My fiance tells me I will be unhappy if I leave, but will I be?

He doesn’t LOVE you. If he says “there’s the door”…leave.
If you stay…it will be the same and you will be unhappy anyways.

Trial separation. He either learns to appreciate you or he loses you. And make it a good one so he actually feels what he is going to lose. He will lose you and living with his kids. And is it his house? Do you have to leave or does he?

Yeah does sound like some maturing needs to happen.
Just leave and you won’t have to worry about basically doing things all on your own.

You can make it on your own little mama, it won’t get better get out now, have your family and friends help you get started in s new life path . Lean on your loved ones when you need it but your stronger than you realize, prayers for you

Sounds like you know what you want to do, you just have to bring yourself to do it. It’s hard, I’ve been there and I’ve left when I wanted it to work but it just wasn’t working at all and I wasn’t happy. You deserve to be happy, don’t settle for less.

U tell him to hit the road Jack and don’t come back!

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You’ll find someone that will truly make you happy

I would leave or better yet tell him to get out.

Run ad fast as you can. God will help you.

Leave. Dont let someone tell you how to feel.

Leave with your babies!!! Don’t look back

It will suck for awhile but get better

I would leave! You and your children deserve better! You can do this mama

Sounds immature of him…he works 8 hours…boohoo he can help. That’s nothing. I’d be very unhappy too.

If he sees and or treats you like a roommate then take it. Don’t cook, clean, wash or do anything for him. Let him get home from work and have to him do his stuff. If you don’t want to leave. Stop making his life easier. You should just do you and your babies. If you mustbleace, do so. YOU may love him but he clearly doesn’t.

Leave sounds like your already living a single life now. It can only get better getting rid of a man child!! X

Will your life be better with or without him?

Doesn’t even sound like a man… Don’t waste your time, move on. If someone truly loves you they will make you a priority over everything else.

Why would you have kids and not be married. You are unhappy, why would you continue to stay.

Leave or make him leave

I feel like this is the same post over and over. Men act this way because you allow it from the beginning. Stop settling for men who don’t help. Find a man that will be a partner in all things. What kills me is most of y’all have mult kids by them and they never helped with the first one. People don’t change once you allow them to act a way for years. Move on. And work towards a healthy co-parent relationship. In a few years he will be helping some other women because she didn’t allow the behavior. So sad that women do not know their worth. Why are you a Fiancé still after 2 kids!! KNOW YOUR WORTH!
And you are worthy. Find someone who sees it as well. Be an example to your children.