the possibility like we do. If it’s what you two want, do it! The baby can only benefit from his maturity and knowledge. I see nothing wrong with it if it’s what you guys want. Good luck!

Im 35 and my boyfriend is 45 and im 6 months pregnant with our 3rd… If yall want a baby go for it!! Dont live with regrets.

Its still possible for him to father a child,. I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 28 I was very lucky and have had 3 children since I was diagnosed but the pregnancies were difficult, so many problems I was on high watch from the beginning off the midwife’s, all babies were happy and healthy when born, so if you do fall pregnant make sure you rest alot and try get as much help as possible