I mean, you could go ahead & file for child support & pay your half of the bills with that
Give him all the gift cards and send the f*cker on his travels with no return
I didn’t even have to read your entire post to determine the selfishness in this person. The behavior you tolerate will continue. I am very concerned for the lack of empathy for you feelings or the welfare of your unborn child. Protect yourself ASAP
Ran with new baby as fast,and as far away as you can from him. He’s only into himself, you,and baby are in his way. He is egotistical, and disrespectful. This will never change.
oh hell no I wouldn’t let him keep those cards…he is sounding very selfish…and still expects you to pay half the bills when ur home with ur new baby…thats ridiculous and I would be so pist…dont let him keep them…they r not for him…
This is something that happens when you are not a married couple. When gift cards are given just before birth, they are gifts to buy what you need for baby ! Formal is very costly and it would really help using it for it. I’m sure no one gave gift card for you babies daddy to go out drinking and having fun with the guys. Better think if you want to marry this so called man.
You have no idea what this post sounds like. So many red flags. Get out now, yo I do t need him. Have him sign over his paternity rights. You and the baby will be better off in the long run. Does he pay pay child support on his other kids? I am guessing not.
Oh dear. I think you guys are in for a lot of needless battles in the future unless you can figure out how to financially cooperate. You are a couple within the same household who are having a child together. Why are you fighting over stupid stuff like this. Sit down together and make a financial plan. It might be everything joint and share all expenses and spending money from one sole account. It might be to seperate expenses fairly depending on income. If you don’t work his out now you guys are in for a disaster
How old is he? And you honestly to argue with his and mine… I mean the baby is both of y’all so should be for both of y’all not just him and vise versa. I would tell him to kick rocks
Oh, & marrying him WON’T change his behaviors. In fact, it will probably get even worse. I’m sorry but I hope you walk away and y’all can just co-parent if he makes no changes.
Not a chance. I would loos my mind. Those are meant for u guys as a whole and to use on the baby…the restaurant cards for food after baby comes and y’all don’t feel up to cooking. I find it just odd that he expects u to pay after giving birth even tho u will be caring for the baby mostly on ur own. Not fair at all. Just my opinion tho
And this looks like the reason he is prob divorced.
Thats just rude of him to spend the other cards on his other kids when they were given for the baby and you when your home with baby. Not cool at all. Whats given for you and baby is for you and baby not his other kids. Thats selfish he should know that babies cost alot and they were for the baby who does that. Tell him to go buy his kids something with his money if he feels bad for the other kids im sure when they were born the gifts for them were not given to someone else. What a selfish jerk id be pissed.
he sounds like a complete a$$hat honestly …
Sounds like someone has a lot of growing up to do.
I used all the gift cards for baby stuff after my babyshower used them for all the stuff we needed but didn’t get
If they’re for the baby, and they where bought for the baby, then they should be spent on the baby, or anything you guys may NEED
Chivalry is clearly dead
Share food cards. Other cards are meant for the baby.
He sounds selfish. They’re not for him or at least not just him and they weren’t given to him for his other kids if anything one could even say that all except the food ones are for the baby. But they were gifted because of the new baby not because of him or his other children and sure he could maybe get them a little something maybe but there’s no reason he can’t spend his paycheck on his other kids if he wants to get them things. I wouldn’t be able to tolerate that stuff myself. I’m not one to jump to omg leave them unless there’s abuse involved but I’d def tell him how tf it is or leave
Get out. A person so selfish isn’t worth it. People at this age are who they are. Not daddy material in my opinion. I left my baby daddy and found someone who does everything I used to beg my ex to do, and with my new bf I don’t even have to ask. He does it because our happiness is a priority to him. Talk to him about it, see if he’s willing to work on getting his head out of his ass, but if he isn’t get out. Life is too short to be stuck with half ass man children.
No wonder he has ex baby mama! Seems she was smart to let him go. You should also! He is too immature for kids. File for social services while you are off work. Let him digest that!
…you’re having a child with this grown man calling dibs on stuff he only even has because YOUR labor. Do you really want to spend the next 20 years always feeling like the only grown up in the room?
He sounds stupid and no offense if you put up with it your not very smart either
Why are you having a baby with this jerk?
It sounds like you need to leave. You have a grown child on your hands. This is awful. How selfish of him.
Throw the whole boy away babygirl and find you a MAN
Also download the mothers milk app and you will get target gift cards for participating. I got 3 30$ gift cards for the baby.
That is no knight in shining Armour honey that is just another common retard wrapped in tinfoil…you don’t marry those…you get your sneakers on and run girl…get…get moving now!!!
Ooof, um I would not marry him it’s only going to be worse
Never should’ve stayed with the selfish guy
Man child. Don’t marry him. I can’t believe you really asked for advice. This “man” is nothing but red flags
Leave him not worth it.
Why are you with him??
Uhhhhh wow thats sad… Extremely selfish
I think we figured out why his previous marriages didn’t work Honey … RUN and take that baby with you
Don’t marry this man run run run as fast as you can . He’s a controlling selfish pos .
Sounds to me like yous aren’t really a team and were never taught how to share as children
That’s for the baby not him
You need to make a exit plan from marriage now girl hes selfish and immature
You both sound like children bringing a child into the world. When you are a couple with a child there is no yours and mine, it’s ours. You are a family, start acting like one.
It sounds like he didn’t take half just for him. Seems like he gave it to his children from another mother and that’s ok to me. If the cards were for a baby shower gift then it goes to the baby tho. Idk. Tough situation. Sure I didn’t help at all
But if ya do marry him ahhh, GOOD LUCK.
Reading this my question to you is WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM??? He seems extremely selfish.
No it’s for the baby
The fact your even asking is it alright he treats you and the unborn like shit is baffling
Glad you are not married. This is a definite red flag for you. His behavior is speaking loud and clear about where you are in his priorities.
Girl Im usually the peace maker in these situations but girl he needs a reality check! He’s greedy! Those cards aren’t meant for him or his other kids! I’m sure his boss would agree. He sounds like a real jèrk!!! This makes me so mad for you!!! Take all the cards and hide them! He can get over it or leave! Such a selfish person !! He needs to grow up!
Uh yeah that’s toxic behavior…
He sounds like a selfish jerk.
Those gift cards are meant for items for your new baby. Good to know he will take away from his own child, that right there shows what kind of person he is… not a good one at all.
Get out while you can.
What a selfish dush.
I’m sorry you are having a baby with him. But congrats
He is beyond fucking wrong and very very selfish. What a loser. That’s a huge red flag and I think it’s time to consider leaving. It sounds like those giftcard were for the baby and for you to use for food after you give birth. Not for him or other kids.
Previous marriages,nuff said. He should be giving with both hands. RUN
Sorry not sorry but what a selfish prick.
He is definitely WRONG!! Amazon is great for diapers & formula. Food cards for both of you!! To controlling
Wait. “Previous marriages”?! There seems to be a reason for that.
Wow… just wow… those cards are not for him to use on himself or his kids from the previous marriage unless you are all buying old after the baby ava including the kids…
Doesn’t sound like his is the first time he’s been selfish like this.
Can we address the fact that he divided the family? It’s not for the entire family to use but for him and his kids, like the baby inside your stomach isn’t his already? Like you guys all shouldn’t be considered an entire family? Why marry a man if you guys aren’t a family (which includes present step kids)? Toxic.
Girrrrllllll ….
“previous marriageS”
”spend them on him”
”My kids or my family”
”pay half of all the bills”
He needs to get his priorities straight. I think you should read him these comments.
You need to get you a man and leave the childish boy behind.
You guys are one. Fighting over his & hers already isn’t good. Lean on each other, ask for help, and be ONE.
Wt actual f. This guy is throwing up all kinds of red flags.
If he can’t see his wrong, then I’d have to see my way out. You can’t argue about it so you can either take the L and move on or go because this childish mess is a red flag to me. He should be considering his child. When mamas are given gifts like this at the shower, they do what they’re supposed to do IF they’re a good mama. I expect the same from dads.
Ummm… I can’t say anything nice about him, so I won’t say anything at all!!
But, girl!!! You are better than this. AND you deserve better!!!
Sometimes guys are stupid and one track minded. They see gift cards and automatically assume it’s for them.
Compromise. Tell him he can have the Amazon card for whatever he wants. Use the restaurant cards for at home meals, save one for 6-8 months from baby due date for a DATE night! Use the Visa card and the buy baby card for BABY / YOU.
Regarding the paying half or whatever, ask him, “how do you expect me to do that while I’m pushing a baby out of my vagina, I’m sure that plenty of pervs on OnlyFans would love to watch my vagina explode on a live video feed” if he responds with an ignorant response, like “yes” dump his ass. If he responds with “no way!” Then ask him again, “how do you expect me to pay half?”
I will never ever understand this “my money vs your money” kind of relationship. And paying half and half?
The card was addressed to both of you and you both were given it because you are having a baby. ( if you weren’t having a baby his boss wouldn’t of gave them) the 3 cards should be used for baby stuff or household stuff that you need while you aren’t working. The food cards should be used for the two of you to have a meal together before baby comes or after for family meals while you are on leave, It’s not ok for him to use the cards on himself and his kids from a previous marriage. ( you are supposed to be a big blended family, he sounds very immature and selfish, I don’t know how long you’ve been together but he’s not going to change) plus your off work with no pay having his baby and he still expects you to
Pay half the bills? If it was me this would be a big red flag and wake up call as to the state of my relationship
Half his kid, half his cards.
Why would you even be with such a selfish jerk, much less have a kid with him?
Holy, girl. The red flags here are overwhelming. I’m sorry you are having a baby with someone like this but it doesn’t bode well for the future. Toss the man, keep the cards and make sure you set up child support and custody as soon as the baby is born. He won’t give you anything voluntarily.
Oh dear, I think you need to get yourself away from him
He wouldn’t be a fiancé anymore I would pack his shit and put him out the door
I wish my fiancé would don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you…
Whew honey no just no just go ahead and take those gcs out his wallet and right on out
He sounds extremely selfish and self-centered! Like to the tenth power!! And of course throws your logic straight out the window, he doesn’t want any of that… Why in the world would he think his boss was giving him money for himself and kids that are half grown? It’s sad his boss sounds way more compassionate, loving, and thoughtful than the man who’s supposed to be your life partner. I feel like I know why his first marriage didn’t last…
I am sorry you are having his child. What a selfish guy.
I would leave him. He sounds like an entitled ass.
Red flags all around. Run while you can. It’s not just you or him, it’s both.
This is messed up already. If this is how he views things you might as well go your separate way now. He clearly doesn’t see you all as one.
You paid for all the baby stuff yet he paid you back half, so that means your entitled to all the gift cards? I mean those should be the least of your worries by the sounds of it
You’re going to marry a man who uses words like “my kids” and “your kids”??? Do not procreate with this man again, do not marry him, do not even pass go. Get your stuff and get out. You guys are living together, he doesn’t “pay you back” for baby items you purchased, it’s called “contributing”. The fact that he so badly wants these gift cards(which ARE a gift for the baby) shows that he has no problem taking food from his kid’s mouths. Leave, file for child support and never look back.
The mere fact that you even need to ask this question is your answer. You already know that if you weren’t having a baby these gift cards would not have been given….so they are NOT for his sole use! . Take a step back and seriously look at the entire picture here. THIS is what life with this male (can’t call him a man) will be like forever. People like this rarely change so either accept it and don’t complain or run Sis! There isn’t going to be compromise or middle ground with him. I speak from personal experience dealing with narcissistic, entitled, selfish a$$hats like this… it doesn’t get better, only worse.
Amazon, Visa & Buy Baby are all for the baby!!!
Restaurant cards should be shared! Y’all better get good communication and deal with this now. You both will be responsible for a human soon!
Once the baby gets here it’s ALL for the baby! Get used to going without stuff! Best of luck.
What a DICK! That is all I’ll see myself out
Baby gifts What part B-a-b-y does he not understand!!!
Umm I think u said it all.I think u see it…are u looking for someone to tell you they see it the way he does as ti be able to justify this behaviour…This is selfish and childish…and unfortunately u are having a baby with this temperament… hmm…wonder when the jealousy over u spending to much time with the little and ignoring him…call the boss tell him the situation best of luck
What a selfish and entitled jerk.
This relationship seems very unhealthy. You both are coming from a place of “me” and not a place of “we”.
Where the hell are y’all finding these men and why are y’all getting pregnant by them
He is dead ass wrong tf
He’s an ass get rid of him NOW HE IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE
Run, he’s only about himself
Dump him. He has his own priorities, and they are not you.
I’d dump the jerk and find someone who will love and adore you and your baby. So sorry for you sweetie.
Damn my advice would be leave the selfish prick but your having a baby I’d weigh my options honey this loser isn’t the one!
Do us all and yourself a favor and leave him for someone better.
This whole post made me sad. No words
It still blows my mind Americans only get like 6-12 weeks off when they have a baby and don’t even get paid …
On the topic my husband would never do this to me… in fact he would give me all 6 cards to hold on to and we would decide together what to spend them on. Run girl
Your man is a grade a d bag…I can’t think of anything nice to say here…Run fast and don’t look back…leave his selfish rude disrespectful a$$ now…I can only imagine how worse this will get if you don’t! WOW
Girl, you already know. Selfish.