My fiance shuts me down every time I mention having a baby: Advice?

He didnt even want kids lol

I actually have a friend who feels the same way. I met him when he was with his first wife. He never wanted kids, but she got pregnant. Things happened and she left him. However, that didn’t stop him from being an amazing father, I’m talking takes her to first day of school, doctor visits, talks to her on the phone when she is with her mom, completely involved. He loves his daughter very much.
Now he is with a new woman. He was very upfront with her when they met that he didn’t want anymore children. She entered the relationship knowing that. She is wonderful with his daughter and they make a cute family. He was very happy. They bought a house together and now she started asking about having a baby. He’s listen to her try to reason with him, but he still feels strong about not wanting one. He says that if they were to have one of course he would love it and take care of it because it would be his child- his responsibility, but he dosen’t want more of that responsibility. He doesn’t want more of a financial strain. He wants to live a good, full, fun filled life with the loved ones he has now. He is very set in his decision, to the point where the last time she brought it up he offered to buy her part in the house so she could find someone that would be willing to give her a child.
A child is a life long commitment. A give all of you kind of commitment and not everyone is alright with doing that or even doing that for multiple people.

Your husband has went above and beyond what he agreed to with accepting and loving the first child you had together, to ask him to do it again is nothing short of pure selfishness. If you want another one I’m sure he would understand you two parting ways so you could find someone willing to give you what you want. However, if what you want more is the family you have now I suggest you drop it. Maybe discuss getting a kitten, puppy, or another fur baby as a compromise.

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Girl get a new man easy

Please listen to what he is saying to you :bangbang:

Girl!!! Really?? You knew he didn’t want kids, so why does it surprise you that he doesn’t want to talk about it!! Geeze, get your head outta your ass

There is no discussion if it’s 100% a definate that he doesn’t want anymore. Sometimes all you’ll ever have is one.

You already said he never wanted kids. You are with him knowing that and he hasn’t changed his mind. That’s your fault, not his. Either you accept that or move on.

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You both need to have a discussion with the son about how badly he wants a baby brother or sister. That’s quite an age difference.

You knew when you married him that he didn’t want kids. So this one is on you. Your just going to have to deal with it.

Suck it up. He didn’t want any period and still became a great dad to the one you had. Why would you marry someone who didn’t want kids and you did…thats really on you. He told you what he wanted and you expecting him to change his mind is setting yourself up for disappointment. So now you gotta ask yourself is your marriage more important or having another kid more important bcus you he’s already told you where he stand and shouldn’t be expected to discuss it any further. If you truly need another child then find someone who is willing to give you more.

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His son is 8 its too late for siblings… and he is over babies… enjoy what you have and drop the topic

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Ladies it ain’t her fault for wanting more kids or loving a man who never wanted any in the first place. I agree, it’s a big gap in age and I personally wouldn’t want that, but some others don’t mind it. You aren’t forcing him to have another kid nor did you force him to have the first. It would be nice as a fiancé, if he could at least have a conversation with you about it rather than shutting you down every time. I’m sorry mamas… wanting kids with someone who doesn’t, is a huge tie breaker and breaks most relationships and even marriages up. I’d really take some time and think about what you want here.

So you are mad cause he doesn’t want anymore kids and because he wont hear you out?
… He doesn’t want anymore kids… So eithere he’s gonna be unhappy with your decision and you are going to be u happy with his. Good luck

I never wanted kids and wound up pregnant, my husband and I both agree no more babies, I have very small moments of wanting another but then I’m like, nah, our son is 6, so basically we would be starting over and as much as we love babies, we just both know it’s ok to not have another, our son will ask for a sibling and then when he plays with his cousins who are a year older than him, when we get done, hes like nah, I dont want any siblings

If he didn’t want kids in the beginning and you chose to stay with him then that was your choice I’m sorry that he doesn’t want kids but that is his right and if you’re not going to be happy with what you already knew that’s not his fault

Maybe the reason why he does not want anymore kids because he is satisfied with your son. He doesn’t want anymore kids because it may strain him with financial problems and responsibilities. My partner is like that, he is satisfied with one child. Then i told him, how about having a girl, because girls are good at helping as well looking after parents when they grow old. Even my partner didnt care after i said that, so i just responded…maybe i should go and find another man who can give me one? Yep he looked at me differently after that :joy::joy::joy: Because he’s got his son right? Got to balance that by at least giving you a girl.

I’d be more worried that he hasn’t moved on from the engagement yet.

This is a sign that you two should not get married. You want children and he does not. It’s time to end the relationship.

Leave it dear… enjoy your life. Some things are not under our control…

Like most comments said. You knew going in the beginning he didn’t want kids. Be thankful you guys have the one you do. Stop pestering him about it. Also look at the world today! Everyone’s babies will be growing up with pickets in hand screaming some dumb chant cause they didnt get their own way. Kind of like your doing now having a fit cause your not getting your own way and airing out your dirty laundry. This should have been between you and him, not you him and all of facebook. Why do people have to air everything on social media. Anyways I hope he is cool with you bashing him on facebook cause you cant accept how he feels for the last 11 years.

He compromised already. He opened his boundaries. Its up to you to stay or leave at this point.

Get pregnant, kick him to the curb then collect child support!

It sounds like you’re also ‘stuck on what you want’ :woman_shrugging:t2:

Instead of having a baby and going against what your husband wants… how about you try baby programs at the hospital? I was done at one and my husband wanted another one. I had a horrible pregnancy and definitely didn’t see a point to go through that when I already have an amazing daughter. BUT I did and it took everything out of me. We are eight months down the road and I’ve had great times but I have more bad days then I care to admit. And with that said it’s very important for him to sit down and give you the specifics. I mean if you’ve already been told, by himself that he doesn’t want kids then why did you already give him a child?