My fiance shuts me down every time I mention having a baby: Advice?

Cant make him have a baby he doesn’t want. He even told you.

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I think you might need to stop being selfish :woman_shrugging: he told you in the beggining he didnt want kids and youre luckt to have one! Just get the kid a puppy and be happy with what youve got, if youre that desperate for another kid, leave and find someone else who wants more…


This will probably make people made but hey.

My husband is the same way our first born was unplanned he excepted that I got pregnant and loves him more than anything. We have a second on the way he has exited now that I’m 30 weeks but still terrified he will fail. I’m getting my tubes tied after this baby even though I want more kids because I got my 2 and I’m happy with that I would never have expected him to change his mind and willingly have another one with me or honestly any kids both ours were completely unplanned and that’s why he’s adjusted you can’t expect your SO to adapt to exactly what you want especially when you both want different things just be thankful he accepted your son and either except that he doesn’t want more kids or reevaluate your relationship you can’t force him to change his mind and there’s a chance if you get pregnant again he will resent you.

I am in no way trying to be mean or insulting i worded this the best I could. I hope you guys can find a happy medium for both and that everything works out happily.

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Be grateful for what you have & not what you don’t. Live life. Show your child the world.

Appreciate his honesty and respect what he wants as well

He didn’t want kids, you got one, he’s a good dad, sounds like a win-win

11 yrs fiancee, do you really believe you’re getting married. And the kid part, you should walk away and find a man who’ll marry you and both want more children. Just my thoughts.


He gave you his answer multiple times. If you push it, you may push him away.

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you are lucky you got the one. He has been clear. Seems like you just want to have your way.

Simple don’t marry him n move on girl to someone who has same interests n values as you

break up with your fiance. find another one who understand you. you have the right to have more than one kid

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If he said No. Best respect that.

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He didnt want kids. You got one. Thats enough compromise.

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Dont make him have a kid he doesnt want to have.

But he never wanted kids from the get go and you ended up with 1. There’s your compromise :woman_shrugging:t4: and now you’re trying to go for #2​:woman_facepalming:t4: you keep pushing for it and he will resent you…then there won’t be a wedding and you’ll be back single. :speaking_head:LEAVE THE TOPIC ALONE

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Talk about this stuff before you get engaged?


Just secretly don’t take birth control hahah he will get over it :woman_shrugging:t2:

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He doesnt want one…move on

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He doesn’t want another kid. End of discussion. Decide if you want him or another kid.

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Let it go! It’s not gonna happen, unless you disregard his feelings!

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That’s not shutting you down, that’s telling you straight out. Hes done. Now your question to yourself is, can you just let it go and stay with just 1 child and just wait till you have your grandkids or decide on another route?


just stop using birth control and have your baby, you have a right to have a baby


Move on you only have one life


He’s being honest & you knew from the start how he felt so🤷‍♀️

You can’t force somebody to have more kids

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Don’t trap him into another one either, that would be selfish. Move on.

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Leave it be and happy with the blessing you have.

Quit while you are ahead. He loves his kid.

Sounds like you already having one kid was your compromise.

For him his had his civil conversation he’s made his point you just feel unheard.

Though you are Married , he is still entilted to his wants .

If he doesn’t want kids and y’all already had one 8 years ago and he still
Doesn’t want any more then hunny he don’t want anymore kids .

Shxt They way he sees it , y’all 8 year old is almost out the house in some years , he ain’t tryna start over :joy::joy: ( I don’t blame him )

You got your son , and you and yo man bouta be married . He already gave you a child even after he didn’t wNt one . And guess what ??!!! HE STAYED w you . He didn’t leave ( some would have ) and he seem like he loves the both of you . Don’t lose your man by trying to get what you want AGAIN and now he’s forced to take care of another being that he never wanted in the first place !!!

Listen to his Wants as Well !!!

And besides , IF YOU REALLY want another baby , you could always find another man ( your not married ) or go adopt a baby Solobolo .

But you won’t have your Family that you have now !!!

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I wouldn’t want to bring kids into this world

How many people think that people may change thier mind in a relationship? Idk how far into thier relationship it was before she found out he didn’t want kids. Even when she did, she may have believed (as many of us do) that he would eventually get use to the idea and consider it. Regardless, I think everyone should atleast sit down and talk about it. She wants to be heard and I see nothing wrong with that. In a relationship, something always comes up that one person agrees with and the other doesn’t. If you truly love the person then sit down and listen. Let both sides explains thier sides to get a better understanding and make a choice off from that. Having a kid is a big deal, as to why both sides should Express themselves and listen. Maybe it helps, maybe it doesn’t, but at the end of the day each person should feel like they helped the other person see thier side and why it’s so important to have or not have another child. It’s called consideration. :heart:

My advice … wait till you’re married

I’d suggest be happy with what ya got … …

If you already was on birth control from the beginning 2 you already knew that he didn’t want kids but somehow someway you got pregnant so we’re down the line did you think he was going to change his mind because he already had a son… Why would you think having a baby will change his mind… And then you’re saying that he doesn’t even want to hear you out. what is there to hear out, when you already know the answer to the question … The real question is are you hearing him out… are you really putting his feelings in consideration oh you’re thinking about your son and your feelings I’m having a baby…

If he’s not up for it. You can’t force it or expect it. You knew from very beginning he didn’t want any and yes got pregnant on BC but he probably doesn’t want to wake up in the nights or have that financial responsibility again

Slips count y’all! Just do it!

Clearly no more kids is a boundary for him that you need to respect. Idk, get employed at the maternity ward or a daycare if you need more kids that much.

If he made his feelings clear from the start (which you say here he did, thus acknowledging that he never wanted kids) that he didn’t want kids but still managed to step up and be a man and take care of the one that he wasn’t necessarily expecting now then why should he change his tune a second time around? Not everybody has a kid and then feels the need to have another one. However if it’s what you want and he doesn’t then you might have to get out there and find somebody who does. It’s not fair to you but it’s also not fair to him to expect him to change his mind.

I’ve known a few people in my life who absolutely never wanted children and wound up accidentally pregnant or accidentally a father, and they stepped up and they did their job as a parent and they love their children more than anything. But if you were to ask them they would straight up tell you it is not a life they would choose for themselves. So just because he loves his kid does not mean that he was going to change his mind about wanting one.

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No…just don’t do it. Unless you want a divorce. Never force someone to have children.

If he’s been your fiance for 11, cut your losses, he’s not committed

Can women Comperhend! He Dont want No kids and you cant make him wants some… And now you coming to Facebook for Attention WHY!!! TO BASH THE MAN.HE SAID HE DONT WANT KIDS DAMMMMMNNN.


:thinking: i would accidentally on purpose get pregnant :sweat_smile:
Just kidding!!!
My husband didn’t want more after our second was born, so I made a deal with him.
The deal was that we would only try for only 2 months and if it was in Gods plan for us to have another baby that it would happen in that time frame… He agreed only because I had trouble getting pregnant with my second. :grin: Well now we have 3 kids!

U r obviously at that age when women WANT -prob about 32-36 yrs old or there about. Decide what u want not what your powerful hormones are demanding. Another kid may be great or it could destroy ur marriage. U have to decide who is being more selfish. Him or you?

I am in no way anywhere near your situation, but from an outside perspective it sounds like he already didn’t want kids and now your asking him to have another even after you (I assume) accidentally had one. As someone who also doesn’t want kids, I can see why he might be shutting you down. Not agreeing with him or trying to take a side, but all I can say is it sounds like you are trying to be the bigger person so maybe just put yourself in his shoes, imagine what he’s probably thinking and try to take that knowledge into forming the next discussion you try. I know it’s easier said than done, but I hope you guys can work something out! Sending prayers your way :slight_smile:

This is the type of conversation you have in the beginning which it seems you did and he said he didn’t want children. That was your chance to decide to walk away finding someone else that wanted to have kids like you did or continue the relationship never having kids. There is no compromise on having kids or not having kids. Someone wins. Someone loses. He’s not shutting you down. He’s telling you what his decision has always been and you’re trying to shut his feelings down on a matter he told you about years ago. You should’ve walked away years ago if you weren’t content with his feelings on it. Sounds like you’re stuck on what you want too with no regard to what he wants. If you two agreed years ago to date one another knowing one of you didn’t want children and one of you did, you both messed up and you should’ve both walked away if one of you wasn’t willing to be the loser in this situation with no compromise to be able to be had. I’m not convinced by your immaturity here that you didn’t try to trap him with not taking your birth control for your son, but I think as unreliable as birth control can be, he should have made sure to wrap it on his end too if he didn’t want to be a dad. I think your choices should be either to be content you got one out of him he didn’t want, or walk away to date someone that does want more kids. It’s ultimatum time. And… Forcing him to give in usually ends in resentment. Just like you not having another if you really want one may end up in resentment to him. So if he doesn’t want to give in without resentment, you need to make a decision to give in to him without resentment or you need to walk away and find someone else.

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You knew from the beginning that he never wanted kids, but you did. Recipe for disaster, usually. You can’t change him just because you had an unexpected and unplanned child together, nor because he’s a good dad. Leave it be. Respect his wishes. You have a child. You are only thinking about yourself and what you want. Your son can live a perfectly happy life without a sibling. Why cause issues over selfishness? He’s not shutting you down or being uncivil about it. You just aren’t listening because it’s not the answer you want to hear.


Each and every one of us as responsible adults need to know what we can put on the table to sustain our families and also take care of ourselves so we don’t burn ourselves out. Your fiancé likely knows that he might not be able to be as good a father and partner if there’s more than one child in the picture. My own experience was similar and because I gave in; I’m sometimes resentful towards my partner. I was done after one child, but my husband wanted more.

Two words. Turkey. Baster. :sob::rofl: JUST JOKES! I wouldn’t try to push the issue if he doesn’t want kids. Especially if it’s something you knew from the beginning. It can strain your relationship. If it’s meant for you both to have another kid then it’ll happen how it did the first time.


If he doesn’t want more kids you aren’t going to change his mind.

He could very well make his own post “my fiancée shuts down every time I say I don’t want to have more kids”

Honestly it’s disrespectful for you to expect him to change his mind. Attempting to manipulate a change by saying the kid wants a sibling is frankly wrong of you. Either respect his choice, or leave him and let him be with someone who loves him unconditionally without harassing for more children.


This is a very hard topic of discussion… I have been in his shoes. I have one child, I never wanted children. I left my husband after 7 years of marriage because having more children was a hard no for me. I was very upfront about it when we met, my son was 1. Fast forward to a few years later he started pushing the topic. I saw the emotional effects it was having on him. Put him into a deep depression, so for both of our sakes I decided I did not want to do that to him and I would leave. Best decision I have ever made, now 4 years later I am with a partner that is in the same mindset, and my ex is remarried with a little girl that is the light of his life.

In my humble opinion you can not force him to change his mind, and doing so will just cause a rift in your relationship.


Seems his mind is made up & he has compromised already. Maybe you should respect his choice & be content that you have one child. I mean if it was reversed everyone would be on the female’s side.

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He didn’t want kids in the beginning. So if you want more kids and he doesn’t than you need to find someone who makes you feel happy and that will give you what you want. Because honestly a relationship is supposed to go both ways, not one person want this and the other one wants that. That’s not how it works. Or if you’re happy in the relationship, count your blessing with the child you already have.

If he flat out knows that he doesn’t want one, why does there need to be more of a discussion?

I understand that it’s frustrating for you, but I don’t see how any discussion would change his feelings about it.

Get a dog or something, tbh…

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Is your relationship healthy, stable and happy?

After you got pregnant, are you saying he is sticking around, loves you and your child immensely?

If he was honest up front, it’s not fair to him to haphazardly get pregnant a second time.

My advice is to ask yourself: can you be content where you are today or does your desire to have a 2nd outweigh what you have, meaning you’ll like leave him and seek another?

Being a single parent or co-parenting is extremely hard. Even if you meet another and have more children, blended families and step-parenting is crazy hard.

And you’re not guaranteed to find someone else who loves you and your son as he does.

You have to ask yourself what do want more: life with a singular child, or life with a step-parent/blended family (that’s not even guaranteed)?

Think about the life long impact leaving your child’s father will have on your child.

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I have 2 kids and I never wanted kids both kids where whoops but I love them as same as there dad loves them but we dont want anymore kids unless we happen to have another whoops that be the only way my husband wanted kids in the future but not really I never wanted kids at all and he respected my wishes

I no you want another baby but if you love him you’ll respect his wishes as he should to you as well

Is having a baby for your 8yr a good idea? in a few yrs you have teen issues and a young one.
Some can have no children at all.
Some have one then can have no more.
Some never find one who loves them enough to stay.
You’re already living someone’s dream.
is marriage is a commitment to each other? which you both seem to be. God is Blessing you. Enjoy your Blessings. :love_letter:

It seems to me that your finance always calls the shots and you have to go with what it is he wants and says. Yes, he told you he didn’t want kids at the beginning of your relationship, but I’ve got plenty of male friends who had the same sentiment when they were younger and in new relationships with their ladies. They went on to have kids later on in life when they fell deeply in love with their lady They didn’t even truly know what they wanted at the beginning.

The fact you’ve been engaged for 8 years … I’m sure you would like to get married. I bet he’s either saying, no, or stalling on the actual marriage. Put a ring on it just enough to keep it loyal but not enough to make it officially mine.

The fact is we get one life. Just one. And if your guy calls all the shots and never takes the way you feel into consideration then honestly he may not be the guy you deserve.

Relationships are a two way street. They are long discussions and compromises, and selfless love sometimes. We evolve as humans and what we once wanted or didn’t want me may want or not want when we’re growing up.

For example: 18 - 30’s I hated people bringing me flowers. Hated my partner giving me flowers told him not to do it.
30-36 years … I love getting flowers. Wanted him to get me flowers. This confused the heck out of him and he was like you can’t change what you want now. I’m not getting them for you. You chose what you wanted at 18, you can’t change your mind now. Umm, hell, yes, I can, and I did. I am not the same girl I was at 18 that I am today.

My point is, you have one death, make sure that your needs, wants, desires are met before it’s all over. And never ever let someone silence you. Shutting you down instead of discussing it is just pure control on his part.


I was in the same position!!! My husband never wanted kids and never wanted to be married. This is something that I thought about and accepted because I was falling in love with him and it was a deal breaker. We were together about a year and half when we found out I was pregnant with our 8 year old I straight up told when the test read positive “this is your chance to run. You can either stay and we raise the baby together or you can turn and walk away no strings.” He chose to stay. We got married for insurance but are both happy. We tried for a second after our son turned a year and nothing as time went by he kept saying he didn’t want anymore. I eventually agreed. Decided that what we had was enough and I could be happy with it. Well last year we ended up pregnant. Again I gave him the choice. He decided to stay.
A man who really does not want more kids will avoid the conversation. Our daughter was a huge shock and took me months into the pregnancy to actually accept I was pregnant. It may be time for you to think about what you want because it seems pretty clear although he’s a great dad he doesn’t want more kids.

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No you can’t change him or what he wants however he also can’t change you or what you want. I would politely encourage a conversation that doesn’t make him feel pressured and see if it’s something you can come together and over come or see if this is a defining point in your relationship where you might consider going your separate ways. For me not having children was a deal break and I left a 5 year marriage(there were other issues however that was a biggy for myself) no matter what happens I’d try to keep it civil. I do strongly recommend actually talking about it tho so you are both on even footing. Life is to short for regrets so make sure you do what makes you happy.

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I fell for ya and honestly, I’d give up on him. Lost cause. You are wasting your time and energy. If having another child is that important, find someone else.

May be an unpopular opinion but he already didn’t want kids but stepped up for the one you wound up having… he’s already made compromise with you that way because he honestly could have decided to give up his rights and leave or fought you on abortion, and he didn’t.

I never wanted kids. I have 1 now though. I love him to bits but his dad wants another one and I’m firm on absolutely not. :woman_shrugging:t2: we fought about it for awhile because he was hurt and didn’t get it… but he understands now that I’ve already made compromises I didn’t want to and now we have a beautiful child and I’m happy with just that. He wanted 2, I wanted 0. So we met in the middle and have 1 is how I see it. We mutually decided that our relationship with 1 baby means more to us than him having a new relationship with someone else and 2 babies. If it’s a deal breaker for you, you need to re-evaluate your relationship and what you truly want more.

I don’t mean to sound rude but it sounds more like you’re the one caught up in what you want. He’s already done more than he intended.

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I had a similar situation with my husband. Our first child turns 8 next week, she was the result of a communication issue, I told hubby (although we weren’t even engaged at that point) that I had stopped all my medication (I have fibromyalgia) - he didn’t think i meant the pill in that :woman_facepalming:t2:- oops! Our daughter started asking for a sibling when she turned 2. I wanted a second and he said we would revisit the topic after the wedding. The wedding happened 2 years later, hubby then switched from “we’ll talk” to “no way” - refused to discuss at all! Last year we visited my in-laws at Easter, caught a virus, had a few drinks- pill failed and our second daughter arrived in December. He was less than supportive each time I found out I was pregnant but wouldn’t change anything now. Men think they know what they want but don’t always know what they need! My hubby is 15 years older than me and that was one of his main concerns about having any more children.

I think you’re the one who is not listening to him and stuck on what YOU want

You have had a civil discussion for years. No means no
To many men have kids that no one asked them if they wanted.
You got lucky with your first one. Are you prepared to roll the dice and have him leave and now you have two children without a father.
Get married first anyway. I’m surprised you have been engaged for 11 years.

If he tried to tell you his perspective, and you ignored him - what makes you think you deserve to be heard??! He has no plans to marry you, either! Men don’t wait 9 years and NOT claim what they want!

So I don’t have too much advice for you. Lol just kidding I do… you are upset for the wrong reason here. You say he’s not hearing you out but girl you didn’t listen or respect him in this matter 11 years ago

You knew what you were getting into when you began your relationship. He didn’t want kids. Back then I’m assuming you didn’t care about having kids because you continued the relationship in spite of you knowing he didn’t want them. Someone rarely changes their mind about something like that. Your son was an oopsie a gift from God.

Regardless. And I’m sorry I’m rather blunt… My point here is. You have continued this relationship unmarried for 11 years and he NEVER wanted a kid to begin with. You cannot change that about someone and someone having a kid does not change that fact. Someone is either open to the possibility or not. And he obviously has never wanted to be a dad. I’m not saying he’s a terrible person or anything because he doesn’t he stepped up he became a good dad for the kid he had…but he’s been upfront with you from day 1. You just haven’t been listening. Either that or you thought that you could change his mind which you cannot and his son can’t either. That is just not on the table for him. It’s not in his plan and it has never been. I’m sorry but you need to either get over it and stop bringing it up before it causes strife in your relationship or you need to re-evaluate what YOU want in this life and look at what you have and decide whether having another child is that important if it is then maybe you need to move on. If it’s not that important to you then be happy and grateful for the blessings you do have and perhaps one day you will get another unexpected blessing.

Talking to a brick wall will do nothing but cause you worry and upset you. You need to just look inward and step outside of yourself and look in and go okay I’ve got this this this and decide if this is a want I need fulfilled or if it’s just something you’re open to happening.

But you will NOT change his mind. It will only change when he wants it to change and considering he’s made it til your son is 8 I highly doubt you will change it now. Most people decide rather quickly in life whether a child is what they want for one and then they also decide whether or not rather quickly they want another.

My ex husband knew he didn’t want another child when our oldest was 1. When we met he wanted 4 kids. Our second child was a huge surprise and happened as he was talking with me about permanent BC for himself which I wasn’t into the idea because I wanted another child. He’s my ex husband for a reason we won’t go there but my point is people can change their minds. But you won’t change it for them. Accept this and move forward in your life with him or decide whether your desires and wants are worth moving forward in a life devoted to yourself not to him.

I mean you can say your taking birth control and just not actually take it :woman_shrugging:t3: lol


Yeah leave him period

Tammy said it better

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First, you need to have a conversation something like this.

YOU:: Honey I understand you don’t want to talk about anymore kids … HIM:$3&4&&44&:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: YOU: I know just hear me out lol

Tell me what your reasons are (if he hasn’t). AND DONT JUDGE be quite. Listen and really listen he may say one thing but really mean another. When he’s done, say thank you. I love you. And smile. Then ask May we address this again after I have time to think :thinking:. And LEAVE HIM BE. let him think on the actions not you, not arguments, or stress. Leave him wondering. Just plant the seeds for thoughts

You need to learn how to turn it around and learn the reverse psychology. Mine has no idea I play him like a fiddle all the time (not over wanting kids) Lol. I also make it about him first, his needs and wants, when I trying to accomplish something. Men are needed yes it’s unfair :woman_shrugging:t2:

Here is a better example. ME::: Baby I don’t want you to clean my house are crazy lol. I just want you to hang with me cause I miss you and if I’m cleaning (insert whatever activity here)We aren’t getting to spend time together. Plus you’ll make me work faster. By doing this I don’t ask for help or fight to get it. He just naturally steps in and helps. And he may not do it my way or the “right “ way but hey beggars can’t be choosers.

But on the baby question. You need to respect his choices too. And what’s up with the long engagement??? Girl you need to start there

I mean, he TOLD you…


Let God decide He knows best


Things like children finances, a career that can make you relocate, are supposed to be talked about early in the relationship…that’s what is meant by getting to know each other, should you not want the same thing then that’s what is called a deal breaker…meaning a relationship must not continue. I fail to understand how people get married without ever discussing anything…even though your husband could have given you an explanation why he doesn’t want kids, you are the one in the wrong here even with your son you forced him in a way… remember he never said he hated kids he said he doesn’t want them, that’s why he is a great father. …if you have another child, your husband will quietly start hating you and one day leave you with no explanation and you will think its just out of the blue you didn’t see it coming

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he’s made it clear for 11 years that he doesn’t want kids… either accept that, or break it off and have a child on your own or with another partner who does want kids. expecting him to change his mind when you knew going into it he didn’t want kids is no good.


He made it clear in the beginning he didnt want kids. He had a child with you anyways and is a great father. If you knew you weren’t going to change your mind on the subject you should never have continued the relationship. You have to consider what he wants as well. A child is a life long commitment and trying to “talk someone into it” just isnt right.


Definitely don’t push it. You can either go without and be happy with the one you do have or leave that life and create a new one if you want a bigger family. You can’t force someone to have another child.


So you knew he never wanted any and are blessed with 1. Looks like you both got 1 more than you expected from the beginning.


Asking for a child when he had always said no is selfishness on your part. But him saying no to you without even trying to hear you fully is a selfishness on his part. If he don’t want kids then he should be the one in birth control, not you.

He told you no… your happiness is NOT above his. And his is NOT above yours. You can either accept it, and live your life or you can not accept it and still live your life… with someone else who will wants kids. He has made his wishes clear. You can’t force him to do so. He will resent you and possibly the child. If you still want children that badly perhaps he isn’t the person for you. I’m sorry.


I have known two fathers who adamantly did NOT want a second child after a first OOPS! But these things happen and in both cases the unwanted second one is now closer than the first to their fathers and have brought them so much joy in old age!!! The second were genuine accidents too.

U cant force him to have another kid, and if u do, u will probably loose him. So really, u need to work out if u really do want another, or not and its a case of stay or go really.


Me my self u can all the kids u want that doesnt mean the man ias gonna lovr u more i dont have kids but my my mannn loves mmmmmer

Take it from experience don’t force him to have anymore kids if he tells you no! I know! It will mess up your relationship!! I got pergo within a year of being with my bf and then when our daughter was 6 I wanted another one so bad I went off birth control got pregnant and he was happy or so I thought. Our son turned 5 I really wanted one more, went off bc and got pergo months after our son turned 6 and he started to hate me. I just gave birth to our twins 6 weeks early and he tells me everyday how much he hates me for getting pergo again and how much he wishes he never meet me. Even tho we been together for 14 years and have 4 kids now. He tells me all the time he never wanted to be with me but he is the one who pushed for a relationship with me in the beginning now I feel I’m the only one fighting for it and our family!

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You went into the relationship knowing he never wanted kids, so be happy you got one.


You knew he didn’t want kids. Be grateful you have one. No one forced you to stay with him.


1 is plenty. You both went into this partnership understanding he did not want any children, he is happy with the blessing you both have. You cannot force someone to change their mind on this . Respect him and his decision. Now, for you, you have major decisions to make. Either be a family unit of 3 or break it off & find another partner to fulfill your want. Yes a want, not a need.


If your not his wife after 11 years stop wasting your time


11 years together… A son he didn’t want who’s almost 8… you’re still his fiancée after 11 years… He’s probably ready to make a run to the store for some bread :running_man:t4::dash::dash::dash::dash::dash::dash:


Don’t have one… obviously he does not want one… why would you be selfish and bring a baby where is not wanted?


Girl bye. You suckered him into one, be happy or leave him.


He made it clear from the get go that he didn’t want kids, your trying to change his mind is pretty selfish of you. You got one more kid out of him then he wanted to begin with. If I were you I’d just be satisfied with that and either let it be or move on to someone who does want kids, which would be a terrible thing to do.

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So sad when u put it out thete

Don’t make your son an only child. Coming from experience, it sucks. With that being said, if you are determined to have a second child, you need to decide what is more important. My ex-husband and I were together for 9 years before we got married. He would have never married me if i didn’t push it. Actually, my exact words were let’s set a date or have a baby. He wanted to set a date so we did. After we got married, things fell apart so I kicked him out. So, is your relationship stable enough for a question like that or are you both just comfortable? Honestly, I think you should leave and have your second child either by IVF or find a good man. Waiting for a man to make a decision will never happen.

I would’ve been left his ass. That’s a one sided relationship it sounds like.

Im 36 and I have two sons. I regret so bad not having more kids. If he doesn’t want kids, find u someone who does or u my resent his ass when u get too old to have them.

He didnt want one to begin with wich he made clear… stay or move on!

Trust me the big age difference sucks. If you got prego your son would be 16 to 17 by time youngest is 8…

Why would u put. Ru. Urself out thete lile that