Some of y’all so called women, don’t need to be givin advice to someone who is postpartum. Literally…if it was you in this situation, y’all would feel the exact same way.
Subscriptions aren’t free on OF. So it could have been a subscription fee or he bought a video.
To want to see someone else that badly that you’d pay for it lol that would bother me a smidge too he could see titties online for free easily. But to pay?? Ugh
I’d make a page for myself. There’s plenty of pervs who love milky mommy titts
I don’t know what he would’ve gotten for 16.05 but I’d guess its nothing to worry about.
Honestly is more about your boundaries within your relationship
I would leave, but I’m not in your shoes. I would, however, think twice about marrying him until you decide one way or the other. Either way, good luck.
Sorry you’re going through this, let alone right after you had a baby. Always keep your boundaries, they are valid.
please tell me he signed up for hawkhatesyou
It’s just like watching porn… what is the big deal? At least he isn’t out fucking her. Could be worse
Your feelings are valid and he totally disregarded your feelings
Tell him. Make it very clear to his is a deal breaker
To be clear, we do know that only fans isn’t JUST sex work, right?
Sounds to me like it’s less about the account creation (although that does seem to bother the OP and should be discussed) and more so about the fact that he lied about it. Let’s not be naive ladies- if it was truly something innocent, he’d have no LOGICAL reason to deny the subscription until he was backed into a corner. I’m not against porn in the slightest and wouldn’t bother me if my husband watched it, but the fact that he paid their money is a line for me. Most porn sites are free, even for fetishes. Beyond this, on porn sites, you’d have to go to a lot of work to contact the actor/actress, and from my limited knowledge of OF, personal messages are an option, which can be scary for some and raises the risk bar for further conversation to happen. Also, leaving might not be what she wants. This may be something they can work past if both parties are willing to be open and honest, it can happen. Speaking from experience. Broken trust can be repaired, but also bare in mind, that you can glue a vase back together but you’ll still see the cracks and that is something you will just have to accept if you plan to stay. I hope you find the advice your looking for somewhere in this hot mess of a comment section mama no matter your decision, you’ll be ok!
Yanno when momma says if you can’t say anything nice… dont…
Yeah with this imma keep my opinion to myself.
But instead try to focus on if it was a different type of scenario.
Like yall weren’t into cam girls and he went and paid for one. Type of different
Dudes trash I’m sorry you wasted 8 years.
Easier to leave pregnant than after, take it from someone whom stayed due to emotional n hormones
I wouldn’t be okay w any of it but it’s when he lied about it all is when I would be done ASF.
It was probably just for a themed content which a lot of creators do. Its usually multiple photos and videos. Its better than going onto pornhub and supporting a shitty ass company i get ur upset but its really not any different than pornhub except ur supporting the actual people and not the business who gives out a shitty paycheck unless ur making millions of views which personally id much rather my man do that. If u don’t then id sit and have a talk with him. Its either u leave or u don’t no one can decide that for u. But I think u need to calm urself first and think about this calmly and rationally before going and making an irrational decision based off of porn
You have to have healthy communication. If he denied these actions, well that speaks volumes!! I would never respect a man for lying. You do you and leave his insecurities and doubts for girls.
you do realize only fans is not just for nudes and to see girls.
Make a page for yourself
You have every right to be upset. Don’t listen to these women who are saying you are overreacting. You are NOT.
Every relationship is different, with different boundaries. What’s okay for one might not be okay for the other.
You have every right to feel betrayed. You have every right to feel your trust was broken, because in YOUR relationship it was.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this. And if you need a non judge mental person to vent to, private message me. I am here. I will listen and support you.
Well since everyone says that amount is for a subscription, then let him go into the onlyfans account or log in yourself and then you’ll be able to see exactly what content he subscribed to.
The fact that he lied I wouldn’t trust him for a long time
Most girls pages you pay a subscription fee for. It’s a monthly fee.
You have a new baby. He’s wasting money. Give him an ultimatum.
Make one!!! Revenge is a dish best served cold babe xx
Start making him pay u if he wants to be paying
RUN. As fast as you can
I can not express this enough, if you have the support LEAVE, men will do what they can get away with and if you stay and let him rationalize it it will happen again no matter what promises he makes, he not only disrespected you while you were CARRING HIS CHILD, but then had the audacity to lie to you about it. Garbage of a man
This is where not judging s**** has gotten us …
Is there an annual fee for it?
Please have more self respect than to make one for yourself, especially when you’re about to become a mother otherwise you just sink to the gutter as well
I mean maybe he paid for a kink you’re not willing to do are you willing to shove shit up your ass to please him or poop on something if you’re not willing to do it with him buy it from somebody else
This isn’t a YOU problem…. It’s a HIM problem.
Tell me about it. Why do these men do all this when they’d be absolutely pissed if we did these things! Why do it !? I just don’t understand. We’re all theirs yet their having their cake
Did he know beforehand your stance on this kind of thing? I’m not saying it’s “right” by any means but he may not have realized what this means to you exactly or how you view his behavior. Just a thought. Maybe a heart to heart is involved. Don’t be pacified easy but keep an open mind.
You spelled ex-fiancé wrong.
He lied. Liars can’t be trusted.
Thank the Good Lord for a warning before you married him!!! Take it and run
Well only fans isn’t only for what you think it is. It’s where alot of content creators post exclusive content for fans. Maybe he didn’t pay a girl for anything
Have you ever talked about this before now? I know it should be common sense, but maybe he thinks since porn is ok that this would be ok to. I agree it’s not ok.
You know what to do!!!
Maybe he did it for money I mean people are making bank !! But yeah he should have told you
Sex, pornography, and strip clubs are an addiction. Join an SA anon group and get yourself some help. You’re not alone, and don’t let people make you feel like it’s normal and apart of life. It’s not ok, and it’s ok to NOT be ok.
Girl I just found my bf has on and had it the whole time I was pregnant. Enough for me to throw the towel in
I can only assume that ur current partner knows the details of your marriage breakdown, with that being said he knows your views or stance on this sort of behaviour. With that being said and the fact that he is lying about it shows you just how much respect he has for you. I’m sorry to be so blunt because I feel your pain, believe me I do. You’ve already defined what’s acceptable and not so please don’t move that line now and let this one known occurrence slide, because babe and I’m sorry to say, it will happen again. He might not be respecting you but YOU NEED TO RESPECT YOU.
And if you WANT TO KNOW what he purchased login to his account. You’ll find the details you need in his email and if he has deleted them then simply go to the site and say forgot password and reset from there. BUT this is going to hurt like hell when you see it. So think about that xxx much love and strength to your beautiful soul xxx
Sounds like he paid a subscription fee of some sort which would usually be a month one . Seems a little low tho . Greasy.
I’m so sorry that he did that to you.
You deserve better. He could’ve at least respected you enough to be honest about it.
You’re not going to like this… But men are often turned off by their wives when they’re pregnant. Some find it creepy or weird. Now… Had it just been porn…I’d be defending him. But in this case…I’d have to know as well. The two things are not the same.
Create that only fans and make yo money girl
The fact that he did it is not your problem here, the fact that he denied then lied is a big problem, that level of character flaw is never going away he’s stuck with it, the question is are you going to be?
Yup that 16 bucks is diapers wth is wrong with him. Ughhh. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this.
My recently found out my husband has a account. Who knows how long he has had it. Honestly I’m livid. He looked like a ghost when I brought it up.
I wouldn’t waste any more time with him. He’s a liar, once a liar always a liar to me
I’m a guy my wife added this page and I’m here to tell you I would never in a million years do this to my wife he obviously has no respect for you i would feel pure guilt and against everything I believe in or stand for if I done something like that that is absolutely terrible! I love my wife and our daughter and there ain’t no one or nothing worth losing them over he really should have thought about that before he did what he did I wish you well and I hope you find you somebody that truly loves and cares enough about you to consider you before everything they do
I’m so sorry. Prayers
Don’t worry only fans is fixing to kick porn off the sites I’d kick him with it
Girl….I hope you do not take this on anything that you have done.
Shame on him for hurting you in such a horrible way at your most vulnerable time.
What do you do?
Maybe demand the truth and out conditions on moving forward together. I’m so sorry dear.
Onlyfans has heaps of content. People sell pics of their feet/undies/hands
Let him see your butt as you are leaving for the last time!!!
My inbox is always open if you want to vent anon
Only Fans?? Is this new? Gotta love social media!
How does one for sure know it’s only fans? How does that come up on the bank statement? Maybe it was for something else?
Can you ask him to log in then and see what he bought? Does it like keep the pictures once you pay for them?
Well clearly you aren’t giving him something he needs… start there
Sorry sis. Create a onlydans and make if known to him since he likes it so much!
First things first, creat account, get verified. Send him pics/ videos privately so he HAS to pay to see it too lol.
I’d start there, then make money and leave him eventually if he keeps up this bs.
He did you a favor. He showed you he is a part of the degenerate community. Dump him now and expose your offspring to him as little as possible
His cheating and lieing what more do you need kick his arse to the curb and get a new man!!
We all watch porn? He paid for porn, big whoop! It’s not like he is cheating buy buying porn, it’s probably some chick way the fuck out of his league that he would never even get the time of day with. I honestly would just be more pissed about the lying part rather than him buying porn… your hormones are crazy out of wack from having your baby, I completely understand where your coming from but just enjoy your new bundle of joy!
have you thought about the true reason he’s watching P0rn? he learning new and exotic moves to spice up the evening. You watch he’s gonna walk in one night and surprise you with his new moves
“I don’t mind porn” but this is unacceptable:face_with_raised_eyebrow: why because one is free and the other he paid to see:unamused:
Ignore the ones who doesn’t even know the meaning of love they are the ones that have a cold heart and have no experience in what love is like you don’t need that kind of negativity from someone who doesn’t even know anything about it! Lol I’d dump him and just take care of you and your baby it’s hard being a single mom I know I have five kids but you can do it!
I have an only fans. I see HELLA husbands on there. My page has a monthly price to subscribe to, but dudes that I know are married don’t get shit. In order to buy a video/picture of mine I have to directly send it to you. My baby daddy subscribed and he thought I was boring as shit cause on the base page was just some booty pics lol
He’s as gross as the people who do onlyfans sounds like he has no dignity. Let him go find one of those females that show their body to their world lol you can find someone better
Did he know that something like that was a total no go for you? There are public figures that have them too, celebs and shit. There is a mom in Sacramento that was all over the news cause they tried to kick her kids out of private school cause their momma pays tuition from being a HOT ass milf that cooks in lingerie. She is like 45 and BANGING. But no nudes. My page is just twerk shit, same stuff you see on Instagram lol
This lady needs to chill the fuck out it’s 2021
Have you talked about this before with him, and set boundaries?
If you did than do it again and say if I catch you again I’m leaving
If not you need too set boundaries for what is and isn’t accepted or toleranted for you, and he will probably have some as well
Girl, Im going through the SAME THING!! I logged into my husbands bank account because $650 doesn’t just disappear, he had subscribed to a girls OnlyFans. I asked him about it and he said, “How did you log into my account?” Then said, “That is from when I was in high school in my senior year.” High school was 4 years ago, these transactions are from the past 3 months. He still denys it to this day. Been going on for about a 2 weeks. We have been together for 10 years.
I get I can just google it, but what exactly is only fans?
Get rid of him ! He’s not only a cheat he’s a liar as well. And take care of you and your baby. You don’t need him.
No advice to give however I want to point out that him looking at content is WAY different than you sharing content
Him watching porn would be WAY different than you going out and shooting a porno
Yea lies are lies and this is totally disrespectful as I wouldn’t stick around at all know your worth and your definitely worth more than that x
If he denied it from the beginning then he’s def doing wrong. There’s a small handful of people who aren’t half naked women, like sports teams. But he could have admitted to spending money on something else but lying completely is a huge red flag. I’m not sure exactly what advice to give you bc ending the relationship is a lot easier said, than done. But trust your gut … if you feel like this isn’t something you can get over then I would make some hard decision. I agree w you completely… I don’t really like that my bf watches porn… But guys are guys … But this … Paying another woman… To satisfy himself, I’m guessing cus I’m sure they ain’t sharing recipes , smh is disgusting… especially when he has a woman at home. Definitely make sure he knows this is beyond wrong and your not going to deal w it nor do you deserve it!
Dump him, besides for 16 dollars if it was sex she could a had something for being so cheap
That’s disgusting! He obviously knew you weren’t OK with this when he’s denying it. People only treat you how you allow them to treat you. Think you know what you need to do. All the best for you and your baby
Move along! dont waste time with this one
The fact that you have proof, showed it to him and he still won’t budge shows you he really doesn’t care about you, your relationship with him and your mental/ emotional health. Shit does a 180 on everything when the truth doesn’t come out even after there’s hard core evidence. Leave honey it ain’t worth the broken heart and doubts of what goods you were born with. Lots of love going to you my dear
Problem is ; you have no guarantee that if you leave him and find husband no. 3 he won’t do the same.
Men are sexual by nature… You can set boundaries but be willing to try new things or spice it up a little in the bedroom… After setting your boundaries talk to him about things that he likes things that he’s into things that you could do to keep him entertained or captivated by you. Try new things without letting him know, spontaneity to some guys is even more sexy than normal everyday “let’s have sex” cause we are dull and it’s expected… Men like sexual women no matter what they say nobody wants a “dead” lay so be exciting and it won’t take boundaries to keep your man or to decide not to leave him because then you both will be trying to excite and keep each other. I am gay by the way so believe me I am on your side but I also know how men think and what they want.
Just leave mama. He will never change! Look after your baby and yourself! You’re mental health is more important than worrying about the loyalty of your partner! Trust me! It’s not healthy.
Now are you mad because he’s looking at porn or paying for it? Because honestly everyone has watched porn…married or not… some battles need to be chosen
I divorced my ex bcuz of trust issues. He 2 would lie even when caught. Married 17 years n tolerated this behavior. If u can’t trust them (n it’s sad when u can’t even b trusted with a phone) there is no point. I started quietly keeping my eyes open n oh the things I discovered.
I’d say hit the road buddy waving my hand bye
Most guys look. Paying is bit shifty because theorems free porn sites but it’s basically the same shit. hey I’d rather look n don’t touch.
Everyone fantasizes at some point.
This is what I have an issue with. Porn is one thing, paying a complete stranger online for something of that nature is just wrong and should only be done by someone who is single.
He prolly paid to see a porn video. Most men do this believe it or not. It’s certainly not worth breaking up a family in my opinion. The lying about it is unfortunate but only fans models could sale nudes and videos which are millions of out there in the internet. You can’t really stop him from looking at the internet
Women are going to have a lot of problems finding a man who never looks at porn. Biggest websites and money makers on the internet are all porn. Porn actually fuels most innovations on the internet. If you demand some guy never ever looks, you are going to be very lonely.
My heart hurts for you a lot & the disgust for him is equal.
You deserve better.