You picked the wrong husband😐
He’s selfish and honestly if he doesn’t change his ways you will have to deal with that plus so much more
Girl let me tell you…when I married my husband he never ever ever talked (or to this day) talks about our daughter who is from my first marriage not being “his”. She is our daughter that we raise together.
Wtf?! Those gift cards were given obviously for the baby’s stuff. He is extremely selfish, probably the reason he didn’t last in his other marriages. Smh.
Dump him. Yuh picked the wrong fiancé
So why is he your husband to be and not your ex?
Did he get hit on the head?! he’s 100% in the wrong, wtf.
Please don’t marry that douchebag.
Throw the whole boy away bc hes not even a man
You lost me frankly when you brought up you bought everything but he paid for half. Made you sound petty. You don’t want him having everything but you want the same? He gets to go back to work and I don’t? Maybe you shouldn’t have had a baby?
The cards are for a BABY! Diapers, clothes, whatever BABY needs. The restaurant cards are for the two of you to share, so you or him has a night off from cooking. Also: RUN!!! He sounds toxic.
They are for the baby. Why in the world would he think they are for him. They are meant to be used on things for the newest addition. And he needs to get out of the mindset of his and your kids. You are together it should be our kids. My husband treats our 2 oldest kids just like he does the youngest that is his. He would have never made it to be my husband if he didn’t treat all 3 kids the same
Store gift cards Should be used for the baby they grow so fast what you bought will not last long. Restaurant gift cards should be for yous. He selfish, I’m pretty sure his other children are grown and have what they need so why use for them. I don’t understand men like this. My hubby doesn’t even want to have a meal for him self and waits till after delivery so that I can eat with him. He doesn’t even like spending on himself because he feels to always have to buy stuff for our children and me. Even though we have what we need. Some men are assholes.
I quit reading when I read you bought all the baby stuff and he gave you half back… like y’all are supposed to be getting married so it shouldn’t be his money her money… it should be both y’all’s money and no paying no one back….
The three he kept should be used for diapers, wipes, clothing, whatever else is needed for the baby… or groceries whatever…. And I’ll just leave it at that as I have more to say but it’s not my place
Hes a real fuckery what up with these men my Daughter is expecting and she is doing everything I hate a sorry ass so call man ladys be careful who you have a baby by start off dead Beat will be for the next 18 yrs ijs
Ditch his sorry ass now! They don’t get any better.
Throw the whole “man” away
If you marry him, that’s on you. Big mistake!
Wow!!! This boy is something else! I mean really taking the gift cards for himself that’s for the baby! And honestly if he’s doing the whole your kids my kid thing that’s not a very good blended family IMO… I’m expecting in January my boyfriends kids and my kid are our kids It’s not you do this I’ll do this it’s WE as a whole and that’s how it should be… as for him wanting you to pay half the bills that’s bullshit! If he can’t step up for 6 weeks and pay the bills while you heal then he will never step up… my son(4) dad was like that he never helped while I was off for 2 months before having my son I went into preterm so they wouldn’t let me work luckily I had money saved up and my grandparents and mom to keep me calm and stress free because I was worried he never spent 1 penny on my son the whole 1st year then I left him and he threw a fit over 100 in child support my dumbass went back because things was gonna change nope! That didn’t happen so I stayed another year and finally left we went to court now he won’t follow court order gets him maybe 21 hours a month total I’m not even wasting time with help from him anymore I found a man and he provides overly for my son no questions asked!
I had to make sure this post wasn’t a joke . I never thought those things would even need to be an issue . Wow , not cool . Everything goes to mom for baby if U ask me ( dudes barely even know how to shop for a baby let’s just be real) and restaurants of course I would take my Fiancé to eat with me . He should’ve never even made her feel the need to post this ! That’s a problem/ red flag for me !
Literally… selfish as hell of him. I cannot believe what I just read . That is absolutely ridiculous. Having that baby is going to take a toll on your body, your emotions , your appetite , everything. If anything ALL those gift cards should go to YOU.
He wants you to be independent and fend for yourself by the sounds of it, which really just means that you do just fine without him. I know telling you to leave him, is wrong. But honestly , that’s the point in sticking around . I’m so sorry he even has the NERVE to act like that.
Girl run… Fast. If he’s going to be so petty and childish over gift cards, you need to drop him like a hot potato. That’s just selfish behavior. Someone who’s selfish will never be able to care for a partner let alone a child.
Fiancé? Run while you can
I used gift cards given to us for things we needed. Its not all just baby stuff to use it on.
It’s for the baby now… it’s for you guys to be stress free when the baby comes home. No sleep… who’s going to cook?? Who’s going to want to cook? His boss knows the drill it seems and honestly it sounds like he may have done this before with his other kids births. I don’t see him being very team like. It’s all about him. Personally as a narc hunter…. He sounds narcissistic. Just my opinion.
It’s not too late to make him your ex. You give into this and you are going to hate your life with him. Run…
Sounds like you got pregnant by a real winner
First of all… your man is a self-centered little bitch. Second, why do you feel the need have strangers back you up when you know his behavior is ridiculous. You’re going to have much bigger problems if you stay with this guy. So do what you already know is right in your heart. You don’t need anyone to tell you, because you already know.
He needs to step out of his box,and put things in order
So… if I follow his line of thinking, then the child benefit will be spent solely on the baby? Nothing for him? Not even if its dire…
I’d be tossing that one, hes clearly not thinking like a parent nor a husband looking after his family.
Oh Jesus why do people have children when they have relationships like this to begin with. Recipe for disaster. Y’all will be split up before the baby’s first birthday.
Girl. Getchu a new man.
You bought everything but he gave you half get your story straight first.
I think you better think twice about marrying him
Tell him to ask his boss or youd be more then willing to give then a call. Ot needs clarified who they are for…What an ass.
ive spent almost $1,000 on my bestfriends baby thats due in january, bc i wanted too, still have to get a few things once everyone knoes what shes having
Rough he sounds amazing. I’m so sorry but no I think the cards should be for both of u to use equally. If it were me I’d go purchase cards too and not give him 1 see how he likes it. I would not buy that man ANYTHING and if I did I would make him pay me back. If that’s how he wants to act I’d turn the tables of I were you.
the amazon, visa, buy baby cards should be FOR baby. the restaurant cards should be for YOU & HIM to go out to dinner BEFORE baby arrives bc we all know you don’t get many date nights or alone time once new babe gets home.
You should have all of them!!!
The guy sounds like a total douche bag, the cards are for you, him and the baby. He is your fiance? It does not even sound like y’all are in a relationship. Everything should be 50/50 and he should be supportive. There are a lot of red flags here and he sounds like he needs to grow up.
So many red flags… take the baby and move out now. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Back up and rethink this story, won’t be easy but can be done and sooner than later.
This is much much deeper than those cards. I know it’s scary because of the position you are in to even think about leaving, but is it not scarier to end up in such a toxic life with children for years to come? Think of you and the kids first and leave.
Wat a wanker that’s all I can say
Why are you even with him??? And now a baby. Girl-get smart-get out
I wouldn’t want him to be my husband…
My condolences for now having to deal with this so called grown ass man for the next 18 years. If he’s not already the kind of husband and father you want for your child and yourself you need to get out of this relationship as soon as possible. “Men” like this don’t evolve or change quickly. It’ll be years before he realizes how he treated you/your child and the whole family you are trying to create here. I’m so sorry I hope things turn around for you.
He sounds like a real winner! Total sarcasm. Everything is for the baby or to use as needed due to the baby. No more his or mine, only for the baby! Or to be used after the birth of the baby.
These mamas all have great advice for you regarding your “man” but don’t forget about his boss and the 3 lovely gift cards you received from him via your fiance! Write his boss a thoughtful letter saying something along the lines of “Bobby came home and gave me the gift cards from place 1, place 2, and place 3. Such a sweet and thoughtful gesture from you for the baby! Thank you :)” if possible send it via email or mail it with your name only. Surely his boss will wonder what happened to the other 3 cards…
My baby dad left when I was 6 ms preg and had never helped me or even met his son, this somehow seems petty. Let him have the cards
Yall sound like a sorry couple
It was from his job. He gets to decide what happens with them.
So you paid for everything yet he gave you half. So you only paid for half. His job gave him the cards, yet he gave you half and the other half he wants to use for him and his kids. Am I getting that right? If so, get a grip and relax.
You lost me after that first sentence. That’s where you should’ve ended it. All that back story was just more red flags. Dump him.
This is like the dress code policy, if you have to ask you shouldn’t be wearing it byeeeeeee!
What a selfish POS!! I don’t even know where to start… definitely wouldn’t marry him!! He’ll probably ask for child & spousal support when you divorce and then never even see your child.
Your fiancé? Run while you can!
Why is this even a thing ? I’m so lost as if my husband receives a gift that’s his not mine. If you have the money why does it matter
I think his ex wives probably left him and they were right.
Leave him and get child support… it will be worth more than the vouchers he wants to fight over
Run while you have the chance sounds toxic af run like the wind
He sounds selfish. Cut your losses.
Just take them and tell him you can’t find them. Fuck him
Ummmmm so why are you marrying this guy? Sorry to be so straight up but wtf. He should be paying everything especially if you’re getting married and this is his baby like really? Tell him to man up and take responsibility for his child and future wife.
Hes selfish af. You can do better without him
Honey … you got impregnated by the wrong man. Mercy. A MAN puts baby and new mom first. Always.
Girl, do not walk, RUN from that fool. Hell no.
Sounds like you need to find yourself a new fiancé. Run while you can hun…
Loser explains him well and I don’t even need to read all
Marry him and you get what you deserve…let him have the damn cards and start planning your exit from that situation…
Fiance?!?! And you split bills while expecting a child? You better run.
Mine would give me all of them and tell me to buy something for myself! I know it’s for baby, but mom has to feel loved and important too to be able to properly care for baby. Plus many people give gifts
Get rid of his ass he seems childish as hell
You’re being greedy. He shared with you, why would you get them all?
So he gave u 3 and kept 3? I mean I don’t think u should get to say what happens to all 6 of them. They are from his boss. Yall need to figure out priorities before baby comes.
That sounds like a very rude roomate / ff to me…
He’s clearly not ready to be a parent. Lol
You may not like this, but that’s not a man. You can not have a sustainable marriage with a child like that and it most likely won’t be a happy marriage. If you can’t immediately get out, start a plan. Postpone the wedding, whatever it takes. Whether you love him now or not, he doesn’t love you the way you deserve. If he’s treating gift cards this way, imagine what it will be like with your actual money. Maybe you both make your own money now, but will you have income for the time you’re out with your baby? Maybe he even handles the bills now, but you aren’t locked in yet. Take this situation for what it is, a warning of what’s to come. Boys like that are never worth it.
Better off single hun!!!
I am afraid he’s the wrong guy for you and your baby. Do not expect any help from him. You would be better off without him.
Yeah, he sounds like a loser. Why do you pay half of the bills anyway???
I think you need a new fiancée my friend. It shouldn’t be YOUR kids HIS kids. It should be OUR kids.
If you’re entering into a life TOGETHER with someone, kids should not be treated as accessories.
I married a man like this…didn’t turn out well. Good luck, it’s not easy.
Go on with your life without him. You and your child deserve much more.
Please do not marry this man and have a very serious discussion with him about why he thinks this is acceptable. Still pay during your leave?? He better hope he is never injured and out of work!
And why would it be YOUR family? Y’all are talking marriage and still aren’t at the “our family” stage?
Yea this is childish. If this is how your life is over gift cards, imagine actual adult issues… I know you have a child together but I’d leave while you can. Not married, babies still little.
Self centered, run as fast as you can. That my dear is your blessing in disguise.
That just told you all you need to know about that man & how it will always be with him.
Sounds like a jerk…this is who u r choosing to be with, good luck!
He can keep 3 to himself & his other kids, seems like a good enough reason but for
you to pay half the bill? NOPE! You have a newborn. You should leave he’s not willing to change that.
I would never marry a man like that! Selfish and demanding! Doesn’t sound like he’s worried about you or baby just himself. Marriage has to be 100% for both not divided 50/50!!!
Omg Good luck , ur are going to need it.
I be damned if my man said something stupid shit to me about this! He chose to have a child with you, therefore he should be HELPING you with EVERYTHING! Not expect you to pay for EVERYTHING! I would be looking for a new man! My SO has been helping me with all my bills while I recovered from my c section. Yes he’s counting down the days til I go back to work so I can pay my bills again but he never complained once about paying any of my bills because he knew recovery was going to take time. Run while you can!
Lets…not make him a fiance…
I can only imagine how paying the bills are going to work if y’all can’t agree on gift cards!!!
You married a cheap bastard. Lol
If you’re together, there is no “your kids, my kids” in my opinion. All the kids would be “ours” regardless if they are biological or not…
What a selfish and loser “man”
Selfish and immature if that’s what you want in life keep it if not find better… People don’t change not really not on the core issues and the things that are ingrained in US… So if that’s the type of person he is and it’s not compatible with you hell it’s probably not compatible with most people, I would look on to bigger and better things.
are you seriously still wanting to stay with him ?
I’d leave why you still can
This is a definite indication of your lack of flexibility when if comes to sharing him or his finances with his other children. I believe that this might be a recipe for disaster for your impending marriage.