His family
Your family
His kids
Your kids
Plus a baby on the way….
This isn’t a relationship that will last of it’s all his and yours!!!
The gift cards are the least of your worriet
His family
Your family
His kids
Your kids
Plus a baby on the way….
This isn’t a relationship that will last of it’s all his and yours!!!
The gift cards are the least of your worriet
And this dude is your fiance?
Damn… you need a new man
Whatever you do, don’t marry this jerk! Take your baby and get out of this relationship NOW!
Wow he is definitely in the wrong
What’s the matter with him
And your having a child together…wow
This should be very telling to you already as to what kind of person he is. You need to REALLY ask yourself if this is the kind of person you want to be with for the rest of your life? Selfish!
Girl hell no, first off screw the gift cards, and two screw the marriage, if he is dividing it into his kids your kids already he can go straight to hell. You deserve better.
Get. Out. Now. Huge red flags all over the place, sis.
Run to court establish child support soon!
The visa gift card is for your share of the bills…he makes up the rest as you will be home following the birth of ‘His’ baby.
This is not a 3 for you and 3 for me christmas gift.
This is for the ‘birth’ needs and expenses.
Do you both have prior children living with you?
Food cards to cover food for those in the home. ( or adult meals and have kids stuff in the house). NOT TO WINE AND DINE himself, friends , family while you eat toast!
Amazon…also baby stuff.
Stock up on stuff for yourself to eat and drink…doesn’t sound like MR wonderful is going to care.
So you’re saying you have time to call off the wedding… lol. Hell to the naw.
They are for your newborn and you since your going to be home recuperating. He sounds very selfish.
Get out now before it’s too late
He is being very selfish and irresponsible, don’t marry him any time soon!
You shouldn’t have to have him pay you back for half the baby stuff… yall are parents and engaged… but he also shouldn’t be keeping any of that for just him. That’s again… for you guys as a couple and for the baby
WOW! Talk about selfish!
He sounds greedy and that’s the way he will always be thinking of himself only
If u don’t get anything to spend on just yourself then he doesn’t either full stop
Sounds like you made a mistake choosing him.
Oh jeez, what a mess
What a nightmare of a “relationship”
Why are you with him? Seriously dump his selfish arse otherwise get used to this behaviour for your entire time together.
Why do women put up w men like this single mom life is great btw
hes selfish… it wont change… RUN… hes showing his true colors… RED FLAGS…
The fact that you felt the need to post this says all you need to know Run!
Can see why he had ex wives!!
Seems very selfish to me!
Those are meant to be spent on the new baby you are having together. The fact that he is planning on spending them on “his” kids says a lot about him! Do yall live together? You don’t have to be stuck at home for 6 wks. I was at church 2 days after my son came home from a 8 day stay in the NICU.
Is this your fiancé or sperm donor??? Asking bc this whole scenario is fkd up
He sounds like a peach. Don’t let him go…
Get rid of the jerk , he’s only going to get worse over time
Your fiance is a man child & needs to grow tf up… youre literally seeing what he’s gonna do & how he will behave if you stay…
You may want to think twice about marrying him
It sounds like there is a reason why he has had MULTIPLE MARRIAGES AND CHILDREN… because the other women couldn’t put up with him… this is a Big red flag girl… get out while you can.
He’s greedy and selfish!
Wow. Certainly the cards are to be used for when the baby comes home for you both. He is immature to think he is entitled to them for personal use. He should write the thank you note to his boss as well.
You should say “bye-bye baby daddy”!!!
He’s more concerned about himself than his future child. That says a lot about him.
Leave th a cheep sucker NOW! He is a self centered brat and probably won’t improve wit time!
Girl, connect the dots and you’ll see why those “other marriages” probably didn’t work out.
I couldn’t imagine having a mans baby and him being so self absorbed. Especially to the point where my half of the rent is still expected while on maternity leave for HIS CHILD! Who actually brings that up to their pregnant significant other??
Those gift cards are supposed to be for the baby and THE TWO OF YOU AS A COUPLE! Especially while adjusting to bringing another child into the home.
I would have been out as soon as the “my half, your half, my kids, your kids, your share, my share” BS started. IMO that’s definitely NOT how you begin a marriage and it damn sure isn’t how you raise a child.
You’re supposed to be a union…
“For better for worse for sickness and in health”. Nowhere in there does it say “until you’re the weakest link and I have to in the least bit hold it down for our family”
Red flag much?!?! What a selfish ass. I would not stick around cause, everything that involves that new baby is gonna be put on you, and if he’s just gonna stand by and only worry about himself. You are better off doing it all alone.
I think you’re both incredibly immature and need to do alot of work before this baby comes!!! His work gave him the card…you can’t stipulate what happens with them. Also, just coz you’re at home with baby doesn’t mean you can’t make your own food… he has just as much right (if not more as HIS boss gave them to HIM) to those giftcards as you do.
Do they sell diapers in his size?
He is SELFISH and his kids with someone eals has nothing to do with you and your his current wife with a infant he would get a eviction letter if my kids go without what they need if I was there I’d help you every day!!! Some men are useless stay strong your right ! He’s WRONG
This isn’t a man, I am not sure what he is!
he is obviously selfish…people like that don’t change.
That is not somebody you marry or even attempt to build a life with smh
What is he, like 12?
Jesus. Just get rid. Don’t let him make you a door mat.
Why don’t you have him ask his boss what he intended them to be used for, that way everyone he works with can see what an ass he is.
Soon you’ll have two babies. Have fun!
I think u got knocked up by a bitch and need to file for child support and move on
I think it’s time to let go of someone not trying to hold onto you.
Throw the entire man away!
Are you sure he is your fiance? Because of he isn’t acting like one.
Throw the whole man away
And your still with him? Know your self worth.
Throw away the whole man-child. There’s a reason why he already has marriageS. Save yourself the trouble, toss him on his ass today.
Honey be prepared because a big red flag is blowing in your face! No wonder other babies mommas
Not with him. Drop that zero fast!! Don’t marry him he sounds like a looser! He do you like that before the little one is born and even worst after the baby is born.
All those cards should be the baby’s that’s what it was given and the food cards was for you and him to eat while you recover after giving birth.
Girl run, before you know he’ll be takong care of his previous family while you pay all the bills. Let him financially support the baby and you hold down yourself. Let him go, marriage will be 10times worst.
To many woman keep a dumbass man around because of children at the expense of their happiness and wellbeing. Baby will grow up and you will be way better of without him. Don’t stay and suffer, selfishness does get worst especially when they don’t see that they are being selfish
Sounds like you’re co-parenting and splitting it all in half, definitely doesn’t sound like your fiancée. Girl run and make that guy pay child support, don’t marry him if this is how he acts while "engaged ".
And why did u decide this boy was the one to procreate with…because he certainly is no man!!!
Smh…damn punk ass useless waste of air!!!
Leave and don’t look back
Run…dump him fast…Baby isn’t even born yet and he is already taking things from him…so selfish…he will probably return all Christmas and Birthday gifts to get himself something too…What attracted you to him in the first place???
Red flags Asshat alert
You are already on your own girl, you may as well live by yourself without all that bullshit. Especially if he’s dividing things up. There isn’t an “us” it’s you and him splitting bills.
Man, if he’s like this now, imagine what it’s gonna be like trying to get help with the new baby bet hell fight over who changes a shitty diaper. I’m sorry you gotta deal with that.
OMG - - - tell me you are NOT still with this jerk!!!
He’s not a douche, he’s an enema. He’s part of the crap you wanna get rid of R U N!!! A baby doesn’t super glue you down to that trash. I’m not saying men should have to pay all the bills etc but to act so childish and selfish is disgusting enough. I’d save your money up and go. Let him figure the bills he has gift cards to help him out in the meantime lol I’m serious I’ve been through enough to know, your happiness and your babies is the only thing that matters point blank. Wish you the best
Why are you still there?!?!?!
Wow………. he sounds so selfish and immature. I hope you don’t have any more children with him. You need to get out of this relationship with him ASAP! You’re in for a world of hurt if you stay.
Can I ask why you are with this guy? If you are paying for pretty much everything anyway wouldn’t you be better going it on your own? This guy does not sound like Somone who is capable of clear thinking or empathy at all! Just my way of thinking…
I’m still stuck at the “I bought everything for the baby and he paid me back half”
Obviously he needs to grow up. The gift cards are for you and the baby. I agree with some of the other posters you need to make a decision on the relationship. He isn’t going to change and he is going to teach the kids how to be the same way.
dump him and leave and he has to pay child support if your 6 mths pregnant
Trying to figure out why there’s still a relationship?
And thats the baby daddy?? You are pregnant for 9 months 9 months give birth to his child and for I see you got everything for the baby. His boss gives him that gift but it’s for you and the baby. You need to rest you need every rest you can have. Im sorry that is not a man at all. Let his boss know what he did. He is fill in the blank… Sorry he is still a kid. You need a real man. Pack his shit. You better off on your own. God bless you and you baby.
Its gonna get alot worst !Take your baby and run,Fast !
why do you woman like men like this and choose to stick around with IT?! Fml throw the whole man away and throw the cards with him too, what a POS!
Wait hes your fiance?? Sounds more like yall are just roommates…
Why are you still with him! It’s for the baby and to help when you have the baby. He is extremely selfish
Damn I thought I had it bad
If you do choose to stay I’d purposely go buy a chain saw & chainsaw all the diapers right in half leave him with 1 real nasty shitty ass diaper to change & tell him since I paid for these I’m taking my half & only leave 2wipes in the container
You should really consider leaving & finding a studio apartment for a year
Save as much as you can for a year or 2 then get your house or an apartment
That man will be all over your tax money every tax season for his half
Be smart get out now
Get out now! This will only get worse!
Not to mention they were given to him for his NEW child! Not to try and score brownie points with his kids and ex!
Wow! Just wow. This is shameful to read a woman is with such a piece of crap “man” that shes still wanting to marry him. Like wtf are you thinking? He pays some bills so he gets to treat you like a second thought? And your baby is not his first concern above everything that is a huge red flag. Its time you have a come to jesus meeting with him where you explain your family you created together is his first responsibility, no longer about himself. If he doesnt get that and is still arguing, cut him loose. Your better off
throw him back in the pond…
This must be made up!
Run fast and far! It’s only going to get worse.
I didn’t even have to finish reading. Hon he is an insensitive immature self serving jackass who is already proving he’s a bad dad,a bad partner and and an unreliable person. RUN to the nearest exit would be my advise. Those cards were meant for YALL. so YOUR part can go on baby stuff but HIS part he gets to have fun with. So when do YOU get a share? Honey it will only get worse. He will never put you or baby before his own wants. Not even his needs. Just his wants. While you continue to wait for him to grow up.
How is there I me and him in the word we. My husband and I are equals regardless of who earns what.
Sounds like a tug of war between you and him… should be on the same side… you want them for just you and your family and he wants it for his family … you guys need to sort it out quick or the baby will suffer
Have fun with your grown baby and new baby.
Why is it… His kids. Your kids…thats not a family… Family is our kids…i couldn’t even get passed that…the whole thing sounds more like living arrangements than a loving relationship to me
I’m just wondering why he is still your “fiancé”?? Sounds like a selfish jerk… you and your baby deserve better💞
What a POS, y’all are engaged so what’s all this “you’re family/my family” mess regarding Y’ALLS children! Seriously girl, LEAVE! Please don’t marry this man or waste any more of your life on him because he is not PARTNER material, he is an immature child
oh no this sounds crap
Tell him he is now a stay at home dad & you go to work full time. He’ll be on his knees begging you to accept the gift cards & let him go back to work.