My fiance thinks baby gift cards are for him to spend on himself: Advice?

Yeah no…its time to go


Your fiancé sounds like a d*ck, he doesn’t give two craps about you or your kids he just cares about himself and his own kids


Red flag! Controlling! Get out!


Douche bag much
You picked the wrong baby daddy


He needs to quit being a titty baby. Those are for the baby and mother. Leave him. He treats you like this now. It does not get better.

What actual grown man places his WANTS before his child’s NEEDS?

THAT’S the question you need to ask him AND yourself…

And who tf does he think he is, cherry picking shit for himself and throwing some scraps at the woman who is about to birth his child. Wtf! Smdh, you deserve WAY better than this piece of work…

Sounds like you BOTH need to grow up. His kids. My kids. “I’m sacrificing my job” you knew the responsibility of a child before making one.


Call the boss and ask him what he intended!! A job doesn’t normally give you gifts for children and births already here/happened or meal cards for shits and giggles. Tell him you’re calling the Boss and see if he re-thinks :upside_down_face:

Sounds like you are both being selfish and childish, it shouldn’t be him and his family or me and my baby it should be ours. Our family, our income our kids etc


You still want to marry him? Good luck


Dump his ass you don’t need him

Pervious marriages? I don’t have to ask why. Get out before you’re lumped into that group as well.


I mean it was his boss who gave them to him and he gave u 3 and he kept 3 sounds pretty fair to me!!! :skull_and_crossbones::woman_facepalming:t4::woman_shrugging:t4:

Leave now this is a huge red flag duh


What a real shitty human, ur better without :triumph:

He’s a Jerk…Those cards are for the both of you for the restaurants ones( probably for after the Baby’s birth so no ones trying to cook)…The others are for the Baby’s stuff that it needs.

You need to kick him out & look after yourself & the baby…Seems he cares about himself more.


Dude, if my hubby had those cards from the boss. He would have gotten all prepared for the baby. Babies are quite spendy and being prepared is what your doing! You are totally in the right in my opinion. Your dude sounds like a selfish prick no offense. If he is like this now before marriage. I cannot imagine what it would he like being married to him. You deserve better.

why the fuck would you want to marry this man

Sounds like you need to rethinky our relationship and know someone better before getting knocked up. This relationship wont last.


I couldn’t imagine doing this. This was clearly meant from the boss as a means of showing they care. If it was me, it would be to take care of my partner and the kids while she was resting and taking care of things as best she could until I was off work. It’s meant so she doesn’t need to cook, that necessary supplies for the baby can be ordered without worry or concern, be it a crib/bassinet/changing table/diapers etc whatever and a present for her for the long 9 months of discomfort everyday up to and including birth. Keeping something like this for yourself as the man is beyond selfish in my opinion.


I’m just curious, but need some clarification…
Did he reimburse you for “his” half of:
Maternity clothes?
Dr.’s copays?
Gas to travel to baby related appointments?
Mileage &/or wear and tear on your vehicle for that travel?
Paying you for your time? ie- appointment setting, wait times, time spent at those appointments, labor & delivery, etc?
Will he be paying you for his half of the childcare that you provide? If you returned to work 24hours after delivery (as some woman have to do) there would be childcare expenses. Any time spent caring for the child is only HALF your responsibility. Will he be waking up every other night or every other feeding? Every other diaper change? Will he be washing every other load of baby clothes? How does he intend to compensate for “HIS half”?
Since you’re just his gestational carrier and not his partner, and evidently splitting the expenses in half is how your “relationship” is being navigated, you need to be reimbursed accordingly.
Does all of this sound ridiculous? It should because it is! You need a good hard reality check on what’s in store for your future because you’ll be responsible for your “half” of everything (and then some if my hunch is correct) for the duration of your relationship.


He wouldn’t have gotten all those gift cards in the 1st place if yall weren’t having a baby. Period. Those gift cards were given to be for the baby. Find your way out because he’s already left.


This clearly sounds like it probably not the only selfish issue you are having with this man. If he is being this way about some gift cards, how is he with the big things?


run this guy is only for himself


This is the man you’re going to marry??? ( I say in horror) … eeeek !!! Tell him how much he is going to pay in child support and make plans to leave!! He obviously does NOT love you or your child. This is the reddest of flags


Yikes. And to think you had a baby with him. If you accept this behavior and are still considering getting married then get used to it. He seems selfish as heck. You will be healing from having a baby. He either really must not understand what that entails or he just doesn’t care. I’m guessing the latter since you mentioned his kids from his previous relationship. :woman_shrugging:t4:I’m sorry but a real man doesn’t even bother with stuff like that. He would take care of it all. Of course I’m the type to always offer to pay half but he always turns me down and pays for it all. Get yourself a good man. He ain’t it.


This is such an odd issue to have :person_facepalming::rofl:


Um… wow and you are going to marry him and it reimbursing you and splitting costs for you having a child together and you arent going to be paid and he is… and hes not making sure you and baby are being taken care of…those are huge red flags… you know just because you are having a baby DOESNT MEAN YOU HAVE TO GET MARRIED


He is Selfish as fu*k. But don’t worry about 3 gift cards. You have better fish to fry

Turn around and run now


Get out! Red flags everywhere!


The restaurant cards I’d say is a treat for y’all. The rest is for baby and mom if mom needs special things for nursing etc.


He sounds extremely selfish,
You are a couple he needs to support you while your not working and if he doesn’t leave his not worth it !


And btw he is ridiculous. U pay for your kid and shut it. NOT U BUT HIM. He is childish or selfish one of the two or both


Dump him. Wth. Those are for the baby yes food cards can be a nice date night but the rest for your baby.


He sounds like a douchebag. While I complain about my sons father he would never do this type of selfish shit. On the contrary after I had my son he took care of everything until I got back on my feet and started a new career. Idk how your child’s father was before you got pregnant, buy he is showing huge red flags. It might be best to leave before it gets worse.

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If hes treating you like this now before marriage, then i would definitely suggest you reevaluate your decision to say i do. If you do say i do then dont complain aboat it later cause basically your saying “I do” except this behavior. Like seriously ya just had his kid, if it were me ya wouldn’t be paying nothing on the bills, or at maximum only pay what ya could and dont worry aboat the rest cause your man who suppose to love you, will take care of the rest. Sorry but this not a real man, but sounds like a selfish peice a ------. (You fill in the blank). I suggest talking your concerns with him more. If he still doesn’t get it then i wouldn’t suggest ya say the " I do’s.


At this point who cares, just let him keep them and start planning your way out.
Don’t marry this man. Please.


Give that baby your last name.


It might just be me, but I’m seeing red flags everywhere on this! I mean just the fact that there is such division when you said he is gonna use them in him and “his” kids from previous marriages (plural😬) and you can use the ones he gave you for you and “your” kids and “family! That alone tells me quite a bit! I didn’t feel a bit of love in this nor did you say anything positive about your fiancé! Oowee, good luck to you🤞🏾


There is a reason he has ex’s!


He sounds like a douche


Call his boss and ask if the gift cards are for baby stuff or for his employ to usr on himself.


Get out.Ted flags all-over.You want to spend your life like this.He has exes.That should tell you something.


If you have to pay half the bills make sure he is sitting up with baby half the time I’m those 6 weeks . Just saying. Sorr you are going three this whole having a baby

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Giiiiirl!!! I can stand stingy men. Been there done that. Thank God my present husband is giving. I don’t work anymore and he pays the bills and loves his job. I don’t even know what to advice you.

Psshh … Girl you’re not with a man you’re with a little ass boy! Tell him to kick rocks!

Wtf. This is the definition of “man-child.”


This is your fiance?!?! :man_running: :running_woman: :man_running: :running_woman: Don’t marry someone like that. I can’t even imagine what the next 18 years would be like with him


Run as far as you can. Look after your baby yourself.

So basically you having a baby with a baby?


Y’all suppose to be a team definitely, sounds like you need to sit back and re-think about having a future with a guy like that.


Are you not together? I assume you are not together, just having a baby…because it doesn’t sound like a partnership when you are squabbling over gift cards :rofl:


I actually have no words :woman_facepalming:t2:


He sounds like a bone head… good luck raising a baby with such a mong


He sounds so immature and careless… yikes :flushed:

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I think this is an issue about more than the gift cards. I believe they are for the family in it’s entirety, however that looks. But let’s address these massive red flags he is waving in your face. The last 10% of the time you have been with your partner is indicative of who they will be in your future…sit with that for a moment. If it makes you uneasy or concerned it is time to leave.

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I’m sorry but I wouldn’t deal with him. I would get out before marriage and not waste my time looking back

Don’t marry this a@@ hole get out while you are still free be sure to sue for child support. make sure that his name is on the birth certificate so he can’t get out of paying his support.


That’s being a selfish jerk. Why the hell does he think he can use them for himself?? Baby ALWAYS COMES FIRST :1st_place_medal::1st_place_medal:

Are you co-habiting and happened to make a child together or are you in a relationship together? I’m confused. The situation you describe sound more like you are merely co-habiting & share a child. This division of his & hers rather than everything is shared and work together to create a home & family is bizarre


I feel sad you both are putting a baby in between this segregated world you live in.


Why did he even tell you about all the cards if he wanted to keep some on the sly. He isn’t too bright is he?


Send a thank you card to his boss saying ‘thanks for the 3 gifts cards. Name them. Tell him your boyfriend thanks you for the other 3 he spent on himself.


It’s clear to me why the first marriage didn’t work out. I more than agree with you. He should have in fact given it all to you no questions asked. This is a tough problem to solve. His entitlement is much bigger than this surface issue. I wish you lots of strength during the coming days and months. My advice is not to ask for help, use language that makes him responsible. When baby comes don’t say, “I need help” or “do me a favour” say “baby needs” or “please fold the clothes”, “please be a contributing parent and feed your baby”. This is a tough situation. He is being unfair!


What a loser! He is selfish and greedy and i’d give him a gift card for the 99 and tell him goodbye!! Lol


Total bs on his half.

He does not care about you or the new baby, he’s being very selfish & just thinking about himself… Trying to care for baby’s needs with no money is pure hardship for you & asking you to still pay half the bills is disgusting, he should be ashamed of himself. Easy for me to say, but I think you & baby need to part company with this uncaring so & so, get a better life for yourself & pardon the pun but tell him to shove the gift cards he’s kept from you up where the sun don’t shine & do one​:exclamation:Hope this helps & I wish you & your new baby all the luck in the world & maybe one day you find someone new who will respect & look after you both. Take Care​:bouquet::teddy_bear::butterfly:


I don’t see a marriage being any better. Doubt he sticks around.

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Kick him to the curb before he does something really bad!

Get rid of him fast!

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And this is why his first marriage didn’t work out. Because it’s all about him!
Honestly this right here is why he shouldn’t be your fiancé. He is a massive asshole with even bigger red flags.

Please Dont marry this fool.


Hope you have a way to raise your child on your own. You’d be much better off.


Run Girl, RUN!
This is your Red flag right here. :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:
He’s showing you who he is, pay attention.


Red flag! Clearly he has no clue what the word partnership means


He sounds like a real winner :trophy::flushed:

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He is selfish and I would be done with him.

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Well its his boss that gifted him. It kinda is his choice. But he should help you out if your struggling on something.

Nah sis! Don’t marry that fool! Like Karen up there said… he’s showing you who he is, pay attention!! He’s selfish!


You single mothering already. Cut that fool loose


Sacrifing! Maybe u shouldn’t have got pregnant, if u feel that way. And if he is doing that now, maybe he shouldn’t be ur finance.

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Yeah I’d never marry him.


Wow. Show him the door


Wait! Are y’all room mates or are y’all in a relationship?!? First things first, you really need to get into counseling because these gift cards are only a small portion of what is really going on… When in a relationship you become 1, there’s no 50/50. This post is very immature and I honestly feel sorry for this new baby that is being born into a situation like this. Please seek counseling for both of you and reevaluate your as you call it relationship.


Let him have them. Who cares :woman_shrugging:t2: girl you’re about to have a baby there’s going to be so much more than this that’ll bug you about him. Pick your battles. Let it go.


Well his boss did give them to him so technically they are his since you guys separate everything like that but it sounds more like a roommate relationship than an actual relationship. Especially if y’all are engaged. It shouldnt be everything is 50/50. He shouldn’t have to pay you back for what you buy for the baby but as the baby’s dad he should be contributing. It sounds like y’all both need to step up and worry about the baby more instead of who’s getting what. They are from his job so technically he gets to decide where they go but he is agreeing to give you 3 of them which is half so idk why it’s a big deal…


I would not even want to be having a child with that man. A family is a family, there is no divide. You blend together as one.
His behavior will likely only worsen unfortunately. I’m sorry.


He sounds extremely self centered and controlling, he clearly has no interest in having an equal relationship if hes willing to do this to you and his unborn child, run girl


Clearly you are not wrong at all. I would say “ok since we seem to have two different views on this. How about you call your boss on speaker and ask him who he bought the gift cards to be used on”…
I bet his attitude would change

I think who gets the gift cards is the least of your issues… in my opinion, you need to be working on how you plan to support your little family when he’s no longer in the picture, because if what you’ve said is true, I don’t think he’s in it for the long haul or that you can depend on him taking care of your and your child’s needs…


My husband and I share everything. If we have something big to buy like work on the vehicle, we take the money out for such things and split the rest if there’s extra. I’m a stay at home mom and he works. He pays all the bills and I take care of the house and the kids most of the time. I also have a mini hustle job I paint windows around my town so my husband usually watches our daughter at home and brings me drinks or food and takes me to the next place I need to go (only lately I’m pregnant and he stays and helps clean off my windows and makes sure I don’t pass out while grandma watches our daughter) I share my money with him cuz he usually gives me my own pocket money as I have mentioned. To me the routine we have is great. Equal and even and sharing. Your situation sounds extremely toxic to me I could not imagine my husband being that selfish to keep it from me. We go eat together every time. Sometimes we luck out and go to dinner while kiddo is at grandma’s. But we NEVER keep it from the other. And especially if its baby related, all our gift cards went to baby related things. I would definitely seek counseling or something to iron out these issues, or I feel they will only get worse


Who cares about the gift cards that’s a stupid battle…the bills on the other hand he needs to suck that up and pay the bills for the month and a half ur off because u had a flipping person come out of ur body what ever happened to sickness and health wtf on the other hand u guys dont sound like u have a marriage u guys sound like ur having a kid together.


Looks like you guys have a lot to work out before baby get here. He sounds selfish and extremely controlling. If this is how he acts before baby arrives how extreme will he be on you when baby is born. He is showing you his true colors. Actions speak louder then words.


Yeah sounds like you have a roommate. I don’t get why you’re paying half of the rent. My SO have our own bills we pay since we’re together and LIVE together. He pays bills and I buy food since he makes way more than me🤦🏻‍♀️ they are definitely for the baby! If I wasn’t able to work he wouldn’t make me pay rent to stay home and take care of OUR baby. I just got off maternity leave last week!


Why is he even wanting the cards… like, any loving father would want to give everything to his new baby and think of himself last. What a selfish person he is. He isn’t worth living a life with girl, happiness isn’t going to be found staying with this guy. Give him back to his other family he seems to care more about.


Isn’t the gift cards meant to be a gift for the expectant parents?.. Ideally for use towards the baby and meals for the parents when baby arrives and you are super busy with a newborn. So, yes, would be nice if HE saw it that way too… But, That’s just my opinion. Good luck mama

You ARE his family. If he already doesn’t want to provide, you have a huge issue. He’s already prioritized the other family over the new one he just started with no sense of balance whatsoever.


My first thought is, if it’s like this now…. It’s only going to get worse.
Secondly, He should absolutely be going to extreme lengths to make you comfortable while pregnant and loving you. This sounds like a bad roommate situation and like he doesn’t care for you at all. I’ve never heard of such. Lastly, Get out while you can and tell him to shove the gift cards where the Sun don’t shine. :heart:
Prayers for you and be strong mama.


Ummmm… makes sense that passed marriages is plural here. He is as entitled as it gets by the sounds of it